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Lucianus Adair
Dec 3rd, 2005, 12:52:20 PM
Early, oh so early, the mammoth of a man had left to stride the desolate lands of Korriban. He appeared to be as a wanderer, but this beast was not without purpose.

It was time to return to the estate, to...take a look around.

The estate of Lucianus Lucifer Bane, Lord Shade. This was the large construct in which he had spent his youngest years, a good long time ago. Where he had slept, learned, grown, eaten, killed, and as far as he could have been concerned, he may as well have been born there as well. But there was a time when he had been told this was not so.

The blood of Lucianus Bane had since dried and made itself part of the walls of training courtyard. When this man had surpassed his guardian, mentor and master, he had taken his blade and freely lunched it on the elder man's lifeblood. And it had smelled truly delicious. The walls of this place had stood the test of time and remained standing, even with the return of Sith to this sphere. They had not been here, for no smell lingered, no prints disturbed the collected dust. Everything was as it had been left. Even after informing Yurza Magus of such a place, it had been left alone. Not that the man had seemed terribly interested, anyhow.

The cellar. This was where the estate's wine was kept. There were many bottles left since his departure, and to his lack of surprise, not one had been disturbed. They would have had countless years to age. Before the Empire. Before Palpatine had even been a name to anyone. And some time before that. All the years had blurred. Phoenix Mars Whyte was not clear on how many years it had been since he left this place.

Selecting the oldest bottle he could find, Mars returned to the main level, and made his way to the library. There was an innumerable wealth of knowledge in the books there, as well as a collection of wine glasses, as the liquid had been partaken of frequently in this room. The library had a high dome ceiling, looking up into the sky, and a second floor walking ring looked down on the vast room. Entering the room, the predator had thought to look for a book to read, and searching with his eyes he had come upon the last one he had read, marked in the middle of the pages.

Right where I had left it.

Slowly, Mars walked over to the table where the book had sat, and picked it up, leaving the bottle of wine on the table. Opening the tome, he thumbed through the pages to the marked place. The first word had scarcely crossed his eyes when soft footsteps were heard. Immediately, Phoenix closed the book, and placed it back in the void the dust had created for it. Then he silently crept to the archway entrance to the library, and listened. Someone had succumbed to their curiousity and decided to check the place out.

Dec 4th, 2005, 08:45:20 AM
Saveeradeevaravaravee followed the stranger, creeping silently through the old estate as he watched the man's every move. It had been his custom since his acceptance into the Order that he follow all the newcomers to Korriban. It was merely a safety precaution - especially for those who had not been announced as newly-admitted acolytes.

He watched from the shadows as the man inspected the old estate with great interest - everything from the wine to the blood stains. Now, the strange man had taken a seat in a great library, treating the dusty old estate as if it were his own home. After trailing the man all the way here, whether from a distant shadow or an overhead tree, he still had no idea what this man could be here for.

It was time to reveal himself. That was the only way he could find answers.

The floor creaked as he stepped cautiously to the door of the library. The man showed no sign of hostility; still, Saveer mentally prepared himself for whatever might come next.

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 02:29:51 PM
Phoenix kept his blood-red katana prepared in the back of his mind. There was indeed someone other than himself in the home of his youth.

A low utterance whisped from his mouth. "I can smell you, youngling. Your scent betrays you. Present yourself to me with courtesy in my abode, or I shall take your presence as a intrusion and will have every drop of your lifeblood painted on the walls of my courtyard, just as that of my first master was before your birth."

Dec 4th, 2005, 02:52:56 PM
Saveer stepped quietly through the door. His large weapon collection jingled softly as he moved, but he made no motion to draw any of the weapons. Instead, he bowed flashily to the newcomer, throwing his arms behind himself as he did so.

"Greetings to you, sir. My name is Saveeradeevaravaravee, but I would be obliged if you would simply call me Saveer." He rose, looking the stranger straight in the face. "I apologize for the 'intrusion,' but I was interested in your doings here on Korriban. Judging by what you have just said, and what I have seen of your actions thus far, is it safe to assume that you are among the Sith?"

Just as the stranger was undoubtedly doing, Saveer kept the jet-black Sith Sword on his own back in mind as he spoke, the muscles of his right arm braced for sudden motion should he have to draw it.

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 02:58:55 PM
Phoenix straightened himself to his full height of seven-foot-two, and gave him a short nod.

"Your assumption is correct."

The man, looking to be only 26 years of age, returned to the table, and picked up the book again.

"I would deduce from your presence here on Korriban, that you are at the very least an acolyte of the Order. If that is so, there is no need to keep guard of yourself."

Dec 4th, 2005, 03:15:21 PM
Saveer was absolutely dwarfed in the man's presence. Even with his enormous array of weapons, any amount of intimidation he could have made was lost in the four feet between Saveer's head and the stranger's. Still, Saveer held his own presence until the man returned to his seat, refusing to allow himself to fear the man. After all, big men were often slow, and Saveer was a Sith.

"Indeed, it is as you say." He relaxed visibly, walking to the far wall and examining a number of titles. "Quite a collection you have here." He picked out one book in particular, examining the title printed on the spine. "Oblivion: Destroying a Mind." He turned back toward the stranger. "I must admit I am a bit jealous of this library. The information held within these walls must be unimaginable - it rivals the library of the Order! I must admit that this is my greatest lust."

Quite reluctantly, he left the wall empty-handed. Under normal circumstances, when he was safely hidden from the peering eye, he would not have hesitated to scour the library for information. Now, however, he stayed his hand. As slow as he may or may not be, this man obviously had enourmous strength, and Saveer had no intention of starting a fight.

Picking up on his original intention, he stepped closer to the table where the stranger now sat. "By the way, I don't believe I ever got your name."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 03:22:27 PM
Phoenix looked up from the book.

"Phoenix Mars Whyte."

His brow furrowed. The youngling had not a clue as to what Mars was, and was probably taking him for an oversized human, bulky and slow. Phoenix looked the youngling over, and a chair pulled out for him, as if all by itself.

"Please, sit. You are an impromptu guest in this place, but a guest nonetheless. "

The youngling, Saveer, hesitated a moment, causing a shadowy glint in the predator's eye.

"Your defensive demeanor is befitting a youngling sith. A need to prove one's worth, and be ever on the defense of the Order. Sit, and we will talk."

Dec 4th, 2005, 04:34:57 PM
"A... youngling Sith?"

Saveer had never heard the term before. Indeed, it was very unbefitting of him - he, himself, had already reached 27 standard years of age, and felt as though he was at least a year older than this man looked.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've never heard that term used before." He sat down in the chair the Force had so readily made available to him. "Yes, I would like to learn much about you. Knowledge can be very benificial - it maximizes the potential of an ally, or the weakness of an enemy." He paused a moment, looking the man up and down curiously. "For starters... what race do you belong to? I have never met a man of your impressive stature, and I am hard pressed to believe that you are human."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 07:21:31 PM
Phoenix quirked a brow. No one had ever questioned what race he belonged to, save for Palpatine.

"I am of the Kpaur. A very little known race, for they long ago shut themselves off to the universe, due to the atrocities of one of my kind. We are of large stature, and despite this we are fast. A race of predators, skilled naturally in hunting, tracking and acquisition of prey. It is not likely you will ever see another of my kind in your lifetime. It is also likely that I will outlive you, and some generations of your descendants. As it is, I precede many, many generations."

The Sith Knight reached for the bottle of wine, and called a glass to himself.

"Would you care for a glass, young Saveer?"

Dec 4th, 2005, 07:37:19 PM
"I would enjoy that very much, thank you." Saveer watched in silence as Phoenix poured the wine. Once the glass was filled, he gladly accepted it, drinking only a small portion at his first sip. He was a small person, after all. "So I assume you were once a part of the Order, but I have never seen you around. Which means you have not been here - if you had, I am sure I would have seen you. The question is: where did you go?"

Saveer's questions may have been seen as 'prying' by the other; however, this was not his intention. He merely wanted information - it was more than a job, it was a lust, of equal strength to the lust for blood that dominated some within the Order.

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 07:51:03 PM
"I am in fact a Knight within the Order. I have been absent....tying up loose ends, so to speak. I have only recently returned, and it seems all is well here."

Mars sipped slowly and silently at the wine. It was to be enjoyed, not rushed into one's system.

"I intend to make the stock of this library available to the order. I saw how the collection took your interest."

He flipped the page of his book, and continued talking as he read.

"What is the area of expertise that you aim for in your studies? What skills do you seek to master?"

Dec 4th, 2005, 08:08:37 PM
"By nature, and by career, I am a trader - I trade in items, credits, and information, with the latter being the greatest of the three. Good information, though, is difficult to come by. While I have a large network of contacts, I am still left in the dark in a number of areas. Much of my information must, therefore, be gathered by hand - you may refer to it as 'spying,' I suppose, though I simply refer to it as 'information gathering,' myself." He took a sip of the wine. "From my experience, I believe that Illusions would be the most benificial to my trade. In return, I am offering my services to the Order. Everything must be a trade with the Squibs, you see. The trade itself, in many cases, is more valuable than the end result."

He took yet another drink

"And yourself, Pheonix - what is your focus?"

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 11:30:31 PM
Phoenix ignored the fact that he had been called by his first name. Not many called him by name at all. That happens when the majority of the faces he had encountered for many years were 'on the hitlist'.

"By nature, I am a hunter. First and foremost, my expertise is combat. I am well versed in most areas of mentalics, as my race is predisposed to higher mental ability as is, but energy manipulation is my forté, followed by telekinetics and illusions. There are one or two areas I am not at liberty to discuss, for your sake, that I have researched in."

Dec 4th, 2005, 11:44:07 PM
Saveer smiled wryly. "Not at liberty to discuss for my sake? Information is my passion - there will never pass up valuable infomation 'for my sake.' Losing good information is a fate nearly as bad as death."

Even having said this, Saveer was confident that the man would not reveal this information to him. It was something he could find later. If not in the Order's library, then in this one. He took a drink of the wine.

"So your expertise is in combat and energy manipulation... Those are two areas in which I have recieved no training. I have recieved minimal combat training from a martial artist on Bespin, but it was limited to a single training session. Energy manipulation, I have no knowlege of." He sipped the wine again, letting its juice flow down his throat. "Is there any chance you could bestow some of this knowledge on me? I will, of course, trade to you some item or information, such as you desire."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2005, 11:52:53 PM
Phoenix nodded.

"Yes, for your sake. It is at risk to myself that I studied such things, and to my fortune, came to no harm. Areas even the masters are wary of and treat as carefully as I do. These practices are of little use to you to even approach if you cannot master what comes beforehand."

He relaxed back in his chair, returning to his book.

"As for releasing any information to you, I do not expect items in return. Just the knowledge that you learn from what I have to impart. There comes a time when each of us must attempt to pass on what we have learned throughout the years, so that our arts are kept alive."

Dec 5th, 2005, 04:11:25 PM
Saveer chuckled.

"I understand that you do not desire any return for your teaching. However, I will give you a return. It is not the outcome of the trade, or the items that are traded, that is important to the Squibs. It is the act of the trade that we value. Removing the trade lessens the value of the item recieved."

He stood, removing the Sith Sword from his back.

"Once the training is complete, I will take you aboard my vessel. My stock is reasonable, and I will give you free selection among my tradable goods. For now, however, let us begin the training."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 5th, 2005, 04:49:36 PM
Phoenix waved Saveer down, gesturing for the straight and to the point trader to sit once again.

"This is not the time, nor the place."

He marked his place in the dusty book and placed it on the table, then looked the being opposite him in the eye.

"It does well for you that you are eager to...transact. However, I am not yet permitted to train others. The elders do not even know that I have returned, and it would not be at all proper to go on foraging such a path when they are not aware I am about. As such, it will have to wait. I would however, like to witness what you are able to do alone, with the pretense that you have an opponent, even though there is physically no opponent there. Individual practice can be quite beneficial. It keeps the skills sharp in times of scarce interaction."

He paused a moment.

"I would also suggest study of the texts that the Order has to offer, and practice of the teachings those texts behold. Relaxed studies such as those readings will enable you to train, yet relax at the same time. Picture how you will go about practicing the teachings you read while you read them."

Dec 5th, 2005, 05:11:31 PM
Saveer lowered his sword, albeit a bit reluctantly. "Fair enough. How shall I begin?" He pondered for only a moment, speaking again before Phoenix could reply. "I know."

Reaching out to the Force, he drew its strength into himself. He had thought of a way that would effectively work both the mental and physical aspects of the Force. Concentrating on a single idea, he began to bring into existance an illusionary being. For a few moments, there was nothing, but, after a time, something faded into view.

It appeared from the ground up - feet, ankles, legs... After only a minute or two, a full-sized human silluette had appeared. Almost.

It was a perfect being - if one wanted to fight colorless stick figures. But it was a start. Raising his sword, he instructed the other to do the same - a black beam extended from the figure's hands, almost a colorless lightsaber. Taking a quick leap, Saveer attacked.

The figure rose it's saber, parrying the attack. Saveer thrust downward with all his might - and fell right through.

Unbraced for such a fall, Saveer landed in a heap, tumbling across the floor to land upside down against a nearby bookshelf. The stick figure flickered for a moment and vanished, leaving only a thoroughly-wedged Sith Sword in the floor beneath it.


Lucianus Adair
Dec 7th, 2005, 12:26:08 AM
Phoenix watched the youngling roll across the library floor and slam into a bookcase. It was a good thing for Saveer that the overly tall bookcases were permanently in the walls.

"Your illusions are very basic, but the concept is a start."

He stood and walked over to Saveer's sword, and yanked it out of the ground. He studied the blade, a slight grimace coming to his face as he tightly gripped one large hand around said blade.

"If I can grip this blade so tightly and not cause myself to bleed, then your equipment is in poor shape." There was a deep frown on the elder sith's face. "Fortunately, the craftsmanship is at the very least, shall I say, decent. It is hard to break without great trial."

He walked over to the furry Saveer and knelt down.

"Did it hurt?"

Dec 7th, 2005, 08:14:00 AM
Saveer stood, shaking himself a bit.

"No, I'm all right."

He brushed his knees off, glancing at his Sith Sword curiously. It had never seemed dull to him.

"That weapon is a Sith Sword, forged thousands of years ago by the ancient Sith Masters of old. It has the particular ability to channel its wielder's Force energies, ensuring that the blade is never dull in combat, so long as the wielder is a Force user. Though, without that Force energy, I suppose it's not hard to imagine that the blade would revert to its natural state - very dull after so much time."

It was a curious weapon, indeed - Saveer, himself, did not fully understand the dark energies that made it work. Somehow, the blade had been shown effective in deflecting everything from metal to lightsabers. It was this blade, however, that had revealed Saveer's first indications of Force ability, and, therefore, had brought him into the Order.

Still, there was the matter of personal training. Saveer was by no means a combatant - he preferred to complete a mission without being seen. In his line of work, he very seldom saw combat outside the area of a simple blaster.

"I'm afraid my combat skills are still a bit lacking, and that method of training doesn't seem to work very well. What would you suggest?"

Lucianus Adair
Dec 7th, 2005, 04:38:09 PM
Phoenix shook his head.

"I have never used an illusionary figure for my practices. It is too much to divide your attentions on. It may simply be that your understanding of practices may never be the same as mine, or you are having trouble interpreting what I am meaning to say. And there is also the case of your inexperience in combat. Your line of work does not normally necessitate that you are in combat. But one must always be prepared for such situations in which combat cannot be avoided."

Mars stood up, and walked to one particular bookcase, for no particular reason.

"You would benefit from using the shadows to hide yourself. The ability of being unseen in near-plain sight is a valuable one as well. And the illusions...are also useful."

The elder sith pondered this a brief moment.

"Do you at all have any talent for telepathy?"

Dec 7th, 2005, 04:42:51 PM
Saveer nodded. He had, in fact, adopted a similar doctrine over the past several years.

"Telepathy?" He started. "I have had very little experience in the field, but I am very eager to learn. The one excersize I have attempted seemed to be fairly successful."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 7th, 2005, 04:55:04 PM
"I would have you understand that I mean communitcative only. In your line of work, it would be useful to know what your informants are thinking, would it not? I am sure that you have at least been instructed in one or two mental attacks so far, have you not?"

Normally, Phoenix would just drag a student out to the training arena and have the youngster spar with him to assess skill and where to improve from. And leave him or her with a few token scratches or bruises if it happened to go that way.

Dec 7th, 2005, 05:24:55 PM
"I very much agree, Phoenix. I have been instructed in one form of mental attack - it was called the 'psychic scream.'"

As Phoenix had mentioned, telepathy would be very useful in Saveer's field, suffice it to say that Saveer had already chosen it to be a secondary field of study, alongside telekenesis. Combined with illusionary tactics, these two fields would make an excellent cover if Saveer found himself in a less-than-desirable position.

Lucianus Adair
Dec 8th, 2005, 12:30:50 PM
Finally it got to him.

"No one addresses me by that name, Saveeradeevaravaravee." The predator's words came out as a deep growl, enough to fright most prey.

"I have attempted to let it be, imagining you would see the inappropriateness. But your courtesies are lacking."

Despite Mars' position, as a predator, a bloodletter, for some reason he still demanded such things.

"To one such as yourself, I have no name. Address me without using it."

Dec 8th, 2005, 01:55:26 PM
Saveer waved the comments away, refusing the giant the luxury of intimidating him.

"Of course. Forgive me, but I have never before come across such a custom."

Saveer casually returned to his seat.

"Likewise, I would prefer it if you would not use my full name when addressing me." Saveer didn't wait for a response; quarrelling among the Order's members would be the quickest thing to tear the Orrder apart. "As you were saying..."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 8th, 2005, 04:15:50 PM
Only his peers and elders were allowed the use of his names. It was a custom thought to be strange, but he had never had a youngling call him by name and it bothered him. It was a matter of respect, station and worthiness. Calling one by name was an earned right.

Likewise, it was pure, high insult in Kpaur custom to use the full name of an acquaintance when there was specific request stating that it not be used. In other words, going against the wishes of another on purpose is a deep insult. Which is exactly what Mars had just done. And he fully knew it.

"Indeed." He backed down his fires, and reverted to his usual self. "Have you attempted practice spars with any of the other acolytes?"

Dec 9th, 2005, 10:58:14 AM
"With the acolytes?" He thought a moment. "No, only with knights. Though, I had some acolytes as allies during one such spar."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 9th, 2005, 01:08:18 PM
"I see."

Still, there was the admission of lack of skill. Phoenix had only worked with those who were much higher in skill, and somewhat reasonably able to hold their own. Like Zereth Lancer.

A spar once again with that man is what I would like.

"Your sword. I have a few quite like it in my armoury. Unfortunately, I had never found much use for sith blades. The craftsmanship and temperament of the steel of a Kpaurian or Evaiaen blade is much more desireable, albeit such blades are indeed highly rare. It would do you no good to have a blade that runs off of your force energies in a forest full of ysalamari."

He drew the blade anchored to his side. It was suited to the size of an adult male Kpaur. In other words, cumbersome to anyone under a certain height. He beckoned Saveer to approach and take a closer look at the weapon.

"This is a Kpaurian Katana. The blade is made from bloodsteel, hence its bloodstained color."

Dec 9th, 2005, 01:22:47 PM
Saveer closely inspected the katana held out before him.

"Indeed, the craftsmanship is quite intricate. The weapon is of very high quality, indeed."

He stepped back again, so as to regard Phoenix fully.

"Of course, as I have said, I am by no means a combatant." He gestured to the wide arsenal worn about his body - everything from disruptor pistols to rail detonators to light whips to flechette launchers. At his waist hung a single lightsaber hilt - borrowed, of course, until he was able to complete his own. "As you can see, I find it very impractical to rely on a single weapon for every situation. I have something here for every occasion."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 9th, 2005, 01:30:00 PM
Resheathing the katana, Phoenix then crossed his arms, quirking only a singular brow at the array of items the small Saveer carried on himself.

"Such a large array of items you have on your small, insignificant body. It is no wonder you trip on yourself in combat."

Dec 9th, 2005, 01:46:23 PM
Saveer chuckled.

"I've been wearing these weapons for years. Moving with them has become natural for me by now, and, though I may not be the greatest marksman in the galaxy, my skills with a blaster are not something to shake a stick at. It's in hand-to-hand combat, such as with a sword, that I lack a certain... finesse. Such an arsenal is something of a necessity in my line of work." He shrugged. "You learn to work around it."

Often, in Saveer's endeavors, there would be the occasion when a specific weapon was required for him to remain unseen - weapons that would accomplish a task without alerting others to his presence. Still, there were other times when a more straight-forward approach, such as with a standard blaster or a rail detonator, was required. Saveer never liked being unprepared in such circumstance.

Lucianus Adair
Dec 10th, 2005, 09:13:56 PM
"A valid point."

Phoenix sat himself down again.

"Now, was there a reason you came here?"

Dec 10th, 2005, 10:57:50 PM
Saveer followed Phoenix's example, retaking his seat across from him.

"As I mentioned earlier, I am a collector of information. Though the Order has not officially sanctioned my doing so, I have taken upon myself to observe all who arrive on Korriban - if someone shows themselves to be acting against the best interest of the Order, I have made it my responsibility to inform the elders of their presence."

He picked up the glass of wine that still sat on the table before him, savoring the taste of the liquid as it slid down his throat.

"You have proved to me that you are here, not only in the Order's best interest, but as a member of the Order. And what you have taught me of combat, as little as it may seem, has been most appreciated. I am satisfied that you are, indeed, of the Order, and, if you wish it so, I will take my leave of this place." He took another small drink. "However, if you would further enjoy my company, there is much, still, that I may learn from you - and, no doubt, the opposite is true. The choice is yours."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 11th, 2005, 02:11:21 AM
He closed his eyes a moment...

"No, that will not be necessary. You may remain here." ..then again, opened them. "Tell me, what is the most intriguing thing you have come across in your work and travels?"

Dec 13th, 2005, 07:04:19 PM
<font color="#666666">OOC: Sorry for the delay. Lots of RL stuff going on, what with finals and all.</font>

"The most... intriguing thing?"

Saveer thought for several moments before responding. In his journeys, he had seen many things - more than most sentients see in their entire lives, and it was difficult to select just one as "most intriguing."

"Hmm... A difficult question. The Flamewind of Oseon, perhaps, could be counted among the most visually intriguing experiences. On the other hand, the Holocron within the Order's library warrants a great amount of informational and technical intrigue. Indeed, I find it nearly impossible to choose a single aspect of the galaxy as having the greatest level of intrigue."

Lucianus Adair
Dec 17th, 2005, 12:23:24 AM
OOC: I delayed longer. Just wrapped up all my work for the semester...And finals. *shudder*


The predator laced his fingers together, and crossed one leg over the other.

"Difficult indeed. There is much I myself have seen, for it has been required of me to travel to countless places in the hunt."

Mars kept his dark eyes trained on Saveer. The little furball was calm.

"I place a great deal of interest into the many ways one can kill a man, Saveer. From slow and excruciating to quick and painless, there are many ways to end the life of your opponent, incapacitate him, or perhaps cause debilitating injury. It is an art well in its own right."

Dec 17th, 2005, 01:12:06 AM
"Perhaps this is true, though I seldom find myself in a place where such intricate methods are feasible. I make it a habit to refrain from killing if at all possible, if only because doing so has a way of making it difficult to hide."

He glanced at the predator before him, noting a subtle disappointment in his eyes.

"Don't get me wrong - I have no problems with taking a life. It just isn't good for business to do so without necessity. Perhaps this makes me a bit different from the rest of the Order, but I do have a business to keep up. Most people aren't fond of trading with a murderer." He paused, a twinkle appearing in his eyes. "Of course, when that necessity arises... There are many interesting ways to kill someone quickly - and many more interesting ways of drawing information from them. There are a few of these I prefer over others..."

He glanced peripherally at some of the weapons hanging about his body - the Disruptor Pistol, known for its inhumanity in ripping a target apart, molecule by molecule; the Chiss Charric, as well as the Relby-K23 blaster, both known for finding the most painful ways possible to kill - or, indeed, torture - an enemy; the Flechette Launcher, designed to hurl dozens of metal shards into an enemy's body at incredible speeds; the Prax Arms Velocity-7 Dart Launcher, which could inject any number of debilitating poisons into an enemy's body from incredible distances...

Lucianus Adair
Dec 27th, 2005, 01:44:50 AM
"You are more animal than human in appearance, yet more human than animal in the way you carry yourself. And you carry far too kind a demeanor, Saveer."

To be honest, Mars had never heard tale of a Sith with no hostile streak in his or her personality...No trickery, nothing. It was rather unbecoming in his eyes.

"You do not seek dominance, power, blood. You seek only knowledge. You are not cold, ruthless, unfeeling in most respects that one who performs the darkest of deeds would be."

The predator flicked his tongue over the points of his sharpest teeth. A habit that stirred in him a desire for blood. His normally black eyes shone ever so briefly with a faint glaze of red.

"You are more like a small herbivore. Listening much, yet saying little and performing even less. A gatherer and informant. There is little to fear about you. That being if there is anything at all to be wary of in the first place. Do you not anger at all?"