View Full Version : Merry Christmas from Nevada!

Dec 29th, 2005, 09:29:51 PM
As most of you know, I spent my very first Christmas away from home, to be with Christin and her family, who she has not visited in two years or so.

Here are some pictures, and I'm sure Christin will have others.

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/slots.JPG>
What the hell? Slot machines in the airport? Hello Reno :)

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/reunion.JPG>
Look who's here to greet us? Christin's sister, Rachel!

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/mountains.JPG>
Smith Valley, Nevada. Some 90 minutes south of Reno. Beautiful here!

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/horsies.JPG>
Horsies! Mind you, I come from a rural-esque upbringing, but I'm more accustomed to cattle.

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/pianist.JPG>
Christin has talent oozing out of her ears. One of those oozy bits is a knack for the piano, which she humbly insists that she's nearly forgotten and her "hands have atrophied" :rolleyes

Whatever, she's amazing.

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/christinandari.JPG>
So are her sisters. This is the youngest, Ari, playing a duet with her older sister.

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/dusty.JPG>
One of Christin's grandparents three somewhat neurotic chihuahuas. This guy is named Dusty. He tried to hump my arm on Christmas Eve.

Dec 29th, 2005, 09:30:01 PM
<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/stocking.JPG>
Christmas Day! Christin, what's in your stocking?

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/necklace.JPG>
She got a gorgeous necklace from somebody, and I love it. Encourage her to wear shinies!

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/kicks.JPG>
Christin's mom (note the resemblance) proudly shows off her TACKY boots.

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/patriotism.JPG>
What the hell is this crap?

<img src=http://panicked.org/sa/nopics.JPG>
Christin casts me a dirty look and says I should stop taking pictures.

Luna Eclypse
Dec 29th, 2005, 09:44:09 PM
Originally posted by Charley

One of Christin's grandparents three somewhat neurotic chihuahuas. This guy is named Dusty. He tried to hump my arm on Christmas Eve.

He just got overexcited and lost control of himself. Nice pics, btw. It really doesn't look like winter, more like early autumn.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 29th, 2005, 09:48:52 PM
Aye, it's unseasonably warm this year, and the only real indicator of it being winter is the snow on the mountains.

I'm getting my film developed tomorrow, so I'll post them here when I get them back.

Dec 30th, 2005, 05:57:37 AM
Ahh, the memories.

Emu killing, clothse-lining, denting the roof of your truck with my head while 4-bying, making the car noise...

Oh, Charley, you had it so easy this time.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2005, 09:42:12 AM
My piano needs tuning. :o (puts on list to get it tuned before February.)

Horsies!! Those aren't your family's, are they s'Il?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 30th, 2005, 12:17:12 PM
They're my mom's and sisters; six in total :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2005, 02:37:24 PM

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2006, 06:19:52 AM
ok, I know they're really late, and I haven't gotten them all resized yet, but here are some of my Nevada pics.

My mother's house used to be a train depot. It was originally built about 80 miles from where it is now, and was hauled to its' current location by mules. One ot the neat things about it is that the upstairs used to be a loft, and is now one big room. My sisters and I used to share it.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/house1.jpg>

From the back, you can see the porch more easily. It wraps around two sides of the house, and as you can see, has a gazebo that my mom eventually wants to drop a hot tub into and grow vines all up on top. The little dog in the picture is Keely, my sister Rachel's dog.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/house2.jpg>

Looking out from the double doors at the back, you can see the tack/feed room, and part of the bay that my uncle and I converted into stalls. The smaller box is the water pump. All of the water is from an underground well.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/house3.jpg>

Another shot of the rear side of the house.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/house4.jpg>

This is my mother's first horse, Calamity Jane.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/jane.jpg>

And here's Charley with Bo. Or Smiley, I don't remember which.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/charleyjane.jpg>

This is Ari. Some of you might remember her from when she posted a thread a while back. She's mellowed alot, taught herself guitar, and is still taller than I am. The girl is gorgeous - she belongs in some supermodel mag, I swear.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/ari.jpg>

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2006, 06:41:25 AM
Here's some of the comics that I gave Charley: Captain Confederacy and Union Jacks.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/comic1.jpg>

Two issues of Sister Armageddon.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/comic2.jpg>

Suburban Jersay Ninja She-Devils and Maine Zombie Lobstermen.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/comic3.jpg>

And my replica Soul Reaver for Jenny and Shawn.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/reaver.jpg>

more to came after I finish resizing.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 15th, 2006, 10:34:46 AM
OOOOOH. The Reaver! Cool comics too.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2006, 09:48:25 PM
Yeah, hehe, I don't care what Charley says - I think it's a darn nifty replica :D

ok, more pics as promised.

This is Sinbad, Rachel's horse. He's getting on up there in years - almost thirty. Poor guy has arthritus, aspecially evident in his knee, as you can see it's a bit enlarged.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/sinbad.jpg>

Another picture of Jane, with Sinbad in the back looking like the grumpy old man that he is.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/janesinbad.jpg>

Snack time. And I'm very pale.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/mejane.jpg>

Standing on the deck and looking at the mountains.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/ontheporch.jpg>

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2006, 09:53:56 PM
This is the lamp that I plan on stealing from my mother some day. I have fond memories of plastic army men invading the poor inhabitants of this mill.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/lamp.jpg>

Here's the bay. My mom took off two of the stall doors and now uses half of it to store hay.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/bay.jpg>

This is Mattie, Ari's dog. The two white buildings are also storage sheds, and that brown building way in the back holds my mom's office and more storage bays.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/mattie.jpg>

A view with the tackroom and bay.
<img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/homepics/tackroombay.jpg>

Jan 15th, 2006, 10:24:49 PM
My God. My jealousy juices are flowing like crazy here. I would love to have a home in a place like that. Absolutely beautiful!

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 16th, 2006, 01:14:35 AM
It is a very nice place - and the horses!

*dies of jealousy even more*

Pierce Tondry
Jan 16th, 2006, 04:13:41 PM
*dies of jealousy even more*

Additional death? That's a lot of envy right there.

Those are cool pics s'Il. If there are more places like your mom's there, I will have to add Nevada to my list of "places to invade when I have money".

Khendon Sevon
Jan 16th, 2006, 04:18:05 PM
Wow, that place looks beautiful. Love the colors in the photos, too.