View Full Version : A new life (Shilandra)(Complete)

Zereth Lancer
Dec 17th, 2005, 07:53:00 PM
Continued from Here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=39692&perpage=20&pagenumber=3)

The Journey had been long but the two had found ways of keeping themselves busy. The talked most of the trip, relating life experiences and even discussing political view, even though Zereth had next to none. At last the Star of Oblivion exited hyper space above the dusty brown planet of Korriban. "Ah, home, sweet home." He said, smiling at Shilandra over his shoulder before taking the helm controls in hand and flying the ship down towards the planet.

They entered the atmomsphere and took the Scenic route. They flew over countless cliffs and crumbling tombs, crypt beasts looked up at them and growled, their teeth flashing in the sun light. "Do you see them, Shilandra, The countless tombs that litter this world?" He asked as he flew the ship over a valley that housed even more tombs, "This is all that remains of the ancient sith. They're empires have all crumbled, their servants and followers dead and forgotten. Their bodies lay buried with these dark crypts, never to be seen again. Many bandits seek to rob the slumbering lords, but the tombs are filled with clever traps and vicious beasts. Yet one of the sith lords dreams live on. He created a vast underground castle and there he trained adepts in the ways of the darkside. It is this sect that evolved into the sith order. It is this castle that our destination lays."

Zereth activated the comm system and send a series of codes and messages down to a hidden receiver unit. He headed the ship towards a gigantic cliff face and didn't show any intentions of turning. A crack appeared in the middle of the cliff face and the hidden doors opened up to reveal a docking bay hidden inside. Zereth piloted the Star of Oblivion and set it down on it's landing struts. "Welcome home." He said after powering down the ship and standing to his feet. With a flick of his hand Shilandra's crash webbing went loose and fell off. "Are you ready to start the first day of the rest of your life?" He smiled, offering her his hand.

Shilandra Rae
Dec 20th, 2005, 11:06:39 PM
Creepy planet. She liked it already, she smiled at the beasts and scenary as they passed by, her mind already filling with ideas and thoughts of how to have fun here.

"It is this castle that our destination lays."

Ohhh! Castle! That peaked her interest, she'd always wanted to live in a castle. Of course, most girls did - well the smart ones at least, she thought with a smirk. She stretched a bit leisurely as the ship slowly descended and they arrived at their destination.

"Are you ready to start the first day of the rest of your life?"

She chuckled pleasantly and took his hand with a grin, "I had a life prior to this? Hmmm, not that it mattered." she was ecstatic, the whole place felt ALIVE with energy. How wonderful, it addressed each of her senses greeting her, bringing her in. Bringing her home. She WAS home.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 22nd, 2005, 03:46:39 PM
"Let the tour begin," Zereth said as he squeezed her hand and smiled. The left the docking bay and traveled through a score of tunnels before finally arriving at a large turbo lift, "This will take us down to the heart of the castle," He explained, "The docking bay sits over a hundred yards off the ground in the face of the cliff, while the castle exists a hundred feet below ground level. Originally we had to enter through the tomb entrance but now there exist many entrances and exits, all of which are cleverly hidden and heavily guarded."

The turbolift came to life and started to descend. The dim yellow lights flickered and, at times, went out completely. After a lifetime went by; the lift finally reached the bottom of its track and the doors slid open. The two walked out and entered yet another stone corridor. The walked the length of the corridor and ended up in a humongous cavern that could easily hold a small city. Stone pillars dotted the room, supporting the ceiling that was so high above that it had disappeared into the darkness. Many hallways and corridors branched out from this main chamber and every now and then black robed figures could be seen moving through the semi-darkness. "This way," Zereth said and led Shilandra down several passages ways as they continued the tour. He showed her the training vault, the library, the Sepulchre, he even showed her the inside of the council room where the Elders held their meeting, and Zereth showed her his personal favorite, the ever hot forge where the great smiths created the many weapons that the sith order used. Finally he showed her to the living quarters that sat at the very center of citadel. They traveled many hallways before comming to a stop before a door at the very end of the last hallway, "Not the most accessible, but with our recent growth we've have been running out of space to house our members. A new complex of living quarters will be carved out of the rock sometime soon." He lifted his hand and slowly tapped in the password on the door, so that Shilandra could easily see which ones he pressed and hopefully remember it, "We give each member their own private password for the sole reason that some of our members believe in the old ways which pit sith against sith for ultimate power. We don't want our members to be assassinated in their sleep." He hit the enter key and the door slid open without a noise. The single room apartment had only a few furnishings; a bed, a dresser, a bookshelf, and a large trunk that sat at the foot of the bed. There was also a desk and chair that sat in one corner. A simple carpet lay on the otherwise stone floor. "If you require anything, anything at all, all you have to do is ask." He turned to look at her face, "What do you think of your new life so far?"

Shilandra Rae
Dec 26th, 2005, 03:22:45 AM
She looked at the room, it was... sparce. She was expecting more from a castle, and more for someone who was to be a Goddess. Still, she could make do with it - some decorations, some nice things that weren't originally hers. Yeah... yeah it was... cozy, but she could make it home.

"It's seeming pretty good so far." She smiled coyly, "So... when do I get to start 'training?' I'm longing... for power."

She purred a bit, and stroked one side of his arm, she was longing for something else as well.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 29th, 2005, 03:37:32 PM
Zereth could feel her disappointment in her room. If he had known he was bringing her then he would have prepared a nicer room for her. Perhaps he still could...

"Your Training will begin shortly. I will start your training myself, and then you may choose to learn under the other knights and masters or continue under my tutelage. It really is all up to you." He said as he reached his arm out and wrapped it around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. He lowered his head and placed his face close to hers "Is there anything else you want to know, or see?" A hungry smile crossing his face.

Shilandra Rae
Jan 2nd, 2006, 01:04:24 AM
Her heart skipped, and she grinned darkly. Leaning in close, she all but nuzzled his cheek, feeling his warmth, enjoying the feeling.

"I can think of a few things I'd like to see."

She tugged at his pants gently, pulling him ever closer.

"Care to come inside for a while?" She cooed into his ear, "I'm sure showing me all around has tired you out..."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 5th, 2006, 12:51:58 PM
A wicked smile crossed Zereth’s face as his inner animal took control. The door was slammed shut by an invisible hand and the lights in the room dimmed, candles appeared around the room; filling the room with their faint orange light. Zereth’s shirt disintegrated into nothing as he picked Shilandra up and threw her down on the bed and then fell down on top of her; his mouth searching. Her found her lips and pressed his against them. He found his hands wandering, searching for whatever mechanism it was that kept her clothes on, all the while his lips never leaving hers.

Shilandra Rae
Jan 10th, 2006, 11:38:20 PM
She arched into his touch, purring loudly into his passionate kiss as he began to work on her. They'd both been wanting this since their meeting, and now they'd both have what they had wanted. Smiling sharply she took his wrists and led his hands behind her back to the clasps that held her clothes on.

"Mmmm. Oh YES." She moaned gently, breaking their kiss for but a moment, before returning to it. What a perfect way to break in my new place... she couldn't help but half chuckle at the thought.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 11th, 2006, 03:52:04 PM
Hours of insane pleasure went by in a hot flash. Zereth and Shilandra, hot and sweaty from the activity, now lay in each other's arms under the cool bed sheets, their warm bodies pressed together. "So, have you enjoyed your tour so far?" Zereth asked, smiled, and then pulled her closer to him, if that was at all possible.

Shilandra Rae
Jan 13th, 2006, 06:39:00 PM
She traced a finger over the warm skin of his chest with a wide grin, content with her position.

"Oh yes. I think I've seen everything I was hoping to." She purred the words into his ear, before biting gently on it with a tug.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 16th, 2006, 05:48:30 PM
No reply came from Zereth, save for the sound of his breathing. His eyes were closed, but a smile still sat on his lips. For the first time in years, Zereth slipped into a silent and restful sleep, one that wasn't filled with nightmares and painful memories. One that wasn't full of tossing and turning, screaming and crying. Tonight he slept as he should; with a head full of happy dreams.

Shilandra Rae
Jan 19th, 2006, 01:00:39 PM
She smiled a bit, chuckling lowly under her breath. Typical male, with a sigh of enjoyment she lay her head against his chest and listened to him breath for a few moments, before closing her eyes as well and letting herself be overtaken by slumber.