View Full Version : Marcus in the USA - A diary

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 15th, 2005, 03:36:47 AM
Hey ya all

I threatened to do this and here it is - my unqiue perspective and thoughts on my journey across the USA. I'll say this is my honest version, a little bit more E/N that the version that will appear on Somethign Awful tomorrow, which will be quite..... NMS. So I think while that version will be funnier and a good deal more coarse, this one will be quieter and more restrained.... and I'll be more open about myself and who I meet.

This is where I think I begin, sitting at home with my bags packed, electronics equipment strewn about, knowing in the morning I'm winging my way from home and into the unknown. Excited? Yes. A bit apprehensive? Yes.

it all really began in May when after my birthday, my wife decided that it was all to hard and walked out. I cant say it was expected, it was a nasty shock and frankly some I think might not even realise that I am single - I have mentioned it occasionally but sort of havent really made a point of saying much except for my forum on Meras, which gets pretty close to the bone on how I think and feel. So there you are, I am single and I am NOT getting back together with Helen, tho we do remain friends. I think things have been managed well so that I suppose is a blessing.

Now when I get to the USA I'll do a bit of true confessions that you might like. It's not appropriate on the night before leaving to think of such things but I can say that about a month after Helen left the idea to do this trip occured. I've always wanted to make a return journey to Miami and see Chris (Morgan Evanar) and see the crazyness he described for myself. So here was the chance.... do a tour, go over Christmas and make a big time of it.

So anyway, sold my house, used some of the cash to pay for tickets, booked a few places, planned things out and got ready. Gone pretty well so far, had the odd hiccup but now I'm ready to go. I feel somewhat sad to be leaving home, but then again ever since Helen left I have been a lot more open about my emotions and I have to say maybe even a bit unstable. I find odd thigns affect me deeply and do have trouble controlling feelings of sadness and loss. I suppose I am fairly burnt out and brittle.... so this to me is not just a journey of meeting people and seeing things I never have before, it's a journey of healing, of closing off my life and putting a foot in the sand on the hill and saying 'I start again here'. It's a journey I hope to find out more about myself, to see and do things I never have and to find out who I really am and what I stand for. Readers at Meras know I've been on this road for a while and this.... well it's the end of the beginning, where I step out and take the road that I now must. I know things will never be the same when I get back home... and I dont want them to be.

I have to say too as a personal note, I've improved my fitness out of sight. I swim, I run, I ride. So.... I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'll miss my Stiggy cause he's been an anchor in my life and I've looked after him since he was a kitten.

So yeah. I think you now get the idea of what you'll read in the next month.

Ladies and Gentlemen, goodbye from Australia. I wish you all well and next time you see me, I'll be in the Land of the Immensly bloody weird, the place of crap cars and big serving of food, where no one appears to be rational and they all talk funny and drive on the wrong side of the road. 6:00am LA and then onwards.... ONWARDS! to infinity and beyond!

Or in this case if Infinity is too far, Alabama will be fine. I'm going to meet a real Mob Princess and be deep in the land of trailer trash, rednecks and bad beer, plus music that makes yur wife come back to you and your dog revive if you play it backwards.

No playing C&W backwards please, I'm liking being a bachelor again.

So see ya later mates. Sink a cold one with me when I get there.

Dec 16th, 2005, 11:31:15 PM
Holy goat tis is boring.

Well here I am at 10 km, travelling at 1070kph and on my way. Luckily the plane is half empty and I have three seats to myself so I can stretch out and relax. The cabin pressure tho is playing havoc with my sinuses and I feel like I have the flu. I might get some sleep shortly – I suppose I can use all the seats in the row for that.

Well, what’s there to say right now? Up at 6 am, ate not a lot cause I don’t really want to go poo poo in a aircraft toilet, said goodbye to my cats, hit the road a 7am. M4 was fairly quiet for a Friday but much to my awesome we were able to turn onto the new M7 – I was ne of the first 100 cars to use the new toll road! I was also I suspect the first one to break 100 mph. Coolness!

Airport at 8:45 am, go through the frankly stupid security checks and had my bags searched before check in – never seen that before. Customs was quick and unusually they didn’t even ask for my electronic equipment to be proven working. Last time I flew international, I had to do that. I did note that the security arrangements for USA flights are noticeably increased over other flights.

Take off was a bit rough, but the flight has been good so far. We are presently near Nadi. It’s odd, in an hours time it’s going to be Thursday when I cross the Intl Date Line. And my PC says it’s 3pm Friday.

I have to say that so far the Americans I’ve met either at the terminal or on the flight are weird…. But quite friendly and good to chat to. I think I like the people from what I see so far.

Got my customs paperwork filled out and well….. stuff it, I’m going to try and sleep the rest of the flight. May as well there’ 10 more hours to go and I do feel tired.

5 hours to go, had a bit of a nap and I do feel better. Thank God I have a row to myself, the frikking seats are too small to be comfortable.

Welcome to the Northern Hemisphere!

I’m at 11200 meters, we’re rocking along at 957 kph. The speed goes up and down a bit, I suspect that were running early so the pilots occasionally throttle back a touch as the plane burns it’s fuel load and lightens . Now, unlike most of the daytime part of the flight, it is crystal clear outside. Not a cloud in the sky, the moon is out and I can see it shine off the waters of the Pacific below.The stars are unfamiliar and I think I can juuuuuuuust see the curve of the Earth. There’s a glow on the horizon in front of us, tho I know ‘sunrise’ isn’t for some hours here yet. It is really, beautiful. It’s been a pretty smooth flight so far, boring, quiet, couple of babies now and then having a whine but all things considered, this is about the best I could have hoped for. I’m not usually one for flying but this is almost pleasant. If it wasn’t so boring, I’d say I rather am enjoying myself.

The aircraft I’m on is a 747-40 EB, one of the long range 747’s with the wing tiplets. Pretty modern too and newish. Now, I did say that it is boring, but to be honest it could have been worse. On my last international flight, terrible movies. Here, there’s a headrest personal screen with armchair controller that allows access to 8 movie channels, weather, comedy, Nickelodian, sport, news and Map. 16 radio channels, 10 Playstation games (!) and a few other bits n pieces. I spent about an hour on one game and also to my surprise, there’s decent headphones. Blankets are warm, pliiows are okay…. I suppose economy class has come a long way in just 4 years. If I want I have my laptop, Firefly DVD’s, my iPod Video and Wakko Warner to also keep me company. Wakko is in the seat pockt in front of me snoozing.

So. Just got a bit under 5 hours to while away. Wonder how the cats a re doing?

I think I’ll update again once I pass USA customs

Last update before arriving in Atlanta.

At LA there was a Shoe Shine. A shoe shine!!! No one at home would believe that. No one makes deals in dirt heels he was spruking, and I have to admit I was fascinated to see him work. It just never occurred to me that such jobs existed anymore.

In fact, there’s a load of stuff I didn’t think happened anymore that does in the USA. If I was to say honestly, it’s an 80’s throwback. Nothing’s actually modern, most stuff seems to be designed on the boring heavy boxed window side. LA terminal just felt…. Old. Sydney has been recently refreshed s it was bizarre. What else was bizarre was the fact that it appears Americans use airlines like we do buses. And Queuing rules? What queuing rules? It’s a zerg rush to board anything. I found tho LA people were pretty polite. Dallas…. Eh….. not so sure about that. There’s differently a different tone and look of people in Dallas. LA it’s like a big mixing pot and I was stunned to hear and see that this place is genuinely bi-lingual, your more likely to read and hear Spanish and see people of Latin origin. I’m used to a fairly Caucasian society to to see this vast difference was a surprise.

I even got to see other planes zipping alongside, cross verhead or zoom past. You know how weird that is to me? I’m used to when I fly, the only plane in the air being me, not a bleeping plane highway. It was pretty awesome to see a Super 80 rocket by in the other direction fairly close….. It finally gave me a real idea of the pace a plane really does.

I guess not a surprise was the pollution of LA. Damn.

Also tho, you could see how the landscape out west has been degraded. Erosion is obviously a big problem. You know, think I like the American people – but they really need to wake up and see how they are destroying the land and the air. It’s truly startling to see. And I guess disappointing.

Aussies are noted to be fairly dismissive of politicians, so it was also a big WTF to see two pictures as soon as you set foot on American soil – George Walker Busk and Dick Cheney. And also the stereotype of ‘9/11 Never Forget’. I really thought that was a joke. It’s not, people really do carry those stickers, shirts, hats, you name it. I suppose that Aussies are bit more…. Well…. crap happens? I know Sept 11 is big but I guess we’re just….. I dunno, we tend to only make a big deal out of a select few things.

Just thinking of stereotypes, Dallas did have the odd cowboy, there are a hell of a lo of good ol boys and gals. I feel that LA I could fit in, but Dallas? No way.

Australians tend to use cash to pay for things except reasonably large purchaces and no one uses a credit card for say fast food. So here I am at Dallas, I decide a pizza would be good as I haven’t eaten for a few hours…. And the guy in front of me uses his credit card to pay for a 9.95 pizza and drink. I cant believe that. Nor can I believe when I handed over a twenty for my meanl, It was as if I was a retard or something…. Or the note was radioactive. I’m used also to no one checking notes. The counter girl not only did that, but was so reluctant to handle the note and was so reluctant to count change. Jeez…. What’s wrong with cash?

And they still have one and two dollar notes?!?!?

And the coins…. Tiny!

I’m going to have to watch that, obviously I’m missing something I should understand. Good thing I do have Visa. Good thing too I have a cheque book with me too….. again, who pays for a drink with a cheque??? No one in Australia does, yet I saw it at the pizza place. Bizare.

The LA to Dallas flight was pretty good too, this flight to Atlanta is pretty choppy. It’s not bothering me like it might have a few years ago – the fact I’ve been in the air for early 16 hours already probably has something to do with it. And also probably the fact I have been travelling for just under 22 hours and frankly I’m too tired to care. I’m approaching total wipe out. And also, Friday the 16th is so far 33 hours long. 33 hours! There’s another 7 to go. A 40 hour day, I never thought I would experience one.

You know another stereotype that is true? The roads. They are all so bloody straight.

Well…. That’s it for now, I might as well relax back again and snooze some more because the cloud cover means I cant see anything. And because of the cloud cover, my mind thinks we’re going west, when the sun is behind us and setting, so we are indeed going east. Sorta wish I could see more… looks like I aint seeing anything till I land in Atlanta. Tell ya one thing for free, I’m sick of seeing inside aircraft. Can you blame me?

Tomorrow. Marcus in the USA. And man... this place is weird as

Morgan Evanar
Dec 17th, 2005, 01:07:11 AM
Just wait till you hit Miami. And I was tired of the insides of aircraft after the flight. Didn't want to see one ever again, but your knees don't stick out quite as far as mine.

You know another stereotype that is true? The roads. They are all so bloody straight.Depends on where you are.

Dec 17th, 2005, 02:46:02 AM
How odd, I grew up in Texas near Dallas and I never owned a cowboy hat or a pickup truck. The "good ole boy" stereotype is not representative of most Texans - especially those in cities. Believe me - you could probably fit in in Dallas Marcus.

Sanis Prent
Dec 17th, 2005, 11:05:50 AM
I left my cowboy hat in somebody else's pickup truck :(

Sanis Prent
Dec 17th, 2005, 06:21:30 PM
It's Marcus here - Oh dear God, we had a rocking time shooting.

More later!

Sanis Prent
Dec 17th, 2005, 06:41:22 PM
Charley this time:

Ice Cube once said:

Today was a good day.

Dec 17th, 2005, 10:03:51 PM
Storytime when you get the chance! :D

Dec 18th, 2005, 01:16:52 AM

I can guarenttee that you will not be dissappointed. We have video. I'm editing the video tomorrow - I will guarenttee it's worth what will be a fairly big upload. I may need to make it a password portected upload so you guys get first look before it's released to a zerg rush of SA Goons.

I know I'm talking it up..... but.... well.... It's worth it

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 18th, 2005, 01:24:30 AM
I'll drop a hint tho. We managed to take out a tree.

You read that right. We took out a tree. How we did it with guns shall be quite a story.

Hey tho, I'll say something about this place. You got some weird but great people here. Dont think much of the drivers tho. And my first trip to Wal-Mart is worth the tale as well. Damn, I aint seen ANYTHING like it. It's..... beyond what I could have imagined. And some of the stereotypes I thought were jokes.... well... okay, diary will explain tomorrow. I'd like to write it now, but it'll take a few hours and I got to get up earlyish for something else.

Day 1 of the USA tho.... debateable if it's the best day of the year, but it's gotta be second if not. Fantastic and my shoulder is gonna hurt, but that's to be expected I guess. I got 12-14 distinct marks there from Akabbrim's Mossberg and it's gonna be a great set of bruises. Worth every damn one.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 18th, 2005, 01:03:06 PM
Please tell me that they made you take part in a Civil War re-enactment. :mischief

Dec 18th, 2005, 01:49:49 PM
:lol :lol

I can just imagine him doing a rebel yell. :smokin

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 18th, 2005, 08:15:43 PM


This damn plane trip is over and I can finally set foot properly on the USA. But first, this Dallas cowboy who’s been in the seat next to me realises I really AM an Aussie and not some freak from California. He asks if I’m off to have a Fosters. I think the first hint he said something wrong was the death stare, boring into his skull with DIE on my forehead. Then, came the explaination no Aussie would even think of drinking Fosters, Which I noted a few others on the plane listened in to. In fact, I got the feeling a few of them aint seen a real Australian before. And they must have thought I was a retard when after spending five minutes looking for my sunglasses, someone pointed out they were on my head.


Least I had the excuse that I had been awake for well over 36 hours and had endured three flights and was reaching the end of a 40 hour Friday. I was frikking tired and had enough of travelling. But one last kick in the nuts was that my baggae took 20 minutes to arrive at the luggage claim. 20 minutes?!?!? Least I was nowhere near alone with that. There were some mighty annoyed people there. I’m glad I got out before they rioted like a Cronulla surf carnival. So…. I go upstairs, find out Atlanta International is badly laid ot like a throwback to the 70’s, wonder where in hell Christin could be and how on earth I would find her in this mess of barriers, people, weirdos and God knows what else. And also, being in short sleeves is fine in Sydney. NOT fine in Georgia in sub zero (Celcius that is, I don’t think F). Worried? Yes. I wanted a shower and food and sleep very badly. And so it was our intrepid hero wanderer stalked the halls in an increasingly sleep deprived panic until he a spies a fair maiden! He goes to her and says the wrds that would go down in history forever to be remarked on, to be considered and pontificated on, to be the cause of dreams and poets to sing….

“G’day, Christin?”

She turns and she says….

“Holy **** your real!”

And yes dear readers, I had been found by S’ilancy. And so shalt my oddessy across thre USA commence.

Good grief, aint I just sooooooo full of it?

We get to her car (and comment on the utterly woeful attempts of some people to do the simple task of leaving a parking station, which Christin does quite well), to go out and for the first time be in a left hand drive. You know, that really freaked me out. The drivers all around were freaking me out too. And the vehicles…. Guys and girls, you have some utterly terrible pieces of crap. No wait, it’s almost ALL crap. Trucks, awful cars that have such hideous styling, hardly anything actually decent…. Really, you should storm Detroit and demand something much better. In some ways tho, I see why there’s so many POS’s out there, the roads are excellent. And straight. And well posted. For a car type of guy, this is a freeway system I could love fiercely. Dunno about the drivers tho, damn it, what are the road rules here? And no seat belts in far, far too many vehicles. Don’t argue with me on this one, wear you damn belts. Also learn how to indicate. And how to turn you high beams off. And… GG, were we just overtaken by a Semi doing 160kph?????? Holy frikking heck, this is scary stuff. And you advertise VASCETOMY reversals on billboards? And Hooters? And Cigarettees?

You allow advertising of Ciarettes??????

And the car dealers…. Well I thought it was some kind of event on because my mind refused to believe a car lot could have not 10’s of cars like they do here, but THOUSAND’s of F150’s and other Fords. C’mon man, 1000’s of cars at the one dealer??? And that weren’t the big one, there was some multi manufacturer dealer that just blew my mind. And then there was this statue in front of what I found out later was some sort of Boy Scouts building, with a Statue of Liberty with a real burning torch. Then there was the 9/11 NEVER FORGET stickers and “Pray for the Troops” ribbon stickers. I thought that was a joke man, something to string us Aussies out and make us feel superior in our intelligence. IT’S REAL! It’s all real! Damn, What the hell? And flags on cars!

I cant remember much more of the drive to Christin’s as I was having trouble comphrending what I was seeing and trying to stay awake. So I gave up and had a snooze.

Okay, finally at Tuscanloosa. As I’m boggling at all the place, we decide it’s good for food time. And this drive in was weird as. No window, but 20 odd spaces you park in and you order at. That’s defiantly not how you get take away here. Cant say the food was bad, it was actually quite good. And while I could understand Christin quite well, the guys and girls serving I couldn’t understand at all. We are in a country that speaks English, right? Well apparently we do cause Christin is chatting away in English and not some form of Pacific Highlander pigeon. After concentrating I could work it out… something about you want mumble mumble burger mumble order.

So two hours and I find I was having trouble working out what the hell was going on, what was being said and what was about me. In all this madness I found myself enjoying it. It’s a mad place I tell you all. I aint seen anything like it, never dreampt it could be like it, never experienced it, and damn it, I LOVED it.

We get to the Hounted House Christin lives in… to be greeted by Charley. Finally 6 years and I’m face to face with the man himself. Who turns out to be an even cooler version of himself that you see here online. And so we have food, eventually alcohol and…. I sorta forget much after that. 3 am I think was bedtime in the end. 48 hours awake. And now I was Zzzzzzzzzzz……

Saturday 17th. Hard to believe I did so much on Friday and here we have the real Day 1 of the trip. Up at 8 am (Oh man…) to find I’m not very well. I think it was a combination of still not enough sleep, flu and… there was a lot more bottles here than I remember drinking. I remember two glasses of whiskey, 3 beers…. But there seems to be more than that. Whatever, I feel awful. And took a while for the rabble to awaken, it was 10 before we even thought about packing for the day’s activities and then to go shopping.

11 something am, we’re off. And it was my first visit to a Wal-Mart. Which deserves a diversion here in the narration as… well … how do I put it?

WHAT THE $%^&!???????

Firstly you survive the parking lot. Man, the rednecks don’t know how to park at all, nor how to leave enough space so people can drive around you if they are waiting to park. And there was far too many crappy trucks and awful Fords, and… bloody hell, 20 chrome wheels on Buicks. Rednecks, Blacks with big Yo Momma’s in some of the most god awful hairstyling (But I aint saying that to their faces, they are some big women folk, I don’t feel like beign king hit by a 30 stone Yo Momma) and skinny white folk, with a few Mexicans and Latinos. You park, brave the mad traffic as a pedestrian (Damn it, you idiots walk right up the aisles in front of cars and trucks??????) to see some 80 year old tottering off after someone crying “Your receipt! Your receipt!” and when I had only just got my brain caught up with all that…. I was inside Wal-Mart.

And I damn near had my jaw hit the ground.

There is nothing – and I mean NOTHING – like this in Australia. I could not have comphrended it until I see it with my own eyes. You see, we have businesses that tend to specialise in say furnitiure or by law sell alcohol under licence. Here there was every damn thing you could imagine. Furniture, 40 inch Plasma TV’, games, food, beer(!) toys, insane Yo Mommas trying to run yo butt over, crazy white trash yakking away blocking asiles, old men and young ones getting fishing gear and hunting supplies, big familes causing riots with their kids… and then comes the real surprise. Charley’s needs to buy ammo, because he was taking us shooting. So…. We go to the place where they sell ammo, right next to the kids toys. And there I saw the most stunning thing I had seen so far. Guns, Lots of Guns. Guns of all descriptions. Right in glass cases, target pistols, air guns, paintball guns, guns I could touch and feel. Guns I could look over and buy. Guns that shied, polished steel and wood.

Guns in a department store??!?!?!? GUNS????? What the hell are you maniacs doing selling GUNS in a Wal-Mart???

This shocked me deeply. Not like OMG GUNS ARE BAD, but the simple fact you buy guns at a Wal-Mart. The same place you buy toilet paper and cat food. In Australia you have sell them in a licenced and secure premisies that admits no one under 18, the windows and doors have to be fortified and the displays cases have to be similarly fortified and there’s a 28 day cooling off and you can only buy if your licenced to be a gun owner…. And yet here was a place where you could put one in your bloody trolley and check it out as per say a Gameboy. Jesus Christ, what the hell? And I use the Lord’s Name there as it’s an appropriate exclamation of my stunned amazement.

So while I’m reeling in stunned amazement, Charley and Christin get loads of ammo, we get supplies for the flu I definatly got, loads of water and other targets like utterly awful soft drinks and melons, go to the checkout (and see again how Americans completely and utterly fail to be able to line up – now I have to admit yet again I was floored when some lil old lady pushed past to the head of the line. In Australia, it’s a good thing concealed carry is illegal in general as this would have gotten her shot. Be as cool as we may be and our ability to form a line is good, we don’t tolerate pusher’s in. Soon as she stepped out of the line… BLAM BLAM! Justified Homicide Aussie style) wait for bloody ever to get our turn (Okay, how hard is it to wave stuff in front of a scanner? Why did it take so damn long??? Now I think of it, Aussies aint all that patient either, you all do things a lot slower than us Sydney-siders do), see what was a really neat idea for bagging goods with a rotary bag table, fight our way out the raving loonies to escape to the relative safety of the car park. And as I indicated this weren’t really a place to go, you can see what I thought of Wal Mart.

No way. None of that could have been real.

The talking Elmo doll tho sad it was. You see as we were going to the checkout, I got myself an idea that is typical Aussie.

Elmo was going to die for crimes against humanity.

And I should I guess skip Saturday afternoon for the moment until I get the videos done. It’s worth the wait, I can assure you. Morgan Evanar’s seen the preview, he’ll tell ya if it’s worth it.

Anyway, before I make a jump to Sunday I’d just note one more thing. The Subway visit. Here, I saw two things that really struck home I was in the USA. One, the toilets really do flush the other way round. And second, the Subway girls noted that I spoke funny and asked some needless questions to hear me speak. It occurs to me that I could well be the first real Australian they have ever seen or heard. Somehow tho, they probably didn’t know and thought I was some sort of Californian Weirdo or one them GAY GUYS. Still, pretty interesting to see my accent cause a reaction.

Better than the reaction in the car park of Walmart, where some redneck teenagers I think saw my New Zealand hat and tried to talk to me in some sort of language that would cause a preacher to yell “OUT I CAST THEE DEMONS!”. Hmmm. No you people of limited intelligence, we Aussies DO speak English. And no we aint gay or from California. It is a strange feeling when people look at you and you can just see in their eyes they are thinking “Your not from around here, are you?”

Sunday 18th. Chirstin takes me to a racetrack near Steele, Alabama where we are meeting up with Automotive Insanity Something Awful Goons. I know most of you are members of SA, but a few of you aint, o to explain AI is a car forum on the worst Internet site of the world, where goatse jokes are still in and AYBABTU is still funny. Do you have stairs?

Now as a rally driver, this was a dirt event so I was highly interested. Actually, sorta still cool, but none of them really knew how to drive on dirt. The Goons were great, it was amusing that they usually worked out who the Goons group were by not id’ing us by what we look like, but the fact someone talked funny. “Hi there, my name is David. You are….?”


You can see it in they eyes as they hear just one word and that word is enough to pin exactly who I was. Amusing for me too. Also for me a scream that they fell for the Drop Bear story. Pity I couldn’t help myself and began to laugh, I had them hook line and sinker. I really thought they would know better, that’s why I think I couldn’t keep it going before laughing.

Now, I guess I’ll finish now for the moment, get some video and pictures up.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Dec 18th, 2005, 11:09:21 PM
Originally posted by Jaime Tomahawk
And then there was this statue in front of what I found out later was some sort of Boy Scouts building, with a Statue of Liberty with a real burning torch.

Funny thing about that statue, it has different color flames. Green flame is lit if there are no roadway fatalities for the day in Birmingham, and red is lit if there have been fatalities. Really messed up I know, but thats just a curious quirk.

Also, see me also DIE this morning by that idiot who cut me off in the fast lane? Ugh.

Then there was the 9/11 NEVER FORGET stickers and “Pray for the Troops” ribbon stickers. I thought that was a joke man, something to string us Aussies out and make us feel superior in our intelligence. IT’S REAL! It’s all real! Damn, What the hell? And flags on cars!

These are moon people. I promise. They do not represent me.

And while I could understand Christin quite well, the guys and girls serving I couldn’t understand at all. We are in a country that speaks English, right? Well apparently we do cause Christin is chatting away in English and not some form of Pacific Highlander pigeon. After concentrating I could work it out… something about you want mumble mumble burger mumble order.

At least in the southeast, there's a bit of a dialect among the blacks that is really tough to decipher. I've lived here all my life and still occasionally fumble on it.

We get to the Hounted House Christin lives in… to be greeted by Charley. Finally 6 years and I’m face to face with the man himself. Who turns out to be an even cooler version of himself that you see here online. And so we have food, eventually alcohol and…. I sorta forget much after that. 3 am I think was bedtime in the end. 48 hours awake. And now I was Zzzzzzzzzzz……

Guys being guys, hanging out on the front porch and knocking back beer (I bought a pack of Sweetwater 420 and Abita Purple Haze to show the Aussie that the USA does in fact produce good beer on occasion). We discussed the dichtonomies and ideosyncracies of our respective native lands. Wogs, rednecks, population densities, that sort of mishmash.

Also, I have no idea why but I had a hellish hangover the next morning. I really didn't drink all that much so I have no idea what happened.

It is a strange feeling when people look at you and you can just see in their eyes they are thinking “Your not from around here, are you?”

Wear it with a badge of honor. I've lived here my entire life and I've gotten that on several occasions. There's nothing wrong with having good ol' boy tendencies, but I refuse to fall to this "GIT R DONE" groupthink. For a society full of supposed rebels, there is far too little rebellion for my taste.

Sunday 18th. Chirstin takes me to a racetrack near Steele, Alabama where we are meeting up with Automotive Insanity Something Awful Goons.

I am glad you're alive since I have no idea of anything to do with Steele. It is outside my knowledge therefore in my mind, inhabited by dragons.

Dec 19th, 2005, 08:34:01 AM
Hey... did yall ever eat at Dreamland? What was the consensus?

And BTW, Marcus, the place you ate with Christin when you first got here was Sonic. That's the way drive-in food USED to be. Sonic is the only place that still does that. Everywhere else does it with the drive-through window. Just FYI. :)

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 19th, 2005, 09:38:55 AM
No Dreamland yet. We may go there today, either there or Costas.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 19th, 2005, 10:44:19 PM
Originally posted by Akrabbim
And BTW, Marcus, the place you ate with Christin when you first got here was Sonic. That's the way drive-in food USED to be. Sonic is the only place that still does that. Everywhere else does it with the drive-through window. Just FYI. :)

Wish we saw that full stop :(

Monday 19th

Quiet day today. Slept till noon, went for a walk / run around the local roads. This place is notiably colder that Sydney ever realy gets, but it's more bearable except when the breeze is up. All in all, I have to say that the houses are much older, much smaller and better spaced than the Sydney average. And made of wood. Wooden houses just dont exist anymore in Australia - brick is it. The only real curiousity from this run was the house prices from this pink flyer I picked up (137,000 for a what was a pretty big house even by Sydney standards???) and also to my amazement that every single driver gave me a wide berth. Look, I know I said you cant line up for crap but I'll give you lot one thing, your got courtesy that comes out in odd ways, like giving pedestrians a wide safety berth. That is great, no doubt about that. It just shows how contradictory Americans are once again. Certainly I did some weird looks for walking about tho and not driving.....

Good in a way to have a day like this to reflect on what I've seen so far and to get over the culture shock. Now I can notice smaller things, like the water taste and the taps. Or the fact that I cant remember the last time I saw sunset that WASNT behind mountains. I also suppose that I get reminded strongly of TV shows like Twin Peaks in that it's the places I've seen houses, fields, roads like this before.

And seeing up close more cars in a car park by a school, forcably reminded USA cars are as a collective complete and utter crap. Witht he road system here tho, there is no call or need for cars with actual suspension or anything other than lounges for seats. Japanese cars are just an order of magnitude better, no wonder GM and Ford are going broke. Maybe also most drivers just dont care?

Maybe. It is a mystery

Went out to dinner with Christin and Charley to a BBQ place. Again another supposed rumour is confirmed true - the serving sizes are h-u-g-e. No damn way I could finish the excellent ribs steak and chips. Very spicy, much more salt than I'm used to and yet again got the amusement of seeing the now standard double take everyone here makes when hearing my voice. I do admit I'm seeking excuses to get that reaction, the waiter we had and two other waiters doing WTF looks and the waiter serving us having a conversation.

Now jsut to sidestep a moment, the service of this place was a league beyond Australian standards. I know that Aussie waiters get 15 an hour and waiters here earn tips but still - getting my drink refilled without a word and an automatic doggie box, plus also ttelling us when the food would arrive was beyond what I expect. As this was the first place I had to tip at, thence I'm more than happy to up the tip to 30%. If I get serivce like this..... I'm happy to pay and I will. Another thing worth coming over for by itself.

So many things that spin me out, like the takeaways done up like neon signs, the skyscrapers done up completely in full length decorations (!!!!! 30 story christmas lights !!!!!), the taillights without seperate indicators, the morons who cant drive....

And of course the Alabama residents I encounter who have clearly heard nothing like my accent or seen someone dressed like I do. Grabbing milk on the way back to Christin's the lady behind the counter doing the doubletake and saying as a relex she understood me (What... she think I was some sort of Eooropeeean?) and both her and a nother customer clearly staring at me as I left. I'm good at being anonymous but it's incredible being in a place where all I have to do is open my mouth and speak and it's worthy of note. I couldnt make myself anonymous here even if I tried my best. I even walk different. My clothes are different, my hair is too. I think I'd get sick of the attention soon but for now it is highly entertaining. And of course speak and heads turn.

So yeah, today was quiet. And allowed me to get some pictures up. As they are largish and a lot of them, I'll just give the link and a general description of the group shots.


Then select the USA' directory fromt he menu on the side.

IMG173-187 - Goodbye to my boys
188-190 - the journey begins
191-199 - Sydney Airport
200-216 - Flight ONe to LA
217-221 - Fight from LA to Dallas
222-255 - Ahh, aint said anything about that yet, have I? Wait a bit, it's coming, it's going shooting with Charley, Patton and Christin with a few other Alabama blowins
256-310 - Going to race meetings with SA AI Goons

Be back ith a post on shooting soon

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 19th, 2005, 11:19:18 PM
Allrighty, lets move back two days.

Saturday I hinted I went shooting with Charley and Patton and Christin and there was video.


Watch it, it's a biiiiiiiiig download and it is banned that you re-link it outside SW-Fans and you rehost without permission. I'll be really annoyed if it ended up on another site. It's for your enjoyment only.

Dec 19th, 2005, 11:29:18 PM
This is the most special thing I've ever done on the internet.

Dec 19th, 2005, 11:34:18 PM
Good stuff as always. :)

Pierce Tondry
Dec 19th, 2005, 11:42:59 PM
Holy bajeebus that was funny. I wish I'd been able to come.

I think I might plan my own little trip next year, if the money is there.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 20th, 2005, 12:03:48 AM
Elmo for the WIN!

Great pics and the video is awesome. :D

Pierce Tondry
Dec 20th, 2005, 12:18:35 AM
Jaime Tomahawk: The trip is like the true start of my new life
Sniper Tondry: And it began from the scattered stuffing and ashes of an exploded Elmo doll.
Sniper Tondry: Somehow, this is fitting.
Jaime Tomahawk: Poetic
Jaime Tomahawk: You need to post that part of this chat :-D
Sniper Tondry: Consider it done!

For the win.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 20th, 2005, 02:06:41 AM
Now you have seen the video and the pictures, lets tell the story. And by the way, thank you to all who have comented on the diary so far, I'm glad others are enjoying my words on your country. It's hard for me to say if I like the place but so far I love the people. Your all wonderful so far, so bizarre and worth knowing.

Saturday 17th afternoon.

After our raid on Wal Mart and Subway, we make our way to Patton's parent's farm just I think west of Christin's. Surprisingly its not too far. It's also somethign out of a Halloween set, old run down house, sheds, old equipment around the place next to a creek and trees making deeper shadows in the gloom of an overcast day. Was also pretty cold too but not unbearable for me. First thing as we arrive we meet Patton, our White Ninja. Second is unload our arsenal for the day. And pull out Elmo, Tannerite and ammo. Drinks, targets, what else was needed? Now, I have never fired a real gun before but nervous? No. Funny thing is that nerves dont exist. First thing first, Charley loads up and Patton begins the process of training a newbie shooter on the ins and outs of proper gun handling. A lot to remember and I was making a point to listen and do exactly as he said. I'm no idiot and I did NOT want to do something dumb. So after learning how to handle and check a gun is uloaded, how to load, how to get it ready for firing and proper grip, I take aim and pull the trigger.


Now, guns are much louder than I expected, but behind one they are oddly quiet. The pistol kicks back and I miss the can I was aiming at. But not that far. And kickback was controllable. Anonther shot. Bit closer. Empty the clip, slowly getting the hang of aiming and hitting my target once. Check it's empty, hand it back.

And I'm grinning. This was fun. Suddenly, I see the whole point of guns for most people who enjoy their use. Sure, they have amazing destructive potential, but turn them onto targets.... yes. I like this. I like it a lot. Charley and Patton waste targets, I watch and occasionally get a turn on the various weapons until Charley decides the Tanerite, a explosive target needs to be tried. So while he mixes the components I prep cameras. This promised to be interesting, like a lot of guys I like explosions. Hey, guy thing.

I will add that everything we were doing is 100% legal. All guns legal, all ammo legal, permission to shoot and Tannerite is a legal explosive target as it's inert unless shot. So I'm pretty safe in saying this all.

Patton places the target on a rock, Charley tries out a few guns on it. No luck. We're scratching our heads as it's clipped and doesnt go off. "Dud Tannerite" was the cry. Till Charley tries his 30-30 and as you saw in the video, it weren't dud Tannerite. It exploded and I can tell you, the reason were having giggling fits is that Tannerite isnt brute noise - it's the pressure wave. You feel it, not hear it. You have to be there I guess but.... it's incredible. My clothes are pinned to my body as the pressure wave passes and th camera skipped as you saw.

I cant say what I was saying on this forum. No way. But those are the only words you can use. Tannerite is just pure bottled awesome. So, we worked out what gun to use, how to target and after a third bottle is misfired, how to pack properly to be effective. Third shot was the melon and it just vanished.... we literaly found nothing of it. Not. A. Thing. Fourth shot was the first tree shot and you can see in the pics what a mess that made. It's amusing to see four males (One of Patton's mates had joined us) look, look at each other and get exactly same idea at the one time.

And as you saw, we took the tree down.

Fourth shot on the tree was mine. I had used Patton's Mossberg (OMG, what a MEAN SOB that thing is... you should see the bruising it did to me! But awesome too, like a Supermodel that you get laid with and who beats you up afterwards) and tested the rifles, getting my aim surprisingly good and the 30-30, making sure I wasnt going to make a fool of yself and use 50 shots to hit the Tannerite. Anyway, down on one knee, take careful aim....



I'm nearly knocked off my feet by the resulting blast.

This is sex. This is awesome. There is a God. This is so impossibly good and so impossibly hilarious. I'm pleased it was one shot. And now, for the highlight.


We taped the Tannerite to it's crotch area, set the target area. Got clear. Everyone held preath while I loaded, set yself, took aim. Surely I couldnt hit two out of two? Surely I would miss this one and need to use one of the six bullets I had on hand?


Elmo into orbit.

And as you can see, just disintergrated with only the eyes recognisable. The box we found almost nothing. And we collapsed laughing. Just....

I cant describe how funny it all was, just how absurdly awesome. Just.... listen to us in hysterics. I'm sure someone passed out laughing.

And as you saw, there was later that final night shot which I did miss twice - hard to see in that bad light. Nailed it third time.

So.... yeah. Unbelieveable day. Worth the trip alone. Big thanks to all involved, I can honestly say I had one of the best days of my life. Seems odd, in the midst of a year that had Stig nearly die and Helen walk out, I could have two incredible days like the breakthrough 1st Outright and now this. I guess a handful of the worst days I've had in my life a few months ago.... made up and then some by these three days so far.

It's funny, maybe the bible is true. First suffer to know how good things really are. Believe me, I appreciate each day a lot more, I appreciate friends more. Is the days spent crying and wasting myself in alcohol worth going through? No. I wouldnt wish that on anyone but look where it's lead me.

As tonight's signoff, Charley and Christin you have been wonderful hosts and I'll remember you always for giving me this chance to experiece these days. Thank you and I hope to return the hospitality if you ever get to Australia. I love you both for your support in the last 6 months and well served to be friends with you. Patton.... you too.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Miami and Chris. Next update when I get to the hotel. But apparently if I think Alabama is insane, it's apparently got nothing on Miami. Hard to believe I could be WTF'ed even more..... but lets see. The challenge is on.


Dec 20th, 2005, 10:16:55 AM
Glad to have you down here, buddy. :) Course, I STILL say we need the explodingElmo.com movie review site. :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 21st, 2005, 01:24:01 AM
Tuesday 20th

Bit of a quiet day today. Left Christin's place basically after sleeping in, took a few pics of the spooky home she lives in and away to Birmingham. I'm getting used to the place now but there are things that weird me out, bt not really worth a comment as well... not that important or worth noting. The trip to the airport's only really notible for the accident we passed and much to my surprise traffic not slowing down to look. Again yur road system delivers in spades, freeway up to the airport and straight into Arrivals. Unload, hug my host of 4 days ad promise to be back (and invitation to come to Australia) then into Birmingham International.

Smallest bloody International airport I've ever seen.

Get the odd person asking where I'm from, but I get the feeling that Aussies, while highly rare, have been here before so the Aussie accent isnt quite so head turning. On going through security, I get searched as I have what is clearly bullets in my bag. Not unused of course, the spent shells that I used on th Tannerite on the tree and the one that sent Elmo flying. Got some questions on if I was out hunting, surprised the security guy could id them as 30-30 shells immediatly. No problem tho. On I go. Food is pizza again (YUCK) and I have to say at this point the black women are generally severly overweight but real friendly. Again, easy to start a convo by just saying G'day.

I also have to say agin customer service in the USA is unreal. Love it. The checkin guy rocked.

Now, we had not a airway to board the plane, but we walk onto the tarmac. The plane this time is much smaller than what I have been on and pretty snuggly. Roughest flight so far but frankly it wasnt a bother. I'm getting quite used to this flying business. I've flown over 15000 km in four days!

So anyway... my first sight of Miami. And .... it just goes on... and on.... and on.... and on... and on.... and on........

You gotta be kidding me.

Landing had a bounce and the pilot hit the reverse thrust damn hard. I wonder why? Still, he liked having a joke over the speaker, describing conditions as "Remaining dark"


Out I go, note how warm the place is, then to be greeted by Chris. And stupid me, I left my cameras on the jet! Okay I was very tired but still.... Just as we got my bags tho, the stewardess found me and handed the cameras back to me!

Did I say customer service in this place is awesome? There you go again, I cant think of an Aussie who would do this.

Catching up with Chris in the car was somewhat different to meeting Christin. Chris knows about Australia, he was out there last year - yes it was just last year, I checked file dates. So much has happened since then, it's hard to believe, but it was. Much sooner than I thought, I've made good my promise to return the vist and in circumstances I never expected. Still... I'm here dammint and I can see if he was talking crap about mad Miami.

As an aside, it's amazing. I've done it, I've made Miami. It's been an ambition to do this and I have. How do I feel? Dunno yet. I suppoe a sleep and a walk around tomorrow will sort out my feelings.

Stuff that's amazing here? Well I've seen plenty of Miami on TV and the cars here are much mre like home. I'm not feeling out of place, it's more comfortable and also I suppose I know Chris pretty well. Seeing a supermarket of 'adult' produts tho is a big WTF, I'm going to have to have a look at that just to see it for myself. And then... this utterly huge, mind blowing stupendous turnpike that is.... gah, it's just too much for me to believe. How do you express that you have seen a turnpike that is beyond the size of Windsor? Jaw hits the floor and Chris is laughing at my obvious shock.

So anyway, traffic is light but I see at least one red light runner and no one uses indicators. Loads of police. And the surprise of seeing a begger doing it at red lights was obvious too. So... ummm.... not sure about this place yet. Yes, it's big and comparable to what I've seen before but there's something here... somethign I need to look over. I need to get a feel for it. Lo tho, the supermarket is pretty regular but smells funny and the Mexican place we had something to eat at and a beer, tho very different looking was good. Beer's good too.

Back to the hotel, which is damn good and a bit of a chat then Chris is back off home and I'm here by myself in the USa for the first time and I'm under my own power.

So.... I'm uncertain as yet. I suppose a day or two I need to assess and work out what exactly this place is. Seems familiar and yet not so. It's not like an obvious culture shock, maybe more subtle.

We shall see tomorrow. Tomorrow, we explore. Night everyone.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 21st, 2005, 11:25:20 AM
Wednesday 21st, Midday

Just woke up. Gunshots tho were heard last night, a few sirens not long after. Going to go find out what happened.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 21st, 2005, 12:13:53 PM
Don't get shot. :)

Morgan Evanar
Dec 21st, 2005, 12:15:41 PM
He's actually in a pretty decent area. This is surprising.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 21st, 2005, 02:12:03 PM
Few hours later...

Bit of police tape, nothing else I can see. Bit past the shopping centre. Bit anticlimatic really.

So. I went for an explore and food. Now I did some on foot exploring around Christin's place but there's not a whole lot there really. This time, it's mind overload and I can say I would probably not lke living here on Mars.

Mars? Dont I mean Miami?

Well come on, this is America right? Then why the hell have I been teleported to somewhere more like Latin America or Mexico? I cant understand anyone and frankly I think I was one of the few people who was full whitey anywhere in the county. GG someone speak some English - Spanish is so much the language of choice that the place I went to get lunch asked me for my order in Spanish first. It was the dumb look that made him click I no comphrend. I suppose that it was also the fact when he asked for what I wanted to drink I simply said 'Mate.... What you got, I aint from around here' that it clicked for him too. You know, it's still a big kick to see people smile as they get where I'm from. I sorta get the feeling Aussies are like a highly rare, almost mystical but loved species that no one can dislike and cause a stir when the existance of these 'Aussies' is confirmed. I suppose in Australia we have a few few Yanks so it's not as remarkable when they are here and sighted. In the USA it's either "WTF, Aussies are real???" or "Oh wow, an Aussie cause he talk funny.... wonder if he rode in on a kangaroo?"

Or of couse if they almost never heard of Austrlia like I suspect some in Alabama, they just think I'm one of these homersexuals from California.

Oh God how did I get here I am not good with roads

So, I nearly managed to get myself run over once because I clean forgot that the traffic comes from the opposite direction and another because Chirs is right. The drivers here are a sight to behold. It's like a organised gang bang... without the organisation. Cars flying everywhere, road rules I cant work out, no indicators.... and this was in middady, not rush hour. I might go back out again to have a look then to really see it.

I wsih we had the same fast food you guys have. Usually it's burger and chips or chicken. Here.... wow. Much better. A proper meal, not junk if you bypass Burger King and McDonalds. Flame grilled chook with rice and salad for 5 USD. That's amazing.

Isn't it odd that I find small things like that worthy of being remarked on? I suppose for the USA people its just day to day but for me it's an experience. And quick too. Again tho outside at the drive through (What DONT you have as drive through???? Even Christin's credit union had one, dont see that in Australia) and inside you all cant line up to save your lives.

I wish we had Corvettes in Australia. Oh well, suppose we got Falcons and Commodores, I suppose that's fair play.

Nice to get some exercise, breathe the smog, cough up a furball and generally relax. I'm going to have some downtime for the rest of the afternoon and be on AIM on MarcusQDunn - eh, may as well relax and unwind.

LAst note before I sign off, I think I did mention when women here are fat, they are bloody HUGE. When they are gorgeous tho.... Whoooo. I'm not complaining about the eye candy, not at all. Oh and one more thing now I think of it, everyone here apart from Chris is shorter than the people in Alabama. And usually Latin. Although I did see someone whom I thought was whitey pick up a mobile phone and talk fluid Spanish and when she spoke English it was spanish accented, so a bit of a closer look showed she had distinct spanish bloodline. You can tell witht he facial shape, the eyes and such.

Yes, Aussies distinctly look different as well. I also need a haircut.

Edit : What the hell? Housekeeping is at present cleaning my room. I dont understand a damn word she's saying at all. She's speaking in some language I have no damn idea about and I think I should be grabbing the Gideon Bible here and yelling OUT SATAN OF THIS WOMAN I COMMAND YOU IN JESUS HOLY NAME! And outside... there's more people speaking what I can tell is spanish. A lot more. Good Lord, am I really in America or Cuba???? It's honestly hard to tell

I cant believe I have a complete and utter failure of language here.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 21st, 2005, 11:53:17 PM

I suppose sitting here and carefully considering what I'm going to say would surpise most, I've been pretty forward and honest about my observations. Still, I should word myself carefully now as....

Okay, lets post this evening's events.

Got an invite from one of Chris' mates to go out to a bar. Well, I'm not adverse to this, so I accept. After a bit of a work out (which was a bit frustrating, I'm a lot fitter than what I look so to get my heartrate up is hard. Have to change what I do) and a shower, we're picked up in I think jimmy's new car. Pretty smick. So okay, there is the odd damn good car in the USA. After seeing more utterly unbelieveable and flagrant disgard for road rules from other drivers, I can only comment Miami drivers are indeed a special knid of stupid, exactly like Chris claimed. I thought my jaw couldnt hit the floor anymore on seeing driver stupidity but it did at least twice. I mean, things so completely and utterly devoid of intelligence, I seriously doubt intelligent life... okay, if you dont believe me, driving blaise across the wrong way of an intersection or a full sized UPS truck driving ON the footpath. COME ON, who the hell drives a truck on the footpath? A full sized truck?????? And at speed?????

This I can tell you is not a good idea in anyone's langage, even the one they speak here, whatever that is.

We get to the bar, find a few seats... now can I ask what is the problem with calling someone a fag? Okay, one of the guys there was homosexual, but to me it's like, who cares? I really dont care in the slightest. But in a bar like this apparently it can start a fight if you said it. Are people that put off or find it so wrong? Personally he was quite entertaining.... not exactly sure if he was perving on my bum, but whatever. I'm pretty comfortable with the fact I like the girls.

Oh.... yes. Girls.

Remind me to get back to that.

Food is once again excellent and there are decent beers to be had in the USA. But man, you really gotta stop this smoking in bars. It SUCKS being in a room of smokers. It's not healthy either. Really, really unhealthy. You know guys like me like to play pool and have a beer, but choking on smoke sucks. It's one thing for say someone to politely ask you if they can smoke, another for a complete stranger to blow his second hand gasper into your face. Smoking in bars and clubs s banned in NSW and that is a damn good thing.

Dont really think much of the pool table costs there, nor the music. Chris sorta explained the organised gang bang that is Grid Iron.... sorta. I think he and Charley only really convinced me to stick to Rugby or soccer.

So yeah, telling tales of Australia is good. HEaring and learning of the USA is good too. And if i went that far, I would still say I had a great time... chilling out is a good thing.

Lets go back to girls then.

When we get into this bar, I think I got whiplash. It's a shock to see so much breast on display. I'm no prude but... crikey. Just put them on display like this is so rare in Australia. And I have to say that usually, the women who do that dont really have the body to make it attractive. This is not the case in this bar. I seem to gather this isnt unique either, we aint died and gone to heaven.

Rebecca however wasnt exactly standard issue even for this bar.

Now, before you ask funny questions, no she isnt here. I dont think I would want that strangely enough and I would explain why shortly. But she was I think probably one of the best looking women I have ever seen and stacked with them on display. You just dont GET this in Australia, not at all. She was a waitress who served us. What the hell is she doing there with looks like that????? Now yes, every guy in the palce was probably making passes at her and yes, our little party was finding excuses to get drinks - :) - hey, I can well understand.

And as I said, she was wow. So dont get me wrong, I appreciated the little touches now and then and I did enjoy the opportunity to speak to her. But....

Well, screw it, here comes an E/N

I'll never hide that I'm damaged goods now. Having someone you love and thought you knew walk out on you does work it's way into your head and the pain is not a good thing to deal with. It affects you a lot deeper than I suspect some would ever want to admit and tonight... well it really hit home again. I'm alone, I'm still suffering, even if she was one of the most desireable women I have ever met and I know that I could sweet talk her... I wouldnt. I just cant. It's never just been physical with me, it's also got to be soem sort of mental conenction for want of a better word. I cant just pick up and one night stand.

And especially when in the most unexpected place and time, it crashes through exactly how alone I am, how strong I need to be and I miss a female who supports and loves me.

I would say with 100% accuracy that any single and whole lot of not so single would gladly grab the chance to bed Rebecca. I wouldnt. Oh man, no way could I. I just can not do that. I'd glady trade tho for a few hours of talking, getting to know her... no way could I do more without that.....

Christ. I know what's gotten me so upset.

I really miss being loved. I'm not afraid to say that I'm crying at the loss and I miss not Helen, but someone else in my life giving me support and love

It's going to be a rough night.

Dec 22nd, 2005, 02:33:36 AM
I really miss being loved. I'm not afraid to say that I'm crying at the loss and I miss not Helen, but someone else in my life giving me support and love.

I know exactly what you mean!! :hug

At some point during your adventure, I want a phone call and I dont care if its collect - just gotta hear that aussie accent! :D


Dec 22nd, 2005, 03:17:41 AM
Nice posts Marcus. Nice to hear you're not embarassing us over there (except for that sunglasses bit). Hope the rest of it is a good as you've had so far. :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 23rd, 2005, 12:27:43 AM
Thursday 22nd

As I suspected I would, I did not sleep, couldnt sleep. Porn just gets depressing and the bed's empty and the fact I sure as hell didnt want to talk to anyone, meant 2:30am found me outside in the cold, walking US 1. And of course, guess what the iPod shuffles up as a song? Boulevard of Broken Dreams. I've always said God has a sense of humour and sometimes He's a smartass too.

Har Har, real amused.

See, me and God have a pretty direct way of talking. I say what I think and He replies just as directly. Yes, I suppose it sums up my life right now, walking alone on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, while the city sleeps. I am not in a good state of mind but still, sometimes songs speak directly to us, yes? And now again nail exactly what we think and feel in life.

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ed up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...


So as I'm waking, I notice a bit of light in the sky. Bit curious, I'm watching and as it comes closer, I see it's a Police helicopter with the sunlight on. Coming my way. And so is about 10 squad cars and several unmarked. Quite abruptly, I'm in the midst of what can only be a police operation of some sort. They are pretty serious about it too, blocking roads, going into parking lots, investigating parked cars, seeing if doors were secure.

And one of them sees me.

"Sir, hands in the air and come closer"

At this point, I was wondering WTF. A bit confused but more interested, I complied. "Problem?"

He's some frigging huge black guy, built too big for the car. Damn. "Sir, come closer slowly"

I did get closer, close enough to see his face properly. Hand on his gun. Hmmmm. "G'day, can I help you officer?"

He relaxes immediatly. He's picked the accent and obviously there's no way they're looking for an Aussie. "Sorry sir, we're looking for a Hispanic suspect. Enjoy your stay"

"What for?"

"Murder. Best be back indoors, he was sighted here"




Hey, ever noticed things tend to happen around me? I can be a real magnet for it. It makes life interesting and unexpected. So anyway, I'm feeling somewhat better and a lot colder, go back ot the hotel, sort of dont really sleep well but still get some snoozing till about 12pm, get up, decide coffee is the order of the day, realise the toilet is blocked (room service gets it fixed sooooooo fast!) set up for the day on front of the laptop and do some learning of Premier and my iPod. I needed a nice quiet day to straighten myself out anyway, so this was pleasant. Hacking about with programs isnt something I have done for a long time, never get the time usually. And working out how to get video to work on the iPod, bit of an experience but eventually get Petter Solberg in Finland 2004 working. That doesnt sound big to you, but to me this is special, Solberg's run is mindblowing for a rally driver. And challenge has been met!

Funny, the iPod right now is playing U2 "Sometimes you cant make it on your own". Ha ha God. Very funny.

Well, it amused me in a odd way.

Anyway, back on the diary. I left my power supply for the digital camera at Christins and I needed to recharge it, so off I go to see if I could find one. CompUsa is our target and in I go.... and frankly, your prices for computer stuff suck big time. We're half this price for almost anything. 30 dollars for a Cat5 is stupid. Get myself a few necessities, a couple of impulse buys, then get to the place they have cameras. Yes, there's someone who seems to teleport themselves there to help.

No, it's not a frikking Canon PDA. It's a DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA!

What, I no speak English? Yes I know I have a heavy Aussie accent, but I speak English unlike half the bloody population here.... wait... maybe if I speak Spanish? What's spanish for "You blithering idiot?". Okay, I'm being unkind, he was helpful once he clued in Spanish is not something I understand and then i especially clicks and he's grinning - It's one of these Crocodile Hunters from Horsetralia.

Yeah. Do you have a power supply? And of course, he dont, but give him his due, he tells me where to go look. Fair enough, the excellent customer service here comes through again. And again, big grins at the checkout as Strine is heard. Typical response, it seems everyone loves hearing an Aussie speak.

Ahh, bet you didnt know that, did you? Technically I speak Strine. Occer is another word for it too.

So, off and play dodgems in the traffic (Aussies can be really crazy pedestrians), to the Dadeland Mall... now why the hell dont you have auto open doors at the entrance????? ..... and then to Wolf Cameras. Wait while the staff deal with a whole load of customers, then my turn.


"I need a power supply for a Canon MV800 DVC"

He speaks spanish to reply.

"Ummm...... what?"

"Oh, we no have those Sir" he replies in heavy accent.

"A power supply?"

"A Beta supply? No"


"A. Power. Supply" I say slowly. "For. A . Canon DVC"


Oh God. Help me. Getting annoyed, I'm using my "I'm goiing to frikking do something nasty if I run out of patience so damn well listen" snarl - which sounds pretty intimidating , makes it clear I'm a worse version of Russel Crowe and I aint going to stop with throwing phones at yo butt. "A Canon M800 Power supply. I lost mine"

"Ahhh! Sorry sir we no have one for Europe"

A rather deadly pause. "Europe" I reply. Surely not...

"Yes, No have one for Poland"

POLAND?????? "No, I'm from Australia and I want to charge the battery HERE". The growl is making it pretty clear I'm not liking this failure to ommunicate. Come bloody on, this is the USA and you should speak English. I might have a weird accent but English is my first and only language!

But at least it clicked. "OOH!! Yes sir, we can charge battery"

Frustrated, not a little bit hungry and had enough, I wander to get food. And frankly, I'm in no mood to deal with the American inability to from a queue for to realise a walkway is supposed to be left clear so people can pass.

"Excuse me please!"

Even the the snarl isnt enough... so the Aussie way of clearing a path. Shoulder down and charge.

"HEY! What.."

I also have to say I got the death stare down pat too. Mr I wont frikking get out of the way when blocking the footpath gets a right eyefull as well as a snarled "Learn how to ------- line up and dont ------- block the path!"

I think he's seen Mad Max. No one looks like they are game to argue with a mad Australian - maybe I'll feed them to my pet croc. Or Dingo. I'm tempted. Most seen a friendly Aussie, he just got the other side.

Honestly, this inabilty to queue properly is just ridiculous.

Hey, food's good. Bit of eye candy too. I am NOT complaining in the slightest on that.

Back again to the hotel, eat, relax, listen to some music. Chris arrives about 8 pm and we're off to do something I wanted to do.

Beer on the edge of the Atlantic.

I know that dont seem like much to you, but right now I am 16000 km from home, I'm about as far as I'll ever get on the sands of a land I could not have imagined. Hey, maybe I had a narky day, but this has been a hell of a trip so far. And..... I'm having a beer on the shores of the Atlantic. Damn. That's really something. With Chris.

Hell yeah. The world is righting itself again. And frankly, my life reset has truly begun. Right here on the shores of the Atlantic.... a new part of my life really has begun for this week. And who knows I consider, I'm coimg back one day, I might come bak to stay a while longer. I really dont mind this place at all, even if some things drive me up the wall, other attractions make up for it.

LIke in South Beach, the cars. Holy moly, what a bunch of A-Grade weapory we got here. Aston Martins, Lambos, Porsche's, CTS-V Cadillacs, G35's... classic US iron and I really do mean classic. And every now and then a female that has a chassis almost as good. Well, I am a car nut first but as you have noted, I do appreciate female form. So does Chris I add. I think we agree on what makes a car good, we also agree on what makes a fine lady. But I think we're both got petrol instead of blood in the veins... so it's back to cars, rallying and the art of steering. And then food.

Food. Brokenrecordgoodfood

Service. Brokenrecordgreatservice

I could transport food, service and women back with me anytime.

Or come out here for them.

They are that damn good.

So anyway, Chris shows off his driving skills (Not bad!) around Miami airport and were back and here I am.

Tomorrow a day I've been lookng forward to. But no sneak previews.... I will note I am unloadign the pics off the camera in anticipation I suspect I'll have plenty.

Oh, Back up I talked about Steele Drag way? Here's a video. The truck at the end is worth the download


And here's some more pictures

As before, http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics

Go to USA directory

And scroll through to IMG_311 - misshot of Christin's roof
IMG-312 - That's what the Mossberg did to my arm.
IMG_313 to IMG_335 Christin's spooky place and few cats.
IMG_336 Chris!
IMG_337 to IMG_340 outside one of Chris' friends house
IMG_337 to IMG_355 MIami Beach and some night shots of the ocean, the apartments and a misshot or two.
IMG_356 to IMG_359 Classic USA Iron
IMG_360 to IMG_362 Where we had dinner

Well...... That's it for tonight. Batteries charged, memory cards clear. Tomorrow is likely to be a good one. Hey, every day's been good.... even if Rebecca set of a bad night, it turned out to be an adventure.

I suppose I'll sleep better tonight, but know what I'll really love doing? Sharing quiet time with someone. If you know how great it can be just relaxing and giving the one you love a massge,
you know what I'm needing. I cant help thinking it wont happen again and this is the beginnning to the road I'm walking. I have to be strong I know. I chose this when I decided it was over with Helen and I would never go back.


Isnt this bizarre, someone you hardly meet can affect you so deeply? I dont think this has ever happened quite like this. I suppose I'll never see her again - would I want to? Maybe this is something I need to heal.

I dont really know, maybe I will never know.

Night Rebecca. You'll never know what you did to me.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 24th, 2005, 11:24:08 PM
Friday 23rd

I'll doo a proper write up tomorrow. Pictures can be found in the usual place, 363 on.

200 pics tho

Sat 24th

Writeup to come Quiet mainly, altho I wonder what people see a rather different side I dont usually show? The side where I'm quiet, reflective, serious, generally not a real lot of fun or mayhem.... but probably the real me? The one which I reveal in person a lot less than I should? The one which was one display tonight?

What do people think when they expect crazy Aussie and instead they get exactly who I really am?

Sun 25th

Merry Christmas. Ho bloody ho ho.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 25th, 2005, 12:20:50 PM
Sun 25th

Well, here I am at the terminal of Ft Lauderdale and thank GOD they speak English here.

But the security can go freg itself with a cactus. Multiple times. With added salt and acid. This is a complete and utter nonsense to take shoes off, it's also complete and utter BULL---- to confiscate two SPENT 30.30 shells. Spent. As in empty/ As in just hollow brass?

I have no words for my contempt for this that I can print here. None at all. More words later when I cool down, becuase frankly this Aussie is furious and is making it very clear to anyone who get close.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 25th, 2005, 01:46:40 PM
They took your shells :(

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 25th, 2005, 02:53:09 PM
I had to read that through a few times to realise that you didn't mean sea shells.

Customs are the suck.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 26th, 2005, 04:54:18 PM
December 26th

Holy.... it's cold! Not the coldest I've ever been in mind, still got a few degrees to go, but it feels less than the present claimed 2C. The show's mostly gone now, leaving a few patches of ice that are easily avoided - or if the mood takes one, to be thrown about and jumped on for added ice explosion effect. Amusing - continually amusing I'll add, seeing an ice sheet explode when thrown into a curb is great fun. You will have to remember I've never seen anything like this before so excuse the juvenile fun. Actually, why am I apologising? If you think it's not fun, your too old, go back to your rocking chair.

So, what have I been up to these last few days?

Lets start with today, as that's easy. Nothing. Been in the hotel room doing not much, had a bit of a walk where I took in a few sights, demplished ice formations, took some pictures and planned for what I would be up to tomorrow. Catching up on sleep and food too.

Indianapolis is a pretty.... I dunno grimy and grim place but for me it's also got a beautiful edge that I hope comes out in the pics.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics of course, USA next and then IMG_590 on. I think I'll have to reorer everything, there's a lot of pics there now. 595 is outside my room, 596 - 603 is the hotel grounds and in my room, on to 633 for night / day surrounds pics. And in there you might see a pic where my footsteps are in the ice on the footpath, I actually didnt really notice until I found wlaking difficult my shoes were being frozen into the ground for each step. Bizarre.

So yes, not much today. Dinner and a bit of gym work to go and then early night turn in. Ahhh.... relax.

So lets run the last two days before that from the top....

December 23th

Okay, so none of you looked at the pics! I can tell, I have logging set on the website and no one looked! Damn! Why, were you waiting for me to say I WENT TO KENNEDY SPACE CENTER before decidign to look? Well, I did, Chris and I went to Kennedy.

And a bloody huge place it is too.

On the way up, experence the road system again, then have the worst bloody fast food of my life. Dunkin Donuts is voted out of food island - and most od that uniform good foodness is spoilt right then and there.

And so is the passenger tyre with a flat.

After rally skills in typre changing done, we're off to find a place to fix. And while they do, Chris decides to go shopping for Christmas. And you know, Sears is a fairly normal place where I wouldnt go insane in. Approved!

Toaster ovens tho? I thought they disappeared twenty years ago?

On our way a hour later but with a change. I"M driving. And yes, it's my first time in a LHD and driving on the wrong side of the road. Really, not too much of an issue and even weirder to be overtaken by trucks doing 140 when I'm used to cruising at 120kph. And also to be ignored by a policeman while maintaining speed with traffic at 145kph.

145kph and the police let you go on the Interstate??????

Makes for damn good average speeds and I understand much better why everyone drivers. Only flying is faster over thse distances than this. Doing 220 miles (360km) in 3 hours is next to impossible in Australia unless you want your licence shoved up your bum. And eventually after not much jousting with Dragons and Harry Potter wannabes, we're at Kennedy.




I dont mean like sorta big, I mean seriously big. You cant walk between attractions, you MUST take bus. Okay so it's all a bit kitchsy, but.... it's impressive. Very impressive. And just so dan big!

When your on the busses, you frst pass by what looks to be the beginnigns of a Space Shuttle exhibit, featuring a real size mock up of the Orbiter and the external tanks and boosters. Then, hang a left to Alberqucy then into the roads that connect various sites.

The first location is the Assembly building, supposably the place they did final assembly on the Saturn V and currently do so to the Shuttle. And you get to see the odd 1000 ton bits of equipement lying about, like the crawlers. Oh, and alligators.

Pictures 363 to 506 are of the trip up and also of the center itself. Now, this assembly builidng supposably was the largest by volume indoor space at one time, with the largest hand painted American flag on the side. It was big enough that you could fit a Saturn V inside.... by 6 inches. It has a crane accurate to some ridulous point of a centimeter and can lift a Shuttle from horozotal to vertial and then place it accuratly. The crawlers, when loaded with the shuttle weigh in at something like 3000 ton and move at 1.6 km an hour to the take off pad several kilometers away. They take 8 hours for the full crawl, the road it is on is made of all sorts of crushed rock for quite a few meters down. IMG_398 is the roadway.

Onwards to the Observation tower, still several km from launch pad 39A and 39B. This is the first actual stop, where we can look out over the whole launch facilty. 39A an B are for manned launches, there seems to be five others for unmanned. The engine in IMG_398 and a few others around there is a Shuttle main engine and is not a mockup. You can see other facilities and I might add my camera is at full 12x zoom. Yes, the place IS that big if 30 story launch towers look tiny.

406 is I think 39A. Was it from there Man went to the moon? Either that of 39B. B looks the same as A.

Off on the tour again, more facilities all over the place. IMG 413 is just another part of the copious amont of wildlife, while 414 is the beginning of the Saturn V facility. You get some sort of ultra patriotic fervour intro to the Apollo program, which ends on the disaster of Apollo 1, then into what surprised me - next was the actual launch control room of Apollo 8. And it's apparently in full working order, although right now set up for a really, really good simulation of the launch with audio and video of the actual Apollo 8 blast off. I video taped most of that, it's... wow you Americans might have annoyed witht he overt patrotism, but you sure as hell put on a damn good show.

And then out of this hall into...








BLOODY HELL, an actual Saturn V?????

IMG_422.... look at the size of the damn thing. Look at it! IMG424 shows the length, it did indeed take the whole hall in length. Peruse to 449 for the whole damn thing.

Okay, I can see why the USA is proud of building that monster. It's seriously impressive to see in the flesh. And of course I got in there the landing rover, control capsule, lunar lander and a few other odds and socks.

Fun fact - the minimum safe distance of a Saturn V when fuelled is 4.6 km - it packs the potential engery of an atomic bomb.

450 is the VIP viewing stands. And look how far they are from the actual 39B launch pad - any closer and ou would likely go deaf from the noise. It apparently can kill you from a km away. That's the noise, not the heat blast of other forces.

So after that jaw dropper, we're running out of time and skip the ISSC facility. Really, Kennedy NEEDS a full day. 451 to 478 is random shots and I have to reflect NASA has a lot of random stuff all over the place, someI bet are relics of the beginnings of the space program. And I bet if a collector got in and carried them away would be worth serious coin. 463 - 5 are the Admin buildings. 466 is a random alligator

479 - 492 is the shuttle display. And one Aussie.

493 is .... I dunno, really well done I ahve to say and fitting. It's the memorial to every person who has died in their duty to the space program. Every name, every person with a plaque describing what they were and how they died. 495 was spooky for a bit till I figured it out. Up to 497 for the memorial.

Whoever designed the memorial was worth the money, it's perfect and personally quite a highlight. 498 to 507 are random shots. Liek of the mobile home. We dont have those.

508 to 522 random homeward bound shots, especially of the sunset.

Now, that evening was something a wee bt different. A bonfire out on the Everglades and I got to meet Shawn and Crystal of SW-Fans fame here. Crystal does indeed look soemthing like Helen and she als has a Helo KItty fetish.


IMG_522 and onwards for random pics - see if you can guess who Crystal is. Shawn is easy - I got what I think was a neato mood pic with IMG_533. There's a few shots where I tried experimenting with the camera and a few SA Goons, with Eric_Is_Godess in there. 556 is another good mood shot of Chris.

As an aside, while the fire and burnign things is a load of fun for Aussies, the actual crew there wasnt really my type so I did feel a wee bit out of place. Probably showed too.

December 24th.

Much to report? Not really Went to bed really late after a shower to get the sott off me, stayed up chatting to Mandy, then went to bed about 5 am. Woke up close to 2 pm, felt utterly terrible, went across the road for a Chicken Chop (Karate?) looked over a book store, packed my bags, damaged the Dalton with the stomach for some reason crying All out, All change!, then a shower and got dressed up.

And believe me, this is NOT a regular occurance. I almost never change into something decent, never use a belt, never look respectible. But I did because Chris' family had invited me to dinner at a french restaruant.

I can see why Chris is protective of his sisters.

His parents are cool too.

But I could have beaten the *&^$@!!! out of the damn piano player. Could we pay him to GO THE HELL AWAY???

December 25th.

D-Day. The day I just knew depression was going to hit and hit hard. Being alone on Christmas is a bad thing - but it could be wors. I could be at home. In a foreign land, I'm away from things that could set me off. I still woke feeling like poo tho. But no real time to feel sorry for myself, I was outta the hotel room and onwards, being picked up by Chris and onto Christmas Breakfast at his place.

Could I really say how much more that I enjoyed it was that it felt like I was part of a real family again? I dotn think I could praise how at home I felt any higher.

Thanks Mr and Mrs Casale, you saved me from a pfffffft of a day.

Off to Ft Lauderdale airport for the first class journey to Indiana. And damn, it's great to be back where people speak English! And can carry an interesting conversation!

I'll pick this up later, gotta go get some exercise and then dinner.

Dec 26th, 2005, 05:55:23 PM
Thanks for posting the Saturn V picks. I had allmost forgot how ridiculously huge that monster of a rocket is. But as impressive as the pics are, there is nothing like seeing the Saturn V with your own eyes. Imagine that thing being sent in the late 60's. Its a triumph of manpower, technology, engineering and courage. Something the americans have good reason to be proud of, in contrast of a certain you know who, whose name shall not be spoken..

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 26th, 2005, 09:36:56 PM
Dec 25th continued....

As I mentioned already, security was far, far too pathetic for words. At least as I was flying first class, there was no queue to being bent over and reamed, unlike the hundreds of unlucky people lined up. Stand in line for an hour and THEN get the equivalent of a pineapple up the backside for obnoxiousness. Gee. Really way to go Homeland Security, <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> off everyone with stupid petty BS like the shells and force everyone through frankly needless time delays and stupidity. It's not going to stop the real terrorists either. I even find it insulting in a lot of ways. My bags been opened twice because I have a hardcover book in them. A BOOK.

This is just gone beyond a farce.


Wait for the plane, then hehehehe, I'm on first! And I'm in comforty seat! And the steward takes my coat without asking and hangs it for me! And gets me a drink... without asking.... and if I wanted sex, I'm sure he would have done that too. Except I'm not gay. But I'm pretty sure he was.

IMG_568 - the great 2005 world tour of Wakko Warner continues with his own seat in First Class. Yes, that's where he travelled for this flight. And 574, with his own iPod. And probably would have had sex with the steward, except he's not gay either. I think. He did disappear for a while and returned mysteriously flushed in the face.

Img_569 to 589 is the airborne random pics of stuff, usually cloulds. Still trying the camera out. 587 is the Steward of first class mugging with a woman's crutches - altho I thought I did hear him say "... bum hurts.." And "Warner". Make of that what you will.

And really, they did say moderate to heavy turbulance (not flatulance) but I pretty much snoozed through it - the turbulance, not the flutlance - and couldnt ask mor eof a flight except for the whiny and hyperactive brat TO SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! Or so help me I'll set Wakko on his....... wait..... that wont come out looking real good. Not after the bad jokes last paragraph. As far as I am aware Wakko aint no Michael Jackson.

Least... I hope so. If he is.... it's a visit from Mr Tannerite for you Wakko.

We land and I immediatly am gobsmacked by IMG_590 to 594 - SNOW! Real honest to god snow. Oh my..... I dont know what to think, it's a white Christmas!!! Well..... I'll be damned. I'm now an Aussie who's having a real White Christmas. Just lke in the carols and songs. Somehow Rudolf the Red nosed Reindeer makes a hell of a lot more sense in conditions like this.

And hey, first class means bags off first too.

And priority taxi.

I gotta do this again one day.

It is frigging cold, but still... the taxi ride showed off all these beautiful places covered in a white layer of snow that.... Okay, how is someone who's never seen this before frame the words to explain it? How does one explain the beauty of it all, the softness, the surreal lighting? The way everything is transformed? I aint seen anything like it before, cant explain it but I love it. Especially after booking into the hotel, going for a walk, taking pictures - IMG_595 to 622 - and seeing my own footsteps in snow and ice? Seeing the surreal almost daylight lighting of the sky? Making my first snowball and flinging it?

Bloody hell I'm 36 and I just flung my first snowball!

It's just too beautiful and emotional to grasp. I've had such loss this year and now.... God gives back with this beauty. You know what? A few nights ago I was crying because I was lonely. Dec 25th I didnt care, I was crying cause it's all to beautiful.

Up to date now, except that I should end this on a bit more of a humourous note. Some say that he doesnt understand snow and that his voice can woo maidens by the dozen. All we know he called.... The Stig.

Wait, no I'm not, Stiggy's back home!

Oh, okay I think I got this snow thing now. And this maiden thing that everyone's said would be right is.... well.... right.

"...... about 29 and he's got the most gorgeous accent"

Overheard that was

"You got a really nice voice"

My waitress tonight.

So ummm.... word's gotten out there's a polite, smiling, resonably good looking Aussie with nice voice and knockout accent in the hotel. Who's staying here alone.

I'm not really sure what to think on this. I mean... sure it's good for the ego big time. But maybe it's something I need to realise for myself, that I aint what I think of myself as, that there really is something people see with me they like. Self confidence was shattered when Helen left.... maybe this is the beginning to rebuilding it. Redefining myself. Working out who I am, what I am and.... well even working out if I wnt a relationship again. I should think this one over and decide what it means.

One thing I do know is the waitresses would be getting a hint. I tip. I tip very well. I love the food, I love the service. I'll PAY for it to keep going. 3 dollar tip on 6.98 breakfast, 8 dollar tip for the waitress tonight on 22 dollars. I think she nearly died of shock. The quiet man with the incredible voice also is polite and tips like crazy?

Wait, stuff what effect i may have on her... what does it say about me...????

I'm going to think about this one. I like to think of myself as an Aussie Badass..... but am I really?

Well, I did come here to find out more about myself. Just..... maybe I'm finding out things that people like I forgot I had.

I need a cuppa tea and some thinking time. Goodnight.

Dec 27th, 2005, 07:58:20 PM
Don't sweat the shells Mark. I've got a crate of spent 30-30 brass that I'll happily donate to you :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2005, 08:04:23 PM
Plus they probably looked at your book because it might have been hollowed out and holding a weapon. :uhoh

And I told you that American women flip out for accents. Most of them do, anyway.

I love me a Brooklyn accent. Or - hey anything, really. Even Southern SOMETIMES.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 27th, 2005, 09:42:49 PM
Funny you should say something about the accent.... today's update has much to do with it.

December 27th

Woke up much later than I would have liked, didnt really get moving till 11:30am, which wasnt on the schedule. The schedule today was a museum visit and to see the Lord of the Rings exhibit that's been touring the world - and so far I've managed to miss. And here it is, right in Indiana. Not missing this time!

Now, if there is one other thing I'll concede is that the USA does museums and exhibitions really, really well. For a smallish place, I ended up in the State Exhibition centre a damn sight longer than I expected because it was all so interesting and well done. Now, because I dont know WTF with how to do things in the USA, I decided to ask attendants, who sorted me out real quick and armed with knowledge, I lined up. And immediatly fell into conversation with Kari.

A, you might think, I've named someone? Yes indeed, I have. Kari is a Medievial re-enactor, was there with a group of fellow female nerds and heard the accent. And as per just about any woman here, thinks it's beyond cool or something.

Too easy. Just... too easy

So anyway, into the LOTR exhibit, with is very recommended if it comes close. It's a whole bunch of props made for the movies, costumes, sets, miniutures. And let me tell you, when you see say Aunruil for real, your awestruck with the sheer quality and artistic skill put into them. You look at them and you think they are authentic - yes they are barely used, but say the armour looks really old and hard worn. It's bloody unbelieveable the swords look liek they get used in wars, the costumes have this look that seems real, the models have spectacular levels of quality and details. Sauron's armour in person is disturbingly frightening. And then there's artwork, concept drawings and.....


Lego figures for sale!

So anyway, Kari's a bt of a prop freak and is after a few of the replica rings and boaches, me I'm happy with Lego and a t-shirt. And lunch. Oh, yes I got invited to have lunch with her and the rest of the women geeks.

I might add that no pics allowed of the LOTR exhibit unfortunantly. Pity, it was worth a few hundred shots

So yes... lunch. Dead centre of attention of geek girls for two hours, regaling of tales of Australia. And yes, they loved the accent. And they paid for my lunch too. And I got numbers. And a invite to another outing tomorrow.

Did I say this was too easy?

So anyway, the other exhibits were about Indiana history. Hoosiers? Wy do they call themselves that? Anyway, the level of detail, interesting notes, things on display... I spent hours walking about, reading, learning. Amazing. Just... amazing. And I they had a hall of fame for Indiana residents, startling to see who came from the place and how good the bios were.

And yes, I could take pics of that.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics - this time you dont need to wade through the marcus / USA, theres a new directory added called Indiana.

IMG_0634 - 635 - Only things I could photo of the LOTR exhibit
636 - 637 - Some big Indiana monolith

BTW, if youw ant big pic copies of anything, let me know. Some pictures are crap but I think there's some great ones that may demand a bigger shot :)

638-649 - Exhibits, look at the variety!
650 - Proof the earth rotates
651-665 - More exhibits
666-667 - Fossils of a bunch of Indiana beasts.
668 - A cat that's actually bigger than Stig!
669-683 - More outside shots around the place. Some are playing with the camera, I personally like 683.

So, got some exercise, then went to dinner. And got the real pretty waitresses' name and number. She was the one from last night and Vicki is her name.

I feel guilty to be honest. It's too easy - Cant be just the accent, surely....? I'm now highly aware how nice it is on Amercian ears, but surely it's not THAT sexy...?

While I am single and eligible, I'm a lot uncomfortable with anything of the one night variety. Still.... I I was that type I wouldnt be writing this now. But I'm nto that type... and here we see that I've worked out something else about who I am. If I ever married again, I think I'd want USA all the way - but one nighters..? Ugh. No thanks.

I must be the oddest guy alive, I got the worlds biggest candy store just begging for me to go inside and all I'm doing is window shopping.

Or maybe that speaks volumes of the type of person I am.

I'm not sure to be honest. I think I'll have a cup of tea and think on this one.

Edit : Why the frikking hell cant I get a decent cup of tea here?!?! It's either too bloody cold, no milk only bloody cream (WHICH SUCKS IN TEA) of crappy blends that taste like dishwater? Come on, it's not that hard Americans. I WANT A DECENT CUP OF TEA! If you look okay and can do a good cuppa - stuff it if you want a one nighter I'm yours. Just gimme decent tea!

Hmmm. Nice MILF there at the coffee room. "Is the Childrens museum any good?" she asks? "Well.... wouldnt know I'm sorry" I reply and whoa, she's got that eye sparkle straight away. The OMG what a voice look. Heh..... nah. Could have scored another name and number I suppose.....

OKay I'll say this loudly - I love the women, I utterly DETEST the coffee / tea. You simply dont know crap on that score.

Dec 27th, 2005, 10:20:03 PM
Nobody I know really gives a damn about hot tea. I know Christin does that thing but not really. I'll drink green tea but I don't dress that stuff up.

Tea in general, we do it a little differently here. Put it on ice, hold the milk, and help yourself to the sugar. Some add lemon but I don't like that in mine. Maybe I'll ship you some Milo's Famous if it can keep through the mail system. They put this stuff in vending machines, but it does have an expiration date.

As for the coffee, it really depends on where you get it. We have everything from awful coffee to simply amazing stuff. What I drink on the job comes from the Coffee Robot, and is strong yet generally unpleasant.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 27th, 2005, 10:41:14 PM
Hey my mom makes good tea :mad

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 29th, 2005, 12:17:31 AM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
Hey my mom makes good tea :mad

Not as good as I'm used to :p

Dec 28th

So anyway, I felt like crap in the morning. Cancelled any plans to sleep in and got up somethign like 12:30pm. Had a lunch that gave me a bit of a kick along, browsed the net, then went for a good long walk downtown.

Looks nice at the downtown but walking a bit further.... this is not a place I would like to live. You can smell the poverty and unemployment, the rust I think too. It's a depressing and dreary place to walk through - and believe me I kept my cameras out of sight for the most part.

Now, I also managed to get into one of these 'malls' and have a poke around too. Nice flashy stores intermixed with crappy ones, spruikers (And the spruiker who tried to get me to buy tickets to 'DRIVE A INDYCAR!!!' couldnt understand why I laughed. Rally driver mate, were the insane idiots who race through forests, your INdycars are boring to us) and a good cross section of... well... generally fat Americans. Anyone over 21 was a good deal bigger than I was for sure but you know if I had to eat the food here all the time I suspect I would be too.

Or I would be exercising twice as hard to burn it off.


I know might be hard to see but a few of those shots has literally thousands of small birds on the buildings. Like thousands of rats with wings. I was amazed the noise tens of thousands of small birds make.... and the mess too. You needs cats.

A lot of cats

Or a half dozen Stigs.

I understand why people were liek WTF when I said I was coming here. I wouldnt normally come to a crap hole like this - and believe me, I can see how crappy it really is quite well. I'm used to poor places having lived in Blacktown most of my life and this.. is a poor place. A sad place if you will too. I can sense it, it's a place that really doesnt have much of a future. What is there for anyone I would ask? I'm glad in a way I did come here anyway as this gives me a look at something you just dont see or expect in Australia. If I was to offer an opinion of America and this place especially, it strikes me as a place in decline, but still struggling to hold onto glory days. It clean I would say... but it's got that hint of an old thing declining polished up to look shiny. Miami was different decline, it's no longer bothering to hide it's age.

Things look and feel older, well looked after but.... it's not modern to my thinking at all. A 70's / 80's throwback. A clean one... but.....

I'm told I'll see towns on my drive that'll really hit it home and that pverty is much more pronounced. I dont really know what to think on that, I know that people exist on a tiny fraction I make and frankly I'm pretty well off these days. Still, it's not what you expect to see and hear.

So anyway, it's raining, cold and windy, back to the hotel and then catch some more exercise. Shower and dinner.

Now, American Football or as we Aussies call it Gridiron, is not a sport we understand. If it wasnt for Charley's tutition, my first gridiron game I watched would have made utterly no sense. It's like a semi organised gang bang with hardly understandable protcols and rules.

Even now with his explainations, it still is an semi organised gang bang and I can swear with all honesty Aussies have good reason to think it sucks. It's played far, far too slwoly, too many bloody stoppages, too many frikking teams and specialities, there's what looks like a hundred plays on the sidelines, there's frig all excitement mainly. And the pads.... lose the pads.

However, it' a game I see has a resemblance to Rugby, it's got similar strategy in field position, there's some cleverness to the plays so if it was played faster with much fewer stoppages it could work. I suspect tho if it was played at the speed of Rugby the 300lb monsters in defence would wilt real quick. And with none of these team changes.... have a handful of reserves, leave the same team on for attack or defense.

But if I might make an observation, apart from Ice Hockey and Basketball, big time sport in the USA is more strategy and much less speed and running like you see in other places, it's A+ boring. And of course the strategy allows commercial breaks. Too MANY damn breaks. Of appalling adds, the type a normal Aussie would be shooting the TV at. Annoying isnt a word strong enough for them.

The game was Nebraska vs Michigan, which Charley tells me was a pretty good game. Well.... okay you know what, it was. Just wish there was a good deal less stopping and more like Hook and Ladder plays.

You know tho, who am I to be critical of a boring game? I like cricket, the only game known where you can play for five days and still not get a result.

Still.... Gridiron will never take off anywhere else. I'll stick to Rugby.

Other observations were that the marching bands are hilarious and the cheerleaders make me WTF? Cheerleading not exactly a thing to aspire to in Aust, it's done by dumb blondes and sluts. I understand that's... not exactly the case in the USA and it's seen quite differently. The marching bands tho, that's something worthwhile, boogeying along to the game, dancing and carrying on. Marching bands in Aust are dead boring, the bands in the USA are great. And play decent tunes too. I think if we had those, we'ld see marching bands as worthwhile too.

Interesting look at real USA life today. Very interesting.

Now, I have to say my voyage of self dscovery continues. Relfecting on the USA is helping me see myself and also see home for what it is. My home is a beautiful place that I think I'll appreciate a hell of a lot more and what I've learnt about myself and written down....

Always great to strike up conversations wth ordinary Americans too.

I miss my Stiggy.

Tomrrow another quiet day I think. We shall see. Night all

Edit : I HATE the IMG per post limits :mad

Edit 2 : Called home. Stig and the rest of the cats doing well

Morgan Evanar
Dec 29th, 2005, 09:22:23 AM
You have to see FAMU vs UM (Miami FL) for the marching extravaganza. FAMU has one of the best marching bands, period.

Mu Satach
Dec 29th, 2005, 12:07:16 PM
If I was to offer an opinion of America and this place especially, it strikes me as a place in decline, but still struggling to hold onto glory days.

I couldn't agree more with that comment.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 29th, 2005, 11:38:56 PM
December 29th

This could be my last regular update for two weeks - I may not have regualr internet access while I'm rolling towards Canada.

Now here is a few fun facts about my trip so far.

Furthest distance from Sydney - 15700km at Niagara
Total distance travelled - 19510km and it could be more.
Flying time - 22 hours
Time in cars - 17 hours
Cost - A smich under 10,000 AUD so far
Met - 6 SW-Fans people, 12 SA Goons I think so far
Got - two phone numbers + email addresses
Taken - 500 pictures, 1 hour video
Slept - 48 hours

Not a lot today again. Slept in till midday, didnt really stir till 2 pm. Breakfast (!) was 3 pm. As I was wandering out to the dining area, I came past the PC's they have set up for access for guests - much to my surprise I saw what was without mistake Something Awful. So, taking a chance I asked "You browse Something Awful?"

He looked at me also suprised, then gave the secret "Are you a Goon passphrase?" which as most of you being Goons would know.


Well, of all the random things, I meet a fellow SA Goon, EvilDave. What are the odds of something like that happening? Amazing, never expected a random meeting like that. Bit of a chat, then lunch.

Vicki, my favorite waitress was there. Had some chat time, nice meal once again.... big tip and away. The staff of the hotel are really getting to know me now, I seem to be their favorite guest at present. Pleasant, undemanding, talkative.... tipper.... weird accent.....

Perfect customer.

Now, I like to keep my exercise up so today I decided to go for a walk. A long one. Even if it was cold, a good long walk would do me good.

Sounds boring, right?

Well.... so I thought it would be. But since when does 'boring' happen with me?

First thing I noted was a freight train. Now, I suppose how many carriges it has wouldnt interest many, but 93 is a lot. Double anything in Sydney.... which is explained by the fact Sydney is not exactly flat. Any freighter would have some serious hills to contend with and there's only a certain amount you can haul. The second was to me that I finally understood the term 'rust belt'. You see in Sydney, the place is always regenerating and this process is picking up as the place expands and becomes more important. So it was a big surprise to see factories that were built before WWI, nothing is anything approaching new and there's plenty closed. Like the steel foundry that's obviously been closed for over 20 years. Somethign that close to Sydney would be long gone, yet here it was, easily accessible and still there rotting away. That to me says a lot and it's sad. It's sad to see this rot, this aged facade all around. The roads are cracked, the pavement is broken. Fences falling over, uncared for. Cold wet mud, lights that werent working, Not a solitary car for minutes at a time.... this is within sight of Indy downtown. Ancient closed railroad tracks, rusting bridges.... I wish I had a professional camera. It would make for insane photojournalism and it needs to be done I fear. this needs to be shown as I feel that a lot of this place is beyond saving unless people with hope and dreams find a way to renew before this cancer overtakes more.

The people deserve better. The pople are great in Indiana, yet I feel like it's a place marking time. Somethings gotta happen to turn things around and I cant really see that your leaders will have the balls to admit there's a problem or to do something about it. Do you really want a steady decline? It's happening right now.

I suppose most of you know I believe in God and Jesus. I would quite class myself with Christians, but I believe. And it's surprising the places God chooses to talk to you if your listening - here I was at a sort of levee that was spilling over with flood waters and I'm on the water edge, praying and havign a talk with God. Now this is welcome because I think one of the things I've struggled with is who I am in His eyes and what He has for me to do, what directions to go. I'm sure I'm supposed to be here but why?

Thought I ran into you down on the street
Then it turned out to only be a dream
I made a point to burn all of the photographs
She went away and then I took a different path
I remember the face
But I cant recall the name
Now I wonder how whatsername has been

Seems that she disappeared with out a trace
did she ever marry old what's his face
I made a point to burn all of the photographs
She went away and then I took a different path
I remember the face
But I cant recall the name
Now I wonder how whatsername has been

Remember, whatever
It seems like forever to go
Remember, whatever
It seems like forever ago
The regrets are useless
In my mind
She's in my head
I must confess
The regrets are useless
She's in my head
From so long ago

(Go, Go, Go, Go..)

And in the darkest night
If my memory serves me right
I'll never turn back time

Forgetting you, but not the time

It's odd, you can be feeling somethign deeply - and yes right by the White River, I was feeling the seperation and breakup badly, you can just WHACK get an insight into yourself and why your here. Your thinking of say exactly that song, then it leads to thinking about something else and then you realise something? My pastor always said I was good at watching and cutting out the bull from what was real.

I've always been a watcher. Watching and seeing things others dont. I think God spoke to me tonight and told me what my gift is.

Sorry if that doesnt make sense or is boring. But to me... it's part of why I'm here. To discover myself. And I am

Anyway, Newcastle for dinner with Pasta, chat to Vicki then off to bed. Tomorrow the real adventure starts - I'm off driving. See ya all later

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2005, 09:46:33 AM
Drive safe! :wave

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 30th, 2005, 10:14:35 PM
SA version of this post is online! Warning, language!


December 30

Up at 9:30am for what was to me the most nerve wracking day I could have - driving by myself on the US freeways with who knows what weather in front of me. Pack, pay and outside in the.... wait it's probably the warmest day I've had in Indiana! Overcast yes, but there's no rain, no real bitter cold, no snow.

Oh good.

I have driven on US 1 with Wrar, but it is quite different when your alone and got to work out what the road rules are, how to keep remembering to drive on the correct side of the road, where the hell the indicators are..... why there isnt a damn cassette deck so I can use my iPod.....

Ah yes.

Our car today turned out to be a mite better than the promised Oldsmobile Alero, which I am assured is a heap of garbage. We scored instead this mighty monster.....


Complete with flat... wait.... somethngs wrong here.


Ahh, there we are, the car I named Charlie. A 05 Pontiac Grand Am with 27000 miles on the clock. Conmplete with 3.4 litre V6, FWD, auto and drum brakes on the rear.

Okay, who the hell still puts DRUMS on a car in 2005? Even the Koreans are moving away from that, yet every damn rental they gave me the choice of (Look at this parking lot and pick please sir) had drums. EVERYTHING. And you know this was the best equipped car I could find. Okay power windows, mirrors and seats, but for whatever's sake, a single CD player int he wort stereo I have ever heard with a ergonomic disaster of switch gear and plastic.


Not exactly an oil painting either. Sort of seeing where I'm going with this?


Arty shot.... which turned out okay to my surprise.

So anyway before that I got to the Alamo Rental company right on time and it was all smooth. The suprise of course was being told to take my pick - Some Chev POS's and a bunch of Grand Am's, most in anonymous grey or beige like the one I picked. There was a red one, but frankly why pick red when you can have cruise control? So with keys in hand, a quick assessment how to drive this thing and also setting up my driving position (Which I think gave the car the hint I wasnt the regular type of idiot), discovering no cassette deck which foils the iPod cunning anti boredom plan, take a wrong turn, breifly go the wrong side of the road and of course I got lost to begin with, working out how the Interstate sysems worked. Somehow I got north and south wrong.

And took a few snaps where I turned around


Bit of a dive really. I think I landed in redneck territory, eventually got on my way after sussing out where I went wrong - with the help of Google Maps. Is there nothing Google cant do?


So what's Charlie like to drive, now I've worked out how this freeway stuff works?

(Note : It's actually really logical and set out well once you work out what it all means)

Well, the ride is good. The steering... turns the wheels. It's got an interesting dash layout. It's got good economy.

It's a heap of crap otherwise. The seat is like a lounge chair, the suspension would make this a disaster around anything more taxing than an offramp, the brakes... what brakes, they are beyond appalling, they come right back around the other side of interesting - which Interesting in this case is defined as OH GOD OH GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE - the front end got a bit of clunk which I cant decide if it's factory installed or aftermarket (I'm guessing factory as the car doesnt feel like it's been bent) and the auto. Oh dear, the auto is a rant of itself.

Now I dont drive autos, I thin they are the spawn of Satan and this one tells me I am right and then some. The auto I'm sure was crafted from a jizz drop from the Prince of Darkness himself, when you step on the throttle it takes a week for the engine to bloody Do anything and then only if the auto agrees - which is unlikely as it is the laziest gearbox ever. You have to prod it with a alien anal probe to get any spark of life from it and even then it falls back to sleep too easily.

And then there's the chimes. And the annoying flashing warning lights if you fart wrong. And the one hour fight to turn the reading lights off, which was done I think via The Force. And the handbrake that was so poor it would struggle to stop an stampeding ant. And dont forget the chime that happened if it so much as looked like being on! And lets not forget the accelerator pedal that is more like a suggestion to go pedal.

Now, once the gearbox the engine agree to move in a forward direction, the non LSD FWD would howl into incredible wheelspin, before moving off at a decent rate once traction is agreed to by the tyres, which have the grip of used condoms. No, they are not rental specials, they are Goodyear OEM's, I checked up already.

So I suppose that after that, you would think I was lucky to get where I am... whereever the hell that is, I'm in some place called Bumroot, Nowhere. Oddly, no, this car for all it's faults is well matched to the highway system, ie its the INVERSE of how good the roads are for cruising on. 75 mph, no worries and even then I'm usually going slower than traffic and overtaken by the police. ON the Interstate I have found so far the traffic moves pretty damn well and for all it's faults the Grand Am is a good match. You set the cruise control, point it and let it meander lazily for hundreds of km until you need fuel. Which is usually less than a minute off an exit ramp. And then immediatly back on. The Grand Am is damn good at cruising, that is a fact.

Corners... what corners???? Slow down? Screw that,I averaged 70 mph without trying. If my bladder hadnt demanded emptying. And I needed food.


Christ Jesus, save me from the fast food of this place. It's lethal. Frankly you can win the war of terror by carpet bombing Afghanistan with the cheese and processed egg of Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds. It's so foul tho, I'm sure that if you did use it in a bombing run, it would be called illegal Chemical Weapons.

I have no idea how the toilet stood up to the assualt my bowels laid down a few hours later. I didnt know two foot of huge poo could be come out at once. And who knows how it got flushed without blocking the toilets, maybe that's why the toilets are full of water. Did look funny swirling down, something like the Titanic in a whirlpool


Cant complain about the scenery

So while seeing actual pink houses, frozen lakes(!) and a Budweiser factory besides the roadway is cool or revolting (depending - pink houses are cool or revolting depending on your astetic taste, forzen lakes are always ool and Budweiser is always revolting) having some moron push in front of line for fuel at the fuel stop and then GET BACK IN THE CAR WHILE THE EINGINE WAS RUNNING while she was filling.... made me really hope she doesnt breed, incase stupidity is herediary. Come on, you dont think this type of thing is self obvious in it's stupidity?!?!

The highway rest stops are good I suppose


Now what the hell is it with 20 mile long construction zones with double fines when there's no one working them? Explain that one to me!

It's cool tho that almost every stop there's good wireless Internet.

So there you are, a first time impression of USA driving. It's... interesting. I do like the Interstates, the cars, while crap do match the conditions. Do you really need a great car to do 75 on a perfect Interstate?

I will also add that most food along the way is still great if it's not fast food and yes, Amercians are noticably fatter in general than the average Aussie, the yo mommas especially - Frankly the food is the explaination and NOT All Americans are fat - it IS damn good and there is a lot of it. I really am noticing I have to exercise a tad more to burn it off.


And Wakko's enjoyed the luxury too

So right now I'm in Fairview PA, which is lucky to have a horse, let alone a town. There's still snow remains here which I decided would be a great idea to jump in... AGH I'M UP TO MY WAIST IN WHITE STUFF!!!!


I'm going to do some photography here tomorrow morning before moving out. I think there's some interesting things to shoot.

Dec 31st, 2005, 12:28:52 AM
We're supposed to be getting snow tomorrow, so drive safely. Esp. in Buffalo where they have only one snow-plow and a single flake causes the entire town to shut down :rolleyes

We, unfortunately, have no snow at all right now. :|

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 1st, 2006, 01:29:08 AM
December 31

Up at 7 am.

Damn I want ed to go back to bed so badly, but somehow manged to stay up, pack, go have breakfast - and have my first truly decent cup of coffee since I got here. Hot, delicious and went well with breakfast. Pack the car and I'm away - but not before taking some pictures of this place. You see, there was a few abandoned buildings and I so wanted to take some shots of them, photostudy if you will.

http://alliancemotorsport/pics - go to Toronto directory and IMG_0721 to 0743.

And I have to admit the words arent running well tonight. 2005 had a bit of a twist in the tail wih something I need to sort out. Frankly, 2005 can go ---- itself and I'm glad it's gone. Bring on the challeneges of 2006.

Happy New Year everyone - it was bloody great here and for once, I have a year stretching out in front of me I genuinely dont know what's going to happen. It's mine to make something of it and I'm going to do my damnest to do that.

I'll complete the diary entry tomorrow - however for tonight I say that the last day of my old life is finally gone and it's the first day of my new one. That's how I feel right now.

Tell you why later :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 2nd, 2006, 08:16:12 PM
Lets deal with the easy days first.

Jan 2.

Up at 7:30 am, then dressed, packed and called for the car. Not being in too much of a hurry, I decided to go for a bit of a drive around Niagara, se what was about, take a few pctures, freeze in the rain that was falling and generaly go slack jawed in amazement at the falls themselves. The roar, the spray, the sheer power of billions of litres falling is just so amazing. Hung around for a bit, had a delightful hot chocolate and a bun for breakfast, went walking over solid ice (!!!! - sliding on ice! What fun!) and behaved like a big kid in general. I know pretending to skate in a frozen car park is silly but .... it's fun!

Well our pictures for tday are in http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics them go to Toronto directory -

IMG_0895 to 897 - my room being vacated
898 - 903 - Various what appears to be works for the hydo electric system. Did you know the water coming into the falls itself is not flat but angled down? It seems to have quite a bit of an angle actually, otherwise dont see how the hell those dam gates could work.
904 - Charlie
905-906 - some sort of cable car for tourists. Not running in winter
907-934 - Images of and around the falls. Plus, you ca see the frozen car park where I had loads of Moonwalking fun.
935 - cause... it's green.
936 - Pretty
937 - Dunno
938 - Cause guys like POWER
939-941 - Niagara Falls station
942 - There's a big bridge in the distance
943 - ... somewhere

Driving in the rain is normally not something that bothers me. Driving in the rain in a very big bridge at Burlington and hitting ice.... that's not my idea of fun. Charlie is not exactly the best dynamics in the world and it's not fun with no grip at all. I want my Galant!

Now, I am in Toronto right now and I swear the wind here could eat your flesh. It's supposed to be 1c but the wind chill..... ugh. I have never felt this cold in my life. And it's raining too, just to add to the misery. And I got lost driving in this place, took an hour and a half to find a hotel. And also I could punch my bank as I'm suppsed to not have any money in my VISA. Which considering I got quite a few thousand is annoying. So... pay cash.

I'm personally feeling exhausted now, but i still went for a walk for about an hour. As well as seeing a lot of homeless, I saw an open air ice rink.

Okay, now think this one through to imagine my surprse. Where do I come from? How often have I seen real ice not in a drink? So here's people SKATING in the middle of the city on an open air rink! Yes, I could sit and stare a this wonder for hours but I doubt my face would have any feelign left. At dinner,..... I discovered that not only does this wind HURT on the skin it's so cold, you just dont realise how numb you get until you go inside and you feel your face burning with returning blood flow after a few minutes. Supposed to be colder tomorrow. I think I'll ring room service for a warm female and stay in bed.

Now lets go back in time......

Jan 1.

Woke up at like 1 pm I think, not really sure. Waht I do knwo is that Mandy and I spent most of the day watching Mythbusters doing all sorts of absurd things to lots of things, had dinner, then dropped Mandy off home. Watch more TV, went to bed.

And you know I feel good about myself. I really do feel like something new.

Dec 31 (continued)

So I get driving and I'm thinking it looked like it snowed overnight and melted off. Only 10 km up the road, there's signs I am right. The further north I go, the clearer it is it did snow. I think I made a damn good call to stop for the night.

IMG_0744 - fuel stop run by some Good Ol Boys, the spit and chew type. Actually it was more like Marcus bladder requiring emptying before explosion stop. The excellent coffee was working it wills on me. And I wouldnt have filled up if the sign said "restrooms for customers only".

Hmmm. So Okay, explode or buy petrol.

And yes, it had snowed. And yes... I got my first chance to drive in actual virgin snow around a back lane. Interesting to say the least. Fun and novel for sure. Slippy and slidey too. It was certainly something to see my own wheel tracks in a sea of white.

Back on the Interstate, get to New York State. Now, you can tell when you cross state lines as everything about the road changes - upkeep, line markings, even traffic speeds. New York also had tollbooths. And Snow ploughs that I think were salting the roads. Dont really know, just know my windshield was hit by hundreds of rat droppings when passing a plough and I had to keep using the washers as the shield never stayed clean.

No one speeds in New York.

And had to stop again to stop bladder explosion

And took some time to take pics at th stop, which really was the first place I could see how much it had been snowing.

IMG_745 - 752

Eventually near midday, I've come up to the first exist I need to Buffalo. Now, it's starting to snow as I drive now, so I'm slowing down too. And then into Buffalo, where the snow is about 5cm and I got lost. After driving around the place (IMG_753), I find my way to the Rainbow Bridge, the border control between the USa and Canada. Now this was a geeky something - crossing a border by car! Pay toll at USA side, drie across and then get... a very friendly Canadian, who unlike the USA guys was unarmed. And got me through with a minimum of fuss or quiestions other than "where you staying and purpose of visit?"

I dont know really why they ask. Hmmm, I'm staying in your girlfriends house and I'm here to rape your dog. Riiight, as if I'll say tha, even if it was the real visit purpose. Just like asking on entry to the USA if I was a Terrorist. Nope I'm not, but I do play one on the Internet. Meow.

IMG_754,755 - Canadian soil!
756 - Border control
757 - WHAT THE F---?!?!?! You gotta be kidding me..... I nearly had an accident in shock
758, 759 - SNOW!

(I was lost BTW, I was working out where the hell the hotel was. I didnt mean to do the handbrake turns)

Anyway, decide to find the hotel, then backtrack after an adventure worthy of Indana Jones in the wilds of the Tourist tarp AKA Niagara, tale the QEW (They have the Queen on the bank notes!!!!) to St Catharines, get lost again, beat off an attack by rabid robo-moose controlled by beavers with hickey sticks, then arrive here....

IMG_760, 761, 762

To pick up Dae Jinn AKA Mandy!

IMG_763, 764 - I duno why but gravesites look achingly beauiful in snow. Something so still and peaceful I guess.



And yes my testicles were indeed retreating so far into my body cavity I could have worn them for earrings. At home it was 44C

Now there's a culture shock for you.

IMG_0766 - Frozen car anyone?

Get back to hotle, dropped bags off, went for a drive. Got to something called the Whirlpool....

IMG_0767 - 0772
IMG_0773 - 744 - Surrounds

And then you know much to Mandy's bemusement my inner Calvin could no longer resist. SNOW!!!

IMG_0755 - Yes I was~!
0776 - A boat...
777 - Hit by a missile and then wiped out!
0778 - OMG, doesnt it look too good to be doing things like handbrake turns and FWD donuts on?
0779 - So we had to find out
0780 - SCIENCE! History! Education! Something I spent 13 years avoiding at school!
0781 - It amused me. Yield? To what? we were standing on a footpath. Yeid to moose maybe?
0782 - :evil
0783 - Cable car
0784 - 0786 - Random shots.

Then off driving again and eventually we got to this field or park. And you know, it was snow. And Mandy's seen it all before. But I was awestruck how beautiful it was. And it is. So I just had to take more pictures to remind myself how beautiful it really all is and how excited I was to see it all. Big kid asserts itself! I'm having the time of my life!

IMG_0787 - 802 - See? Isn't it the most wonderous of things, snow? Added comedy at 789 when I learned that when you hear 'crucnh' your stepping on ice that is breaking and running on said surface is bad. But I couldnt help running! I wanted to see more!

IMG_803-804 - Skiiers!Much diferent to the ski-ing I'm used to - 160 kph behind a V8 monster on water.
IMG_0805 - 808 - more of Whirlpol
IMG_0809 - What, me cold?

After being defrosted from a solid block, we go back, but of course I just HAD to take pictures.

IMG_0810 - 0811 - SNOW!
IMG_0812 0813 - hotel view

Now, being New Years Eve and all, there's supposed to be a big party and bands playing. And fireworks. Now, I've seen some fireworks displays in Sydeny that would blow your mind, but fireworks over one of the natural Wonders of the World? This cold be interesting.

I understand someone or more than someone is jealous of Mandy as she got to see me dressed not just neat and tidily, but in a actual proper shirt, proper dress pants too! This is not something I do often, but yes, I am more than presentible. I've even shaved.

Apparently Helen thinks the highly rare times I did that, I am a handsome man. She's apparently no longer alone in that opinion.

Maybe I should do it more.

Dinner cost me plenty, but with good food, a frankly rocking chocolate mousse and a good friend, it,s worth every penny. Mandy also got to hear what she calls 'It happened after a rally..." stories.
I'm rather talkative allright :)

Then it's off to the falls themselves.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

IMG_814 - 818





I have just died and I'm viewing something from heaven.

How on earth can you not be moved by that sight? How? HOW? It's just mind blowing the power on display. The light show using the falling water.....

And then half hour later.....


IMG_820 - 826 - Fireworks. At Niagara falls. I could have died right then and there and be glad.... yes the fireworks are paltry compared to Sydney, but it's over one of the Natural Wonders. Fireworrks over such beauty and power.

I cried. I cried for joy, for the wonder, for the emotion of it all. To see this... this was beyond what I could imagine. If I knew what this year would be like, I would still do it again for all it's pain just to see and experience this one moment in time. When you know there has to be a God and life becomes all so worthwhile again.

Yes, I discovered that in that time. I live and my life is worth living to the fullest.


And if I get to see that by doing so, then damn it I will

IMG_0828 - 0840 - Random stuff like icicles and and frozen chair lifts

And The Falls.

0841 - 0842 - ICE!
0843 - 850 - More random shots, but as I think you might realise what I call random is what other call superb

0851 - Random Mandy
0852 - Buffalo and Amercian Falls
0853 - Horsedrawn carrige
0854 - Lights!
0855 - Niagara Tower
0856 - 858 - Concert "I'll shoot myself if I get married again!" of course had me laughing
0859 - More Falls.

Now by this time it was approaching midnight and yes it was COLD. Mandy's pants froze to the ground. My camera was having problems working. And my face was missing.

There was no countdown, but when there would be a countdown, we heard a noise behind us and this is what we saw...

0860, 861 - 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4 ! 3! 2!.....

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/USA/Toronto/IMG_0862.jpg - 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! F*&* YOU 2005!! I'm still standing and I'm still not beaten, tho you tried your best. I still got Stig and maybe I'm minus one wife, my life continues. I spit on your face 2005, good riddance!

My God, what a way to end a year this was.

IMG_0863 - 872 - More fireworks! What a way to START a year!
IMG0873 - 888 - Crowd scences walking back to the motel
IMG_08990 - 0894 More random stuff and looking out the hotel

And finally.... didnt get to sleep to 5 am. Unlike other sleepless nights in memories, I was thinking of the good times with Helen. Good thoughts. Happy thoughts. Times I was so glad she was my wife.

Im not sad or afraid of the life I hav in front of me now. I dont remember with sadness anymore, but with a smile and joy I got to do the things we did. Lying on my front after a long day while she massaged my back and the tension away. Being drunk after a party and forgetting how her bra worked.

But more than that, being next to her and remembering what it was liek to being loved.

I dont know if it was Mandy's presence that bought all of that on.... and if it was I'm eternally grateful. It truly is better to be loved once than never loved at all.

I'm so glad now my orginal plan went balls up and I came here. I can truly smile and know I've done so much in my life billions never will.

I've leapt over hills at 200kph in my rally car.

I've climbed mountains

I've loved and been loved.

I've blown apart Elmo

I've seen snow on Christmas

I've experienced fireworks over Niagara.

God's shown me He exists and has a purpose for me

I've fallen asleep with a woman who thinks highly of me in my arms.

I've got a Stig.

Why should I be sad and lonely? I'm Marcus and I can kick your butt.


Jan 3rd, 2006, 12:39:36 AM
Sadly, I missed Mark slipping on the ice, and we didn't get to go sledding because we were busying watching Mythbusters blow things up with rockets/ microwaves/huge guns. At least the crazy carpet is an "all-season" sled ;) :lol

We also didnt get a chance to toss an Elmo over the Falls, even though we found the perfect place to do it.

Mu Satach
Jan 3rd, 2006, 07:46:32 PM
Our car today turned out to be a mite better than the promised Oldsmobile Alero, which I am assured is a heap of garbage.

:lol My heap of garbage that is dead in a parking lot here is the precursor to the Alero, the Achieva. God I can't wait to get a new car... summer/fall 2007... The Mu will be cruising in something swank. :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 3rd, 2006, 10:30:23 PM
January 3rd

Got ten hours sleep today and up at 10am. Now, our mission today is find a decent cup of tea, which I am assured is possible in Toronto. I decided this could also be had with breakfast / lunch and that the most likely candidate for finding such was Tim Hortons, apparently a decent chain of coffee houses. Now, I know Americans sometimes say Starbucks is good, which I vehemently shout down, Starbucks is buckets of crap. Would Hortons be the same I wonder?

Anyway, got my cameras, got my shoes on, time for a walk in the cold and wind. Lets do this by pictures again, shall we?

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics as per usual, Toronto directory.

IMG_0944 - my room this time around
IMG_0945 to 955 - time elapse from my window
956 - Looking back down th road to the hotel. Bit of a ghetto here and I for one dont like the idea of walking about after night here.
957 - Up the street in the direction I wish to go
958 - 961 - Advertising via live screens. Very Tokyo and never seen like this by me. In fact it strikes me Toronto has quite an Asian population.
962 - 970 - Random shots as I walked and as you know random shots arent exactly random.
971 - .......

I have no words for that one. I fail to find anything else other than laughter

972 - Coming soon!
973 - Yes, in fact I am.
974, 975 - What?
976 - Random shot
977 - Someone explain this to me, apart from it's hilarious and I want it as my CT here?
978 - Ahhhh! What's this?

Now I will divert a bit here and say I did find a Tim Hortons. And I did have a cup of tea and a jam donut. AND I FOUND A DECENT CUP OF TEA! Oh joy a decent tea finally!

I'm in ruptures.

979,980 - Random again
981,982 - OKay, what's the story here?

Where I was now is the CN Tower, the single tallest free standing tower made by man in the world. And this was the view on a cold winter's day. Waste of time? NO!

The tower itself is interesting enough to be worth the visit. While I suppose you could find better info on it via the wonders of Google, It's over 500 meters tall, the top observation deck is 449 meters high, it weighs over 113000 ton and can withstand a 400 kph hurricane. It is as I said the worlds largest tower and has been for 30 years. The elevators are also windowed so you can watch your accent and the tower's interior. Bit creepy I guess.

983 to 987 - Glass floor. You know, not being able to see the ground is a bit scary. Seeing the ground just is relieving - but seemingly flying in clouds...? Creepy.

988 to 993 - Fun facts to read!

994,995 - Outside observation closed due to ice.

996 - 998 - Ugh. Not again
999 - the weirdest security scanners of all time. They blew air at you. No, I dont know why either.
1000,1001 - Looking back up
1002 - Base. Apparently they did this tower in a single long concrete pour that took 8 months by a moving mold.
1003 - 1010 - Random shots and my next destination....
1011 - Barman taking pictures.

Ahhh, barman? Yep. Were in a pub, or more precisely a microbrewery. This guy even lived in Australia for a bit.

1012 - Free beer at the Steam Whistle Brewery. And let me tell you, it's damn good stuff.... and free for visitors.

1013 - 1031 - Inside of tour. Dont ask me WTF, but I do remember it was pretty cool and well worth the visit. Apparently brewed to exacting standards with only four ingedients. Believe it do I? Well.... dunno but it's good stuff.

1032 - 1037 - Random again, Main Toronto station.


Can you tell why I love this shot?


And this one too?

1040, 1041 - Hi there
1042 - 1045 - Random again
1046 - Oh man, you got to be kidding me. Who the hell sleeps outside in Toronto except someone incredibly desperate? This one makes me sad. Here is what I think was a young guy, sleeping as people stepped over him and ignored as they rushed on, using a steam grate for warmth.

I wish I had a professional camera. It's a shot I need pro level to really bring it home how wrong this is.


Reflections and so is 1048


Oh man, this looks so incredible, the outdoor iceskating rink! Continued to 1054

1054 - And then it really was too dark to do anything more and besides.... some people coming ou were creeping me out.

Walked back to the hotel, defrosted in th bath, dinner with something healthy...

Oh, remind me to take pics of the games room here.

And then write. I like Toronto so far - tomorrow I'm going to the tourist traps. Probably not bringing my decent camera tho so the pics could be crap. Anyway.... till next time!

Jan 3rd, 2006, 10:41:49 PM
I must say, Marcus, I'm having a wonderful time reading all this. Glad to hear you're enjoying things.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 4th, 2006, 12:47:38 PM
Now, I know Americans sometimes say Starbucks is good

You've obviously never been to Oregon or Washington, or you'd know that this is the understatement of the century.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 4th, 2006, 02:59:14 PM
I don't know how it is in Oregon, but I have fond memories of walking through Seattle and passing Starbucks. And Tully's. And Seattle's Best Coffee. All on the same block, and on every block after that. And that doesn't count all the little cafes and random coffee shops thrown in the mix, either.

Jan 4th, 2006, 04:51:09 PM
Niagara is like, the Donut Capital of Ontario or something. We have a coffehouse (usually a Timmys) on nearly every corner :x But only one Starbucks in St Catharines, thankfully.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 4th, 2006, 07:17:24 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
I don't know how it is in Oregon, but I have fond memories of walking through Seattle and passing Starbucks. And Tully's. And Seattle's Best Coffee. All on the same block, and on every block after that. And that doesn't count all the little cafes and random coffee shops thrown in the mix, either.

Starbucks (across the street from a... Starbucks!), Seattle's Best Coffee, CoffeePeople, all the little espresso huts on the side of the road, Starbucks inside all the grocery stores and coffee places inside all the bookstores.

I swear the people of the Great Northwest have coffee in their veins.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 4th, 2006, 11:21:50 PM
I'd understand it if it was anything decent - Starbucks for instance is just plain undrinkable to me. Witness how amazed I am when I find a decent brew, I just dont get it. I rather like my tea too as you may have noted and frankly the tea blends here suck. Really, really suck.

Jan 4th

Up late again, put on shoes then then off into the rain that shrouded Toronto (and I add, it's bareably cold today) for a random explore. Well.. first things first, get a bloody umbrella as I dont have one. Frankly at home I barely need one but it seems not the case in Canada. Being in a place where rain initself is remarkable, I do enjoy it, but not when it's cold. Cold and wet clothing is about as much the suck as Audioslave's second album.

Sorta wish the weather was better. Women in 16 billion layers lose their shape and most here wear boots. And a lot of high heeled ones. I am a total sucker for that, high heeled boots are something I cant get enough of. Especially if they wrap around long legs and said legs go to a great backside. How can you judge legs when they are covered in 20 frikking coats?

At least inside, the coats come off and a single man like me can then die happy. Oh hellllo, we got some killer legs in Toronto. In tight pants usually too and high heeled boots. Eye candy!

Sounds like I'm some sort of dirty old man, right? Well.... I'm a nice guy really. There's people here who can swear to it now. But lets face it, I'm a nice guy who is also single. And when Miss Tan riding pants walks past with the heels and boots.... I'm going to look :)

When I get back to Sydney, I'll be a car obsessed maniac again - for now I'm on holiday

Now where was I going anyway? Not really sure, but I found my steps going to Jorda St which when I got my bearing and got a feel for it - appears to be like a red light district.

PIcs? Of course. But I was wise today and bought my cheaper digital camera I can pocket easily. Quality is therefore a long way below usual standards

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics of course, Toronto directory...

KIF_1544 - misreble day, but oddly quite plesant temperature wise. Man that feels odd to say that about 4C!!

KIF_1545 - Inside of the mall

KIF_1546 - Worlds largest bookstore they claim. Yeah right, just like dangly bits are the biggest in the world too. Says so on this piece of paper I got so no arguing.


KIF_1548 - What the hell I thought? What was this shrine doing on a dirty grimy streey?

KIF_1549 - And what was ths all about?!?!

So I had to ask these guys with picket signs because it was confusing me a lot. The story apparently is that a random 15 year old girl was doing shopping on Boxing Day and a Jamacian youth gang fight broke out across the street, with guns. She was shot and died. It appears that there some sort of community outrage as the shooter was out on the streets, even whilel he had 15(!) charges of assault and a large number of armed robbery being seen to by the courts. It seems there is a view that the judges are too lax on these gangs and this shooting has prompted a community outrage.

If the story is right, then I can see their point. What the hell was a guy like that doing on the streets with so many charges?
Look, guns as I found out in Alabama arent the problem, it's idiots on the wrong end that are. But I dont know the solution to that unfortunantly. Still, sad to see this in what seems to be a good place.

KIF_1550, 1551 - Oh. So umm..... X-Rated books stores and strip clubs in the open? Usually in Sydney, it's a small sign pointing to a stairway, evenin Kings Cross, the Sydney Red Light district. Used to be this way but sleeze's been pushed into the background in the main. Right here it's on display. Now, I did get curious - not being a huge purveyor of porn, Sydney X-Rated premesis in my limited experience are usally small, dim and kinda blech. Well, check small, dim and even MORE blech here. The 'videostore' I couldnt get out fast enough, the floors I reckon could give you a disease and not exactly anything appealing in there!

I personally dont like and never been impressed with strip clubs, but anyway being curious I had a look. Well lets say apart from women with stupidly enhanced breasts that looks so fake, there's nothing much I can say has changed of my opinion. Still a waste of time in Toronto too, if anything I think they are more stupid, boring and pointless now. No thanks, I dont like your bum on my lap when I didnt ask. Go back to school or home, your young enough to be my daughter. Yes I know that's the point of a strip club but.... okay, okay, I'm just not that type of guy. I'll be the first to admit fireplaces and red wine are more my style.

Ugh. That let me feeling disgusting and needing of a shower.

KIF_1552 - A hot dog stand! Been menaing to take a picture of one, you just dont see the sheer number of them in Sydney. Mainly because hotdog vendors dont exactly have the best of hotdogs and Aussies know it!

There are so many things in Canada and the USA like this that are now going or gone in Australia. I think it's a loss personally. Removes charater from the streets. It just again reminds me that Sydney feels and looks younger.

KIF_1553 - WHAT? Why hasnt these idiots been run out of town? It's a A-Class cult and openly advertising their presence?!?

I'm not sure what to think of that. I hope tho I never see another one in my life, these guys really are scum suckers who prey on people. I make no apology for being offensive on this issue, because it's best to tell the truth with this evil


Gah. Money wasted.

This diary entry isnt quite going to script so far, is it?

KIF_1555 - Pretty.

Well lets put the camera away now for frankly I'm regretting going this direction. It's a tourist trap and I dont like those. And I reminded myself why red light districts suck too.

But anyway, still wandering up the road, went into a mall for a bit and saw a place offering massage. Hmmm. A proper massage, not one with funny business... and much to my surprise, a Jamacian being the masseuer. Alomst as far from home as I was.

Oh Lord, I needed this. Stress.... leaving. Muscles... relaxing. Sleep... beginning. And one hour later, Marcus feels a hell of a lot better, some of the travel aches and pains now all nicely gone. Well worth it I say.

Now basically in the end today was pretty boring,and I got a lot of shopping and laundry done. Running out of underpants I was, so that was good to have that done. And while shopping.... well you know how I said I liked high heels? There was a shop on Jorge St with 'Dancing Shoes' aka FMB's, which had a range and variety I aint ever seen before. If one of the women who are now stalking me want to get a sure fire hot night, shop there for footwear.

Jan 5th, 2006, 08:21:54 AM
I can't remember the last time I posted on this site, but I pop in now and then for a read on whats what. I started reading your diary entries and I feel I should say something.

Mark, your entries are incredibly well written and extreamly enjoyable. I don't know what happened between you and Helen, but a lot of your feelings and emotions seem very similar to the way im feeling right now. Im still with my girlfriend but I really have been through hell and back with her, and I feel very lost and alone right now. Where my life seemed settled and as if I were achieving the things I wanted to in life, I just feel I have no place anymore.

I find reading your entries and viewing the pictures very inspiring and its written in such a way that everyone reading feels they are traveling with you.


Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 5th, 2006, 09:43:19 AM

Lucianus Adair
Jan 6th, 2006, 01:02:04 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Starbucks (across the street from a... Starbucks!), Seattle's Best Coffee, CoffeePeople, all the little espresso huts on the side of the road, Starbucks inside all the grocery stores and coffee places inside all the bookstores.

I swear the people of the Great Northwest have coffee in their veins.

There's a Starbucks less than half a block from another Starbucks in downtown Victoria. They took over the bloody italian coffee shop, damn them! And now there's a drive-through Starbucks going in across the street from Mayfair Mall...where (you guessed it) there's another Starbucks.

And I thought the four main entrances at the Driftwood Mall in Nanaimo was confusing (because it made me think there were two Wal-Marts in that mall. But there's only one.)

Marcus, that place with the shoes you saw...well, that sounds like a place that a dear friend of mine and myself would die and go to....heaven? That girl is always out for a killer set of footwear, and I couldn't agree more with her. What was the name of that place again? *lol*

Jan 6th, 2006, 03:10:50 PM
I read an article online not too long ago saying that the coffee fanatics in the NW are going 10 and 20 miles out of their way, and sometimes even more, to get Starbucks in the morning on the way to work. People are getting up an hour earlier and putting hundreds or thousands of extra miles on their cars annually to get their fix in the morning. That's patently ridiculous and insane. Those people need help - big time.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 6th, 2006, 04:21:54 PM
Starbucks isn't super-sucessful here because we already have tons of coffee here and most of it is better and all of it is cheaper.

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 7th, 2006, 03:01:54 AM
Originally posted by Jaime Tomahawk
January 3rd

Now I will divert a bit here and say I did find a Tim Hortons. And I did have a cup of tea and a jam donut. AND I FOUND A DECENT CUP OF TEA! Oh joy a decent tea finally!

I am so happy you got to experience Tims. It's like the tricuspid valve of our red-and-white hearts. Long live the honey cruller!

Lady Vader
Jan 7th, 2006, 03:03:45 PM
Not to interupt the diary...

If anyone sees Marcus onlne, or if you, Marcus, see this next time you make an entry (hopefully before you fly out here to LA), please PM me what hotel you will be staying at and a number i can reach you at. (I know you gave me a number in an email, but I wasn't sure if that was a cell you'd have with you on hand or not.)

I will be PMing my cell you your Jaime Tomahawk account.

Looking forward to seeing you! :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 7th, 2006, 07:49:13 PM
Why didn't you try calling the number he gave you to find out? :p

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 7th, 2006, 11:53:57 PM
Jan 7.

Well. No update for a few days and I am afraid you'll have to wait a day longer. I'm somewhere I never expected to be and didnt plan on. Basically I'm somewhere a good way out of my way in Indiana and.... I'm having a great time.

It's a bit of a story and I need to write it right.

Sanis Prent
Jan 8th, 2006, 03:27:03 AM

We're not much different, you and I. I think that was the best part of you coming here. We're both hobbyists to the core, and we both throw a lot of our money and energy into what we do. I was truly blessed to spend time with you and I hope you make it back again.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 8th, 2006, 08:25:18 PM
Jan 5th

To most, the next two days would be pretty boring. I suppose this is true – in reality I didn’t do too much that could be written about. I don’t have any weird observations, as I suspect Canada isn’t in all reality all that weird to an Aussie. I did have a walk about, do some shopping and acted more like a tourist than a wide eyed permantly shocked alien – and I did get an unexpected invitation. I will go into that a bit more later.

I think it’s good thing that I am writing this and taking a mass of pictures, it helps me remember. When I skim through this missive and as wel he pictures, I remember things that bring a grin to my face and also, it prompts more memory and more storis – otherwise things would eventually go dim and I would forget. How sad would that be? And bringing this to be read to the world, it also reaches out and touches people in unexpected ways, which also brings a smile to my face. People commenting on this makes it all worthwhile – and if it prompts discussion, then isn’t that a good thing?

So anyway, back on track for a bit.

I’m meeting SA Goons today, not quite as many as we had hoped, but a few. Toilet Duck and Filthy Luker. Toilet Duck is a car journalist, Luker is what you might call a ‘Wheeler’, or a hard core offroad driver. He’s the type of guy 4WD’s are made for, he goes places in his Pathfinder you can hardly imagine.

Duck’s slated to pick me up about 3, which he does – and frankly, I’m very surprised to see how young he is. You would never really pick it from his writing’s, nor from how he acts and presents himself. Professional is how I would put it, a real car geek who knows minute details that would surprise you about all sorts of different models. And of course being hard core car nut and racer too, you can juuuust imagine the type of mind blowingly boring conversation we’re onto immediately. Boring for you, not for us – And he does know his stuff. He’s rolled up in a new Acura CSX, which is better known as a Civic. And of course, pictures!


Go to Toronto

IMG_1055 – Our car for today’s journey. I’ll review it as I go and while I know Duck probably could write this better, he cant be as directly scathing as I can. The fact of the matter is while motoring journalists should be blunt, they cant be as car companies have a lot of power. Rip the crap out of a car, your going to get a few problems in revenge, like a steering wheel left in your bed. Detroit Mafia is not a good thing to offend if you want a long and successful career driving someone else’s cars, except if your Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear, who has a Mafia of his own and can destroy a car sales with a few well chosen words, do Nazi salutes and be a complete twat on TV – the BBC allows him to be beholden to no one. And he gets away with it as he’s hilarious and one of the best trolls on the planet.

Duck’s first job for today is to escort me around Toronto, show off it and show me more of this quite pretty place. Let’s see what I took pictures off….

IMG _1056 – OMG, this is the first time I’ve been able to see the whole CN Tower! Usually the mist cuts off the top and sometimes even the bottom.
1057 – Squirrel decided to play in traffic. With some skill too, it is not a squirrel pancake.

Which goes well with maple syrup. But then again, maple syrup is the sort of thing that goes well with anything – it could make horse manure taste palatable. McDonalds may be pushing it a bit I suppose…..

1058 – Big. Seriously big

1059 – 1064 – I love the architecture of Toronto. All these glass building make wonderfully phtogenic subjects. Reflections, the shapes, shadows make for good pictures if you like that sort of thing. Now, I’m not saying you have to be some sort of ultra nerd, but I suppose for most people who have what they vaguely call ‘a life’ it might be. If you ask me tho, ‘life is all about experiencing and noticing these things for yourself, to appreciate and to maybe aspire.

You know, I think I may have discovered and worked out ‘Art’. Next I suppose is personal hygiene….

1065 – Ahhh yes, our Honda. Nice leather seats, nice dash design except for that godawful instrument clusterf---. I hate BS like that, it never lasts and cost a crapton to repair – and it’s not even a decent design to read whem your driving. Controls are good tho, that I will give. The plastics they use… where did they get them? I suspect a similarity to McDonalds cheese. I bet it would taste better with a hamburger, tho the McDonalds cheese feels firmer and would last longer.

1066-1067 – Ontario State parliament I think and a statue of the first Prime Minister I believe.

1068-1073 – The Univeristy Toilet Duck goes to. No hot university women spied.

1074 – Well, it looks weird to have that in amongst the skyscrapers

1075, 1076 – It’s a peacock. Seriously.

1077,1078 – supposed to look like a crystal growing on the building when finished. Right now, looks like….. something I cant find something funny to compare it to.

1079-1082 – random Downtown sho, with a really neat building that turned out well. Called I think the Rust Tower?

1083-1085 – Lake Ontario! Did you know this was in fact the first time I had seen it? The mist and rain was so bad for the first few days I could hardly see the beach when I went to it, let alone water. I’ve never seen a body of inland water you cant see the end of.

1086 – Ford plant. Makes Freestyles, which looks a lot like a Ford Territory we have in Australia. But unlike the Territory, the Freestyle is a heap of crap. Driving a Australian Falcon and it’s derivates would tell you exactly how ripped off you guys are. Ford and GM build decent cars…. Overseas. Demand them at home.

1087 – And at the place of eating, we have Filty Luker on the left and Toilet Duck on the right. Few notes – I had a Budweiser here. I almost threw up, damn how could anyone drink that cat pee? Is it actually worse than Fosters?!? Also the lads got to see the accent in action – nice waitress and even Miss Hard Face bitch are well….too easy mate. Sure I’m not like a hunky spunk, but the voice is just a sure fire weapon.

I know I’m going on about it, but frankly, I’ve never thought of myself as a ladies man and genuinely attractive. This is certainly a strange twist in life for it to be sooo easy. And I suppose you could now retort, has it got me laid?

If I really wanted to, yes. I’m sort of the kind that doesn’t like one night stands tho. This I know for a fact, when women say ‘Take me!’ I’ declining.

I got to be mad. Or gay. Or both.

Anyway, after dinner, w’re off to Starbucks (Hmmm. Ummm…. Better than expected, not as good as desired) and then back to the hotel. Now, I’ll throw in a few more comments about the Honda. It drives okay, bit gutless. What I noticed tho it’s high speed damping is totally wrong. Going over bumps while cornering shows it’s limitations as the car unsettles, needs far better control. Rides well. Brakes good. As a runabout and freeway cruiser, it’s good, even if it’s geared too short for a genuine long distance driver. Styling is bland I guess, but even how but some designs can be, that’s not too much of a bad thing. Want sporting, look elsewhere. I suppose ricers will put fart cans on them and crappy 20” spinnas with cut springs for the Full Sik look.

Full Sik? More like I’m going to be sick if I see idiots like that about. Usually with music too loud and a bizarre collective failure to wear hats correctly.

Jan 6th

Today, I’m driving back from Toronto and to Indiana, to my unexpected stopover. First things first tho, I’m having a breakfast stop near Toronto to meet up with the Boomtish man himself, Vertigo. Boomtish, you ask, what the hell?

Vertigo is a wee bit of a dance club addict. Boomtish refers to the music usually played. I hate explaining jokes, they never are funny if you have to do that 

Of course I have the option not to say the joke in the first place, you might point out. This is true of course but I’m telling the story, not you. I’ll do bad jokes if I want. Thinking of bad jokes (See the clever link?) the next set of pictures refer to the rental car. Now, Vertigo turns out to be a rather pleasant if a bit hyper person, with the perfect pimp mobile – I could see Vertigo as a pimp. He’s got the attitude for one. The obvious problem is that he isn’t black, but since when does that stop anyone? After some tea and donuts, it’s back into the outside to drive.

Now, while so far the weather hasn’t really gotten cold for North America, it’s seriously cold for me. Home has been in the 40C range, while here I’ve had my taste of sub zero daylight. Still, even when snowing it’s not gotten below -3C and even the day before we had 4C. The coldest I have ever been in is -5 at Yass. Well, you see I discovered something today – that’s nothing. Today Toronto put on -10C, clear as a bell, and a wind chill of -16C. And I have to say I am well aware hot air can be uncomfortable – I have never realised cold can hurt. My hands were in pain, my face felt like it was being beaten. Each breath cut into the lungs, the wind was like a front on assault. Simply put, this was insane. My God, how do people live in places that get like this? Sure I suppose when I’m kicking it back in 42C, others could ask the same of heat lovers. But still, this is ridiculos. And I am quite well aware it gets worse. I’m sorta glad I’m not going to be around for it.

Cruising at 130kph is great. Being overtaken by highway patrol is better. Light traffic, good roads, bit of ice but nothing to be concerning. On with the iPod and point my way initially west towards the border at Scarpi. I was fully enjoying myself with this cruise, making great time and the cloud front becoming more visible didn’t bother. Turn onto the 402 for the border to avoid Windsor and Detroit, this tracks north and about half an hour later I realise this was a bad idea…. -11C is ugly and as well so is a snow storm.

This is what I feared. Driving in older snow when there’s salt down, roads ploughed is one thing. Driving when it’s coming down fresh and plenty of it is another.

Even as the fields, houses and trees gain a coat of beauty, the road becomes white as well, the tracks of cars and trucks pronounced. iPod off, full alert. Feel the car, feel what it’s doing, feel what happens with various inputs, test brakes, raise the speed when I’m feeling more confident – and you know what? I found out something. When your racing on dirt, you learn how to read a road, to predict the grip and what the car will do on it. It’s no different on snow – you read the colours, learn when it’s slush and when it’s crisp or ice. Judging when you can go and when you need to back off. It’s a good skill road reading and one that I find has surprising effectiveness – I’m doing 120kph without a problem. Tell me a week ago I’d be doing that and I would have laughed in derision. Sure, being a racer gives me a bit of a head start in these things but still.

Getting towards the border and my bladder decides it’s time to say hello and cause discomfort. The snow is left, it’s now sunshine, bitterly cold of course outside and with only 7 km and no other exits before the USA, best time is now to jump off and do something before my bladder explodes.

My last experience of Canada for now was not pleasant. Not only the park that clearly indicated there was restrooms had them all closed, it was right next to a lake. A foully cold wind was screaming off it, if I thought Toronto was bad, this was worse. The spray was freezing as it was blown upwards! Good Lord, if I was forced to use a tree, what would happen? My privates get frozen to the ground, joined by a golden arch? Thankfully that option didn’t eventuate, nor did my bladder cause a Marcus detonation – there was one restroom open. It was heated.

Partially forgiven Canada. The novelty of a public restroom heated delightfully does that for you.

But you lose point for yet another lunatic and frustrating for me set of taps and toilets to learn how to use.

Toilets. Right. How the hell can something as a bog be so damn difficult to get used to?

If there is one thing I find bizarre is the bathrooms. You see, I suppose the average toilet in Australia has commonness and you can walk on, use the taps, flush and walk out without too much of a hassle. And if it’s a wee bit different, least you can work things out quickly. So ummm…. When I first saw a USA toilet, I was surprised, it was full of water. Being as this is a sign it is broken, I moved to the next cubicle and to my dismay see it too was full. Surely the third bowl was fine…? Well no, it was full too. Every damn toilet in the airport had water in them! What on earth was I supposed to do? You cant go to the thunderbox, unload airline food into a basin full of water, your bum would get wet and wouldn’t it float like some sort of defecate soup? Panicing, I ask the first guy I could see what the deal was. He looked at me like I was stupid, which after an International flight I think you tend to be. Deep Thought is not easy when your exhausted and right now thinking about toilets was not what I wanted to do, especially when it felt like I could fill the bowl. Second guy was much more helpful, explaining this was normal.

Oh. Didn’t I feel like an idiot. And much to my surprise the toilets can deal with the worst I could deal out without requiring a stick to help it all down. I’ve also worked out why USA dispensers encourage minimal paper use, while the Throne can handle something that should be lowered by a crane to avoid bowl damage, toilet paper can block them. And when your just filled it to the consistency of brown mud, this is not good.

What I cant work out why your backside doesn’t get splashed in the process. The far lesser amount of shallow water in Australia can really wet your bum if it’s receiving something big enough, yet not here. This needs pondering.

Also what needs pondering is that when your finished and the toilet has somehow not spewed up the foulness you have put into it, you need to work out how it flushes. Automatic is scary, then there’s levers and tiny buttons in sometimes seemingly random places. When you got that sussed, the water spins down so that the floater spins like a tree in a whirlpool before disappearing forever from your sight. And sometimes stands up like a ship sinking.

Okay when your finished sinking the Titanic, then there’s the facet to work out. Frankly when you don’t see taps your like wondering how the hell you can wash, you think this is a trick, the real taps are elsewhere or it’s controlled by Gremlins. So yes, this too I had to ask about and yet again suffer the indignity of either “Yo moron’ or “Your one of them Eooorpeans, right?”. Well, it seems all you need to do is wave your hands under the taps and the gremlins or goblins or whatever is in control lets warm water out. Right, that’s fine I can sorta handle that – but then when your out of the public restrooms, it’s rafferty’s rules on what to expect. Lift, twist, turn, pray to Buddha, Chicken Tap Dancing, feed it a small dog – you name it, it’s there in the USA. I’ve learned to try any combination and then not be afraid to ask if it defeats me, which a few sets have. Unbelieveable. You would think plumbing was fairly standard, but nope, I’ve seen taps that I’m sure see me coming and refuse to work.

But anyway, while that’s amusing it’s not getting me over the border. Nor is it getting me warm and I can tell you trying to take a bunch of pictures by the lake was not easy.

IMG_1088,1089 – Frozen car
IMG_1090 – 1097 – Lake shots where you can see in some my camera was beginning to freeze and stop working. Not only that, but this is a lake, right? Then who put that huge ship in there? And how could a bird live in this place?
1098 to 1101 – Frozen pond. Very frozen.

So anyway, cross the border and deny I’m a drug smuggler, coming in for immoral purposes, for criminal activity or terrorism, then I’m in Michigan. I was told to avoid Detroit as it’s roads are supposed to be rotten – now that many be true but you know the USA side was remarkably amounting to crap to. So startling the difference between the nice Canada freeway, then onto potholed mess. And it went for some distance too, before reverting to what I’ve come to expect otherwise.

Michigan drivers? Ehhh…. No comment.

What I will comment is that several towns I did pass through are in a sorry state. Flint is one that sticks to mind, it’s falling to pieces from what I could see. Eventually my westward travel becomes South about 100 km from Flint, then it’s the dash to Indiana and final stop. And yes, I must say when you cross State lines, the differences are pretty plain for someone looking and so too are the drivers. And the trucks. Oh yes, the trucks are markedly different between say North Michigan / Canada and Indiana. You see 18 wheeler’s in Indiana and lot of the standard dual axle flimsy looking trailers that wouldn’t I think pass muster with RTA in Australia. But the Canadian have all sorts of configurations and very few of the dual axles, there’s like 40 wheelers with 6 axles on the trailer. I can think of a few reasons this could be so, but I have no real answer.

And you know, being passed by a truck doing well over 140kph is not exactly good too. Especially as the GrandAm sucks in crosswinds. As I’m winding south, I also try another McDonalds, where the next surprise awaits me – not only was this time it was edible, I was turfed out, not allowed to eat in. Because, believe it or not, I had only socks on and an ‘innapropriate T-Shirt’. Right, you know no one in Australia gives a rip if someone walking into a McDonalds with socks and no shoes and you cold have the most offensive shirt known and no one would bat an eyelid. But okay, someone thinks socks aren’t appropriate in a high class establishment like McDonalds that I can accept sorta. But a Sluggy Freelance ‘Fear the Minilop’ shirt is wrong? What, it has a comic bunny with a switchblade, what is so offensive about that? It’s not like I had my Cat Terrist motorsport shirt which I probably fortunately left in Australia nor something really wrong like Vote 1 for Dan Quayle. Yeesh.

Indiana. Nice place really I think all things summed up and I add the T-Shirt thing happened in Michigan, which pretty much seals my opinion of it. And after last stop where I battled a pay phone for some time to get it to work...

Oh, payphones. Bit of a problem I had there. Lets tell that so you can laugh at that too.

... Later... I got a few things to do now :)

Jan 8th, 2006, 10:01:27 PM
I know I’m going on about it, but frankly, I’ve never thought of myself as a ladies man and genuinely attractive. This is certainly a strange twist in life for it to be sooo easy. And I suppose you could now retort, has it got me laid?

If I really wanted to, yes. I’m sort of the kind that doesn’t like one night stands tho. This I know for a fact, when women say ‘Take me!’ I’ declining.

I got to be mad. Or gay. Or both.

As your New Years date, I have to say, yes, you ARE a ladies man. And by that, I mean you're a gentleman, which is a great thing. It's not just the accent, trust me.

And, as for the gay comment...I have some great AIM logs that I should post right about now :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2006, 12:29:53 AM

What on earth would possess you to walk around in only SOCKS into a McDonalds?! Don't you know you get better protection from hypodermic needles when you wear thick soled shoes!?

*shakes head unbelievingly* Now, I don't understand them not serving you, but I DO understand them being flabbergasted by you.

Jan 9th, 2006, 05:25:31 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville

What on earth would possess you to walk around in only SOCKS into a McDonalds?! Don't you know you get better protection from hypodermic needles when you wear thick soled shoes!?

*shakes head unbelievingly* Now, I don't understand them not serving you, but I DO understand them being flabbergasted by you.

Perhaps they were getting complaints that the cheese was off or something?

I wouldnt walk anywhere in just socks though, thats just wierd! The t-shirt causing a problem is a bit of a shock though.

btw, hello Holly!

Morgan Evanar
Jan 9th, 2006, 06:26:06 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville

What on earth would possess you to walk around in only SOCKS into a McDonalds?! Don't you know you get better protection from hypodermic needles when you wear thick soled shoes!?

*shakes head unbelievingly* Now, I don't understand them not serving you, but I DO understand them being flabbergasted by you. Because you don't want to put on shoes.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 9th, 2006, 07:28:54 AM
I won't step foot inside McDonalds, even with shoes on.

Jan 9th, 2006, 08:58:37 AM
"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" :p? Or do they not have those signs in America?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2006, 12:54:46 PM
They do. :) Mark just can't read American. ;)

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 9th, 2006, 05:50:27 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville

What on earth would possess you to walk around in only SOCKS into a McDonalds?! Don't you know you get better protection from hypodermic needles when you wear thick soled shoes!?

*shakes head unbelievingly* Now, I don't understand them not serving you, but I DO understand them being flabbergasted by you.

That's what looking where your going comes into it :D

But no seriously, Chris knows I tend to be shoeless when I'm relaxed. And it's not a issue in Australia and for the life of me I cant work out why it's an issue here. I think I have to put to one of those things I wont be able to work out, which there is a lot of. There's a lot of rules and customs I've tripped over that just dont make sense. Then again if any of you make it out to Australia, you'll likely find we're pretty bizarre too.

Well, where am I? I think i should get this diary up to date as I wont have a lot of time in to do that coming up. Seems like I have a few days where I just wont stop.

Now, I did say I would describe the phone box fight, but right now I dont think I feel like it, as I have I think the words to write about the rest of my stay in Indiana. I've been considering this as a few things struck home and.... well.... the circumstances of why I chose Indiana to go to I might reveal now tho I think it would be right if I leave some details out or names.

I was originally going to Indiana because there was a woman there who helped me out a lot when the seperation happened. She helped me when days were seeming dark, I shared my heart and told her what I felt. Naturally I guess that when I decided that the USA trip should be done, she would form the major part of one of the legs. I think I fell in love again, although today I'm not sure I can say it was real, more of an infatuation. I think when your heart broken and looking for something to cling onto to help convince you life is worth living, you'll grab hold of anything. When your like that, this is a dangerous time of life where you do things that aint healthy and I think I did too. Stig, her and motor racing made me cling to life tho, especially Stig as he needs me and I realised that. I knew I needed to do things, so that was racign and I tell you that in the last few months, I've done better than I ever have, I now can and do win events outright. And she gave me hope for the future.

Well, a month before the trip as I've mentioned to a few of you, a few things happened and the plans were wrecked and I had to dance fast to salavge it.

Salvage I did and I think in reality that I had a far better adventure than I would have had - and I think that in a lot of ways it was better I did the road trip as I looked into myself and went looking for Marcus. Finding out about myself is something you can see if you read this fully is what's happening and it's happening with the day to day events that prompt thoughts, emotions and memories.

Oh brother I can't, I can't get through
I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you

Now, i will make this clear. Do NOT ask me for any other details other than what I provide. I will also NOT talk about this part of the trip, unlike other times when I have gone a bit further offline with details, I will not do so i this case.

You might see why after I finish.

A few days ago I got a big surprise when she AIM'ed me and said she had been reading my diary, felt bad how we ended and asked if I would consider coming and staying for a few days anyway. Not really knowing why, I accepted and thence when I was drinving back, I turned off US 69 and went west - not just a slight bit off the beaten track, but a hell of a long way. Right into the genuine heartland of the USA, the type of place tourists never go as it's pure farming community. We're into the cornbelt and I suspect the Bible Belt too, given you can have a community of several hundred and four large churches, each that would swallow the population of that town whole.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics - Toronto and then lets go from there.

IMG_1102-1111 - I love places like this. In a lot of ways, tho I come fromt he city, I have the country at heart. I love open spaces, I love the loniness, I love how everything feels well spaced, quiet and unhurried. I would love to move to a place like this, grow wheat and have sheep, with a dozen or so cats, a garage for the cars and I could be happy. Even if it was a holiday place, I'd love it. Of course I could do without 105, where some moron ina van tried a highly dangerous pass and nearly had a head on.

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done

I think I know why I like X&Y from Coldplay, when they are just a whiny E/N band. You know how you now and then hit a song that matches where you at in life? Look at me, the first verse is much like I was coming out here, now of course I'm doing things I never dreamed of, watching, studying and being something I never thought I would be.

As dusk decended, I arrived at somewhere I definatly didnt expect. I was in what you would say was a ghetto, a seriously poor place where the cars are on blocks and not working, unemployed hang about and police patrol. You lock your doors at night and only lunatics like me would venture outside. And you know, I would because.... I am insane. I'm Australian, right? I wrestle crocodiles, I drive rally cars, I know no fear. Some people seriously believe that last bit, but I can say I do know it and that's why I'll take it on. This whole trip into the unknown should be be scary for most, but for me... I'm taking it on and challenging myself and putting myself out of my comfort zones. And so yes, when I'm at her door I could be scared to think what might happen but it's the new Marcus here.

But. I didnt know that.

While you can read how I've explored not just America but myself, you can see that there was a point where I would wake up to it. The reason I've been discovering myself is that I'm truly not the same person I was a year ago, I've grown, changed and the old Marcus is what I thought I would be looking at. It's not just saying words either, I'm coming to recognise the truth and if I was to jump ahead of myself, I would show you the exact point it became clear. But everything in it's place and each part of a story should be told correctly.

She has twin girls, who are incredibly camera shy, which is a pity I think. Much taller than I expected too.

It must have been the fact I was exhausted from 960 km of driving, but I was highly talkative, which sometimes if you believe it, I'm not. And at my entertaining best with like the bathroom story. Now I have to say that it's one thing to read what I say, but I've noted that I coe off radically different in person. On paper, I'm... I dunno, a bit aggressive, nasty and spiteful? But in person the same words mixed with my body language comes off completely different and in fact it seems I'm just a nice guy who is wide eyed in wonder at the world around him and a big kid at heart.

And I am.

I feel the thrill now of just touching a surface, feeling the texture, experiencing tastes, sounds, sights as if everything is new to me.

If the future has this continued thrill of life, then I'm taking that with glee.

Now I could write a lot of the things I saw on the next two days but that I think needs a different tie but I will post the pics. I think full explaination is for later. I think a guided picture tour great, but it needs me to be in the right mood. So, I promise I'll jump back to it.

But the pics are IMG_1113 to 1193

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me

It's not that I knew there was somethng missing, but when I look back, I know there was. Funny how hindsight works, right? Talking to the twins, or being escorted by her around this area was an experience and one I'm going to be thinking of for a while. But wether walking down a country lane or skimming stones over a river, I know female comapn is that thing I've lacked lately and yet, with her and Mandy's help I feeling like I'm now moving on beyond that, where I can be strong enough to walk where I need to go and if my life keeps me single from here on in, so be it. And I may well need to be strong enough to do that, but that strength is there and I can do it.

But I will remember how much I enjoyed it but have no regrets if it's not for me from now on.

From a kiss at midnight to talking life and cats while trying to reach the other bank with a skipped stone, I can smile about it and not be sad it's slipping by.

But more than anything, it's finding out that Marcus not just a nice guy, tha Marcus isnt just got an awesome voice and accent, it's fter watching A New ope and she's gone to bed, I'm on the couch, thinking about life and how things have turned out much better than what I think the original plan would have had.

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or a write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
Do something that's never been done

Thinking on how that I've come here and instead of a lover like I might have hoped, I've actually spent the time to see who she really is, as a person and she can see me, not as whatever I would have tried to pretend to be, but as Marcus, as I truly am.

We're better friends for it and believe me, this Marcus isnt going to try anything further. Why would I? Is sex that great at the cost of shallowness?

So you don't know were you're going, and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk

I've found talking is such a great thing. It's healer, it tells us about ourselves. But when the talk is over and your by yourself, what is there?

There's only you in the dark, only you. And this is where I get to the whole point of this story.

I went to the bathroom, eventually turning off the main light and then adjusting to the dim night light glow as I washed my hands. As my eyes adjusted, I could see myself in the mirror, seeing that face that I had seen for 36 years stare back. It's more lined than it used to be, it's older and darker. It's unshaven too, the eyes are staring back at me, seeing every bit of detail. A straggly Aussie a long way from home it was, tired and wanting to start moving back towards home.

But the eyes didnt look away as it have so many times before, wishing it was something else staring back, a different face. Just in that light at that time and that place, the eyes locked on somethign new and unexpected.

This wasnt the Marcus I knew. This Marcus was handsome.

This Marcus was the type of guy I would want to know.

This Marcus was exactly the type that others would want to know.

Deeply surprised, I looked back to see if this was an abberation or the smoke would clear, or the universe would realign.

No. The man in the mirror didnt change. He had already changed well any truly before that and here he was, a moment in time when he was actually what he always wanted to be.

You see, in my dreams I am incredibly handsome and attractive, I am funny and friendly, I am nice, I am a action oriented person. And when you get your heart broken this self image is as far away as possible.

Agh, this isnt coming out right I think, but there you are anyway. My real name is Mark, but Marcus is what I call myself and introduce myself to others now. Mark's gone, I understand that now. Marcus is who I am and Marcus is exactly what I want to be. How long has Marcus been there, wating for a chance to come out? How long has he been developing and was it only the grief of 2005 that allowed him to finally break through?

And why was it in a small bathroom in Indiana, that he chose that time to show what others are seeing to himself?

I like Marcus. Marcus is cool, he's handsome, he's thoughtful, honest, active and loves life.

Next day leaving and heading on the painful flight to Los Angeles, Marcus sits in a plane 30,000 feet above the ground, looking out the window, seeing his own reflection. He looks into the cabin, a pretty young thing glances his way. Marcus smiles, she stares and then shyly smiles in return. Marcus picks up his iPod, wondering how this ever happened, how did come about? Then he decides to strike up a converstation and not think about it, but enjoy the moment.

I think tho that if it wasnt for where I have been, seen and been with, I would never have realised Marcus existed. I know now Marcus was starting to assert himself for some time, in Alabama he really began to come to the fore, the old Mark tried to come back in Miami, but Marcus won out in Canada thanks to Mandy.

And due to an unexpected diversion which I am now eternally gateful for, Marcus showed himself to me. And showed Marcus IS me.

I cant ask for more than this from the USA - so to her, I thank for that moment in time when I looked in the mirror and saw what others see.

I'll get back to a less E/N post tomorrow.

I can take a picture of something I see
In the future where will I be?
I can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done

Morgan Evanar
Jan 9th, 2006, 11:27:44 PM
PFfft you have to shave about a third as much as I do. I wait 24 hours and I'm a black orangutang. Oook ook.

Jan 10th, 2006, 11:03:55 AM
but Marcus won out in Canada thanks to Mandy.

There's a lot of stuff I could say about your visit with me, Mark, but I'm pretty sure I've said it all to you already. New Years was probably the best time I've ever had, I'm never going to forget it and it's all because I got to spend it with a great guy like you. I still don't know what I did to have such an impact on you, but I'm happy that I had a chance to spend time with you, even if it was only a day or so. :hug

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 14th, 2006, 04:50:14 PM
I know I'm behind a few days, but frankly I'm having a great time and have had NO time to update until now.

Now, where was I before the E/N divert?

Ahh, that’s right. Payphones. Now I think you get the hint I have a few issues with simple stuff in the USA and figuring out a payphone is no exception. Firstly, you DON’T put the money in first like in Australia. And the dialing of numbers seem to be random. And again, the failing of USA taps come into play as different phones and different phone companies are different in how to dial and how to use. Bloody hell, what’s wrong with put the money in, dial and be connected?

And don’t get me started on finding coins the machines use. Or the absurdity of a 10 cent piece being so small it could disappear into thin air. And a five cent piece being quite a bit larger. And a the plethora of 1’s and 2’s to sift through to FIND the change to use the phone. Given that almost everything uses a credit card, why not pay phones?

So yeah. I gave up in the end, retreated, to think how to ambush these unhelpful monsters into submission later. And got back driving, trying to beat the snow that was threatening plus as well to get this drive over and done with. And hopefully not get lost.

Now, pictures, lets fully explain them this time. – http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics again and then Toronto directory.

IMG_1102-1104 is pretty farmyard stuff and the endless corfields.
IMG_1105 – Oh God. This guy took a big chance and nearly got himself killed – check out what is juuussst visible in front of the truck. I have to say that witnessing a head on is NOT something I wanted to do in the USA.
1106-1111 – More Indiana farm stuff with a service station that caught my attention as it had a half dozen US flags in front of it. Why? I dint know. I a land of patriotism, even that seems truly excessive.

So with another (successful) fight with a payphone that had it screaming for mercy after I ‘suggested’ it should work under threat of a cricket bat, I arrive at the stopover.


Much to my shocked amazement, I reached my place of lodging for the next few days with only confusion over the correct apartment number

I was in a ghetto. No seriously, even with the old cars on blocks. Surprisingly clean apartments, but you know you can see the poverty here oh so easily. Now I know a lot of people are nervous of poorer areas, but frankly I can handle myself and in a lot of ways I get on well with people like this, tho I have to say my host isn’t the typical dweller here by a long shot. Her story I think she should tell one day, but what I will hint at that she had hit problems with relatives screwing her over and here she was. Her and her twins, which in IMG_1112 you can see they are shy. Pity, very nice young ladies.

I think I tell stories better when I’m feeling exhausted or maybe I had a captive audience. But they pretty much convinced me to tell the trouble of toilets story, so if you liked that, thank them. Most unfortunately the twins had to go elsewhere, so after a few hours transport, a bit of a tour and a supermarket raid to get tea – and found out about self checkout, which goes around the problems of inattentive checkout operators and even lining up. You know, this could work in Australia, can we have it too please?

Oh, and the roads here might be straight, but with the undulations I could see myself getting some serious distance airborne in the rally car. A lot. Also, ever seen literally thousands of truck trailers all lined up? Back from dropping the twins off, we passed the place that makes the average trailer of a Semi in the States. Wait, average isn’t the right word – the trailers of Semis are so uniform in the USA, it’s a WTF all on it’s own. I’m not certain they would be accepted in Australia, but I cant count the number of trucks with Wabash trailers toiling up and down USA highways. Only in Canada did they disappear to the huge variety I’m more used to, then reappear as I drove through Michigan. While I’m on that subject, Canada’s trailers have like anything up to 6 axles, a bewildering variety of layouts and configurations as well as smaller version of the infamous B-Double, a road going monster very familiar on Australian roads. Basically think a semi towing two 40’ trailers, so the whole rig is sometimes over 100’ long. They are monsters in name and reality and you need the jet blast of one of my turbo cars to pass one with safety.

Now, if you think a B-Double sounds like a road going bad idea, there’s the unique Road Train in the Outback of Australia. Yes, it’s exactly what it says, a road going train of a brutally powerful truck with a row of anything up to 5 trailers, although 3 is the norm, travelling at up to 160 kph on the speed de-restricted roads of Northern Australia. I’m rather glad Road Trains aren’t allowed anywhere near cities.

Back to the base of operations, dinner, then movie watching, then bed.

I don’t think a couch ever made me sleep so well – that and I was dead tired.

Jan 7th

How good is it to chat and talk over breakfast with a friend?

Today didn’t really have much in store, but taking back Charlie the Rental was first off the blocks. Somehow don’t get lost getting back to the airport, fill it up and then hand it back. Much to my amusement, the checkin for the car was simply some guy waving a bloated Bluetooth PDA over the VIN of the chassis, a quick “Okay he hasn’t put it into a demolition derby” and I’m away. Now doubtful I’ll see this car again but in all truth despite it’s flaws it hasn’t missed a beat, nothing fell off and it did 1337 miles in usually good time, consumed I think 100 litres of fuel, so the economy was pretty good too. Suppose I cant ask for more, can I? Okay I could suppose I could ask for a decent car, but that’s pushing your luck for a rental.

For the geeks reading this, the miles are not made up.

Once the car was back and lunch was had (Interestingly for my stomach, Indiana2 was the only time I had regular meals!) my host took me for a tour of Kokomo. I know for normal people this would be deeply boring, but I, as you may well have assessed, am not even close to normal. And I love digging under the surface to see the reality of a place, not the flashy bits designed to distract visitors.

Change in location of pictures, http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery, then go to Indiana2 gallery. Should be much quicker to navigate too.

IMG_1113, 1114- 1116 – Covered bridges seem to be a thing of the past I know, but there’s still some either in use or preserved. This one is preserved. I dont know why they came about, but they certainly aren’t something you see in Australia. It feels like a genuine part of history in the USA and it’s great to see them preserved so generations to come see them.
IMG_1115 – Aint it pretty?
IMG_1117-1120,1124 – Sycamore tree stump that’s been preserved and let me tell you I can see why. Frikking enormous, the pictures don’t do it justice. Also, I was trying to stop the flash from reflecting on the glass by putting my gloved finger in front of it – with a BANG! It actually burnt my glove and the place stank of burnt leather. Yes, I sorta go the clue THAT’S not a good idea to do in the future.
IMG_1122,1123 – This steer looks stuffed to me. Should take a rest.
IMG_1126-1128 – Haynes cars from the early 20th century. We’ll get back to that by the way.
IMG_1129,1130 – Yes, I know. But what the hell is a Arboretum anyway?
IMG_1131-1142 – Maybe I should shut up and let the pictures do the talking, as I took the time to get in not just the location but also what this museum was about. But quick summary is that Elwood Haynes not only created America’s first car and then the first commercially available, he also is the man responsible for what we better know today as Stainless Steel. This is a man who made possible a lot of what we take for granted. Its’ sad his cars and his factories began to decay even if used for other things after he died and it seems the nameplate died with him.
IMG_1143 – By the way, if you want bigger pictures, they can be put up on request, whch this one may need to be.
IMG_1144 – More of Haynes.
IMG_1145 – Interesting firsts on Kokomo. Also, it appears Kokomo is NOT named after small tropical island as The Beach Boys would have you believe, it was named after a Indian Chief who territory was in the area.
IMG_1146 – Detalis man, all details. This is what separates a good museum from a bad one. A small house this is and you could spend hours reading and studying.
IMG_1147 – Harry Potter’s Firebolt in production.
IMG_1148-1152 – Kokomo has a manufacturing base and here’s some things they have produced and indeed, still are
IMG_1154,1155 – Would such fun things as turbos have been possible without Haynes?
IMG_1156,1157 – Funny enough, the average USA bathroom aint changed in the intervening 100 years
IMG_1158-1160 – More car stuff, including Haynes original partners, Apperson. It seems Haynes came up with the plans for the original car, Apperson helped him build it and then produce the original consumer models. Apperson went on to make ther own and alos seem to have been successful racers.
IMG_1161,1162 – Outside the museum
IMG_1163 – From the pictures inside the Haynes museum, we suspect this is the water tower and the remaining factory of his car plant. Ironically is still in use for a auto dismantler
IMG_1164 – So exactly what DOESN’T America do in 24 hour drive thru?
IMG_1165 – Not sure what exactly this was.
IMG_1166 – PINK HOUSE! They exist! And I have to say John Mellancamp’s songs resonate a lot stronger with me now that I have seen for myself what he was singing about. In fact I’m not certain of this, but I think this place might well have inspired him with ‘Little Pink Houses’ and even today, it’s the same. And like the song says, this really is America.

God, I’m glad I came here. I’ve seen the real America, not the fake tourist traps. Sure I said there’s a lot of decay and America’s best days MAY be behind it… but there’s a lot here to appreciate and love.

IMG_1167,1168 – Not a house you see every day.
IMG_1169 – Getting arty
IMG_1170 – Ahh, now there’s a story there. We stopped off at another museum, but it was closed – however inside was a weapons sale and swapmeet. So not only was there people walking in broad daylight with guns (!) the calibre of guns on display to me was astounding. Now, I see the point of guns now and I do say I loved shooting them, so much so that when I’m home I’m going to start the process of becoming a legal owner. Still, when you see a .50 cal recoilless monster with a barrel like tree trunk….. Okay, I admit I was drooling. Not to mention the handguns that look like a cannon with a handgrip. And the old rifles, the antiques, knives, crossbows, swords – every single thing illegal for sale like this and in many cases outright illegal in Australia, but yet literally take em away here. That may seem stupid to some people but for me now…. I wish I could do this in Australia. Amusing too they had a ‘No food, no drink, no loaded guns’ sign and that too me is a bit odd - I have to say that anyone trying to steal anything here would… shall we say have a very short life expectancy.
IMG_1171 – Billboards in America amuse me.
IMG_1172-1174 – Scenery of Kokomo
IMG_1176-1179 – I might well put up the larger pics here as the smaller versions do this little town justice.
IMG_1180,1181 – We adopted a cat which we were walking through this village.
IMG_1182 – Smaller DEFINANTLY does this no justice.
IMG_1183-1187 – It served as a milling place originally and yes 1187 again doesn’t quite communicate how pretty the place is.
IMG_1188 – DENIED!
IMG_1189 – Oh yes, here is what we came to see – an actual covered bridge still in operation. Which as you can see was undergoing substansial repair.
IMG_1190,1191 – Pretty
IMG_1192,1193 – Not so pretty

So yes, that was the tour in a nutshell.

Back to base then….

IMG_1194-1198 – trying some camera setting on the TV remote. Amused me it was a lightsabre.
IMG_1199 – DIE SITH!
IMG_1200 – My host for the few days at Kokomo

Oh, I must add my host gave me a bit of a treat with we watched A New Hope – Smores. Which as far as I can work out is concentrated sweetness that for me, while incredibly good, is also 100% hyperactivity inducing. Graham Crackers, chocolate and marshmallow. I could hardly eat it, it was so potent!

IMG_1201-1205 – Me trying to find the shot to remind myself what I saw in the mirror not long before – see previous post why.

And then bed on the frankly wonderful couch. I think this one is even better than the one I own.

Jan 8th

First time I haven’t been able to at least call Dad for his birthday, but I knew he would be on holiday and frankly, I’m sure he doesn’t expect me to. I am after all a long, long way from home. A real American breakfast first, then I’m off for the final leg of this journey – Los Angeles. Now I do have to say Indianapolis was a touch better security wise, but I also suppose that I know the drill all too well now – cameras out of their bags nd into individual trays, laptop into a tray, bags ont ANOTHER tray, shoes off and onto ANOTHER tray, jacket off onto ANOTHER tray, then run the gauntlet of scanners and anal probes. At least I got complimented for doing the drill without asking and better than necessary.

Flight was unremarkable to Dallas. Then that’s when the real fun began.

Now I said before I had a runin with Dallas before on my trip outwards, now this time it was not the people or shops – it was the blasted and thrice cursed terminal itself. I had 40 minutes till my LA connecting flight. Now, I don’t know if you realise just how big Dallas International is, it takes several minutes to traverse from a taxi-ing aircraft and even then the aircraft isn’t mucking about.It has 5 terminals, all interlinked via a sort of monorail thing. IMG_1206 to 1223 show the transporter as well as the sheer size of this airport. And so, going basically across this vast expanse in 40 minutes was a challenge I didn’t appreciate, nor expect… nor know about.

BTW it’s in the Los Angeles directory now at http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery

My first clue was when I deboarded, set foot on the terminal and asked the stewardess where to go. She did so (politely) buy telling me to go upstairs and catch the monorail to terminal C.

The what?

Feeling the need to stop my bladder from detonating lost a minute or two. As did figuring out where these ‘stairs’ were, shocked to see I think 5 flights. Escalator basically unpassable by ancient tourists. <smallfont color=#FF4400>-Censored-</smallfont>. <smallfont color=#FF4400>-Censored-</smallfont> <smallfont color=#FF4400>-Censored-</smallfont>. And with a heavy backpack and cameras…. Only thing for it. I sprinted up the stairs, just caught the next monorail and collapsed, thankful I was much fitter than I used to be. So now, working out when my stop was, charged down five flights of stairs to the departure gates – only to find I had been told the wrong one. No amount of typed words can convey the expression on my face, nor can any of the curses by reprinted, quite a few Texans found that I can swear impressively well when the mood comes. And I suspect in my accent and now vile mood, it sounded truly scary. Waste more time finding the terminal, run back to the stairs, realise a Monorail WAS PULLING UP RIGHT NOW, explode into full speed like Ben Johnson on steroids up the escalator, leaping virtually over a little old lady as I did so, skid and power slide and run full tilt into the monorail just as the doors are closing. And I think flatten several small children trying to stop – that or used them as a braking mechanism before I went clean out the other side. Catch breath, get ready for the final sprint, we arrive at the right (I hope) terminal) and then blast out before the doors were truly open, come down the steps like an out of control meteor, slide, then pick up speed for C20, and make it just as they are calling my seat rows.

That was far too bloody close for my liking.

3 painful, boring and frankly I wished I was going home hours later, we touch down early at LA. And then much to my bum’s horrified surprised, we had to wait to taxi to the terminal. Least my camera got a few shots, as can be seen at IMG_1223 to 1232 and I could talk to the rather nice girl in the row behind.

IMG_1233 – he’s still with me :-D

Now just when I was thinking American Airlines couldn’t make this last 7 hours more annoying, they manage to somehow totally stuff up the luggage transfers and 100 passengers get more and more irate waiting for a failure of luggage to appear. 30 minutes to clear up the mistake at least and then they put it all down in the wrong carosel to add a twist to the tail.

At least by now I had company, with my host for the next three days, DJCommie and his girlfriend Stabitha of Something Awful finding me.

You know one of the best things of travelling and meeting new people? You can tell the same jokes and get the flow and timing better so each re-telling they become more funny.

What’s not funny is the screwed up exit to LAX. 30 minutes for 250 meters. Okay, what the hell man, this was stupid beyond description, especially when every other airport has been easy in and easy out. But finally after n hour try to clear the airport, we’re off on the legendary LA freeway system, where 10 lanes can become a carpark.

10 lanes yes. Car park…? Not this time, although the traffic is certainly heavier than I had seen elsewhere and I suspect far more cars than in Sydney. And also, the car I was in, an old 3 cylinder 1 litre Charade was positively tiny compared to the rocketing trucks, 4WD’s and various assortment of American and Japanese cars. Pedalling as fast as we could tho, the Charade’s keeping up well. Hmm, really not too bad, the roads need a touch of repair but no problems really.

Same goes for the Diahatsu too actually.

IMG_1234 – Riced Corvette. Owner is now scheduled for termination
IMG_1235-1243 – Freeway! And f note in 1241, the fact that there’s razor wire to protect the signs.

They obviously are serious about graffiti prevention and I suppose the graffiti artists are serious about spraying.

Somehow I don’t think this will end well on either side. Don’t both sides have guns?

Seems like the logical progression, the Great Graffiti War of 2007.

Beer sounds good and also junk food to distress from the flights, a good long chat and BS session, a hot shower, some diary updates then The Switft.CC arrives. We’re off tonight to work on his Sentra SER (IMG_1244) and hopefully have more Goons appear.

Which they do.

And featuring Redscare. Who is a crazy bastard. And Russian.

IMG_1245 – The Swift.CC, DJ and Stabitha, DJ about to do something rude to the Sentra.
IMG_1246 – Imagine watching WRC on this?
IMG_1247 – Sentra sans engine. Damn they are light. And they have an SR20DE, they must fly. Actually I know they do, KaptainBallistik’s wife has one which she has gained many speeding fines in.
IMG_1248 – Engine cleaning by hand.
IMG_1249-1252 – Silly arty shots in Sentra
IMG_1253 – Redscare, Swift.CC and someone I cant remember
IMG_1254 – Love you too Red :-D
IMG_1255 – Redscare has a cricket bat in his car. Let me repeat that – an Amercian who not only knows something about cricket but has an actual bat. But you think now, a cricket bat makes a superb melee weapon and Rescare is a crazy Russian. Would that worry you?

By the way, I have to In-and-Out is great place to get a decent cheeseburger from. And I did drive the Diahatsu, which was interesting for lack of power but surprisingly good handling. And Swift.CC’s Mazda3, which is better than he claims 

Back late, no matter. More couch time. Still a damn good one too. DJ also it must be said has a pretty fine Internet connection. Thanks for the porn.

Sign off time for now – however must note LA’s weather is considerably warmer than the last few weeks so I am defrosting nicely. DJ’s shower took a while to work out. And his toilet isn’t easy to block, tho I did try my best.

On that smelly note, goodnight!

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 16th, 2006, 11:00:43 PM
Jan 9th

Made love to a supermodel, solved world poverty, found a cure for AIDS.

Oh all right, just wrote diary, downloaded stuff off the Internet and went out to dinner. Nothing remarkable at all.

Not even really going for an explore and having breakfast at a proper diner was remarkable. There's just simply nothing to report other than DJ's Diahatsu is a lot more fun to drive than it has a right to be.

Jan 16th, 2006, 11:23:32 PM
The fun entries should start next. :)

Nayala Palain
Jan 17th, 2006, 03:03:53 PM
Ooh good god....

Jan 18th, 2006, 12:25:16 PM
C'mon Marcus, you have a loyal readership here!!


Jan 19th, 2006, 04:37:58 AM
Originally posted by CMJ
C'mon Marcus, you have a loyal readership here!!


I second that!:D

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 19th, 2006, 04:52:49 AM
Jan 10th

Woke up still feeling a bit under the weather, which I think is pretty typical to how I woke up every day while in the USA for some reason. It probably has a lot to do with not ever getting enough sleep on any night - you tend to feel like it takes a while to kick off and also you start feelign like you got the flu permantly. Least, until I wake up fully, usually by some humungous eye clouding fart that some new extic food has caused, followed by a dash to the toilet and hopefully not crack the porcelin with last night's forcefully expelled dinner. Happens every time I'm exposed to new water systems actually so nothing against LA for this. Still, when the door vibrates in the same way it would if William Tell overture is playing at excessive ear shattering volume... well okay I guess you get the picture. Normally such eruptions aren a problem as I'm in the area of a toilet, but not in the USA usually and probably especially not today. God help the vicinity if I couldnt get to a bathroom fast enough to contain the emissions of yet another bone rattling fart.

Ahem. Yes, well. Maybe I should get off the toilet humour and get back to crap that matters.


Today had a plan and it promised to be a busy day, unlike yesterday. Today I'm slated to firstly go forth and explore downtown LA with CMJ and then in the evening get together with a group of Something Awful AI posters. Allright, this could be interesting and armed with camera I thence waited for CMJ.

I don’t know why, but I imagined him to be somewhat less thin than he turned to be. And not quite sounding so Texan. Nor walk as if Cujo was chasing him. Okkkay. Lets hope the fitness work I had done before the trip pays off because otherwise I’m going to have to be dragged back to the place I’m staying. Either that or I pick up some sexy wanna be movie star with my Steve Irwin CRICKEY LOOK AT THEM KNOCKERS! Act. Never fails to work to amuse or get me out of trouble.

Getting back on track now and that’s where we were headed, after a language problem at a shop trying to find an ATM and confusion over chocolate. Onto my first real experience with public transport, which in the main around the USA is lacking so far from what I’ve seen. And walking a mile or so to get USA public transport isn’t exactly what I call a way to spend time, even if it is to wonder why every store was closed on a weekday at 11 am and also to entertain with the Confusion With Toilets story. Men I suppose, only interested in poop and fart jokes.

As per usual, as memory fades but pictures don’t, I shall tell the story with memory prompts and probably some truly terrible jokes on said observations. But keep reading, maybe the planets will align and it’ll actually have A Funny Joke. Now, the picture locations have changed – they are now nicely arranged in a proper image gallery. My cohort in crime with Alliancemotorsport got the gallery going :) so now go to http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery - naviagte to Marcus, then to USA then to LA then LA Day 3 Downtown tour gallery.

IMG_1256 – 1257 – They have rail stations in the middle of a bloody street?!? That just doesn’t seem like a good idea to me, but the cost of an all day pass is only $3 and you can go anywhere the Metro goes. That’s cool and it’s also cool that a complete stranger gave me their ticket. I’m like WTF, what’s going on with this? No Australian would do that! But apparently it’s not unheard of. That strikes me as pretty allright.
IMG_1258 – Metro Blue line stops. Takes about an hour to transverse from Long Beach to LA proper. And we didn’t get mugged, tho I suppose any potential muggers would have heard the accent and thought I was one of those crazy bastards who wrestle crocodiles and herd cats for a living.
IMG_1259-1261 – And here we are at 7th Street. We got posh hotels on one side and a Macy’s in front. Fancy sunlight shot too.
IMG_1262 – I’ve been demanded of to prove there’s hot women in the USA with evidence. Right…. Challenge taken. I rate these legs as okay. Unfortunatly, we got to see the face a few minutes later and my camera tried to commit suicide to save your eyes
IMG_1263 Random building shot and yes, there will be a lot of them in this lot.
IMG_1264-1265 – It’s a public library. Looks more like a church to me…. Maybe it is a place to sacrifice a virgin computer to the Great Paper Deity?
IMG_1266 – RBS (Random Building Shot)
IMG_1267 – We’re walking in the direction of the Fashion District. Which I think you know, a block or two of crap to suck in tourists, right?
IMG_1268 – Pretty obvious
IMG_1269 – RBS and wow, there’s those fire escapes you see in movies here too!
IMG_1270 – Yes, He does. I really like this shot actually, not just for that.
IMG_1271 – 1274 – More RBS but I think you will like 1273 especially. Glass and reflections
IMG_1275 – 1276 – We get to the Fashion district, then pause as I rell my jaw off the ground. What did I say about one or two blocks…? Stuff that, more like a few MILES in all directions, in back alleys, through malls, across streets and footpaths. Store upon store upon store selling every bloody thing you could imagine, from prom dresses to leather bondage with matching kinky boots. Hmmm, how about a prom dress WITH leather bondage and kinky boots? No problem! That’ll be next door!
IMG_1277 – They sell contact lens…. In the open?!?!?!? That doesn’t seem real good to me personally.
IMG_1278-1279 – And if you don’t want kinky boots, have a few remote control toys instead. Not a good idea I think to drive em in the middle of crowds on a narrow alley, unless you like tripping up 450lb yo mommas.
IMG_1280 – Told ya. Prom dresses. CMJ bought two, one for each leg.
IMG_1281 – Been a long time since I saw this variety of toy guns.
IMG_1282-1283 – Malls, stalls and stores scattered everywhere with abandon
IMG_1284 – From Leather Bondage to Hello Kitty. What a mad place
IMG_1285 – Amused me.
IMG_1286 – I could just imagine Jackie Chan getting into one of those intricate and stunt filled fights here
IMG_1287 – (Insert Innocent whistle here)
IMG_1288 – Some sort of police thing going on here. Something to do with Hello Kitty in leather bondage killed by a kinky boot wrapped in a prom dress I think.
IMG_1289-1290 – RBS
IMG_1291 –Prego Leather….? We now have a Pregnant Hello Kitty in leather bondage and Prom dress, dancing in kinky boots? Oh yes and one of those amazing fire escapes
IMG_1292 – 1295 – RBS
IMG_1296 – We’re now moving into the old Broadway / cinema district. Many I understand were falling apart until recently when businesses or churches (!) began to buy em up and move back in. This one is a church now, the Church of the Pregnant Hello Kitty in Bondage Leather wearing Kinky boots dancing on a Prom dress. I know it sounds weird, but I kid you not.
IMG_1297 – See?
IMG_1298-1299 – Another theatre turned church
IMG_1300-1302 – A long disused theatre, apparently this one used to be a big time place many years ago. Seems sad to realise that all those men and women on a long ago rainy night who came here to enjoy the latest performance of Hello Kitty in Bondage Starring the Pregnant Kinky Boots and Prom dress would never know that what was THE place for the A-list to come to would be nothing more than a hollow shell with nothing more than the occasional annoying pink kitty as a reminder of the glory days of the theatre. And they too would be long gone, never to see what this place had become.
IMG_1303 – Another of those amazing fire escapes.
IMG_1304-1310 – More RBS and as I said, many of the theatres that once were here converted to other uses, usually churches or shopping areas.

Oh I have to add that CMJ talked me into having a LA roadside hotdog. Now, a hotdog in Australia is disgusting, a frankfurt in a rubbery bun that makes you more nauseous than a Hello Kitty in a prom dress whipping a naked old guy in kinky boots while licking the toe jam out from a pregnant dominatrix in a prom dress. So he had to talk long and hard before hunger got the better of me and we stopped to have one. I have to say that here is yet another thing the USA beats the pants of Australia, THIS is a real hotdog – a spiced sausage in a real bun with real onions and spicy sauce.

It took I think an hour to see only what was part of the fashion district, then we worked our way back to 7th, used Macy’s as a urinal, then ran away before they could catch us and into the subway

IMG_1311-1313 – 7th Street Metro Red line
IMG_1314-1317 – Union Street Station. The interior shot does it no justice, a real throwback to the days when trains were the primary method of transversing the USA.
IMG_1318-1320- Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Hello Kitty in Superman tights with ….

Okay, you know the drill by now.

There was a point to that building being singled out tho. It was the building used as the Daily Planet in the original Superman TV series.

IMG_1321-1325 – Being a believer in God, the next stop on the tour interested me a lot more than I think CMJ realised. I’m not Catholic, but it’s really good to see the kind of faith on display. Plus an artefact this geniuinely old, who wouldn’t be interested? This is the site of one of the oldest Catholic congregations and to be honest I like what I managed to do with the mural and the cross in 1323.
IMG_1327-1328 – Daily Planet again, sans Superman and Lois
IMG_1329-1330 – Recognise it? You should if you watch TV and as I don’t, I’ve completely forgotten what Law show it’s in.
IMG_1331-1332 – Random tree lined street and Daily Planet.
IMG_1333 – “Come and I shall give you water so you may never thirst again”

Not exactly the right verse, but sometimes that’s what I feel is the truth. Especially in the year I’ve just come out of - I feel I’ve drunk again and I feel life again – although lets be honest that I wish I didn’t have the majority of 2005. Still, I’m alive, I survived and I am going to take the hard road set out before me. Where it goes, this I do not know. But I’ll take it anyway

IMG_1334-1338 – What is this anyway? It’s the LA Catholic Cathedral, not finished too long ago and I have to say one hell of an impressive place that you cant help but respecting the sanctity of. They had the organ going and a lone singer with a trumpet and something else playing as visitors and worshippers came and went. Quite a place to sit down, take off one’s shoes and relax in the Lord’s presence. And hope CMJ doesn’t notice the horrific stench coming from the shoes and my socks. If the Bishop had smelt it, he would have preformed an exorcism on the socks at the least.

IMG_1339-1340 – Artwork of the Saints. Interestingly to me was the Apostle Mark was drawn not a lot different to how I’d look with a full beard and that Mother Teresa and John Paul II were represented. Neither are saints as yet, but I don’t think that’ll be far away. Now, while I suppose Sainthood is one thing, only three Popes have been acclaimed “The Great”. Interestingly, Sainthood is conferred as a process but Greathood is conferred by acclaimation and while there’s many Saints, there’s only three The Greats, but very likely John Paul II will be acclaimed as the fourth.


Process of sainthood if your interested.

IMG_1341 – Holy Water for the rite of Baptism.
IMG_1342 – Chapel for the Priesthood and dignitaries under and behind the main hall
IMG_1343 – And under the Cathedral we have a surprise – a Mausoleum. CMJ said this was much more interesting than at firs appearances and truly, he;s right. It’s also a lot more extensive than you might realise too.
IMG_1344 – Yes, THAT Gregory Peck
IMG_1345 – Isnt is bit creepy to see spaces like this reserved for people that aint dead….?
IMG_1346 – Last resting pace of a the Cardinal
IMG_1347 – Memorials or last resting places of Priests and above serving the LA diocese
IMG_1348 – Come on now. Isnt that hyper creepy? He’s not even dead and yet here’s his requiem!
IMG_1349 – Artwork on the ceiling
IMG_1350 – Looking back down the hall
IMG_1351 – A prayer sheet….
…. IMG_1352 – to apparently the Saint of Los Angeles.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Angels - Bit more info on the Cathedral
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02542b.htm - Info on the Patron Saint

Bet you didn’t think I’d educate in this entry!

IMG_1353 – Oil for anointing the sick for healing
IMG_1354-1355 – Awesome art here
IMG_1356 – Not sure.. Mary?
IMG_1357-1358 – Prayer and shrine of Baby Jesus. Ummmm……
IMG_1359 – Doors. Would be useful in the case of a siege.

Now I have to add something here before moving on. I have this thng I’ve taken to doing, which I call ‘grounding’ – where I’ll kneel, touch a hand to the ground to either get the fele of where I am or to offer prayer. It’s rare I feel compelled to do so, but I do need to say I felt like I was in the presence of the Holy. And personally I don’t care if you think I’m mad or it’s silly. To me, I was standing where the presence of God was not unknown and there’s no way I would move on without acknowledging Him above all. God deserves me to acknowledge Him in fair weather and foul. I don’t understand why I had to go through last year, but I’m not going to start cursing God either, nor second guess.

Right. Onward.

IMG_1360 – Ummm… I think the Oscars were hosted here a few times….?
IMG_1361 – You got as much idea with that as I do
IMG_1362, 1365 – Disney Performing Arts centre. Pretty, eh?
IMG_1363,1364 – Bust of the 16th President of the USA, probably in other times he would not be remembered as he is today. But you ever heard of ‘A Man made fo rhte times’? He was one of them.
IMG_1366 – RBS
IMG_1367 – Random WTF is that shot
IMG_1368-1372 – More random shots along our walk
IMG_1373,1374 – What. The. Hell?
IMG_1375 – Used to be something important
IMG_1376,1377 – Park in the middle of LA
IMG_1378 – RBS
IMG_1379 – CMJ
IMG_1380 – Now come on. I can understand an open air ice skating rink in Toronto but in LA…?!?!?
IMG_1381 – RBS
IMG_1382 – Jerk Chicken? JERK….?!?! I’m sorry, but I ain’t going to eat a wanking chicken.

We also got in the huge Jewellery district and went looking for cameras, as I was after a good one. Now yet again the jewellery district is huge and I have to ask, how the hell can literally thousand odd shops devoted to one thing survive next to each other in the one confined area? That doesn’t work in my head.

Now eventually as it grew dark, time I was escorted by to Long Beach. Now, I have an excuse for getting lost in LA, CMJ don’t. But in a few minutes I had a better track on where the subway was. Wrote that off as a one off.

Little did I realise tomorrow…. But that’s for a different diary entry.

With aching feet, we trudged back to DJ’s place, CMJ getting a lift outta there with one of his multitude of women admirers when I would have no problems finding the place. And oh man, I managed to damage a set of runners with all this walking. And my legs hurt. And my butt was chafed by undies so movement was painful. But he failed to walk me into the ground!

A shower, some new and fresh underwear (the old ones had gone stiff, no wonder my butt was red and raw) plus socks that didn’t move on their own accord. And a show change. And rest for a bit, before part two of the day occurred, the nocturnal part –

The Drive.

But we’ll pick that up later. For now, my butt hurts too much to sit down any longer.

Jan 19th, 2006, 11:23:01 AM
Okay, let me fill in some of the gaps.

First off image1263 was not totally randomn. That is Library Tower(actually I think it's been renamed but that was the original name). It's the tallest building in the US west of the Mississippi(I wanna say 75 stories). It's been featured in countless films, usually getting destroyed. ;)

The LA Central Library featured in 1264 and 1265 is one of our most famous landmarks. It's actually what the Tower refrenced previously was named after(they're right next to each other).

The old Broadway district was actually larger than New York's back in the day. Never as famous, but the huge playhouses are more numerous than in the Big Apple. I hope someday they are renovated to their former glory(nothing against churches, but that ain't right).

Oh and if there's one thing folks in LA can do...it's hotdogs. And I say that as a southerner. ;)

The Daily Planet Building is City Hall. Also been in a few movies such as LA Confidential. Was the tallest building in the city till about 30-40 years ago(LA used to have height regulations...because...well we're kinda in an earthquake zone).

The building in 1360 is the Dorothy Chandler paviliion where the LA Opera is housed. And it did used to be one of the locations for the Academy Awards in the 70's thru the 90's.

Image 1367 is the front of the Museum of Contemporary Modern Art. Go figure. ;)

The pictures at the park (1376-1380) were all Pershing Square. And yes they have ice skaing 2 months out of the year. It has to be resurfaced constantly. ;)

And I must say I was a bit turned around on where we were at one point because evey time I thought we were headed back to a subway station Marcus took a detour. I was in no way lost.

Lost came on Thursday. I coulda been in Botswana. But we'll get to that later. ;)

Morgan Evanar
Jan 19th, 2006, 12:17:00 PM
Jerk is a style of cooking from the carribean and it is awesome, you jerk.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 19th, 2006, 03:29:59 PM
Jan 10th Continued

Now, while I had been meeting SW-Fans people, the other side of the meet and greets have been from Something Awful, more specifically the Automotive Insanity set. I'm really not much of a RP'er these days and I doubt 'll add to much there again, I hang around SW-Fans socially. But I have always been a seriously out there car nut and likewise, meeting other like minded insane car nuts for an adventure into the mountains of LA to finally see somethign called a 'corner' and a road that can be labelled a 'twistie'. A corner is where the road bends, believe it or not. Yes I know many inthe USA dont believe me, but it's true, roads do curve occasionally And, if you string together a whole bunch of corners, the road becomes a Twistie and may attract drivers who prefer such corners to long meandering straights.

Strange I know, but it's true.

We firstly meet over that The Swift.cc's place, where we prcoceed to yet again pint and laugh at his Sentra, pretend to do some work on the gearbox and engine, while waiting for more goons to arrive, which they did. Redscare, Accel, STabitha, Supster and I think one other I cant for the life of me remember rolled up in various bits of metal - Supster in an M3, Redscare in a Lancer and most surprisingly Accel in a rental Cadillac CTS. Giving Cadillac for so many years was garbage, the appearence of the CTS is amazing and I've heard much of this new breed of Caddy... so of course everyone decends on it, proceeds to vandalise and take it apart, or finds other ways to amuse their small minds.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery - Marcus / USA / LA / Day 3 Otago is your gallery today and a fine gallry it is too, goes well with red wine and little bit of sauce and motoroil.

IMG_1383 - Gatherign around the aforementioned Caddy
IMG_1384 - It's got a programmable welcome screen, this wont end well
IMG_1385 - 'BUTTES AND DONGS' - yep, it didnt end well.
IMG_1386,1387 - Being as I am, I asked for boot to be opened. And gaped at the vast expanse to be unveiled.... and inserting oneself into the boot proved that the designers knew what they were doing. As Redscare in 1387 shows, this'll easily fit three dead hookers with a kilo of wackky tobaccy with ease. Thence, Cadillac passed the Dead Person test with flying colours and is winning kudos from the car nuts as well as the worlds pimps.
IMG_1388 - Bling this machine out. And it does pretty good burnouts, as the neigbours shortly found out. At 11pm.

A good car that's also fun from Cadillac? Who would have ever guessed?

IMG_1389 - Goons! Redscare, Accel and Supster I believe
IMG_1390 - So clean you could eat off it.... if you dont mind some crunchy bits that is.
IMG_1391 - Perusing a speeding fine. Hey, we're car geeks, it's like a penis wavign competition for us, who's got the biggest fine and for what.
IMG_1392 - Like a big jigsaw puzzle and endless entertainment for all the family. DJ and The Swift.cc

About midnight, we're sick of figuring what goes where and also keeing the neigbours awake with explosions, bangs, thumps and puppy sacrifice, so we grab cars, drive to the local Wendys - and I add that Wendy's in Australia only does realy dodgy icecream - have soemthign to eat as we annoy the patrons with butt jokes and terrible Aussie accent impersonations before Swift.cc turns up in a WRX and we're off to Oteago Road, apparently the haunt of many a late night driving session for the LA Goons.

Oteago road comprises of four sections - the stay calm and not quite fun run to the Pink and Brain Medical Labrotory, past a set of traffic lights that mark the beginning of the run proper. The second part is openish, good straight with some very nice corners and being a passenger is beginnign to whet my appetite. You slow donw past a small township that I believe are slave to the Pinky and Brain Lab, then the third section from there to our first stop, a Diner that has a spectacular view of the valley on the other side, IMG_1393 to 1395. Good time to have a stop, stretch the legs and have a pee off the side of the cliff and water someone's roof 2000 feet below.

IMG_1396,1397 - And being with camera, it was time for a unplanned photoshoto - I know this is a bit boring to most but I would commend a few of these pics as they have artisitc merit. Well.... no stuff it, I'm well pleased what a point and shoot camera can do with decent manual modes. Here's the vehicle lineup
IMG_1398 - Picture of the night by a mile and one of the best I've ever taken
IMG_1399 - Not so good :(
IMG_1400 - Lineup again
IMG_1401 - Dont sneeze when taking time elapse
IMG_1402 - Why did someone write this in the portaloo?
IMG_1403,1404 - More line up
IMG_1405 - Goonmeet!
IMG_1406 - Random shot
IMG_1407 - Randon Graffiti shot
IMG_1408 - Time elapsed Goons
IMG_1410-1413 - Interior shots.

Now after we've dusted the place up too with some CTS wheelshin action, the fourth section of Oteago is downhill into the valley, where Swift.CC took the lead and took off. I'm still shotgun and enjoying the ride, giving a few tips. As it's gettign late (2am), we go in search of a caffine energy drink.

I'm surprised I'm still so chirpy and ready and rearign to go to be honest. The downtown tour didnt really dent me as much as it should have

IMG_1414 - The WRX. Not as quickas my Forester in a straight line, but has some suspension work, better brakes and sticky tyres.
IMG_1415,1416 - look closely, there's the imprint of the hooker Accel ran over on the bonnet and other Goon artwork
IMG_1417 - The cups came in small, medium, large, super large and HOLY CRAP SUPERTANKER?!?!?!

Who the hell can consume that much softdrink in one hit?!?!

IMG_1418 - I was being arty, I swear. Either that or I left the lens cap on.

As we ready to go back, Swift.cc throws the WRX keys to me and we fetch the video camera out. It's known in AI I rally, but there's a fair bit of curiousity exactly how good the visitor from Australia really is, some say he feeds on the fear of his passengers, others say his urine is 200 octane and is banned as a race fuel in WRC. All we know is... he's called Cat Terrist.

The video is longish and badly shot, but it answers the question very well


You get in the passenger seat with me, all doubts cease. If there is one thing I am that isnt never disputed, is that I am a far better driver and capable of doing insane thigns with a car that are best experienced in person. Taking corners at 140 kph that a normal person would struggle with at 70 kph is not exactly explainable.

Driving to me is not somethign to do from point A to Point B - it is a way of life. I've loved it ever since I got my licence and I strive to learn, to experiment, to change and better myself pretty much every day. It's part of my makeup, my outlook on life, somethign I've always found deep and never ending pleasure with. It's one of those things I never really got the time to do whilst married and while I did race occasionally, when Helen left it was one of those things that held me together and kept my life on track. I've reverted to hardcore motorracer and I love every second of it.

It's actually one reason I'm seekign to remain single right now, I've just go this deep love of racing and I'm not going to compromise on it again. Maybe Miss Right will appear again, but if she doesnt share the same passions as I do, I dont care. I wont make that mistake again.

Much more powerful and faster cars do Oteago in 11-12 minutes. A rally driver in a WRX did it in 12:30 ish, which given the lack of power this WRX in reality had.....

IMG_1419 - cant see it I know, but the turbo was glowing red/yellow at the finish.
IMG_1420 - Brakes had colour on them too and were billowing heat.

After a cool down run and a fuel stop (IMG_1421-1425 is me getting cute with wheel pics at the fuel stop), we get back to Swift.cc's place at somethign like 4am. DJCommie, myself and STabitha pile into the Diahatsu of Doom, I drive us back (And you know the Diahatsu aint all that bad handling wise) and at 5am we're back, totally exhausted and my feet hate me.

But what a day this was.

Tomrrow in the early afternoon, I'm moving on to my next host, CMJ and it'll be Lady Vader herself who will be transport and doign a tour of Orange County.

And.... I dont rememebr my head hitting the pillow. Out like a light. 5:30am, 10 miles of walking and a massive adrenaline rush would do that to you.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 21st, 2006, 08:04:49 PM
Jan 11

Of course there was no way I was stirring before midday, or so you would logically think after a night like we just had. But no, I’m awake at 10:30am, getting packed, having a shower and running another is it possible to choke the bowl experiment. Oh yes and doing some stretching as my legs, tho not failed, are sore and need a bit of TLC. As well as the set of shoes I was wearing, I’ve managed to wear part of them out. Not bad, brand new shoes gone in just a month. With everyone in the DJ household comatose, I’m left to my own devices and with an extraordinarily big Internet connection, that means playing up with Bit Torrent.

Grabbing a gb of rally videos is exactly what the Internet was made for, as well as high capacity drives and Ethernet.

While not downloading Muscle Girls In Heat, thought it would be an idea and wander outside with the camera and picture a few things. Long Beach I will say is a pretty kinda place, a bit on the oldish in feel, but pretty none the less. While there are something thing that look similar to regular beach suburbs, the fact it’s soflat aint one of them. Also everyone somehow manages to park in spaces that would be hard to park a pram in, let alone some huge ancient land yacht. I mean, I’m on foot and as soon as I move, someone tries to park where my feet were a brief second ago and I’m on the footpath aka parking space. I’m sure that LA riots start over parking space.

Beautiful day tho, despite the screech of a Honda Civic charging for the parking vacated by a small bird.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery of course, Day 4 gallery under the USA / LA galleries.

IMG_1426 – DJ’s humble abode. Interestingly, while his room is the typical bachelor disaster, the rest of the house isn’t full of unwashed dishes, rotting food and pizza boxes piled to the ceiling.
IMG_1427 – Parking for 4
IMG_1428-1433 – While DJ’s place aint filled with refuse from a year of hard partying and gang bang with movie stars, it is filled with small Japanese cars and the variety of parts they have. My kind of place if the truth be told and don’t be fooled, this car may have the looks of Anna Nicole Smith on meth and 50 pizzas a day, the Koni badge is the only giveaway to a very nice handling car. Sure, one litre engines have all the power of a flogged gerbil in a wheel, but you don’t need to brake for corners…. Which is a pity as the brakes are larger than what high performance cars in the USA would deem necessary.

Around 2 pm tho, there is a rumble of a V8 and a black Camaro turns up. And much to my surprise, a smaller woman than I was expecting hops out and I’ve caught sight of our own Lady Vader for the first time. And also much to your surprise, she’s not wearing body paint and nor do I weid a Force Frying Pan upon her head. Hey, unlike normal I’m trying to nice and she has acquiesced to escorting me around Orange County – wouldn’t look good would it to pan my gracious host now, would it?

What I don’t understand tho is that when we’re wandering about Orange Country, I’ve completely failed to take pictures. Actually, I’m sure I did but there’s none on record and I’m not usually that dumb as to delete off the camera. Now I’m thinking on this odditiy, I am CERTAIN I had the camera out and I was indeed shooting, but I cant find anything. Plus the camera doesn’t reset image counts when the cards are erased so…. I must have been under some sort of Sith Imagine Camera spell.

Orange County as far as I can work out is a upper class area, there’s a fair bit of new stuff and shopping malls that unlike Australian versions, are well set out, easy to get in and out of and hides the amount of people actually there impressively well. And they do good icecream, even if you have to wait what feels like an age to get served. Which I guess isn’t a problem for a single male as you can just watch the local wildlife walk on by and while the time away usefully by chatting about the absurdities of Australia and doing Steve Irwin impersonations.

Crikey, look at this lil beauty! But don’t get too close or it’s boyfriend may rip yer head off and that would be bad, right? Danger danger!

Is it a sad thing I can do that all too well?

And I can make it funny?

• sigh *

Anyways, back on track. Hard to say exactly how far we were from LA at this point as the freeway system makes many km’s seem quite time small. And it’s hard to say exactly how far it was to our next destination as one hour on a LA freeway could be 100 km’s. I really got to look up a map to work it out….

Keep maps in mind later. I got an amazing story on maps to tell ya all of later.

Not really sure where I am but as dusk settles it’s clear Lady Vader does and she’s going to the next stop of todays tour….

IMG_1434-1435 – A big blur. Always wanted to see that
IMG_1436-1437 – Wait no, it was just me having a Vietnam flashback, which is amazing when I’ve never been there. It is in fact the second largest carpark in the world by car park spaces. It is the largest in the world via space as the one in Japan that beats this one has the car spaces closer and is two spaces more. And if you know those facts (and I suspect a few of you do) then you know where we are.


The land of smiles, the land where your wallet gets syphons faster than filling a gus guzzling SUV, where children caper and parents wince at the cost of the third mortage this place can cause. Where men and women dress up as animals and weirdos and they aren’t carted off to the funny farm. A land with a reality distortion field only beaten by the one that surrounds Apple Computers.

Disneyland is all that and more. And what I first want to know si why, after you finally get out of the maze that is the world’s second largest parking station, you need to get on this tram thing that someone tells you that eating, drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, fun and chili are prohibited whilst on the tram and it’s dangerous to lean out and have your head smashed by a passing immovable object. (IMG_1437-1438)

IMG_1439 – And of course the mad Aussie ignores all that and leans out for this shot. And then has a smoking chiliburger while making love to Snow White sharing a bottle of champagne and snorting 1000 dollars of cocaine of a hooker’s chest. Of course Lady Vader ignores all of this and appropriately looks disgusted.
IMG_1440 – Apparently in this overly dark shot, this is the entrance to Disney
IMG_1441 – Disney’s idea of a compass in the pavement
IMG_1442 – You can buy your own paving stone and they set it at the entrance permantly.
IMG_1443 – The entrance to Disney in fact services two parks – Disneyland proper and Califorina World.
IMG_1444 – No matter how violent this fountain sprays water, you can stand right next to it and never get wet. That’s clever.
IMG_1446-1448 – They do a pretty good set of lighting decorations I have to admit. In fact, most decorations, buildings and facilities are top notch.
IMG_1449-1453 – Interior of the main Disney Hotel. All done out in wood, it looks like one hell of a place and the fireplace looks like a cosy place to spend time with a loved one.

Fun fact – they had a huge Christmas tree in the room with the fireplace this year. The Tree caught fire and they had to replace the carpet, which will take a few months as it was a special one of a kind made in Germany. Made from mouse poo and duck feathers or something crazy like that, with the Fairy Godmother supervision.

IMG_1454-1458 – Lego superstore and one crazy Aussie makes a new friend. Man, it’s a total Lego freaks heaven with a Darth Vader made from Lego, R2-D2 and that life sized giraffe. Good to know some people have less of a life than I do.
IMG_1459 – This is where dinner was to be had for tonight – the Rainforest Café. Why the hell I keep thinking it’s called the Rainbow Café is beyond me – must be all these people thinking my accent means I’m one of those San Francisco Gay People.

Isnt it odd how when I’m not in Califorina, it’s ‘One of those Gay People from Califorina” and when in California it’s “One of them Gays from San Fransico”? I bet if I was in Frisco, it would be “One of them Fags from Gay Street”. One of those “Not from here things I guess”

IMG_1460 – One bloody ordinary shot of Disney’s monorail
IMG_1461 Don’t fart hard when your trying to take a time elapse shot
IMG_1462 – Pretty!
IMG_1463-1466 – Waterfalls and time elapse.
IMG_1467-1468 – DINNER!
IMG_1469 – Look closely :-D
IMG1470-1472 – More time elapse, complete with disappearing people.

Time elapse on a point and shoot camera woks surprisingly well. In fact this point and shoot Canon Powershot IS S2 has always worked surprisingly well and taken great pictures so far.

IMG_1473 – Rainforest Café’s got it worked out. You get in line, they give you a time that your party ‘will begin it’s adventure’ (Insert roll eyes here) and then your invited to either have a seat at the bar or wander through the convienient Rainbow Café store. Where you get to see things like this in the decorations.
IMG_1474 – Or how about the giant fish tank with tropical fish?
IMG_1475,1476 – OR giant moving butterflies?
IMG_1477 – How about just hang around for a bit?
IMG_1479 – Tracey the Talking Tree.
IMG_1480 – Reminded me of Stiggy and made me a bit homesick :(
IMG_1481 – We’re really having too much fun with the hand puppets here.
IMG_1482,1483 – Hi I’m Tracey Tree and everyone loves animals. Especially on a plate cooked with a light sauce. And I don’t know much about Austrlaian animals, which are all dangerous, don’t live in rainforests as there’s no rain and don’t include Drop Bears.
IMG_1484,1485 – More fishies that don’t live ina rainforest, thankyou Tracey Tree for explaining that fact for me. I would never have guessed Fish live in water. Here I was thinking they were like Pihrana Fishners and lived in the Swahara Dererwet
IMG_1486 – One of the things you see in every damn place in the USa and finally I found out what they were. You put a penny in and it stamps out a souvenir pressing of your choice. I literally saw these things in every place I went and yet never found out what they were for until now. For all I knew, they could have been some secret thing that caused the planet to rotate and we all die if no one turns the handles.
IMG_1487 – Even had poo on the floor.
IMG_1488 – Epileptics would have a few problems drinking from this sparling and flashing lot.
IMG_1489-1500 – Now once they deem you have spent enough at the store, your party is called and you go inside – tonight we were upstairs and of course you got all these animatronic animals, simiulated thunderstorms, flashing lights and some damn fine food. Id’ go there for just the food and the chocolate mousee or whatever that Godly dessert was. Oh, they also had a desert called the Volcano – and I have no idea how anyone could have for a main course, let alone dinner.

Highly recommended indeed.

After a bit more wandering about, it was time to take me to the night’s lodging – CMJ’s place.

Now I suppose Lady Vader had an excellent reason for getting lost (IMG_1501 is a badly hot movie set in the middle of LA) as she’s not usually been going to the area of Hollywood CMJ lives, but there’s a certain kind of amusement to be had when the Aussie who’s been there for 5 minutes grabs the map, locates the position they are in the middle of a decidedly seedy neighbourhood with the requisite bums and homeless, plots a course via Guessometry and we arrive without too much more delay.

And frankly, I’m pretty damn surprised as to CMJ’s living arrangements. He lives in a converted hotel, a single room in it. It looks old and run down, cockroaches wouldn’t live there but frankly….. I think it’s damn cool as, even if you do have to step outside to change your mind.

Shower and plumbing a bit of a worry as is the toilet.

Anyway, got to get to bed, big day tomorrow. CMJ’s going to have a second go at making my feet explode with a Hollywood tour and then QuiGonJ got us passes to Warner Brothers tour. Which a certain tourist I’ve had with me all this time has been looking forward to.

Night all!

Jan 21st, 2006, 08:29:54 PM
LMFAO, bugs wouldn't even live here huh? :D Hey man it's cheap and I'm in the heart of Hollywood - so I deal. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 21st, 2006, 10:20:49 PM
Heh its fun read and nice pictures, and CMJ I knew I had seen that random building somewhere :p All of it wants me to go to LA sometime in the near future.

Jan 22nd, 2006, 12:06:28 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Heh its fun read and nice pictures, and CMJ I knew I had seen that random building somewhere :p All of it wants me to go to LA sometime in the near future.

I think I've given part of the LA Tour to six different people(old friends and what not that were in town). I'm getting to be a pro at it.

Though I don't do the exact same stuff each time of course. Except for the Chinese Theatre. That's always a must.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 22nd, 2006, 10:35:52 PM
Originally posted by CMJ
I think I've given part of the LA Tour to six different people(old friends and what not that were in town). I'm getting to be a pro at it.

Though I don't do the exact same stuff each time of course. Except for the Chinese Theatre. That's always a must.

cool, I know who to go see when I do go to LA.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 23rd, 2006, 05:23:59 AM
The diary of Wakko Warner, January 12th 2006

Finally, the day I have looking forward to – I have manuvered these puny humans into this day, this moment of triumph where I ate a full cheesecake without anyone noticing. I didn’t even need to breathe, Yakko would be so proud. That is he would be proud if he could take his hand of Slappy Squirrel, the leech. Least my sister Dot’s stopped her lesbian affair and gone straight with Brain. Although I hear rumours that she’s into threesomes with Pinky.


I hope Pinky never breeds.

It’s been great to see the USA once again, to see it in secret as I’m still exiled for painting super contact glue to the President’s chair – how was I to know he would sit in it stark naked? If I was the President, I would have other people sit in chairs naked as a precaution! In fact, I would pass a law that everyone needs to be naked! And then I would remember that includes Bertha Hippo – and no one wants to see her nekkid. Vomiting except in the name of a laugh sucks, right? Well anyway, that may not have been the most thought out of plans, but this one where I have gotten this human to give me a free trip around the USA was! Yippie! And while he’s not looking, I’ve been stealing his socks and selling them to homeless bums for clams.

Amazing how much small seafood bums on the street have.

Yakko tried to eat a homeless bum once. That definantly didn’t end well. And don’t get me started on what that hussy Dot tried to do. I swear, she’s got problems she does.

Now I’ve been all round the USA and today we’re in Hollywood so I feel close to home. Wait, this IS home, I used to vandalise cars up and down Hollywood and Vine. Hehehe, silly me to forget that, aint I? Getting back on track for a moment, my sandwichs have arrived and I must throw them at the human named Courtland, hopefully provoking a brawl between him and the Human known as Marcus.

Rats. Missed. Oh well, they’ll do as breakfast, the floor has gives dropped food nice crunchy bits for flavour.

*munch munch*

Ooooh. OOOOOH! Do I detect a hint of ancient boogey?

Oh wait, humans are leaving without me! Wait, com back here, you not going anywhere without me today!

(http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery - Marcus then LA then LA Day 5 Hollywood is our gallery for today – although I think Dot / Sex / is much more entertaining and educational. I never knew you could do that)

Now dear reader, let us examine my triumphant homecoming with Hollywood Stars exposed!

IMG_1502 – Hark in the distance is where Pinky and the Brain are now, plotting to take over the world
IMG_1503 – Sunset Bld, which is pretty ironic as to how the sun cant be seen setting with the smog. Hahaha, whomever named it has a sense of humour.
IMG_1504 – And 4 dozen illegal aliens will come and sit on your house if you don’t sign up. I so hate them for besmirching the good Warner name. AOL Time Warner my a… how about them Yankees?
IMG_1505 So as we being this walk from Sunset Bld we see stars on the ground. Apparently Brain tells me that every person who’s done something in either movies, TV, music or Theatre gets one and there’s thousands. Hmph. I don’t have one so he’s gotta be lying. This is for some hack who starred in some movie of no importance
IMG_1507 – I heard a rumour Michael Jackson blows Bubbles in the bath.
IMG_1509 – Some old guy who ended up haunting a Galaxy Far, Far Away
IMG_1510 – Rin Tin Tin I heard had an illicit affair with Lassie and they ran away to start a dog food company.

(Editors note – Lassie’s real name was Pal and indeed, the dog food was named after that dog)


(Sound effect of an enormous weight hitting something soft)

Right, where was I again?

IMG_1511 – What a cool name. Green Buttons tho had an unfortunate ending – dead under a trolley car after trying to proposition a transvestite. Least, that’s the official story, I heard he committed suicide by peeing on the electric rail. What a shocking experience that would have been
IMG_1512 – Why were these guys so important they have not a star but a moon on each of the four corners of Hollywood and Vine? A moon landing? Pffft, we all know it was faked at Warner Brother Studio lot 52. I know as I wedgied Buzz and slipped a hot trout down his shirt.
IMG_1513 – I dunno, some dumb theatre. Who takes this crap anyway and why do I need to commentate on it?
IMG_1514 – Ooooh I get it, Capitol Records and the building is shaped like a platter of records! Clever!

I’m Hungry. Thought you wanted to know that

IMG_1515 – Live fast, die young leave a good looking corpse. HA! I know better. He died leaving an ugly corpse…. Getting your head implanted in the grill of a truck would do that to you.

(Editors Note – Indiana has a museum to what is probably their most famed son and if you go back to the Indiana part of this diary I made some notes there on him)

*Gunshot heard*

Damn it, I thought I turned that guy into a pizza. Anyway…. Oh yes. James Dean. Road Pizza. I’m hungry.

IMG_1516 – My biggest fan. Oh Groucho, the perfect insult artist!
IMG_1517 – Ooooh, she was pretty was Grace Kelly. Then she married some foreign sounding guy and went to a place called Monaco.
IMG_1518,1519 – Visual gag!
IMG_1520 – IT’S MY STAR!!!
IMG_1521 – I’m a star!
IMG_1522 – You guess is as good as mine what this is of.
IMG_1523 – Store for fat geeks
IMG_1524 – Oh look, it’s the oldest still open eatery in Hollywood where they filmed some movie partially called Million Dollar Baby
IMG_1525 – What a sad day it was when Mr Henson passed on
IMG_1526 – Some hack again, starred in a funny couple of movies, one that had spaceships and walking talking shagpiles.
IMG_1527 – Guess who I am!
IMG_1528 – I dunno why the guy who built this place called it Egyptian. He was far from Egyptian and there bugger al Egypt here. Not even a fake pyramid. What a rip off.
IMG_1529 – See?
IMG_1530 – Awwwww, Uncle Walt :)
IMG_1531 – The man was a genius and wrote the book with slapstick. I even took lessons in slapping sticks with him
IMG_1532 – Has some big ribbon on it…?
IMG_1533,1535 – Supposed to be largest running theatre in Hollywood?
IMG_1534 – It’s not easy being green

(Editors note – It’s entirely possible to win more than one star on the Walk of Fame. Jim Henson of course voiced Kermit and several actors won stars for TV and music. Did anyone win four? I think one did, if I’m not mistaken it could have been Bob Hope or Dean Martin)


*Sounds of large rat trap being thrown out the window*

How did he do that? How does he survive? Sure I got him now!

IMG_1536 – DADDY! *HUGS*
IMG_1537-1539 – Where they hold the Acadamy Awards. I’m not allowed on as they don’t like Yakko, Dot and I throwing pies at the stars as they arrive
IMG_1540 – Chinese Theatre and yes, there no Chinese for miles to be seen. Except if you count the tourists.
IMG_1541-1544 – They put the names of really famous in concrete in front of the Chinese Theatre. Apparently it’s like one of the really big honours in Hollywood. Don’t think so, my name aint there!


Dot’s will be the way she sleeps with movie producers.. Bitch

IMG_1545 – Friend of Daddy!
IMG_1546,1547 – Who in all honestly likes pictures of this crap? I swear I’m going to shoot the piano player.
IMG_1548 – Some big dude next to a 1/5 scale human.
IMG_1550 – They didn’t put Pamela Anderson in there. Apparently her breasts caused a wax shortage or the geeks in charge of the place heads to explode.
IMG_1551 – I’m glad we don’t pay the photographer. He deserves death for taking random crappy….
IMG_1552,1553 – Nevermind. Give him a payrise
IMG_1554 – Old car with rockets in the boots
IMG_1555 – Wow, where did that human known as Courtland find her?!?! Can he find me one like her too?!?!

Aroooo. I gotta go have a cold shower. Later Diary!

Editors note – Apologies for Wakko, he’s a bit…. Strange. What we have today tho is part one of the Grand Hollywood Tour that I went on with Courtland, Lady Vader and eventually QuiGonJ. We started from the Walk of Fame, viewed a few of the more famous landmarks and generally walked about oogling at everything. Hollywood is a fascinating place and frankly we scratched the surface only. The Walk of Fame has literally thousands of stars lined up, the tribute to the moon landing is indeed pretty special, it being on the most famed of intersections, Hollywood and Vine. The footprints in the concrete out front of the Chinese is indeed a true who’s who of Hollywood.

But I have to say, I’ve been trying to hunt down a camera. As you may have guessed, I’m interested in photography and I wanted to pick up something special. We’ve looked all over the place until totally by accident we found a hole in the wall with a huge camera range – and there it was. What I wanted.

Now, I didn’t bring home a pretty young miss from the USA, but I did get my dream camera for 500 dollars less than I would have in Australia. Yes, everything in the end cost me $3500, but …. Well… lets say it debuts in the next diary entry. See if you can spot when.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 24th, 2006, 06:06:36 AM
12th January continued…

I don’t really know what the hell’s going on here, but I keep being followed by my Wakko Warner plushie. I keep locking the damn thing away and yet it appears and seems to be stalking us.

Anyway, we give Warner the slip and we jump in Rie’s car to go to Warner Brother’s Studios – we have a ‘VIP’ tour booked for 2pm. That in itself isn’t really a problem, leaving Hollywood at 1.20 pm should still be no problem to transverse the few miles. And we have someone who’s lived here all her life and a Import who’s pretty familiar with Hollywood and all the studios. Shouldn’t be a problem, right?


The first inking of a problem when we get close to 2pm on the freeway and still no hint of our turnoff. Worse, the numbers of the turnoffs were wrong. So okay, turn off freeway and then really get into the suburbs. And frankly we were completely and utterly lost. No hope of finding where we were and of course I’ve never seen this place in my life so how could I help?


You see, I’m a rally driver and pretty good navigator. I also have this power called ‘Guessometry’ and an amazing abilty to find my way even when all seems lost. In Sydney it’s pretty amazing to see it in action and I simply don’t get turned around. You think it would work here? 12,000km from home? Yeah, right, dream on I think as I grab the road map, look up as we cruise past a street. And much to the surprise of my hosts while they had no clue where we were, within five minutes I worked out not only where we were, but where we needed to go, the course and the approximate miles to get there.

I’ve been here five days, yet managed to get us unlost not just once, but three times. The inner maniac was laughing it’s head off at the absurdity of this situation. The visitor with more directional ability than the residents!

This Guessometry stuff really works and it still works in the USA for me. I’m not sure what Rie and Courtland thought of it, but it certainly gave me a chance to have a few good natured digs at them both. Of course we’re somewhat late, but the tour time is rearranged with a quick call to …. Sorry I just realised I’m supposed to suppress the name of the employee there so I’ll say our ’Insider’….. and we’re fine for 3pm. And yet, we get lost again at the studio looking for entry gates. Guess who worked out the way to go.

I tell you, this was getting more and more amusing by the second.

Enough of LA people and directional problems, we’re now at one of the most well known studios in the world, Warner Brothers. And that plushie turned up again, running like a maniac and disappearing in the mass of buildings. What the hell is going on here? Apart from that, I was looking like a real tourist finally, one camera bag on one shoulder, complete with the video camera and Canon POwershot IS S2 that had served me so well on my trip so far and on the other, this new monster that was just unwrapped- I had just worked out how to power up and was fearful to get close to in case it bit me. Complete with telescopic lens and telescopic macro, it was barely contined, just waiting be used. Doubtful I would tho, I know my Powershot well. The Beast on the other hand….

Anyway, we park, find our way inside and collect tickets for tour. And you know as we waited, I just had to dig out the Powershot.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery of course, then to Marcus, LA, LA Day 5 Warner Brothers for this part of the day.

IMG_1556 – You see props like this everywhere, authentic movie articles. This one of course is Harry Potter and that bloody Anamaniac.
IMG_1557 – Whoah. And a second later a certain plushie got bullet time type thrashing.

Now, you get a free icecream (Needed that, hadn’t had a proper lunch) and then a 10 minute film about the studio, what had happened in it over the years and a few bits on various past projects. After that, our tour guide for today, Adam, introduced himself and away we went.

IMG_1558 – Someone liked our tour guide a little TOO much. Drool is yuk.
IMG_1559 – Entrance to the studio lot proper. And of course the famous landmark, the Watertower, which was rocking ominously as if something inside was living there.
IMG_1560-1564 – The backlot is a working production set and what is amazing is that yes, all these buildings were in fact real and not props. What is even more amazing is the way this one set can be changed and disguised so that it can be say CSI one day, Friends on another or if you really go all out… would you believe this is the alleyway that Tom Cruise had the jetpack escape in Minority Report? Look closely, you’ll see it and be just as amazed as I was. The big shade cloth thing is so the sun doesn’t cast shadows on the set when they shoot. Shadows are a bad thing to movie making – just imagine that a flick of a scence or even a few seconds and the shadows change or aren’t consistent. Not good to sell the illusion.
IMG_1565 – Warner Bros Water… GET OUT OF THE WAY!!
IMG_1566 – Oh well, net time we’ll get time for a better shot.
IMG_1567 – Another working set and would you believe that elevated platform is used to trick you into thinking there’s a real raised metro track? I cant remember the exact show they were filming, but if you see it on TV, you would swear the track was real. Yet… that’s how it is when they shoot. I love illusions like that.
IMG_1568 – Memory fails what this was for, but again, you wold know it if you had seen it in the various shows it’s been in.
IMG_1569 – This square was last used in Dukes of Hazzard, the godawful remake and the only slightly better original. And again a few clever redecorations and you would never know it was also used in some seriously old time soapys.
IMG_1570 – Presently used for The Gilmore Girls, which I happily admit I know not a thing about.
IMG_1571 – Recognise the square here? No..? How about if I said Back to the Future? See it now? And can you pick what shows it’s been on other than that?

See what I mean about amazing how a permanent set can be changed to look totally different as the needs arise?

IMG_1572,1573 – Poser. But yes I was quite happy to take the pictures.
IMG_1574-1578 – I really wish I could have recorded all the shows this place has done, the sheer variety and differences is amazing. Gilmore Girls, West Wing, CSI, The Waltons…. Man it’s bewildering. The bushes can be removed and replaced, the chairs, the sidewalks – the degree of interchangeably is like, what the hell? I pretty much guarantee if you visited tomorrow, it wont look like this.
IMG_1579,1580 – Employee dining area and also administration. Yet, lets take the Admin building. Just imagine a few more bikes and then add some teenagers – yes, it could work as a generic entrance to a high school! That’s also another amazing thing about Warner Brothers is that even the areas designated for employees like the Admin building can in a blink be used for filming.
IMG_1581-1583 – More backlot that can be used for anything and would you also believe it also doubles as office space? People really do work out of these buildings and yet filming was taken place everywhere.
IMG_1584-1586 – More administration, archives and Warner Brothers office buildings. Yet, just imagine an ambulance pulling up or park a few police cars out the front…. Presto a hospital entrance or a police station! Clever, aint it? They designed everything to be like that in the backlot, to be both useful to employees and then also to film crews.
IMG_1587 – View to the west. And that car park that employees use..? Yes. It’s used in film too.
IMG_1588 – Not sure of this one.
IMG_1589-1592 – Remember this from West Wing? Or how about the odd Western? Or Back to the Future? Gilmore Girls?

Look at them, believe me you’ll find the in all of the above and more, but never looking exactly the same.

IMG_1593 …….
IMG_1594 – Gnomes
IMG_1595 – Highlights this is a working set, not just decoration
IMG_1596 – this is the rear of IMG_1591-2. Yesh, believe it or not, same house. Recognise the rear? It’s currently in Gilmore Girls.

And at that point, light started to get bad for the Powershot and with much trepidation, the Monster was taken out of it’s hiding place. With sweaty hands, I turned it on, set it to auto mode, had a fight as it kept on popping up the flash by itself (eventually I gave up and let it be) pointed and shot…

IMG_0001 – A crappy storage shed. Oh, what an inglorious start to the photography career of my new Canon EOS 20D Digital SLR. 8.2 megapixel with more settings and gee whiz than you could imagine. And in fact I was disappointed, this was hardly no better than the Powershot could do. I have been told it’s hard to tell the difference in picture between a 8 megapixel camera and a 5 megapixel – I agree in fact in hindsight, the Powershot can snap off some incredible shots as you all have seen that no 8 megapixel point and shoot can top
IMG_0002 – But the 20D is no point and shoot. Even as I was finding how to balance it, the monster pointed and shot better that the Powershot could do in full manual mode.
IMG_0003 – Sheesh. Not good. I was starting to think this camera really wasn’t that much more capable in the end.
IMG_0004 – Ummm. Whack. In auto mode, completely and utterly superior to any point and shoot. I looked at the Monster, then got this evil grin. Oh yes…. The EOS was going to make my day
IMG_0005-0010 – More working sets that change in a blink.
IMG_0011 – Bit of history for you –this is the last remaining set from the classic ‘Casablanca’. The rest were lost due to fire.
IMG_0012 – Now we were moving from the back lot where we could take all the pictures we wanted, to the front lot, which was where the sound stages were.
IMG_0013-0015 – Cant remember what these were being set up for. 0015 also has a little hole in the wall bar that featured in something I cant remember either.
IMG_0016-0017 – There’s all sorts of weird get rich stories in Hollywood. This one involves a guy who realised he could make a fair bit by changing the design of actors vans, like the older ones in 0017 to the new and much more dedicated and purpose built 0016. He made millions.
IMG_0018 – Typical Town Hall / Police station. What famous show did this one feature in?

(The answer is the original Batman TV series. They filmed the shot of the Batmobile rolling up to City Hall once and then reused exactly the same footage in each episode after that)

IMG_0019 – Caught the blighter, time to lock him up. That’s our tour guide.

And I mean lock the Warner up, not the tour guide.

Unfortunantly, we now go into the front lot and it was cameras away and locked up as well as mobile phones, purses, Anamanics or trick dog poo that could take a picture. We got to go into a set for Cold Case (and saw the in crew jokes that are the labelling on the boxes that are in the storage set, usually they are crew names), saw the ‘station’ set where explanations how they film were given as well as getting visitors to participate in examples. So, they get a well dressed tourist to be the Cold Case cop and they get the obvious choice for the criminal.

“Yeah that’ll be right, pick the Australian as the crim”

Each shot you see on TV usually takes at least four separate shots. The process is pretty involved so I’m not sure I could explain it fully – but it’s a lot more complex than I imagined. Also the difference between steady-cam (Movable filming) and dolly (fixed to tracks).

After a few other sound stages, we get to a stage where cameras can be used and out comes the 20D to my delight. I was rapidly thinking this was money damn well spent.

IMG_0020-0030 – I cant remember what this set was for, but it was in the props building and was preserved as it was last used. Apparently really famous show, I keep thinking Friends but I could be wrong. I was also wrong about us successfully locking that bloody Warner up. He got loose in the set and we had to catch the blighter without disturbing anything.
IMG_0031-0047 - Next stop with cameras allowed was a storage area where actual vehicles from movies were kept. You can see the flying Angelna from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Batmobile from Batman Forever, the Batbike, The Charger from Dukes of HAzzard, that NASCAR POS from something I couldn’t care less about, the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo (sigh), the car from AI and most impressively, the most recent Batmobile from Batman Returns. Which, unlike the other vehicles in here really works and works much better than you would expect. It really is super fast, it really is like a tank and it really pulled off a load of stunts seen in the film. It went in with the whole “It should be fesible” mantra they used inthat film and why I think it turned out so good.

The whole point of movies is to sell the illusion and the better it’s sold, the better the movie is.

The rest of the tour was pretty much visiting front lot sets and also a tour through a sitcom set, in this case ‘Freddie’, where the much lampooned horrible actor Freddie Prinz Jnr has found himself and apparently it’s getting quite popular. The whole process of scripting and shooting was explained as well as the audience participation. Surprisingly, the audience aren’t told when to laugh and if they don’t laugh when they are supposed to, they literally rewrite on the spot to a different punchline. Pretty amazing stuff to hear the whole process and how it’s done.

Then it’s a tour of the props museum (which was so good that the time allotted was far, far too short) then back to where we started two hours before. A spot of shopping, a few uninterrupted pics (IMG_0048-0050 and even in crap light this camera kicks butt) then much to my surprise I found out why we got free tickets. We had to undertake a survey to gauge how good the tour was. Apparently, they use agents to assess and comment on the tour and in return for that, they get freebies.

Worthwhile swap, tho I normally hate question and answers. I have to say the tour was bloody good and the guide was beyond expectations. What an amazing script he followed to output such an amazing amount of interesting info, some of which I’ve managed to remember and type out.

IMG_0051 – GAH! Stop…. Wait… pretty girl…. Hang on, what a great way to meet girls!
IMG_0052 – Or embarrass perfect strangers
IMG_0053 – And as dusk settles, Rie bid us farewell and our second guide of the day arrived.

But that’s for another entry.

What a great day so far and much thanks to Rie for organising it. And for Wakko Warner for making us laugh.

Off to Universal now. And that’s it for now too. Later!

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 25th, 2006, 05:46:55 AM
Jan 12th Continued.

Fortunatly, this one wont be too long. I want to get this day over with and so do my feet.

Our second guide was QuiGonJ, who I admit I was wondering how would go as he and I have clashed in the past. At first I could sense a bit of wary parrying… but I think we got the wrong impressions of one another from online. He;s not what I thought he would be and I think I turned out to be a hell of a lot nicer in person than he expected. It’s funny, I’ve been getting that a lot on this trip. Same words I would say as I would online, but the whole you see what the person means in reality when you see them is so true in my case it appears.

So, we’re pointed in the direction of Universal and dinner at the Hard Rock Café. Well, we changed plans mid drive, we decided Mexican instead and I for one didn’t mind at all, the Mexican we did find was most excellent and the big tip technique for great service works a treat.

What would a diary entry be without pictures?

http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery goto Marcus, USA, LA then LA Day 5 – Universal

To be hones,t we didn’t really have tie to see much but in a way that didn’t matter to me – you got a few guys making jokes and talking about anything, it’s always good.

IMG_0054 to IMG_0066 – The general shopping / walkway./ eatery plaza. Few things that caught my eye, like the giant guitar and a few shops etc. We also had a stroll through a miniatures shop, laughed at the prices, WTF’ed at some of the dolls on display, made a few jokes about how bad some were, then got out with wallets undamaged. The same tour through Disneyworld and I have to say Disney is a hell of a lot less kitch and dare I say it, professional looking.

What Disney didn’t have tho was this guy in IMG_0067-0070, a quite funny street performer who won a fair bit of one dollar bills of us for his dancing acts. I do have video, I’ll get that up tomorrow.
IMG_0071 – Restraunt
IMG_1597-1598 – Can someone explain the ice in the urinal bit?!?
IMG_0072,0073 – Ummm… there’s certainly some interesting Pez dispensers here
IMG_0074 – You got to be kidding me. Least there’s no pregnant ones in kinky leather. I hope. This was as close as we dared approach
IMG_0075 – Old ROTJ game!
IMG_0076 – All he does is march up and down banging the cymbals. Not much of a life I guess.
IMG_0077 – Band + pretty girls + high powered camera = snapshot
IMG_0078,0079 – Cool fountain
IMG_0080 – Not sure why
IMG_0081 – Some sort of live thing going on
IMG_0082 – Riiiggghhhttttt…..

Unfortuanlty, we had to mosy on back to Courtland’s place at this point. And as I end this diary piece, I commend these pictures especially, his apartment is cool on the outside and inside.

IMG_0083 – Cool fire escape
IMG_0084 – Entrance
IMG_0085 – Foyer
IMG_0087 – Looking out fire escape
IMG_0088 – Inside the apartment
IMG_0089 – Didn’t think this plan through
IMG_0090 – Or this one
IMG_0091 – Telephoto lens from 5 meters away

And thence to bed, to be ready for what was expected to be a busy day – Disneyland proper!

Good…. What your right, I missed a number in the pcture list. So I did.

<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/IMG_0086.jpg>

There was a reason I wanted to leave it separate. What do you think?

Jan 25th, 2006, 06:03:19 PM
Where's the Universal album?

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 25th, 2006, 06:50:50 PM
Originally posted by QuiGonJ
Where's the Universal album?

Well that was stupid of me - forgot to import into the Gallery. Done. now.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 26th, 2006, 07:12:16 AM
January 13th

There have been many highlights in my journey across the width and breath of the USA. Some personal, some rather more obvious. I’ll never forget Tannerite for sure, nor my first glimpse of snow. Or a kiss at midnight 2006. And I have been pretty much steering away from tourist things too, being cynical as I am the ‘Happiest place on earth’ jibe of the Mouse House does not work for me.

Or, I should say DIDN’T. My feet hate me right now, I’ve walked even further than the LA downtown tour, but as I review the pictures coming off the camera, I can help but thinking this was close to the best day of the entire tour. Disneyland as seen by a crankly, snarky and sarcastic Aussie is in fact all of what they advertise and a whole lot more. While this entry will be packed full of doings and coming and goings, it barely touched the parks or the vast expanse that is Disney and the adjoining Califorina Land. The sheer size is unbelieveable to me – and despite what must have been for an Aussie a huge crowd inside the parks, there was always plenty of room, not much waiting time and plenty to do and see.

Add onto the list of great things in America the amusement parks. Disney I think is supposed to be the best? Unless I saw it for myself, I cant think anyone’s done better.

The day began early, as Courtland had arranged to drop me off at Long Beach so that Rie could pick me up halfway. Public transport kinda sucks in LA to be brutally honest, but at least the Metro aint too bad as things go. As per my way, I’m using the pictures I took as a visual guide and memory jog, so once again forgive the number of pictures to wade through – and this time I’m not kidding by the number warning. 279 pictures, 794 mb raw size off the two cameras. I thought I might bouce between both cameras due to the EOS being a bit awkward to point and shoot with, but in fact I found out quickly it’s the superior point and shoot. Worth the pain in the backside to haul out of it’s bag.

The Powershot is the easier to assess first, s we’ll go with that right now even if the pictures are out of synch with the EOS.

IMG_1599 – The road to the Metro also goes past the Walk of Fame and yet again we find an interesting star to look at. Captain Kangaroo?
IMG_1600,1601 – Transfer point for the Metro Red and Metro Blue, which we ued to get to Long Beach.
IMG_1602 – I haven’t commented on these things yet. Newspaper boxes, put your coin in, hey, paper or magazine. They are everywhere in the USA, yet non existent in Australia. Bit of old fashioned charm that I like, Australia sometimes seems too eager to move on and throw away the old style touches.
IMG_1603,1604 – Long Beach. And guess what…. Yes Courtland managed to get us lost. And guess who called it and found us in the right direction?

Pardon me for cackling in mirth again, but that’s priceless, the Aussie who can work out his way better than the residents :-D

IMG_1605 – I don’t really know what that was or why it was being transported as is.
IMG_1606-1608 – Breakfast at Disney. I’ll get back to this shortly.
IMG_1609 – Not all USA cars are crap. And not every car looks terrible ridin on 22 inch chromies or Spinnaz that don stop a spinnin. Actually, the 300C looks like the perfect gangstar’s car.

And that be all the Powershot got used for. And I now tell the story in the right order with the pictures of the 20D

IMG_0092 – Early morning at the Motion Pictures and Arts building on Vine. Too early to be honest
IMG_0093 – Sunrise over Sunset
IMG_0094,0095 – The Metro subway isn’t that far form Courtland’s place, about ten minutes. And given this is near the intersection Hollywood and Vine, the Metro station has a distinct film decoration motif. Like these film projectors or the roof decoration of movie reels. Kitsch, but cool at the same time.
IMG_0096 – Metro Red coming to a stop and away we went to the Metro Blue, then down the Metro Blue to Long beach, which as I said a misdirection occurs and we walk a good ¾ km away from where we were supposed to be. A readjust and we’re back – amusingly still on time – back to the place where I was to be swapped between guides. Rie’s also on time and with a thankyou to Courtland, we rumble off in Rie’s Camaro, back onto the freeway system and without any other detour, right to the Mouse House’s doorstep. Into that frankly shockingly huge carpark (and be bemused by the efficency the car parking attendants get cars parked) and then onto the tram again to the entrance of Disneyland and California Land. We’re a bit early and so of course it’s learn my camera and try a few things out

IMG_0097 – Park ticket office and you can see the monorail
IMG_0098 – Telescopic lens looking back up to the stores
IMG_0099 – Early morning park goers
IMG_0100 – That fountain again where you just don’t get sprayed no matter what it does.
IMG_0101 – Telescopic lens again, range well over 100 meters. Hmmm…. This is giving me ideas.
IMG_0102 – Shopping plaza once again
IMG_0103 – Oh dear, poor girl. At least on the large version it’s clear she’s smiling for the camera
IMG_0104 – Something WTF for this poor Aussie
IMG_0105 – And here is something to know. If your obviously a tourist taking pictures, you can turn the camera anywhere and not get king hit. In fact, you get waved to and a ‘G’day’ helps even more. I can see the women reading this rolling their eyes now – hey, there’s nice guys in these pics too!

Come to think of it, I did say Miami had eye candy – LA managed to beat it. There’s times I love being single.

IMG_0106 – Random shot
IMG_0107 – Police…? How they going to catch anyone in that or is it some sort of Keystone Cops thing? And Umm… my filter doesn’t seem to be doing this right. Time to clean
IMG_0108 – They certainly know how to theme this park.

Now, we’re not randomly going somewhere. We are in fact hunting for breakfast and that turned out to be Goofy’s Kitchen. Expensive I have to say but worth it. They even did a decent cup of tea and I didn’t have to explain in excruciating detail exactly how to make the damn thing so it’s palatable.

IMG_0109 And they had Disney characters running about, embarrassing the hell out of patrons and basically having a good time being in character.
IMG_0110-112 – Or doing a the Macerana at random times.
IMG_0113 – The Mad Hatter loved the fact we were drinking real tea!
IMG_0114 – So much so he insisted on a group shot with Lady Vader (Rie) and LiveWire, who was joining us today. She in fact works at Disney, which I shall expand on later. And I have her to thank for getting me in for free on a employee’s ‘friend’ pass.
IMG_0115 – Donald amusing Rie in a fluffy hug
IMG_0116 and the chef himself, Goofy.

Pancakes, bacon, sausages, fruit, syrup, tea. Perfect kick me along for the day’s walking. But while we ate, we saw they hand something called a peanut butter and jelly pizza. Initially I was highly dubious but at the insistence of everyone, I was tempted to try a slice. And promptly fell not only in love with the pizza itself, but the fact I could hardly talk for a minute, the peanut butter being so effective as a gob jammer! Water! Water! Anything to dilute the peanut butter!

Has to be tried to be understood how funny and how good it is

IMG_0117 – Once we ha finished washing down said pizza with a few litres of water, we’re back off and here is the daylight shot of the Rainforest Café. Not so impressive unfortunately in the day time when flames aint leaping off the roof.
IMG_0118-0119 – Looking back up to that car park. Yes, that really is the car park, not a shopping centre. I doubt anyone at home will believe it.
IMG_0120 – Hello froggy
IMG_0121,0122 – Monorail to our first destination.
IMG_0123 – Yes, we got into the drivers compartment and here he is.
IMG_0124-0127 – View outside as we went past a few places.
IMG_0128-0131 – to our destinaltion and finally inside the park itself, Tomorrow World. Now I’m thinking this looks reasonably big but not too big. Was this really going to take the whole day? I doubted it.
IMG_0132 – It’s a marble, floating on a cushion of water that you could twist and turn any way you wished.
IMG_0133 – Cool bit of silly decoration, but this one has an interesting highlight. Disney has been celebrating 50 years of existence and they had made 50 50years Mickey ears and put them into features of the park. It’s a challenge to find 10 of them, let alone off fifty, with some of them hidden incredibly well in plain sight.
IMG_0134 – Montage of Disney fans made into a likeness of Stitch
IMG_0135-0136 – Disney’s attractions are not just rdes or whatever. It’s also street performances like these quite amusing and talented guys.
IMG_0137 – More silly yet well executed decortation. See if you can see the 50years Mickey in this one- yes it is there. See what I mean about hidden brilliantly in plain sight?
IMG_0138,0141 – Now I think Tomorrow land is big, but nto too big and this park really aint that huge? Turn a corner. And I suddenly get a glimpse just how big this place really and how many people really are here. The sound you heard was my jaw hitting the ground
IMG_0142 – And the puddle on the ground is the drool. California just won the babe contest.
IMG_0143 – Maynard. Mad. Funny. He even does commercials and has a fan group. An attraction to Disney by himself

But he still cant do the Crocodile Hunter as well as I can :-D

IMG_0144 – Ponder this – how do they keep the streets free of horse poo?
IMG_0145 – Back outside, looking back in
IMG_0146 – Lady Vader and Live Wire
IMG_0147 Lady Vader and Darth Turbogeek :-D
IMG_0148 – And now we’re in Califoria Land – again didn’t look that big.
IMG_0149 – Going left into what they call a ‘backlot’. Not really, it’s just a place for rides and such.
IMG_0150 – You tell me and we’ll both know
IMG_0151-0152 – Fountain of Mickey the Apprentice outside of Monsters Inc
IMG_0153 – We’re lined up to go on the Monster’s Inc ride and of course they got some clever decorations referring to the movie about
IMG_0154 – Monorail overhead
IMG_0155 – Misfire. Honest
IMG_0156-0157 – Interoir of the ride itself
IMG_0158-0161 – Someone had way too much fun doing the props here.

Now, this is my first rea exposure to Disney rides and apart from the fact they managed to get Americans to line up properly, the actually speed they get people on and off is amazing for me. And I would have had pictures but you know, I just HAD to leave the lens cap on, right? Be that as it may, the ride itself a recreation of the better known part of the movie, with a pretty wild recreation of the doors elevators that sold the illusion of thousands of flying doors. Pretty tame really but well done I guess.

IMG_0162-0165 – Random shots going back out, with Mr Incredible featured.
IMG_0166 – Did we want our picture taken? Dude, your 6mp camera aint got nothing on the monster I’ve got.
IMG_0167 – I should explain something. I’m not actually one to really snapshot pretty women as up to now you might have worked out, with the concentration on other things in the photo essays so far. But I have been commenting over and over the women in the USA are really up there in the looks department and I got called on it to prove it. So I am. Or trying to, if I can get the right shot.
IMG_0170 – And there’s the shot I’m after ^_^

On a note on that, I don’t see why some guys get a huge kick on doing this – I suppose it was good photo practice to set up a shot fast and take it. But deep down, I felt it wasn’t quite 100% right, you know? It’s that nice guy part coming out I think, something says whoah, what are you doing?

I’m not sure I’ll keep these pictures up I the end and I’ll destroy the originals. I’ve done that already, I’ve taken pictures and thought twice later then deleted. I’ll think this over and who knows, tomorrow they will be gone.

IMG_0168-0169 – Random shots. And I’m getting a firm idea here that Disney is a lot, lot bigger than you first realise.
IMG_0171 – Fairy Godmother granting wishes
IMG_0173 – Now were onto the Buzz Lightyear ride, where you are a Space Ranger and your shooting targets as the train your on moves by. Kinda cute and fun, Live Wire’s clearly spent a motza of time on it and shoots rather well.
IMG_0174 - Pizza for the entire Galaxy!
IMG_0175 – I’m still not very good with this camera
IMG_0176-0180 – Now this ride we had done a prearranged time for, which is a pretty good way to avoid queueing. Instead of waiting in line for 40 minutes, arrange a time to come back and wander the rest of the park instead. No mention from the girls what this was, so as I saw the train of cars I was thinking, okay some sort of silly ride as we had already been on, right? In the front car, off we go and up a ramp into the darkness, only ‘starlight’ lighting the way. Then there’s a rush of lightspeed illusion and I’ll be damned, it’s an indoor rollercoaster, where your rushing in darkness with only ‘starlight’ to give you any clue. Cant see the tracks or corners so you cant know when to brace. And much, much longer than I would have suspected too.

At the end, I’m fairly wide eyed, not having expected that. Now that’s what I call a ride!

I might note that rides in amusement parks don’t usually trill me as well, I go motorracing and once you do that, almost every coaster is boring. Least, in Australia that is. Space Race was pretty good all things considered.

IMG_0181 – The Mouse House’s Magic Kingdom in all it’s glory
IMG_0182 – Peter Pan got all the girls :mad:
IMG_0183 – Look out it’s the Alice in Wonderland gang!
IMG_0185 – Okay, so what’s down here?
IMG_0186 – I’d be drooling too if she was in focus. I told ya all, the USA got some women who just cant be real

(Note – someone who’s viewed the pictures already thought she was actually a porn star they recognised. Hmmm. Not something I would honestly know)

IMG_0187-0189 – Woody and Jessie. Some guys got all the luck
IMG_0190 – What did I say about this park being not that big? Utter garbage that was. We hardly even seen any of it, there’s an entire enormous section along this path!
IMG_0191 – Jungle Land I think.
IMG_0192 - Spot the 50Years Mickey
IMG_0193 – Our next ride.

Oh, I have to backtrack a touch here. We had before this gone onto the motion simulator Star Wars ride and you know what? It’s the best of it’s type by a bloody mile I ever been on. You actually felt like you were accelerating and turning and it was quite smooth. Excellent!

IMG_0194-0198 – Entrance to the Indiana Jones ride. By now I was pretty much thinking this could be allright and worth the wait.
IMG_0199,0200 – Fun fact – they found artifical skeletons don’t last in this environment so they got real ones instead.
IMG_0201-0202 – Still lined up for the ride itself.

Got shunted into the front of the ‘car’ and behind the steering wheel. Now I don’t know who designs this stuff, but they better have been well paid. In reality it’s just a cart on tracks with hydralics to move it around. What your mind is thinking is a genuine wild jeep ride, with all the violence and thrills of a real cave drive at high speed in an Indiana Jones setting. Top stuff again and I wanted to go back again.

IMG_0205 – Good grief, how far does this place go?!?!
IMG_0206 – Oh come ON, a ship and a lake big enough for it to move in?!?! This is just getting more and more surreal and mind blowing.
IMG_0207 – Uncle Tom’s Cabin set
IMG_0208-0211 – New Orleans French Quarter set. Pretty big and impressively done.
IMG_0212,0213 – Really, it’s rather pretty full stop in this area
IMG_0214 – And now we get to the Haunted House. A Nightmare before Christmas?

But with dusk approaching, we had to get across the ‘river’ to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, over there in IMG_0215
IMG_0216 – Arty shot like the type I love taking
IMG_0217-0219 – Duckies!
IMG_0220 – Looks bigger than I realised
IMG_0221-223 – Good grief, that boat aint small at all – out of the way duck!
IMG_0224 – And a paddle wheeler too.
IMG_0225-0226 – Rope bridge that had sign ‘DO NOT JUMP OR SWAY ON”

And thence, you know exactly what anyone did

IMG_0227-0231 More random shots around the set
IMG_0232-0233 – Look closely for something amusing that pops up now and then
IMG_0234 – Amazing they have room for a bloody paddle wheeler
IMG_0235 – Cute headstones

Crikey, it’s getting late! Lady Vader’s husband Joe appears, and finally for a rest and some food. My oh my, Rie’s really attempting to walk me off my feet – but with some food, a drink, I’m ready to go again. As Courtland found out, I’m a damn sight fitter than I sometimes look.

IMG_0236-0242 – And back to A Nightmare Before Christmas. Hich I suspect I would have ‘got’ if I had seen the movie. Still, your lead inside, the floor drops away and you guided to a continuous chairway around some highly impressive sets and I presume scences from the movie. Again like anything else in Disney, it’s a hell of a lot bigger than you would realise and I suspect underground.
IMG_0243-0246 – LiveWire had left us a while ago as for her it’s work time. And yes, she works at our next destination – the Jungle River Ride.

Apart from the breakdown of another boat, we don’t have long to wait. And more interestingly, you could request which boat to go on and it seems Live Wire is a crowd favourite.

Thanks for hassling my accent :mad:

IMG_0247 – A Tiger. Apparently when fully grown a tiger is 5000 pounds and can jump 27 feet and is the only animals able to do this
IMG_0248 – I give up. Why did I take this?
IMG_0249 – Stop monkeying around!
IMG_0250 – Ahh yes Hyenas. Apparently when fully grown a tiger is 5000 pounds and can jump 27 feet and is the only animals able to do this
IMG_0251 – That was the remains of Live Wire’s last party.
IMG_0252 – Damn it, flash doesn’t have a big enough hit to light that up. Whatever it was.
IMG_0253 – That’s Joe there
IMG_0254 – Oooh doesn’t he look deeeelightful? And his handbag matches his jumper soooo well!
IMG_0255 – More street performers.
IMG_0256-0258 – We go back outside and out across to the Califorina Park. And a bit of randomness
IMG_0259 – Shuttle engine….?
IMG_0260-0261 – Entrance to Soaring, our next ride. A motion simulator that makes you believe your flying over California.

Okay just a pause in narration for one sec. How the bloody hell did they sell the flying illusion as well as they did?!?! Certainly the rides so far were good, this to me simply mind blowing. Oh my God, brilliant is the only word for it. I have to find out how it was done, it’s just too damn good.

Worth park entry alone? Close man, real close.

IMG_0262-0265 – Ummm… Califorina Land is a hell of a lot bigger than I realised too. A HELL of a lot bigger. Look at the size of those rides for starters.
IMG_0266 – <img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/LA%20Day%206%20-%20Disney/IMG_0266.jpg>

I love this picture.

IMG_0267-0271 – A lot bloody bigger.

Now, 0270 and 0271 show a roller coaster, right? Well, it’s no ordinary coaster, it’s a magnetically propelled one and this is the launch area, the tracks cooled by water spray. And damn, this thing really took off before the climb up and away.

Yes, this is our next ride!

As I said before, rides hold no fear for me and in most cases aren’t the sheer adrenaline blast of rallying. Now, Soaring was simply brilliant for the illusion of flight, Screaming was something else – a rather large coaster it was and had quite a few dips and turns and a loop. Line up, wait…. And of course Rie’s wriggles me to the front of the cars. So I guess I can see whats coming right? And that veneer of no fear can vanish?

I fitted well in the seat and harness, which I took for a good sign, then were drifted away to the launching area. A countdown, much like a rally and then….

We’re launched. And I don’t mean slowly, it was brutal and before we were 50 meters, it was almost 100kph. And before you catch your breath, your suddenly going up to the top. And boosted along.

And then screaming downhill.

I don’t know what was louder, screams of passengers or the maniacal laughter from the mad Aussie up the front. It may not scare me in the slightest but damn it was pure 100% Fun. Oh yes, this place does a hell of a coaster, if it can get that type of reaction from someone who thinks nothing of rally driving.

IMG_0272-277 – More random shots of Califorina Land. Man, how BIG is this place? We’ve done plenty and yet hardly done anything on offer!
IMG_0278 – And then, more of the party arrives. More SW-Fans posters! I cant remember if they wanted their real names and online id’s guarded, so I’ll let them out themselves if they so wish. What I will go to say is that it was a delight to meet you both and frankly the conversation rapidly spiralled out of control into bizarre land and I don’t think anyone stopped laughing. As much as the rides are cool and all, nothing beats good company and truly wonderful people. And we have two wonderful people :)

IMG_0279-293 – For reasons best left unsaid, I was left with about ten minutes by myself. And of course I’m taking random shots. Interesting fact is the mailbox is a working one and is collected every day.
IMG_0294 – Looks pretty at night
IMG_0295 – GRRRRUNNNTTTTT OH help, I’m constipated!!! Least when it comes out, the toilets wont choke – just wipe carefully.
IMG_0296,0297 – Look carefully. You might not notice it straight away, but there’s a reason I took those. You make need to rebalance the colour on 0297 to see it first time

Not sure as a hint, the Disney people would like this very unfamily shot publicised :evil:

IMG_0298-0300 – Back to the Jungle River ride, where Audrey’s shift is about end.
IMG_0302 – Fun fact about elephants – when fully grown they can weight 5000 lb and jump 27 feet. Only jungle animals to do so
IMG_0303 - Fun fact about gorillas – when fully grown they can weight 5000 lb and jump 27 feet. Only jungle animals to do so
IMG_0304 – And fun fact about zebras – when you cook them they have white meat dark meat, white meat……
IMG_0306 – Her last party lost their heads

With that over, we all group up and go for dinner at the New Orleans area. Sourdough as a soup bowl is certainly different, but tasty. The crowds were gathering in force by now and I was sorta wondering why…. Then at 9 pm I knew why. Fasntasia.

Just imagine Disney’s Fanstasia done as a light , sound and visual show. Oh yes, it was awesome. IMG_0307 to 0314 show off parts of the show.

But the fireworks were something else again. And I am going to link directly a few images and when you see them, you will know why I have done so

<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/LA%20Day%206%20-%20Disney/IMG_0315.jpg>
<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/LA%20Day%206%20-%20Disney/IMG_0316.jpg>
<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/LA%20Day%206%20-%20Disney/IMG_0317.jpg>


The crowds move, so do we as then the focus shifts to the Castle.

IMG_0321 to 0347 – a massive fireworks show themed on each ride or ‘village’ in the parks. Words cant describe it. Not at all. Lasted for ages and was truly awesome.

I think in the end, Disney got awfully damn close to matching Day 1 in Alabama for sheer fun.

<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/LA%20Day%206%20-%20Disney/IMG_0348.jpg >

– SW-Fans group shot

IMG_0349-358 - Leaving the park at the end of it all, plus the hotel agai with better shots.

IMG_0359 – The carpark. Oh thank you! Time to go home!

Dropped off at Long Beach, Courtland was there on hand to get me. Back on the Metro lines, out at Hollywood somewhere close to midnight. And a rapid walk, nearly a run back to Courtland’s apartment. Shoes off, shower, and oh my, what a tiring day – and yet Rie’s failed to walk me off my feet too! But what A DAY.

Much thanks to Rie and Audrey for organising and to the rest of the SW-Fans people who turned up – it was nothing short of fantastic to meet you all and what a brilliant time!

Oh, I forgot one ride we went on – Pirates of the Caribbean. I thought it was awfully good and I cant believe they made a movie based on the ride. That turned out to be good.

Not all theme parks are bad. Some rise above and are memorable. Disney transcends the whole damn lot and is going to be a moment in time I cherish. A land full of Happy? You better believe it.

And that’s it. I’m off to bed and tomorrow recover. It’s my last full day in the USA and there's one more thing I feel I need to do. But more on that later. Bed.

Nayala Palain
Jan 26th, 2006, 11:14:49 AM
Marc I thought I said no pictures of me?

Yes one and all I am in a shot... or two.... I loved the images Marc they came out really great...

Jan 26th, 2006, 11:58:27 AM
The LA ones especially have ben a pleasue to read. I don't know how the picture you took of my apartment made it look both bigger and smaller than it really is simultaneously. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2006, 03:02:03 PM
While this entry will be packed full of doings and coming and goings, it barely touched the parks or the vast expanse that is Disney and the adjoining Califorina Land. The sheer size is unbelieveable to me – and despite what must have been for an Aussie a huge crowd inside the parks, there was always plenty of room, not much waiting time and plenty to do and see.

You should see DisneyWorld then, mate. ;) Sounds like you had a blast. :)

Jan 26th, 2006, 07:26:09 PM
Disneyland update was great! I am a sucker for these things myself. USA really do have the best amusements parks in the world :D

Jan 26th, 2006, 09:42:58 PM
There's a few reasons I'll not forget that day anytime soon. Not the least of which was i was on the train for 6 hours going too and fro.

By the return trip to get Marcus I was regretting not telling LV to bring him into Hollywood herself. :lol o_O

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 26th, 2006, 11:17:21 PM
January 14th

Up late of course. Somewhat sore and tired but all in all, recovered pretty well. I think we grabbed a combined breakfast and lunch up at the local donut store but I cant quite remember. I don’t think I asked for tea as I cant remember a hour long argument to make someone understand what tea exactly is and how it should be made. Or maybe I did and they knew what I meant this time?

Anyway, quiet day either watching college basketball, talking to Courtland or diary writing. And packing – my long odyssey is close to coming to an end. I’m feeling tired, weary of living out of suitcases and sleeping in rooms that aren’t my own. I want to go home and breathe the air of the mountains where I live. I want to see my cats. But I have to say I know I’m going to miss plenty of the USA.

Late in the afternoon, QuiGonJ calls and offers a lift to Santa Monica, where Courtland was going to a Alta Meta (Did I spell that right) and was going to tow me along. Originally I was thinking due to past animousity QuiGonJ wouldn’t get along, but this isn’t the case – I’m rather pleased he’s offered. Thanks man.

Http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery - and our gallery today is in Marcus / USA / LA Last Day.

IMG_0360-0369 – last chance probably to picture Courtland’s place in daylight. It might be old and a dive, but it has charisma by the bucket load and for that I love it. Even has an old style elevator where the doors are closed manually.
IMG_0370 – This patriotism thing really makes me WTF a lot.
IMG_0371,0372 – Driving towards…. Actually I’m not entirely sure where in that pic. Ocean I think. Actually I’m not sure why I took those pics at all
IMG_0373 – Good cameras cant compensate for crap photographer
IMG_0374-0377 – The first real shopping mall of Hollywood from the 50’s, now converted to offices and can be seen in Tin Men as Danny Devito’s office
IMG_0378,0379,0381,082 – Director’s Guild building. Damn, it’s well designed and must look awesome with a decent sunset
IMG_0380 – We’re riding wheels 4* the cost of the car
IMG_0383 – Big heavy FWD V8…. Yeah GREAT idea GM. Least this example looked well restored
IMG_0384,0385 – Sunset
IMG_0386 – And yes, this apparently IS Sunset Strip.
IMG_0387 – Apparently a very famous record store.
IMG_0388 - …. I don’t know what to say to that
IMG_0389 – Whiskey a Go Go, yes it’s so famous it’s heard of in Australia
IMG_0390-0392 – Now Sunset Strip is a bit seedy and in truth run down, there’s pavement walkers to be see too. Imagine my surprise that literally I blinked and the whole nature of the road changed. From shabby to pin neat. From run down to lines of hedges, gates and nice cars. We were in Beverly Hills. Oh my, I’ve never seen such a transformation in such a literal blink.

No pictures of rich people in big houses or pop stars? Ummm…. No. Beverly Hills isn’t a great tourist place as there’s just walls and hedges keeping us scum poor from seeing the poncy rich. I think it is so we don’t see the worthless lives others live.


IMG_0393 – Rodeo Drive, another that’s heard of a lot in Australia
IMG_0394 – Pink… bus stop. What the hell?

They don’t see the same reality here that you and I do.

IMG_0395-0398 – Ahh, I lied, I did get a few snapshot of big houses. Best I could do
IMG_0399-0411 – As you may have worked out I’m a lover of architecture and I love taking pictures of it. So QuiGonJ gives for me a real treat – UCLA. Stuffed if I can remember what building is for what, but to me this is one hell of a nice and well built place.
IMG_0412 – Got a much larger pic for you QuiGonJ if you want it. PM me and I’ll link you where it is
IMG_0413,0414 – More of UCLA

<img src=http://alliancemotorsport.org/pics/marcus/USA/LA/Last%20Day/IMG_0417.jpg >

No comment, none needed

IMG_0418,0419 – Santa Monica

It was a bit dreary and threatening to rain, but we made our way from where we parked down to the beachfront – And thence I see the Pacific shore – there’s nothing between me and to the south west, home. What an odd feeling to be seeing this ocean from the other side and to know I’ll be flying back tomorrow.

IMG_0420 – Old cannon
IMG_0421-0425 – Cant remember the pier’s name but that’s where we were headed.
IMG_0426,0427 – The beach – and yes this one apparently is where they did some Baywatch filming on. That roller BTW has a pattern of streets of Hollywood on it.
IMG_0428-0432 – Cat on a beach and behind me is the beginning of the long trip home.
IMG_0433 – The pier again
IMG_0434 – What…?
IMG_0435-0441,0443 – Various shot of the pier and surrounds
IMG_0442 – Believe it of not, that blackness is the direction of home
IMG_0444 – You would think putting your hands in a garbage disposal = bad would be obvious, right?
IMG_0445 – Courtland and Rick
IMG_0446 – Pretty good busker
IMG_0447-0449 – Ferris wheel on the pier
IMG_0450,0451 – Now I am here on the beach, there’s one last thing to do. Beer. So we go into a seafood place (which was very good I add) for said beer, where with some disappointment note that Beer on the beach will earn you a jail cell for the night. I’m NOT going to spend my last night in the USA in jail thank you very much, so this’ll be the best I can do. But this is not the beer – this is what the call a SMALL drink in this place. This is Supersized in Australia.

Now, they had Fosters and some other morons had that. I took the Heineken instead. And thence, with two friends and some seafood, I did the last thing I wanted to do in the USA. I had my beer on the East Coast, I had transversed the continent and now I had my beer on the West Coast.

I felt now it was finally time to leave and here marked the end of my journey across the USA, to become the beginning of the trip home. What this trip has meant to me, what I have done and how it’s changed me, these I think I wont know for some time fully. But I know it means much and it’s changed me.

This might be the end here, but in reality, I know my life’s journey is opening up and really starting properly now.

Heading back, Courtland departed for his Alta Meta, Rick and I had a coffee in a book store and observed that a lot of girls who like books are rather cute, to say the least.

Once Courtland was back, we departed and much to our surprise….

IMG_0452-0454 – This guy, quite funny and fast street performer.

Still got the lolly pop I got off him somewhere here….

Oh and if you want to take pictures of street performers, always put some money down first.

IMG_0455-0458 – Like of this guy, who was an artist of bubble blowing.
IMG_0459 – Didn’t QUITE work as I wanted

So we’re on the way back to Courtland’s, In musing about going home and just trust Rick to suddenly say –

“Wessa going home!”

At this point, I turn, stare incredulously and try to erase the memory of Jar Jar Binks in Episode One out of my mind, but fail, amongst a lot of laughter.

Even back at Courtland’s, even when packing and making some notes, it’s the last thing I thought about.

Yes Jar Jar, Wessa going home allright.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 27th, 2006, 12:30:04 AM
January 15th

Parting is such sweet sorrow – but don’t think to the past, think to the future where we might meet again

Looking out over LA at 7 am after rain overnight is a pretty sight. The sky is clear of smog, the air smells fresh and sound carries really well. There’s time enough to stop for a second, sniff and enjoy the cool breeze at dawn.

http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery - Marcus / USA / Home

IMG_0461-0463 – Looking out on the dawn.
Too early in this morning, I’m ready to go. Courtland’s got one bag, I got the rest and we’re walking back up to Hollywood and Vine, for the Metro. It’s Sunday, so there’s plenty of people winding their way to church. One strikes up a conversation about his trips abroad. Me, I’m keen to make the airport.
IMG_0464-0477 – Metro Red then Metro Blue, then a transfer to Metro Green. As we waited for the train, I took a few pictures looking back on Hollywood and a few planes. And it turned out that the plane in 0477…
IMG_0478 was this one, the plane that I was to go home on
IMG_0479 – Ahem

No real problems apart from frikking closed escalators for no good reason, security checks no where near what they had been for other flights, drop bags, check in, go to terminal. Sleep / read for a few hours. At 12pm they begin boarding first class. 15 minutes later, it was my turn. As I left US soil, I did my ‘grounding’, a prayer to the USA and a hope I would come back again someday.

It was with some sadness my feet touched the aircraft. I had enjoyed the USA immensely.

Oh no, the flight was full. Window seat. Agh. This could be bad.

IMG_0464-0498 – Taxi-ing to the runway about 1pm

Probably wasn’t quite legal to have a camera on and shutterbugging like this.

And at 1:15pm, the enogines revved, I’m pushed backwards into the seat by acceleration and in a few seconds I feel the thud as the landing gear leaves the ground…. And for 14 hours I’m on this bomber winging my way back

IMG_0499-0506 – My last sights of the USA as we climbed.
IMG_0507-0532 – Flight was boring. Took pictures as the sun set. Watched Wallace and Gromit, Curse of the Were Rabbit ( not so good), Corpse Bride (Surprisingly good), The Dirty Dozen (One of my favourite movies), a documentary I cant remember and Chinatown. Tried to sleep – failed. Tried to write – not enough room. Tried to fart – not enough oxygen.

Then, 14 hours after it had started, the seatbelts sign came back on, I felt the engine’s revs drop a bit and we began our descent into Sydney. At 10pm Monday the 16th!

IMG_0533-0542 – It was a wet night. Not exactly the most welcoming of sights and frankly terrible to try and take shots of. Finally, the wheels hit tarmac, the engines scream for the reverse thrust – and a minute later, the plane has safely landed and I cant wait to get the hell out of it.

15 minutes later


Out of plane, off catwalk – and onto Australian soil. And Aussie air. My God, this place smells so different to the USA. It feels so different too. I never realised how odd we all sound too, now there’s nothing other than Aussie accents to hear. Never realised that officials had a sense of humour that is sooooooo welcome. I cant imagine anyone making a poor taste joke over the PA in the USA.

Everything is cleaner, newer, more … bland. There’s a lack of character noticeable in the buildings, the layouts. And yes, we know how to line up but damn it Sydney sure as hell cant get bags to passengers within 30 minutes! And marshalling lines…? Yeah right, lining up is excellent but getting the lines to move in a fast fashion?

Maybe I’m exhausted and had enough, but Customs in Sydney was a real PITA. Believe me, we got strict quarantine rules and while there’s a healthy disrespect of authority noticeable, you do NOT screw with Quarantine. 20 minutes later, I’m finally allowed through unchecked, push past someone in the middle of the frigging walkway(!) and then out the sliding doors…. And I’m there. Hello Sydney. I’ve missed you. But I aint missed your frigging lousy service, the douchebag in the money changer needs an enema. Nor waiting 25 minutes in the rain and humidity (IMG_0543,05454) (Oh yes, it was approaching 12am and it’s 23C with 100% humidity). Nor the bloody *^&%# goddamn *^%$ of (*^&!! Motorways and retard 5 under the limit drivers in the fast lane.

But faster than I expected, it’s 12am and we pullup….


OH my. It’s HOME

Key’s been left out for me. I struggle in, wet, tired, misreble and drag bags to the room

IMG_0547 – Wakko is also finally home, the Great Adventure is almost over.

Three things to do. Brew a magnificent cup of Tea (Oh LORD, I needed this so bad), get a shower and then…..


MY Boys. I missed you all so much. They are okay! And they mobbed me, so they remembered Big Cat and wanted a hug!

Stiggy, my kitty! Razor and Ginger!. Hello!

And as 2am came about, I unpacked a few things, finished off a few others, climbed not bed, felt the familiar bed, smelt the humid and cool air from outside laced with flowers, the bellow of a far away freight train….

“Well… I’m back”

And fell to sleep.


There is one post left in the diary, one I find I need to make. Be back Soon once I wake up

Jan 27th, 2006, 01:19:34 AM
These have been great to read and relive myself. It was really fun having you here Marcus, I hope you didn't mind the cramped quarters too much. You'll always have a place to stay in the City of Angels.

Jan 28th, 2006, 10:19:26 PM
The reason I said "Weesa goin home" was, we were listening to the Episode III soundtrack, and it reached the point where they tracked the music in which Jar Jar said that in Episode I.

I was very happy to take you guys places. After 8 years without a car, it was my honor and priviledge to be able to give other people rides. Btw, Marcus, the next Monday I did take the car in for an oil change and inspection, and other than a recommendation to swap out the nearly 7 year old battery, I was happy to be told the car is in good repair. As for the past on the Net, that's what it is. Life is too short to carry grudges over typed words for years and years. :)

Or as Miyagi say, "for man with no forgiveness in heart, life worse punishment than death. "

Glad you liked my alma mater too, thought it would be worth a few minutes for the pics. And I much enjoyed yours and Courtland's company. It was good to get out and just see things, something I admit I just don't do that often.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 30th, 2006, 05:15:38 AM
January 30th, 2006. Location, Blaxland approx 80km from Syndey City.


How can one travel like I did and not be moved by what they saw? How can one return and not be changed? The full effects cant be known when your tired and adjusting to the savage heat of a Australian summer, but later, when you have settled back and your gotten back into the flow of home and life. When you have seen the old things when you talk to your old friends and your really are forceably reminded of what you dont like about yourself and what you do, or remined what you used to do and say.

Yesterday, I hosted Helen for lunch, where we talked for a fee hours and I showed her the pictures from the trip. What surpised me is just how much I could say, I could not even touch on a fraction of the month I spent. Each picture prompts a new memory, the videos more. Explaining the people you saw, the people you met, agreeing snow exists.

This is the first time I've talked to her face to face at length since we split and it'll be the case that we will be friends - but as for anything else, it is certain it is over, we will divorce this year when the law allows us. But I dont feel any loss, I feel I have freedom and I dont regret anymore the path life has taken. The hard road as God showed me is difficult, but it's worth the struggle and this I see clearly. Willingly now I will not got back, but I will go forward. The USA showed me life really can be great, each day a new experience, even old friends can be seen in new ways that you dont expect.

I'm developing a fun program of exercise I'm gradually building into that I wont rip myself up over, I've taken up mountain bike riding which I've found out I love to bits. I'll begin swimming soon as well again but I wont do the 3.5 km I was before the USA. I was frankly pushing too hard and damaging myself. But as I'm not quite as aggressive with exercise as I was, I have gained a bit more stomach, which I hate - but it knows it's days are numbered. Triathlon is on the cards if I can harden my body enough to cope with running. Plus, motor racing once my wallet recovers, I'm also getting my investing up to speed.

There's plenty to happen in the next few months and I feel ready to go for it.

I cant really remember anything the USA that was not worthwhile. The low point was Miami - not the people I met of course, but the fact it's not the USA anymore. Something got to be done to make people accept they are in Amercia and to intergrate. And there is a lot to like about intergating.

My opinion of the USA? I love the place. It's so different to home, so weird, disorganised, but with it's own rules and logic. I love the fact I hardly did any tourist stuff, that I got to see the real USA and not some postcard. I love the roads, I love the people in the main, I love the food and the women.

Helen when seeing the video seems to think that me with a gun is a frightening prospect and even worse that it looked like I'm a decent shot, she think guns have no place in society. I disagree, guns are fun and have their place. I see Charley's point and agree that there's nothing wrong with responsible gun use. Especially coupled with Tannerite.

USA cars in general are awful, you MUST demand better.

The USa certainly can do a museum and when they display something, it's never a mock up it is the real thing - thats so wonderful.

There's a sense of history, of presence and pride. I'm not sure about the flag waving patriotism - probably never will be given how Aussies are with that stuff.

Mnay Americans are incredibly unknowing of the world outside. I dont think this is a concious thing, its the media in the main that heavily concentrates on the USA and there's little shown of anything other than Canada. So for all of the poeple I met, it was the first genuine taste of an Australian they have had. They heard me speak, talk of home, compare between there and here. I think most at the least found me facinating and no matter how much they thought they knew me from online, the Mark they expected turned out to be radically different and a guy called Marcus instead.

Marcus was a surprise for me too.

In fact, such a surprise that the night I saw him in the mirror rocked me much more than it came out in print. Seeing what other saw was incredible.

Mark and marrige is gone, Marcus and my new life is what I am, what I stand for and what I will be. Marcus is best described as an incredibly nice, polite, well spoken and intelligent man, bit geeky but that same Marcus also has a edge and a underlying steel, a insane streak and a lack of fear. And also honest.

Helen noticed Marcus too. She could hardly believe how I've changed and how ... nice I was. Even the person who thought she knew me best found out Mark is gone.

Marcus also proved to be unexpectantly attractive. Yes, a marrige breakup is bad for the ego and you think your hideous, but the USA showed me that I dont need to live as a hermit if I dont want to. I still cant believe how the accent worked.

What I do have now as a result of the USA is that I have close female friends and this is up to now a rareity in my life. I do count Helen as a friend, but there's three others I value as well. Maybe a fourth if she stops trying to get in my pants, and no, that's not you Mandy.

Christin, Charley, Patton, Chris, Shawn, Crystal, Mandy, Julie, Courtland, Rae, Audrey, Katrina, Rick and Oh hell, what was your husband's mane again Kat..? I love you all. Your all great people and I loved meeting you all. Ypu are welcome to stay for free at my hope if you ever come down to Australia and yes, you can judge the place on what I'm like - you will love it. Also a hello to Joe and Audrey's boyfriend, plus Laci and Lexi. Plus a thanyou to Mr and Mrs Cascale and family who hosted the Aussie at Christmas Day - thank you very much

Additional thank you to the Something Awful AI posters who know about this version of the diary, especially Niklas and Tabitha who put up with the Mad Aussie at their place. Eric_Is_Godess, Justin, Filthy Luker, Redscare, Accel, The Swift.CC, Vertigo, Miklm, Frozen Phil, Mapless, other Alabama Goons and their wives, other SoCal AI goons, your all great, I loved meeting you all. I gotta come back and drag the Galant somehow with me.

There's also Katrina, Kira, the girls at Indiana.

My God, what a time I had.

I love Australia, I love my home, but after what's happened in the last two months, I could never just sit here and stay for good ever again. I need to travel while I still can, I need to see the rest of the world. But first, I'm going to see my own country, as it hit home how manyin the USA dont know what they have in their own country. I wont make the same mistake with Australia. I'm going to see much more of it, I am going to see Uluru, the Top End, the Great Barrier Reef and the other wonders Australia has. I want to see the sunrise in the desert, I want to have a beer on the West Coast. I want to feel the loniness of the Nullabor, or the searing heat of Broken Hill. The snows of Kosiosko.

I will do it and then when I know my own home properly, I'll leave and travel the world but come back again, knowing just how special it really is.

My diary will be availible on CD shortly if you want a copy and any picture on request.

But one more thing that's been gratifying and unexpected before I end, finally, this diary. The USA changed me and it bought out from the wreckage of my life Marcus and that I cant be thankful enough. But Marcus also touched the lives of others greatly too and I've been surprised to hear how. I've been surprised to hear people being upset and in tears when I've moved on and wished I could have stayed.

That means a lot to me, that I could be thought of that well.

It's also how changes in plan can have really radical results weeks later too that's been making me sit back and think deeply. I dont know what that will lead to, but if there is one place in the USA that I miss deeply, it's Indiana. You see, I was truly happy, truly relaxed, felt my life was right for the first time in so long and that's where Marcus revealed himself and.... I accepted Marcus was me.

If there is one thing I really wish to do in the future, is to have a good cup tea, sit on the couch and watch Star Wars with Lexi and Laci. I felt part of a family, a real family.

I will be back, I swear, not just the for girls in Indiana. I will be. I love you all too much to not come back. I want to see you all again. I love your country. I've got things I want to do there and I AM going to use the silly carpet Mandy.

Mandy, forgive me for centering you out right now, but you deserve it. Your a wonderful girl and just dont be shy. I loved our date on NYE, it helped me more than you will know. I think you now know there are nice guys out there - just be yourself and they will come. Trust me on this.

I love the USA - maybe not enough to want to live there, it would drive me nuts. But I will be back. And that's the biggest compliemnt this true blue Aussie could give.

Goodbye, goodluck, God Bless you all. And thank you. It was a hell of a ride.


(Damn it, I'm crying because of how great it all was now. All these great memories and people. I do not regret a single thing I did in the USA. Not. One. I have to say I do indeed love you all)

Jan 30th, 2006, 07:54:27 AM

What can I say? Its been an incredible journey and one Im sure a lot of people reading feel they have taken with you. The way you notice the details and hold onto the small things to remember your trip by. You seem a pretty sentimental guy.

My life still seems to be tumbling down as I've know broken up with my girlfriend and can no longer afford our home.

I feel scared but reading this thread has given me the inspiration to know that this isnt where my life ends, instead its a place for it to begin over again. There is hope and I know I'll make it through this tough patch. A lot of that is thanks to the inspiration Ive recived from reading this diary.

I feel incredibly sad that its all over, and I wasnt even on the trip. Just make sure next time you write up a diary, its somewhere we can all find it.

A Marcus blog or something! Cheers.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 30th, 2006, 08:09:22 AM
FYI you will be in Finland in 2 years time. And so will I.

Jan 30th, 2006, 10:50:16 AM
I still find myself re-reading old jhournal entries and combing thru your pictures. Whether it's Alabama, or Miami, or Toronto, or wherever. I really felt like I got to know you Marcus the last 6 weeks, and I'm glad I did so. I had a great time meeting you in person and since i was sorta worried I'd bore you silly, I'm glad you apparently enjoyed it as well.

Next time you come I'll try and have a bigger place for you to stay in. But hey, you slept in a building that Hollywood royalty owned and crashed at. How cool is that? :)

Jan 30th, 2006, 05:10:17 PM
Marcus: Great diary. It's kept me visting since you started it. I wish the best for you.

Jan 31st, 2006, 01:15:51 AM
You dick, you made me cry first thing this morning when I read this :p lol.

You know I loved having you here, I enjoyed your company and miss you a lot. And yes, I want in your pants. :lol You're always going to mean a lot to me, Mark, and I don't think I'm ever going to forget the little bit of time I got to spend with you.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 31st, 2006, 11:40:07 AM
Originally posted by Eve
Marcus: Great diary. It's kept me visting since you started it. I wish the best for you.

Great minds think alike. I'll take this opportunity to echo everything Eve said and say that I just wish I could've made it down to Alabama to be part of your grand adventure.

PS: Hi Eve! *hug and snooches!*