View Full Version : YLU Part 2: La Tristesse Durera (Ky, Mikey, Jor, Tarsis, Baralai)
Dec 15th, 2005, 10:28:20 PM
Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
Baralai's voice flooded his mind, "Jorshal, I think it's best if we hurry. We need to go, those droids will be trashed by them. So then, do we sit around like children or are we going to get to them?"
"I'm running aren't I?" He snapped back as he burst into a full sprint, pushing people over as he went. Those damned droids weren't supposed to open fire. Running agsint the tide of fleeing people he readed for his comm to the police. "Hey! This is Jorshal Vuntana and you need to call of the droids right now! They're opening fire!"
He finally pushed past the group of fleeing people to see all of the Force users ducking and hiding behind objects as the droids attacked. He hadn't anticipated the scene before him. None of them were armed with a lightsabers, most of them barely looked to be over twenty.
He focused and used the Force to create a telekinetic wave that swept over the crowd of droids knocking most off their feet, disabling none. Hopefully that would be anough for Dakler, who had moments ago left him another telepathic message.
"Capture the kids and get them to somewhere safe and where we can keep an eye on them."
"Run!" Called one from near the ship as the group began to make an escape. Jorshal did not want them dead but at the same time he didn't want them gone.
"Tarsis, Baralai, you two come with me and we'll pursue the fleeing three. I think everyone else can handle the rest." He said to the knight and acolyte behind him.
The last thing he remembered was the droids firing, Leiko hitting the ground and then running. Everyone ran in all different directions, Kyashi scooping up his sister and Michael pounding the pavement behind them. Three droids followed them, blasters still firing.
Kyashi shoved his sister into Michaels arms, pushing the pair ahead of him. The boy turned, directing a hard Force-push at the droids, sending them down like dominos. The trio kept running, finally ducking down an alley.
When he reached out with the Force, Kyashi could sense the three Sith, Michael who was panting hard beside him...and no-one else.
"Michael, check Leikos' pulse." His face drained of all color. "Now."
Michael Cline
Dec 15th, 2005, 11:54:43 PM
He was shaking hard, this shouldn't have happened. WHAT THE FRELL JUST HAPPENED?!?! Worse yet, he was staring at Leiko's face, an empty face as cold as the skin that was touching his was rapidly becoming.
Check Leikos' pulse. Now
The words burned his ears as he touched her skin gently, and then felt at her neck... his eyes teared up and he started to breath heavier, shaking his head in horror.
"N... no... this... no... no... Leiko? No... Oh.. Oh frell.. Lei... no.. Ky.. KY! KY!" He was hysterical, she was dead. Dead in his arms. His eyes went to Ky's, this couldn't be happening, it just couldn't.
Baralai Lotus
Dec 17th, 2005, 02:06:33 PM
Baralai took off after Jorshal, breaking out into a sprint, pushing the force in his legs so that he could catch up. As Baralai ran toward the commotion, he couldn't help but think that things were going to go from bad to worse.
"Jorshal, I've got a bad feeling."
That's all he could say, there wasn't anything he could say that could possibly sum up the feelings he had inside. Just a feeling of uneasiness. Like something was off. There had to have been a reason why those droids were firing, why they were doing what they were doing. No one had given them an order to fire, what the frell was going on?
Jan 10th, 2006, 12:30:05 PM
Tarsis quickly followed after Jorshal as ordered and although he would have rather stayed and fought, Tarsis understood Jorshal's reasoning. But now they had to chase after these three and get them out of harms way. This really wasn't what Tarsis had in mind but orders were orders.
Pushing the Force into his legs, Tarsis took off in full sprint, his power suit aiding him as much as possible as he pursued after the three Force users. It wouldn't be much longer now until they were in the Sith’s hands.
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 18th, 2006, 09:28:47 PM
Two ran, but carelessly. One rested limply in the arms of another. Their fugitives were slow, hardlessly a match for the quick Tarsis, Jorshal was close behind him. Capture, interrogate, get this over with. He cycled through his head. Time was of the essence.
"Jorshal, I've got a bad feeling." Baralai thought openly towards him. It seemed to him that perhaps Baralai should spend less time thinking about the situation and more towards ending it. He kept his personal thoughts to himself, though. Baralai was much more the thinker than fighter. Jorshal brought him along for that reason, he should be so condecending when Baralai's thoughts inconvenienced him.
He thought back encouragingly, "If we allow things to prolong, you're bad feeling will serve you well. Let's be swift now."
"Tarsis, detain them peacefully if possible." He said the the storming giant ahead of him who was likely to arrive at the scene first. SIlently he knew the large man was taking special note of the end of Jorshal's words if possibly.
Baralai Lotus
Jan 18th, 2006, 11:30:58 PM
Baralai watched as the one of the groupies went hysterical, checking the pulse of the one in his arms. Baralai smirked, dead. He would have to remember to keep that one for experimentation for later. He sent out a quick mental note to Jorshal, before pulling out his whip.
"Jorshal, the dead one. . .keep it. I want it." He chuckled softly to himself. These weren't people to him, just more specimens. He threw out his whip and wrapped the chain around Ky, bringing his hands to his sides.
Hopefully this would keep the little runt detained. He pulled the chain to him and Ky flew through the air toward Baralai. He leapt into the air, pushing the force beneath him and grabbed Ky, and heading up and out of the situation.
They landed on a scaffold of the docks, Baralai unraveled his whip from Ky and let it dangle from the edge of the scaffold. He rolled it up and threw it inside his duster. He turned back to Ky, his masked eye facing him.
"You'll be fine." Baralai looked down at the droids who seemed to be clueless as to where they had gone. He sent out a message to Jorshal through the Force.
"When you're ready to leave, just let me know. He's safe up here. Get rid of those droids, would you?" Baralai looked down at the scene, simply watching it unfold before him. Placing his gloved hands in the pockets of his duster. It was fun to watch the ants play around.
Michael Cline
Jan 19th, 2006, 12:58:51 PM
He turned to Ky, needing answers, needing what to do. Lei was dead in his arms, and as he turned to Ky for answers, he watched helplessly as Ky was wrapped in a chain and pulled into the air. He was alone, and they were coming. Looking down the alley he could see two, a large armored man and another following close behind. He wouldn't outrun them, and their intentions were anything but noble.
What was he to do? He'd depended on Ky for so long for his answers, and now he didn't have him to look to in such a dire moment. He sat Leiko gently on the ground, with a final short sob closing her eyelids. She was gone, Ky had been taken to God only knows where, and now he would have to stand alone.
He turned to face them, and drew the blaster from the back of his pants. It'd do little good, but maybe he could at least use it to catch them off guard, or slow them down. He kept it low for the moment, against his side, concealed as best he could, wait for the opportune moment.
If Will were here, he'd probably be cracking some stupid joke right now... I really wish Will were here.
Jan 19th, 2006, 02:45:41 PM
"Tarsis, detain them peacefully if possible."
By now, Tarsis was within ten feet of Michael. The behemoth of a man had slowed his pace down to a cautious walk as he approached the young man before him. "You've got two options kid: One, you give up and come with us peacefully or Two, I take this sword..." Reaching back, Tarsis unsheathed his vibrosword and held it out in front of him to his right. “and run it through your gut. It's your choice, but if I were you; I'd pick the first one." Tarsis chuckled. “And besides, I don't think you want your body to be used as a lab rat by that guy up there like your pal here.” He said as he gestured to the dead body beside him. “So pick wise kid and pick fast. My patience is running thin."
Tarsis was being as cautious and peaceful as he possibly could. He knew the kid had a blaster at his side, the Force alone was telling him that much, but what made things worse was the fact that the kid was scared enough to use it. If the kid pulled it out, he was dead, if not by Tarsis’ hands, then by Jorshal’s. The way things turned out for Michael was entirely up to him, and time was running out. "Tick… tock… tick… tock…. Time’s against you kid. Made up your mind.”
Michael Cline
Jan 19th, 2006, 05:19:07 PM
“And besides, I don't think you want your body to be used as a lab rat by that guy up there like your pal here.”
Leiko, he was talking about Leiko. Michael's eyes narrowed, rage nearly overtaking him. "You can't have her." He growled, the hair on the back of his neck bristling, "It's your fault she's dead! ALL OF YOU!" They'd killed her, and now they wanted to use her for some sick experiment. Leiko had been a sister to him, especially after what had happened to Sarah...
If he moved against this man he was dead, if he raised his blaster he was dead, and if he tried to stop them from doing what they wanted he was dead, but it didn't matter. Death, life, so what? Leiko hadn't deserved to die, he couldn't keep her alive, but he could keep her dignity at least, or at least try.
"YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!" He yelled again, something snapped, forced its way through, his vision blurred and the alley seemed to shake for a moment. RAGE. The ground around him crunched gently, and he felt it. What Ky had told him about, what Ky had been trying to get him to tap into since they met. The force, the darkside wrapped itself around him, and he growled again, his tone forceful, demanding. "You can't have her." The force moved against Tarsis, pushing against the behemoth of a man, setting the divide between them. "If she..." he looked back, trying to keep a cool head as much as he could, "If she gets the burial she deserves, and NOT as some damn lab rat..." he swallowed, "Then I'll go peacefully."
He gripped the blaster in his hand a bit tighter, it was still a last line of defense, if he had to...
Jan 19th, 2006, 11:49:29 PM
Was this kid seriously trying to negotiate with Tarsis? Glancing back at Jorshal and then back at Michael, Tarsis nodded. “I guess that would be the honorable thing to do, wouldn’t it?” Tarsis nodded to himself as if he had to agree with what he was saying. “Alright. If you come peacefully, then I will guarantee that your lady friend receives a proper burial. Do we have a deal?”
Tarsis waited a moment before he continued. He was waiting for Baralai’s psychic voice to come ripping through his mind like a vibro dagger cutting through a piece of cloth. Tarsis was sure that this would not sit well with the twisted man in the black lab coat, but to be honest, Tarsis didn’t care. The mission came first before any of their own ambitions and he would defend this if need be.
Looking back at Jorshal, Tarsis relayed a silent message that it was safe for him to approach, but just to be sure Tarsis and Michael were on the same level… “You must know that we could have easily killed you by now, so I suggest that you either toss your blaster over here next to me or holster it real fast or the deals off and your dead.” Tarsis waited a moment for Michael to comply. “Jorshal, do you have anything to add?”
Baralai Lotus
Jan 20th, 2006, 02:31:41 AM
Baralai watched the events unfold beneath him, listening to them speak, watching as Michael shook with fear. He loved it, every minute of it. He had never seen such terror in the eyes of a boy before, it was. . .intoxicating.
He listend as the boy made his demand, and his fists tightened, the leather of his gloves wrapping around them. He shook his head though, sending out a message to Tarsis through the Force.
"Put her in the ground, grave robbing has never been a problem before. Get the boy and let's go, disarm him, quit asking questions."
Baralai ran a hand through his hair, watching as Tarsis stepped toward the boy. He was ready for this whole event to be over and get some answers out of these children. And he hoped one of them would slip up, it had been a while since Baralai had had a. . .specimen.
Jan 20th, 2006, 08:27:06 AM
Baralai watched as the one of the groupies went hysterical, checking the pulse of the one in his arms. Baralai smirked, dead. He would have to remember to keep that one for experimentation for later. He sent out a quick mental note to Jorshal, before pulling out his whip.
"Jorshal, the dead one. . .keep it. I want it." He chuckled softly to himself. These weren't people to him, just more specimens. He threw out his whip and wrapped the chain around Ky, bringing his hands to his sides.
Hopefully this would keep the little runt detained. He pulled the chain to him and Ky flew through the air toward Baralai. He leapt into the air, pushing the force beneath him and grabbed Ky, and heading up and out of the situation.
They landed on a scaffold of the docks, Baralai unraveled his whip from Ky and let it dangle from the edge of the scaffold. He rolled it up and threw it inside his duster. He turned back to Ky, his masked eye facing him.
"You'll be fine." Baralai looked down at the droids who seemed to be clueless as to where they had gone. He sent out a message to Jorshal through the Force.
"When you're ready to leave, just let me know. He's safe up here. Get rid of those droids, would you?" Baralai looked down at the scene, simply watching it unfold before him. Placing his gloved hands in the pockets of his duster. It was fun to watch the ants play around.
He didn't utter a sound as he landed with a thud. Typical Sith dren, showing up and showing off. The one who pulled him up looked like some rejected professor from Coruscant U, another in a mech-suit pointed a sword at Michael on the ground. Typical...
"Wow, such a great display of the darkside..." He sat, glaring up at Baralai. He was certain that most of them could sense the anger welling up in Michael, and they were mocking it. Not the smartest thing to do, but...they were Sith after all.
"You realize, we're on the same side of the coin," his stare remained on Baralais' back, but his focus was on the one with the painted face. He seemed to be in charge, and subtle manipulation would be the key here. "You leave us be, and we'll gladly do the same."
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 22nd, 2006, 06:27:27 PM
Force influence always gave him a sensation of a trickle like effect from the top of his skull down. It was painfully obvious, but not always easy to resist. Regardless, he managed to erect a shield and and force it out, but the man's words had weight.
"We mean no harm." he said. "We just want some answers. Who are you, where are you from? Why is there a pack of Force users on Corellia." As he began to speak, the more he realized how interested in them he was. It wasn't everyday he stumbled upon young and fresh Force users all neatly bundled up.
Baralai Lotus
Jan 23rd, 2006, 02:22:08 AM
Baralai turned to face Ky, and projected his thoughts to him, letting them flow through his mind like a stream.
"We're here to get answers. Why are you here? How did you learn to wield the Force? Simply answers, but detaining you, that would've been another story. Would you honestly have just followed us along? Besides we pulled you and your little rag tag group out of trouble. You should be licking our boots boy."
Baralai turned back to the scene, ever so carefully, precisely turning on the heels of his boots.
"We're going to mold you, make you stronger. Just be glad you get it your way, because if it were mine. . .well. . .you'd all just be specimens in numbered jars." Baralai couldn't help but smirk at that comment, slightly because it was true, and also because he knew that at least one of them would be. It was so amazing at how pitiful human life was. So fragile, and so. . .pliable.
Jan 23rd, 2006, 02:36:06 AM
OOC: Just a heads up, I'm done posting until Michael posts or I'm needed.
IC: Walking over to the girl’s body, Tarsis kneeled down beside her, placing his hands under her neck and knees and picked her up. “I can carry her or you can. Personally, she’s your friend, so I would imagine that you’d want to carry her. Call it honoring her one last time, showing her that you love her, call it what you want, but do it fast. We’re leaving.”
Tarsis could hear what Baralai was saying in his head just as the others could. It was a bunch of useless banter meant to simply scare the two captives and to be honest, Tarsis had had enough. "Baralai, keep your mouth shut and let Jorshal do the talking.” Tarsis said as he looked up at the wanna-be mad scientist. “Besides, you’re not scaring anyone." This simple statement was enough to get his point across. Baralai liked to talk, that much was true, but Tarsis liked to fight and if Baralai wanted, Tarsis would be obliged to take him on in a few rounds.
Jan 23rd, 2006, 08:47:38 AM
"We're here to get answers. Why are you here? How did you learn to wield the Force? Simply answers, but detaining you, that would've been another story. Would you honestly have just followed us along? Besides we pulled you and your little rag tag group out of trouble. You should be licking our boots boy."
Baralai turned back to the scene, ever so carefully, precisely turning on the heels of his boots.
"We're going to mold you, make you stronger. Just be glad you get it your way, because if it were mine. . .well. . .you'd all just be specimens in numbered jars."
"We are here because the Force willed it."
His disgust for Professor Prissypants was growing with each second - he'd gladly choke the life from him, but now was neither the time nor place. His focus remained on Jorshal, even if his gaze was elsewhere. The trickle, although slight because of the shield the Sith had erected, itched at the base of his skull. Kyashi allowed a small smile to curl the corners of his mouth.
"We are here from Coruscant because the Force willed it so. I've learned to wield the Force and follow it's flow on my own, and," the smile grew slightly, his voice picking up a sarcastic tone. Like Michael earlier, he had Wil in mind when he spoke next. "I'll regretfully decline your generous offer of "molding". We...doomsiders follow a different path, I'm afraid, and the way of the Sith just isn't ours."
The smile faded. "However, my family is in need a place to stay and to learn. As many differences as we may have, I'm certain we have similar enemies...namely the Empire, and the Inquisitoriate. Perhaps a truce is in order?"
Michael Cline
Jan 26th, 2006, 01:39:42 AM
Michael walked over and picked Leiko up, a few tears trailing his face as he brushed the hair from her cold face. He smiled a bit, the warm tears rolling over his cheek as he turned around.
"It's okay now Lei... it'll... it'll be okay." Just as quickly as his strength of will against Tarsis had come, it had been replaced with a cold madness. He was holding his dead 'sister' in his arms, and was being told he had to go with the freaks he held responsible.
"Come on Lei... we... we're gonna go with the nice men now." He smiled a bit more, she was dead. Really dead, and Ky was still out of sight. He walked slowly towards Jorshal, face turned down, eyes not leaving Lei's face.
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 26th, 2006, 10:02:23 PM
"Follow the will of the Force?" He said with a little shock. "No one is going to stay in our home if they act like Jedi." The annoying trickle in his mind was irritating him like a fly on a hot day. He swatted it out of existance. "And if you're asking for favors, don't insult me with your poor tricks."
Baralai Lotus
Jan 28th, 2006, 02:17:31 PM
Baralai listened as The Inquisitoriate left the lips of Ky. His whole body tensed up, and he wrung his hands together in anger. He turned to Ky again and stepped forward. His anger was strong enough to be felt by any that held power in the Force.
The Inquisitoriate, no matter how many times he heard it, no matter how often he heard of their acts. . .he hated them more than any other. No one could take the place of Tear and Y'roth. He would kill them both in cold blood.
He scooped up Ky, and leapt down to the ground, repelling the Force from his body to slow their fall. Jumping from one level of the tiers to the next, until finally, he reached the ground.
He smirked as he approached Jorshal, with Ky behind him.
"Jorshal. . .the boy says he and his family will cooperate." He turned back to face Ky and looked him in his eyes, as a fire softly glew in his own. "As for our enemies, you're right about one thing." Baralai pulled a cigarette from his pack and placed it to his lips, lighting it up and taking a small inhale. It seemed that only the nicotine in cigarettes was what could calm him down these days.
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