View Full Version : Help with Rping

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2005, 06:09:22 PM
More specifically, getting back into it. I've been burnt out and out of ideas for awhile due to several circumstances, big reason RL. Some things aren't going to happen to what I had planned, which is fine, but I will keep true to what has been done for the characters so far and Ineed a new stepping off point.

Lianna Mal Pannis - Jedi Knight, wanderer. Last seen with Fig on Dantooine. A lot of time has passed so she could be anywhere now. I can fit her in pretty well. She also is the twin of Miranda Tarkin but they don't know that yet ^^ and I like to keep it that way for awhile

Grace Van-Derveld - Besides the possibilty with Serena, any other ideas for a Rebel Spy? I owe a post to Litika and I know Morg but Drin isn't rping anymore.. so that kinda washes that up :\

Belay Nisi
Dec 4th, 2005, 10:45:45 PM
I suggest checking out the Survivor of Jedi Purge thread. That'll get your rested writing ideas working. Then from there I can throw out the names of my two characters (Belay and Lamar) because both are free. Lamar less so than Belay, who is in real need of doing something.

So thats about all I can say


Joda Cardgage
Dec 4th, 2005, 11:21:13 PM
Joda is a former Jedi, who has forgotten everything about the Force. He was a newly-appointed knight during the Jedi Purge, and he survived, but spent years in the Ithorian Forest before he was finally found by a group of Ithorians on a religious expedition. Physically, he was more or less unharmed, but his mind has been pretty screwed up. Point is - he needs someone to remind him of the Force. (Which means training from an initiate level.) I'm not asking you to be his a master, but it'd be nice for him to just find another Jedi to get him started.

If you're interested, check out No Probalo! (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39708)

Yurza Magus
Dec 5th, 2005, 08:19:56 AM
You know you'll always have the services of my characters. Right now though I'm only using Yurza and Naysheta (Jedi). Infact I have a thought for her if you're interested.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 5th, 2005, 01:34:59 PM
The Survivors thread is out of the question since Lianna was not alive during the time when Anakin attacked the Jedi Temple :)

Not sure what your two characters do tho ^^

Joda... that might be doable but I am also curious as to what Yurza had in mind

Morgan Evanar
Dec 5th, 2005, 05:11:58 PM
My character is tied to yours slightly so I'm sure we can do something in the future :)

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 5th, 2005, 05:59:24 PM
Which character? :p

Morgan Evanar
Dec 5th, 2005, 09:24:08 PM
The Pretty Jedi Lady :angel

Joda Cardgage
Dec 5th, 2005, 09:33:59 PM
Originally posted by Miranda Tarkin
Joda... that might be doable but I am also curious as to what Yurza had in mind

You could always do both... :D:D:D

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 6th, 2005, 11:19:10 AM
True, but it's hard to be in two places at once :) I'd rather limit myself to one thread for Lianna two tops with Grace.