View Full Version : Ancient History

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2005, 11:57:26 PM
Ah, as it last stood I was going to use some of Ceel's already collected history of the boards to use in my own project that's been on hold for a very long time due to lack of help and also - well it doesn't matter really, anyway. For reasons that most people know, I no longer wish to use even a smidge of his history. :mneh

I do want mine to be much more detailed than his simple timeline, and I think I have some of the information already, but I would like to know more about the history of CC.net as it progressed from the GJO being formed.

And anything else anyone would like to help out with. You can post it here or PM it to me at this account. Gracias!

Dec 12th, 2005, 12:11:51 AM
I don't really know much about CC.Net. I was absent when the split occured and when I returned I mainly kept to SWFans and posted there only occasionally.

It's had a few forum wars (like SWFans I suppose). Jinn has told me a little bit. :\

The biggest thing I remember was Jonathan getting banned - I remember because he (temporarily) banned me from the Swamps when I pointed out that Jon himself had said that anyone stripped of their mod/admin position (as he had been earlier) ought to be banned automatically (which ended up happening). He didn't like me pointing that out and so banned me, though some quick thinking diplomatic gestures on ICQ got it fixed up (me, that is. not Jon. He got his sorry butt banned anyway).

I'm hoping to have a thread here asking for everyone to detail their history on SWFans (yes, I know, it's insane) so maybe something will come out of that. :)

Pierce Tondry
Dec 12th, 2005, 12:17:37 AM
Originally posted by Atreyu
He didn't like me pointing that out and so banned me, though some quick thinking diplomatic gestures on ICQ got it fixed up (me, that is. not Jon.

Sounds... convoluted. I've always been of the opinion that massive tools should never have power, and also that JLB was a massive tool.

I'm hoping to have a thread here asking for everyone to detail their history on SWFans (yes, I know, it's insane) so maybe something will come out of that. :)

I'll write something up next weekend. Finals are going to kick my ass this week.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 12th, 2005, 12:27:50 AM
With everyone's permission I would be wiling to post those on my website. If you like you might have one for here and one that is edited for website ;) in case there is flamable material in it.

Dec 12th, 2005, 12:33:00 AM
Well, don't go posting those comments I made about Jon on your website. I have a public reputation to uphold. :p

Just a note to everyone else - Ceel has been having an absolute bashfest about Hollie on TGC (and he reckons SWFans is nasty - hmmmm), including labelling her a failure for being even able to get a history up and runnning.

So if you want to stick it to him, please contribute.:)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 12th, 2005, 12:35:39 AM
Technically I haven't been trying to get one up and running for a year and a half, as he claims. I started, then stopped. And I'm starting again now. ;) If I'd been actively trying for a year and a half (incidentally this is how long I've been married as well) I'd bloody well have one finished. ;)

And have no fear - no public display of horrendous scandals shall be published. I'm not interested in naming names, also because there are as many versions of 'how it all went down' as there are people involved in any board split you can name.

Dec 12th, 2005, 08:20:12 AM
JLB.....we could dedicate an entire forum to that piece of work....

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 12th, 2005, 09:57:41 AM
hehehe.... Anyone read his book yet?

Dec 12th, 2005, 11:37:32 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
hehehe.... Anyone read his book yet?

I actually have read his book! :lol

I reviewed it on among my others stuff at associatedcontent. Wanna have the link? ;)

Dec 12th, 2005, 01:15:55 PM
Yeah! I'm sure the kid can write, he was intelligent enough, but boy was he thick-skulled, thin-skinned, ignorant and incediary.

Darth McBain
Dec 12th, 2005, 03:19:32 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yeah! I'm sure the kid can write, he was intelligent enough, but boy was he thick-skulled, thin-skinned, ignorant and incediary.

Yeah, he definitely was a smart guy, but having a legitimate conversation with him was virtually impossible without it descending into a flame war.

Dec 12th, 2005, 05:42:18 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yeah! I'm sure the kid can write, he was intelligent enough, but boy was he thick-skulled, thin-skinned, ignorant and incediary.

He can write. But as you see from my review, he hasn't totally changed.


Dec 12th, 2005, 09:59:41 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yeah! I'm sure the kid can write, he was intelligent enough, but boy was he thick-skulled, thin-skinned, ignorant and incediary.

To say the least. :grumble

In short, he's the reason why I gave up the reins at CC.net. I made one simple little request of him not to use a particular word that I found offensive, and it ended up blowing up in my face.

I wouldn't allow even one single skin cell from my body touch his book. I wouldn't dare give him the satisfaction, after all the pain and unhappiness I experienced.

Dec 12th, 2005, 10:02:32 PM
Anywho...you know, I actually remember the first post I made at the old SWFans site. It was summer of '99, and I posted a question about the 12" Darth Maul figure, wondering if anyone had found it since I couldn't find it anywhere in my town. Trouz answered me, and thus started my posting habit.

And just to make all you young'uns feel less old, I was 35 when I started posting in '99. Believe it or not, I'm going to be 42 next month. :eek

Dec 12th, 2005, 11:25:37 PM
Good grief and I was thinking 37 next year was a genuine Old Fart!

Hey if you people want a good history, I'm afraid I probably cant write it all ut from memory, but I think maybe you ask questons and I can dredge em up.

Maybe CMJ can interview me when I'm in LA :-D

Pierce Tondry
Dec 13th, 2005, 12:14:52 AM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
stuff about how JLB was a moron

Hating JLB is a waste of energy. Just privately laugh at how silly he is and you'll get much more satisfaction out of it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2005, 09:55:31 AM
He offered me a job as housekeeper for his mom. :lol And I saw Attack of the Clones with him.

Anyway, here's my basic idea for the layout of my history section of http://swf-agglomeration.net :

First page: intro with quick info about sw-fans now. Timeline with links to all the other pages should run down the side of the page.

Second page: jawafortress.net
founder, who posted there and why, what it's purpose was, etc. What happened to it. Names of posters can link to personal profiles of posters.

Third page: SWvsTitanic

Fourth: CoruscantCity.Net
from beginning until now

Fifth: sw-fans.net

etc etc. The sw-fans.net page will link off to blurbs about the boards that have broken off from us: tgc, tse, aramir, etc. and each of those should have links to the RPing groups that have broken off from them: swurp and trf and sw epics, etc.

Dec 14th, 2005, 11:23:08 PM
When I get time (hopefully before Christmas, as I'm going to NZ for 2 weeks afterward) I'll sit down and right my own official account of my posting on SWFans.

I still remember quite a bit, even down to who were elected on councils, other groups (anyone remember the BSK?) and the like.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 15th, 2005, 12:09:29 AM
New Zealand for two weeks! Aaah jealous!!!

Dec 15th, 2005, 12:19:38 AM
12 days to be more precise. And only the North island (natch :\).

Still, it should be nice. :)

Dec 17th, 2005, 12:31:54 PM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
Hating JLB is a waste of energy. Just privately laugh at how silly he is and you'll get much more satisfaction out of it.
Ditto. And if Court ever does follow through on his threat to mail me his book he's a dead man.

Dec 17th, 2005, 10:05:52 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Come try and find me big boy.


Dec 18th, 2005, 02:34:46 PM
Your end will be long and painful. I'm going to lock you in my house with all 3 of my kids. You' won't stand a chance. :evil

Dec 19th, 2005, 04:34:44 PM
Maybe CMJ can interview me when I'm in LA :-D

We shall all sit around a table while he interviews you. I'll be glad to be the photographer. :p

Dec 20th, 2005, 10:37:46 AM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Your end will be long and painful. I'm going to lock you in my house with all 3 of my kids. You' won't stand a chance. :evil

Game Over man, game over. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 20th, 2005, 03:46:57 PM
LOL well Jonathan was a piece of work I think he was one of the worst posters we ever had here. Although the insane Jedi what his name might have been worse. I still remember that nut job and his conspiracies.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 21st, 2005, 03:35:18 PM
From the roleplay side I nominate Jamel as the worst RPer ever. Creepy, insane, and had no real proper use of the language but constructed long elaborate sentences that led to nowhere.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 21st, 2005, 03:50:11 PM
Jamel was amusing in his own way and that Martial Artist Fisting was the most memorable mangling of English ever. But Itala was worse as a player. And Darth Stone... oh holy hell, I got bad memories from him.

I've always maintained Jamel was a bot. His spelling was really good but yet his grammar was so incredibly blown to pieces that I cant see how anyone could have such a spelling command in English and yet be so grammar abusive.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 21st, 2005, 03:54:12 PM
I have had a couple of people ask me if I was Darth Stone, since apparently he also went under the name Vega Stone, IIRC. He still roleplays (though not here) under the name Recon Klain.

Dec 21st, 2005, 10:39:25 PM
Wow, Darth Stone is Recon Klain? Never knew that either.

I swear, even if this forum self destructs in the next 15 seconds, it's already been worth it to know all this stuff. :)

I remember Stone, but not very well. There were so many roleplayers in and out back then (c. 2000) that they all tend to blend together. Especially all those with names beginning with 'Darth'.

On the topic of older posters, does anyone remember Brahma Bull2001? He's an oldie who posted between the CC.Net split and around the end of 1999.

He was one who originally created TSE's forums and even can be credited with the idea of having a little chat/off topic area (the Big Kahuna - this predated Rama's Corner). But he had a big spat with Mara over something and Mara set up a new TSE board. BB2001 more or less disappeared shortly after that, although I did find odd posts from him a year or so later on other boards dissing TSE.

Bit of a strange fellow, he also posted under the name Exar Kuun (not to be confused with Ezar Kunn) and Sith God (he also had this name at CC.Net) - the later was assumed to be a troll until he revealed it was him. Yeah - a bit odd.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 21st, 2005, 11:42:18 PM
when you say Mara, you mean Lady Mara Jade, right? We had two Mara's, one was LMJ and the other was Director Isard (real name Mara), but she came later than LMJ I believe.

Dec 22nd, 2005, 01:47:21 AM
When I say Mara, I mean Mara Jade1 / Lady Mara Jade.

I forgot about Isard - she also went by Mara L Jade now that I think about it.

But no, I meant the original Mara. :)

(the one that got banned) :\

Morgan Evanar
Dec 22nd, 2005, 09:57:54 AM
She got banned because she was a horrible monster. Anyone who attempts to manipulate others in the context of an internet roleplaying game where there is really nothing to gain from it is a form of the most pathetic and death deserving creatures to inhabit the earth.

No, I am not going to tell you shit because you're fliriting with me on the internet and are OMG FEMALE. No, you are not as smart as you thinking you are. No, you live in California and I don't care.

Please be playing in traffic kthxbye.

Oh look it's 2001/2002 again and I'm jerk me :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2005, 09:59:30 AM
She's a terrible driver, too.

Why didn't anyone warn me about her before I got into a car with her?! It was only AFTER I met her that I heard about her bad side. Or her good side. I blame Lady Vader and Live Wire!! :lol


Pierce Tondry
Dec 22nd, 2005, 12:17:22 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
She got banned because she was a horrible monster. Anyone who attempts to manipulate others in the context of an internet roleplaying game where there is really nothing to gain from it is a form of the most pathetic and death deserving creatures to inhabit the earth.

No, I am not going to tell you shit because you're fliriting with me on the internet and are OMG FEMALE. No, you are not as smart as you thinking you are. No, you live in California and I don't care.

Please be playing in traffic kthxbye.

Oh look it's 2001/2002 again and I'm jerk me :D

There's the Morgan Evanar we've all come to know and laugh at. I mean, with. Laugh with.

Yeah. That's it.

No, for serious though. That's probably when you and people like Charley are at your funniest.

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 22nd, 2005, 12:34:46 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
She got banned because she was a horrible monster. Anyone who attempts to manipulate others in the context of an internet roleplaying game where there is really nothing to gain from it is a form of the most pathetic and death deserving creatures to inhabit the earth.

No, I am not going to tell you shit because you're fliriting with me on the internet and are OMG FEMALE. No, you are not as smart as you thinking you are. No, you live in California and I don't care.

Please be playing in traffic kthxbye.

Oh look it's 2001/2002 again and I'm jerk me :D


Add to that stalker and she's the most appropriate person to get hit by a truck

Dec 22nd, 2005, 01:27:00 PM
Good lord, when even I remember Mara Jade you know she was a longtime RP poster. I mean I only was in on the RP thing at the creation+acouple months. :lol :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2005, 02:35:55 PM
Wasn't she also responsible for the Abomination(somethingsomething) that posted the long ass 'taken from private forums' post and spammed it all over TSE and sw-fans related boards? I can't remember if that pre-dated or post-dated the TSE/Sw-fans split.

I actually have this saved on my forum on meras.

edit: no I don't have it saved, I have something else in reaction to it saved. I never actually saw the post by Abomination77.

The weird thing is that what I do have saved sounds like it came out of a locked forum and I'm not sure how I got it. But it was 3 years ago... ^_^;

Reading it reminds me why it is better to leave that page of the book closed tightly.

Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:26:12 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Wasn't she also responsible for the Abomination(somethingsomething) that posted the long ass 'taken from private forums' post and spammed it all over TSE and sw-fans related boards? I can't remember if that pre-dated or post-dated the TSE/Sw-fans split.

I actually have this saved on my forum on meras.

edit: no I don't have it saved, I have something else in reaction to it saved. I never actually saw the post by Abomination77.

The weird thing is that what I do have saved sounds like it came out of a locked forum and I'm not sure how I got it. But it was 3 years ago... ^_^;

Reading it reminds me why it is better to leave that page of the book closed tightly.
It predated the TSE split off - I was still an admin when 'Abomination' reared her ugly head and I didn't quit until around April/May 2002.

I think I have a copy of the original post - Lynch sent me a link that was still active at the time and i made a copy for my own records. It was a copy of a thread from TSE's private forum detailing a supposed plan takeover by Mara and some others.

I use the word 'supposed' because some of the people linked include some who are posting in this thread right now, so I don't think it was all 100% true and accurate.

But yeah, ancient history now. :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:46:22 PM
I can go into details of the Abdomation77 thing, I did a lot of work to uncover her on that.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:53:15 PM
Yeah I think that that is the same thread I have copied and saved. Still never saw the original post that sparked it all.

Ahh, back before I was the one causing the controversy. :) And when the word "clique" was tossed around like beads at Mardi Gras.

Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:54:25 PM
You can if you want Marcus, or if you don't want to do it publically you can PM me (if you want). I never really found out that whole side of things.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:55:15 PM
well this isn't exactly publicly. :) I'm sure I know the story already but have forgotten it. :(

Dec 22nd, 2005, 11:00:27 PM
He should post it in the SWFans Old Old Folks Home. :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2005, 11:00:53 PM

Dec 23rd, 2005, 08:45:10 AM
Great thread, brings back lots of old memories. I had forgotten the names Lady Mara Jade and may others mentioned here.

The one I won't forget is the infamous JLB, oh I loved to give him crap. When I posted heavily I used to find his stupid posts and make a point to reply to them point by point and either disprove his stupid comments or just incite him further.

I still recall when I really pissed him off by saying my 10yr old nephew was a bigger Star Wars fan beacuse he was enjoying it as it was intended by JLB was just a obsessed adult. :)

Then the whole women can't playbasketball thing, that was a fun conversation as well.

Mu Satach
Dec 24th, 2005, 07:47:19 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu

On the topic of older posters, does anyone remember Brahma Bull2001? He's an oldie who posted between the CC.Net split and around the end of 1999.

He was one who originally created TSE's forums and even can be credited with the idea of having a little chat/off topic area (the Big Kahuna - this predated Rama's Corner). But he had a big spat with Mara over something and Mara set up a new TSE board. BB2001 more or less disappeared shortly after that, although I did find odd posts from him a year or so later on other boards dissing TSE.

Bit of a strange fellow, he also posted under the name Exar Kuun (not to be confused with Ezar Kunn) and Sith God (he also had this name at CC.Net) - the later was assumed to be a troll until he revealed it was him. Yeah - a bit odd.

I remember him. I may have a link to other things he had going on outside of sw stuff on old archived CD's at home... things in his real life got pretty scary/crazy/sad for a while and then when I quit school for a while and was unemployed w/no net access I lost touch with him.