View Full Version : Group Idea

Zereth Lancer
Dec 8th, 2005, 11:15:45 PM
Me and Jorshal have been talking and We’ve come up with an idea for a possible series of group threads for TSO. The foundation if based around Alexia Sturkov, formerly known as Jezreal Darkshard before she died and came back as Alexia (Death: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38557, Reincarnation: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38848) The thing is that Alexia’s mind has been so twisted and warped by the darkside energy that kept her spirit alive that she hates just about anything, especially TSO. The reason for her hate for tso is simply that in her mind she blames the sith for her death and especially hates Zereth for not coming to her rescue. So this is based around the fact that Alexia knows that TSO is based on Korriban and all the sith’s access/docking codes or whatever it is they use to enter the secret docking bays and get below the surface to the sith base underground. Now all it would take is Alexia telling the Inquisitors where TSO is and it’d be a nightmare for the sith, but Alexia wants the personal satisfaction of killing TSO herself. She, with the help of genetic scientist Zanon O’hara and a group of Arkanian scientist, has created an army of mutations designed as hunter killers. She calls them “Force hunters” For the obvious reason of using them to kill the sith and other force users. (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39644). Now the idea is that Alexia sends these nasty little buggers down into Korriban to attack the sith on their own ground. The sith will win the end but not after sustaining heavy losses and possible abductions. After failing at her own attempt Alexia will go to the INQ and give them the secret information, by then TSO will probably have changed the codes and limiting the INQ means of attack, but this attack will come anyways. Now the already weakened with will have to pit tooth against claw to survive and loose many more sith to blade and abduction.

So, I really want to know what you Elders think of all this and what possibilities it might hold for TSO as a group. So just comment, add thoughts, or mention what parts you think won’t fit.

Jorshal Vuntana
Dec 8th, 2005, 11:24:19 PM
Well the bit about the Inq is still in the air. I've been talking to their heads and we just don't know for sure if it will act as a follow up attack or not. They've got some issues over there that need some resolution.

As far as the idea goes, I think its a great set up for some good stories. My only issue is how to present it without creating giant jumbled up and overcrowded threads.

My proposed solution would be to do something similar to what was done with the first training mission. Break it up into sections that read as a good single thread but when read together with the other threads, makes a big story.

Except in this case, I suggest we break it up differently than this knight gets these acolytes... Maybe just groups of people who were at a certain place when the attack commenced.

Ideas, comments?