View Full Version : Desperate Measures (sorsha)

Rathe Maris
Jan 9th, 2006, 04:15:45 PM
Sorsha hadn't arrived yet and gerbo sat in her desk waiting for her with three people sitting across from him. It was deathly quite as the three people across from him waited nervously for this infamous Sorsha of the Black son to arrive. Gerbo had a devious grin on his face.

He was not totally dedicated to Sorsha's cause but since he owed OW a debt he was here regardless. Gerbo may not have been the most loyal of Black sun members but he always paid his debts. It was best to get what you owed out of the way before making your own choices to screw the universe over.

"Don't worry you three it will be over soon enough and you may have yourself a few new jobs on the table. I told you I would pay you in some manner or another didn't I?"

Jan 9th, 2006, 04:29:37 PM
:: Corvus stepped in and cleared his throat ::

"You waiting for the boss?"

Rathe Maris
Jan 9th, 2006, 04:37:58 PM
The three people accompanying Gerbo turned there heads and looked at Corvus. Two where males and the third was a female. Gerbo looked up at corvus for a moment and then back down at the people he brought with him who seemed even more nervous now with the big dude in the door way.

"It would seem we are either that or for some strange reason Sorsha died and I’m waiting here for no good reason?"

Gerbo one attribute that most people didn't like was his cocky arrogance. He didn't seem scared of the big guy in the door way but then again gerbo had lost fights to allot bigger guys then Corvus in his lifetime. He had even won a small few of them so he wasn't scared in the least.

"You got a problem with us waiting?"

Jan 9th, 2006, 04:47:59 PM
"The last guy that sat in that chair had an argument with gravity. He lost."

:: His shoulders flexed and he smiled, indicating for Gerbo to get up on his own ::

"The lady is on her way, so shape up."

Rathe Maris
Jan 9th, 2006, 04:56:09 PM
The others in the room tensed up a bit at the sight of the man flexing. Mostly because the other three in the room where not skilled at fighting unless of course it was the kind of fighting that required you to run from the Imperials. Gerbo just stared at the man unmoving from the seat.

"The last man you fought was more then likely some low ball drug dealer who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag."

Gerbo commented with a half smile on his face. Gerbo knew Corvus's type bruisers used to ensure a payment came through on time or if a payment didn't come through to beat the snot of the puke that didn't pay. Gerbo himself had played that game before for the Black son from time to time when the money was right.

"Don't worry though as soon as she shows up I will move for her. But I will not move because her big hairy oaf tells me too."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 9th, 2006, 05:43:59 PM
:: Sorsha entered the room then, catching Gerbo in his moment of cockiness ::

"Is there a problem here?"

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2006, 05:49:29 PM
Miranda paused behind Sorsha. This meeting wasn't in the books today and she was a bit miffed at the group situated around the desk, something easliy indicated by the look on her face.

The true nature of her displeasure would be mistaken for the rudeness of Gerbo, not the fact that she would have to be guarded in her responses.

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2006, 05:59:36 PM
Allex one of three seated at the front of the desk stood up then. Out of the three he was the least nervous. He was more nervous that gerbo would get them in more trouble then it was worth. Then he was of the infamous Sorsha or here Guard at the door.

He wasn't scared of them two for one simple fact he had done anything yet to impose their wrath. As long as he was careful with what he said and did He knew he would be fine. He looked at Sorsha and her companion that followed after her.

"Good evening ladies. My apologies for imposing on you Gerbo assured me that it would be alright and you wouldn't mind us waiting for you. Then again he did tell me this meeting was scheduled as well?"

Allex's eyebrow cocked up a bit as he stared in gerbo's direction with an accusing look on his face. Allex wasn't one who liked to make trouble for himself but it felt like every time he ended up working with or helping out gerbo he found himself in a spot of it.

Rathe Maris
Jan 9th, 2006, 06:06:13 PM
Gerbo looked at Allex with ominous stare on his face. He had told all three of them to keep there mouths shut and he would do all the talking. Then again what could he expect from a mcgrave they always tried to defuse a situation. Gerbo then stood up from sorsha's chair and moved out of the way so she could take a seat. His eye's not leaving Allex for a second.

"There is no problem Sorsha we where just waiting for you. Yet your goon over there seemed to have a bit of a problem with it."

Gerbo's head cocked a bit in the direction of Corvus. Gerbo noticed the woman with Sorsha but he paid her no heed thinking she was nothing more then a lackey or a slave. Sorsha and here appetite for other women was not unknown with in the black sun.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 13th, 2006, 10:07:26 AM
:: Sorsha raised a hand to halt Corvus' advance on Gerbo ::

"Insulting my inner-circle is unwise ... and unprofessional, Mr. Lang. Don't let it happen again."

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 13th, 2006, 04:21:10 PM
Perhaps it was good fortune that Lang didn't recognize her. His eyes barely focused on Miranda and probably thought her one of Sorsha's servants. Oh how wrong he was.

It made her smile inwardly and played the role, remaining silent as Sorsha conducted business.

Rathe Maris
Jan 14th, 2006, 09:56:41 AM
"Well then maybe you should teach your inner circle to act more like adults then children. The I wouldn't have to insult them so much."

Gerbo for all it was worth owed sorsha nothing. He did not feel the need to bend himself to her demands. The only way he felt he would owe her something is if she did something for him. Gerbo wasn't about to ask her for any favors. As for Allex and his crew he owed them and he had paid that price already all they wanted was a meeting with one of the leaders of the black sun. gerbo had filled that request and now the rest was up to them.

"As for these guest they wish to speak with you. However you don't wish to speak with them thats not my problem I paid them in full already what I owe them. As for you I owe you nothing and hope I never do. In fact i doubt that should happen for I have brought you nothing but good hard labor for that I should be owed a little respect I think?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 9th, 2006, 04:42:58 PM
:: She gave Miranda a subtle glance as she gazed at the group, then Corvus. She frowned ::

"Pay Mr. Lang the respect he deserves."

Feb 9th, 2006, 04:49:06 PM
:: Corvus smirked and opened the door for Gerbo. Sorsha's other enforcers were waiting outside. Four Rodians and a Nebari ::