View Full Version : Sw-Fans Characters in a Nutshell
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 26th, 2005, 02:01:19 PM
[continued from Sw-Fans Characters (>here</a>)
Nov 27th, 2005, 02:13:43 AM
Name: Naysheta
Species: Human
Age: 23 Standard years
Alliance: Jedi
Biography: Naysheta, was born and taken into the Jedi Order only shortly before the Jedi Purge began. It was only by luck, or prehaps the will of the Force, that she survived and was found by a Kel Dorian Jedi named Torn Dlo. Torn raised her from a small child into the young woman she is now, while also teaching her the ways of the Force. They were together until just recently when a Sith killed her master. For a very brief time, it seemed she would fall from the light, but she faught against that fall and remains true to her heritage today.
Jaime Tomahawk
Nov 28th, 2005, 06:53:34 PM
Name : Jaime Tomahawk
Species : Human female
Age : 60+
Allegiance : No one
Jaime was a senior officer in the Republic's ground forces in the Clone Wars. While not a clone, she did serve in some of the better known battles, leading to her General's insignia at the end of the wars. She previous to the Clone Wars was a soldier in a planetary battallion and held the rank of Major. After order 66, records of her become scant and not far into the Empire, she disappeared altogether, presumably in on of the purges to rid the Army of anyone not conforming the Imperialistic Ideals.
A report from the outer rim raises the possibility tho she has resurfaced recently. As she would be well into her 60's and the woman that was reported to use that name is much younger in looks, it would be safe to say it is an imposter or possibly a daughter.
Dec 6th, 2005, 10:47:53 AM
Name: Marcus Fey
Species : Human male
Age : 38
Allegiance : Himself and whatever treasure he can find.
Marcus Fey is a middle-aged man that has spent his entire life searching for treasures and then selling them to wherever he can get the best price...even if it means the black market. He has joined several different militaries, most of which he was either discharged, or when the group was wiped out, conveniently not present. He will do whatever it takes to get wherever the treasure is. His proficiency is in close range combat, mostly hand-to-hand, and he is an average marksman according to any remaining military files. As for his past, he tells it as so, "I grew up on some treaureless planet, and left to find treasure." He is renown in some circles for getting whatever he sets his mind to get. As far as anyone knows, his only moral code calls for that which has an owner to stay theirs, he says he only goes for the ones that no one else has already rediscovered.
Dec 7th, 2005, 10:53:01 AM
Name: Tarsis
Species: Human
Age: 24
Allegiance: The Sith Order
Born on Nar Shadda, Tarsis was raised by his mother and father up until his mother died by, what the doctor called, an "accident". Tarsis knew that it was his father's doing as he had just warned her weeks prior to the incident as Tarsis overheard the whole conversation. He has said that if she told anyone that he was a bounty hunter, he'd kill her, plain and simple. This all happed around the age of 12 for Tarsis and up until he was 22, his father raised him along with his two siblings; training them and helping them to each advance in a different area of combat. For Tarsis, this was swordsmanship. Soon afterwards, Tarsis killed his remaining family and made his way to Corellia to search for the elusive Sith he had heard so much about form his father’s stories. There lust for power was just what Tarsis was looking for…
Joda Cardgage
Dec 9th, 2005, 12:19:00 PM
Name: Joda Cardgage
Species/Sex: Human male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 176 lbs
Age: 42 standard years
Alliance: Jedi
Biography: 20 years ago, Joda Cardgage was seen as one of the most awesome Jedi in the order. He was often praised for his complete coolness factor, and had just attained knighthood when the Jedi Purge hit. At the time, he was on his first mission - a low-risk mission against a small droid platoon on the planet Ithor, accompanied by a complete squad of clone troopers. He was initially excited when the droids shut down, but was taken by surprise with the clones' attack. He escaped only through his complete awesomeness, but found himself stranded in the Ithorian jungle.
There he lived for fifteen years, surviving only by eating what he could find in the Ithorian forests, and, many times, escaping death at the hands of the forest's predators only by a small margin. Finally, however, an Ithorian religious expedition passed through, on their way to some historic landmark or other, and discovered Joda, returning him to the cityship Tafara, where he spent the next five years as a mortgage officer and used speeder salesman.
His years of isolation in the forest nearly destroyed his mind. In most situations, he is what most would consider completely insane. He has visions of people and things that aren't there, among other quirks. When things get serious, however, he always seems to bring his mind back to reality.
Though he no longer has any knowledge of the Force, he still carries around two lightsabers, in the form of antiquated flashlights. Perhaps, if the right person finds him, he can again unlock the secrets to the power that dwells within...
Belay Nisi
Dec 11th, 2005, 01:57:30 AM
Last Name: Nisi
First Name: Belay
Species/Race: Human
Main Language: Snivvian
Age: Late 20s
Allegience: Jedi Order
Biography: Belay Nisi doesn't seem like much other than another face in a crowd and thats how many remnants of the forgotten Jedi religion would like to keep it. Instead of recoiling the arts over the years in the safe haven this Bala Nisi long descendant has instead become one with the population.
The superb upbringing of the Jedi Order into padawan-ship, where he was looked upon as a promising young lad, has long been tarnished by the reality beyond the Jedi Temple that has been destroyed. Instead of being a picture-perfect Jedi, fitted in hooded brown robe and beautifully woven net colored garmets, he is just a face.
Belay Nisi is a young man with a forgotten tool of combat and protection with a few wise tales to keep to himself on his numerous trips through the galaxy as he takes odd jobs to keep his crappy ship together.
Ridwan Vars
Dec 12th, 2005, 12:37:12 AM
Name: Ridwan Vars
Species/Race: Hybrid Humanoid (Kiffar and Human)
First Language: Basic
Homeworld: Galantos (supposedly)
Age: 17
Allegience: None
Biography: Ridwan Vars birth is covered in shroud of darkness, much like the very existence of his adopted father and mother. The two were supposed failed Younglings, placed in Exploration Corps but retained an extensive amount of information on the Jedi Order and there teachings. It was through the two's supreme ability that the unique hafling grew as the two did under the Jedi tuteleage.
The teachings were rigorous, more so than the purged version. Ridwan's father used methods forgotten, once present in the early days of the Jedi Order when the main foe was the Sith, instead of droids. A product of the early Republic's Jedi, he carried, even at a young age, a behavior that was beyond his years in understanding. It was even more true by the heightened sense of urgency brought upon the youth from his adopted parents.
In them the two saw hope. Ridwan never understood the reason for wishful thinking until his history was revealed during his 16th birthday. The two revealed the lineage and ancestory behind his hybird nature. Over the years it was apparent the physical differences. The markings, braids and even skin tone of a Kiffar. Human and Kiffar, two supremely different cultures combined in one. However the surprise did not end there.
The two were to leave known space, taking venture into the Unknown Region that the Jedi Order had sent them on during their Exploration Corps days. It was there that the two could find some sort of peace, but it was made clear that Ridwan would not follow their lead. That day the two parted and Ridwan was left a lone, to fend for himself.
Ridwan saw no wisdom in the notion, but since he has carried out the wisdom of his adopted parent's words in hopes of bringing hope to others as he did them.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 27th, 2005, 02:22:34 AM
Full name: Phoenix Mars Whyte
Age - Physical: 26 -- Chronological - Unknown
Race: Kpaur
Rank: Knight
Affiliation: The Sith Order
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black-Red
Weight: 258 lbs
Height: 7'2"
Force Specialization: Combat including Form VII lightsaber, Energy and Matter Manipulation.
Other strong skills: Hunter/Tracker skills, Most skills in the realm of Mental skills.
Primary Weapon: Katana
Other weapons: Lightsaber
Home: TSO - Korriban
Home planet: Korriban
Birthplace: Unknown
History: Phoenix does not know how he came to be on Korriban as a young child, but from his earliest memory, he had been raised and trained there every day of his life --Physically, Mentally, Intellectually -- until the time came for him to set out and study the rest of the galaxy alone, and form his own perceptions, test his skills, and seek purpose. After several years of this, the Empire had come into power, and he saw it to his benefit to be within it. Mars had come to be under the instruction and orders of Palpatine himself. Seeing his skills and devotion to the work, the Emperor set Phoenix up as his personal hunter/tracker. In this job, he 'sniffed out' and destroyed many Jedi that had been elusive in the original purge, as well as darksiders who did not ally themselves with the power of the Empire, and other incidents.
One thing Phoenix had learned as a youth was to keep account of the balance of the universe. These studies have been extremely useful to Mr. Whyte in determining his courses of action. The studies of this balance enabled him -- after a time of thier practice -- to see what could be, and what was to be...A precognitive/foresight-type sense of things. He had been aware of the Empire's probability of failiure in its mere infancy. But it was of benefit to let these things run their course.
When it did come to an end, it was time to reflect. He went into seclusion for a few months, and reorganized, pondering upon the many years in which he had served the Empire. When he came out, Mars found that he was a rather wanted man, judging by the many persons that came to claim his head for various different employers, or out of their own need for revenge and consolation for the loss of their loved ones. During his seclusion, however, he had decided to ally himself to a Sith Order that had taken up residence on Korriban. Home again he headed, and that is where the story leads off into new times.
(Other character info, such as personality description: )
Syros Vyke
Jan 26th, 2006, 10:33:14 PM
Name: Syros Vyke
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Mandalorian
Height: 6'4
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: golden-tan
Profession: Ex-Soldier
Hobbies: Fighting in all of its many forms.
History: Centuries ago, soon after the initial emergence of the Mandalorians onto the galactics scene, a group of Mandalorians disagreed with course of action being taken. Because of their disloyalty, many of them were killed while others were exiled from the ranks of the Mandalorians. The order was given that if they were ever found again by Mandalorians, they would be killed on site without hesitation.
One of the surviving families took whatever spacecraft they could get and escaped. they wandered aimlessly for months before coming upon a backwater world who had not been touched by any of the events happening in the rest of the galaxy for years. Needless to say, the exiled Mandalorians found an easy target for a new home.
Years and years later, almost up to the current period, one of the exiled Mandalorian descendants, having been taught from birth what the clan had considered the True ways of the Mandalorians, became the first official Mandalore, leader of the descendants of the exiled Mandalorians. And for the first time in centuries, the exiled Mandalorians rose up from a life of combat training with the taste for real combat in their mouths. Under their new Mandalore, the exiled Mandalorian descendants successfully wrested control of a few other small, backwater planets from their inhabitants hands.
The greatest fruit to be taken from their labors was the discovery of a single, barely-working cloning capsule. This they repaired to the extent of their abilities giving the capability to make a single clone before its machinery would give out. With their beloved Mandalore nearing the end of his life, they took cells from his body and placed them in the cloning capsule.
The clone grew at the same pace as normal humans due to the limited capabilities of the capsule, but after Mandalore passed away, the Mandalorians were patient.
It was a few years after Mandalore's death, when the clone was only 19 years old that pirates running from an Imperial fleet stumbled into the system. If that had been all, the Mandalorians would have crushed the pirates...even with mostly outdated technology. However, the Imperial fleet successfully traced the pirates and arrived in the system shortly after. The Imperials eliminated the pirates, realised what they had found, and turned on the Mandalorians. The Mandalorians fought bravely to the bloody end after sending their last hope, the clone, in a ship out of the system.
Realising that he would have to make his own way now, the clone took up arms in the Imperial Commandos where he showed exceptional skill and versatility with many different weapon types. He could out-fight all the cadets and most of the commissioned commandos before he was sent off with the rest of his unit to end one of the occasional civil wars that had cropped up on an Imperial-controlled planet. He acquired a wound that was supposed to be fatal in battle and was left for dead when his unit retreated. However, because of his armor, he had mostly dodged and the wound was not as bad as it seemed. Regardless, he played dead and then cursed at his comrades for leaving a man behind.
The clone at this time decided that it was time for the alias he had been living under until that time to die. He created another, Syros Vyke, to take its place. He hired out fairly consistantly as a freelance body-guard. He is usually seen with a large continuous-beam rifle that fires five second long bursts of energy. Though it is destructive, it takes a critically long time to cool after being fired. Syros is also trained in martial arts and carries the only thing other than his armor left from his Mandalorian heritage, a light repeating blaster rifle augmented to his specific DNA structure.
He wears a flexible, blaster-resistant mesh, skintight armor. By the time the exiled Mandalorians were wiped out, they had advanced farther than their predecessors in personal combat armor at the cost of a higher level of offensive technological power. The Mandalore Second-Skin Armor is the pinnacle of that research and development. It allows for maximum mobility while also providing a mostly weather resistant layer as well as a layer specifically designed to take some of the impact out of a blaster shot.
Axius Keldara
Feb 9th, 2006, 11:34:36 PM
Name: Axius “Ax” Keldara
Species: Nautolan
Home World: Glee Anselm
Age: 21
Alliance: Jedi (or soon to be)
Biography: Axius Keldara is a descendant of the once great Jedi, Kit Fisto. His family has a long lineage of force users; some dating back during the creation of the Jedi Order. Many in his family have even attempted to become Jedi, but with the way things have been since the creation of the Galactic Empire, most have stopped their foolish ways while they were ahead or died while following the Jedi ways. Ax never saw this as a problem, just a minor stepping stone to be kicked to the side or simply walked over. His determination to become a Jedi has never faltered. Ever since he was a child and his parents told him of his connection with the Force and of his relation to Kit Fisto, Ax has dreamed of the moment when he would rise up as the next Jedi of his people.
And this is what brings him to Coruscant. To find out all that he can about the Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the Jedi ways, and to see if the ruins of the Jedi temple still exist…
Feb 15th, 2006, 11:10:02 PM
Here's the profile for Avvandak. It's rather simple but it works.
Avvandak Helm
5’ 7”
20 Years old.
Black, wispy, shoulder-length hair
Lightly tanned skin
Thin, wiry body figure
Background: Avvandak was once a smuggler of slaves in the Outer Rim, thieving the down-trodden from their captors, taking them to a checkpoint where they would be processed into a normal life in the Central planets, particularly Corescant. His career came to a grinding halt once he was discovered. He and his partners were subjected to countless weeks of torture as “payment” for the slaves they’d taken from the mighty Hutts. Avvandak was dumped along with the bodies of his two companions into the garbage disposal system of Corescant. He was discovered by an unknown stranger who took him to a hospital nearby. He awoke a month later, wading in bacta, unaware of his surroundings.
Trilby Benedetta
Mar 1st, 2006, 09:41:13 PM
Name: Trilby Benedetta
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 127 lbs
Age: 29 standard years
Alliance: n/a
Biography: A Purge survivor, Trilby was a nine year old padawan when Order 66 went through. Hiding beneath the bodies of dead Jedi, she wound up on the lower levels of the city planet. After years of living in fear of the Empire, she eventually turned to bounty hunting to pay her way, and get a little revenge in the process.
Dhamon Grimwulf
Apr 7th, 2006, 02:08:32 PM
Name: Dhamon Grimwulf
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160
Age: 35
Alliance: the Dark Side
Biography: Dhamon was once a law-abiding citizen. He ran a small artifacts shop. One night before close up, a dark figure walked in. He asked for an artifact Dhamon didn't know had value. It was a small chest. Dhamon never cared to look inside it. He sold it to the figure. Dhamon turned his back on the man, a sharp slicing pain shot through his back. It hit again, and again. The floor was stained with blood. Dhamon's vision got blurry. The last image he remembered was the figure standing over him, laughing. Dhamon woke up in a cell. The figure on the other side. The man told Dhamon that he carved a symbol into his back that turned Dahmon into slave. Dhamon figured he could just leave and heal the scar. After killing the man in a bout, Dhamon had a seizure. Pain shot through his back. Dhamon though he would die. He woke up sweating, in the ship. Since then Dhamon has had seizures at random moments. He learned that only The Dark priest could cure him, now Dhamon has allied himself with the Dark Side. He steals, smuggles, and kills for money to pay the priest to cure him.
Morgoth Brimstone
Apr 18th, 2006, 01:45:53 AM
Name: Morgoth Brimstone
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 157 lbs
Age: 26
Alliance: n/a
Born on Coruscant during the Clone Wars, Morgoth lost his whole family towards the end of the war during the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. When they were making their emergency landing on Coruscant, a piece of the ship broke off and landed in the residential area where Morgoth's family was planning a surprise birthday party for the boy. The only reason Morgoth is alive today is because he had spent the night a friend’s house the night before and had yet to go home.
Blaming everyone for the death of his family: the Jedi, the Sith, the Republic, Morgoth swore that he'd see them all go down in the same fire that had killed off his family all those years ago. So as he grew, Morgoth taught himself everything there was to know about fire, everything including: bombs, what fueled fire, what killed fire, and even a few magic tricks that allowed him to manipulate fire, only in small amounts of course.
Ira Yahff
Jun 4th, 2006, 01:15:46 PM
Name: Jehkran Dmath
Age: N/A
Race: Echani and Unidentified
Height: 6'1
Allegiance: N/A
Occupation: None
Background: A shaved mind, effected by unknown sources, he is a wandering face amidst the bunch. Although he does stand out with his forgotten features of the Echani race, he still maintains a mist about him that keeps him void of eyes. Not that he is invisible, he simply is like many others in his motions.
All that he has in his mind to remember is his childhood and teenage years. Beyond that there is only a scramble of images of military uniforms, battle, unique garbs and awkward artifacts use as weaponry. One of the weapons he holds as a relic. It can only be identified as a light saber.
Araib Musbunig
Jun 10th, 2006, 08:33:30 PM
Name: Araib Musbunig
Nickname: Uni (U-nee)
Species/Race: Ryloth Twi'lek
Age: 20
Prime Language: Basic
Secondary: Twi'leki
Birthplace: Ando System, Dufilvian Sector
Homeworld: New Cov (Covie)
Occupation: Pirate/Smuggler and Pilot (Odd Jobs aswell)
Political Allegience: Indepedent
The son of a spacer, he never saw his mother. Instead she perished during birth, and was aptly replaced by Jin, a Zeltron cook. His father and her settled down into a normal life where his adventurous dad paid the bills off of old stolen goods from his broken down shop. As a child Araib listened to the numerous tales his father had and frowned on the world he was subjected to.
Attacks paraded over the land from the jungles into the domed cities. Instead the family was never around. From the old days of his father's space adventures he had made many friends. One had managed to take up mayor of a new dome-city on the planet, far from the restlessness of Ilic (capitol).
In this friendship Araib found his first trip off planet to the worst place ever; the Academy of Mrlsst. After a mishap at the local Academy during his graduation, the only meaningful alternative to a painful punishment. At Mrlsst he gained nothing. Frequently found in the library, instead of in class, he never gained a degree in any subject. Taking to the sky with his new knowledge, he scampered up some credits and bought a small run-down shuttle.
Finding his way through the galaxy, he has bumped heads with some of the worst people. Learning on the job, he has managed to refine his occupation commonly synonymous with scum. Using his grimy skills he provides for war-torn worlds after his piracy of the rich. In many ways he is a galactic patron, and is renown for his job for the R.I.N.G (Rejuvination of Intergalatic) Corporation.
Yet in still in his straightened ways, he is still considered a scum for all the wrong he does. But he manages to balance to scale by sending credits back to his family, and being very unselfish with his credits.
Note: Has been recorded on IHV (Imperial Holovision/HoloNet) for being romantically involved with Wineth Lastemin (, Jericho Donovan (, Josephine Donovan (, Cinda Tarheel ( and many other woman of prestige and local or galactic status. Albeit none of the relationships were long, they were all quite public.
Ambrose Braeden
Jun 11th, 2006, 01:16:05 PM
Name: Ambrose Braeden
Age: 250 (but looks 25)
Race: Vampire
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220
Allegiance: The Sith Order
Ambrose was born on the planet of Talus, one of the twin planets in the correllian system. He had a normal childhood, but it all changed when his city was being invaded by an indipendent rebellious group. Ambrose did not worry about his family or their well bing, all he was concerned about was escape. After stealthly making his way to the docking bay, he searched the place for the flight logs. Looking for the ships that were scheldueled for take off he climbed abored a corellian vessel. Hiding in one of the storage bins in the cargo hold of the ship, Ambrose did not move until he was sure they were down and the crew had left. The planet he was on was Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers outpost.
After getting caught up in smuggling, and illegal mischevious dealings, he wound up taking a job for an unknown but very wealthy client. The name was Soth Nuevole.
He was led into a trap by the supplier and was given a choice, he would either die, or become the very thing that the murderer was, a being that he had never seen before. Ambrose did not want to die so what choice did he have. Ambrose accepted the choice to live and was given a whole new life, one in wich the only way to survive was by taking the lives of the living. After a while of serving under his former master, Ambrose retreated into the darkness, never to be heard from for one hundred years.
Upon awakening, he found that everything that he knew had been killed or taken away. The place he had called his home was burned, and his race had been almost extinct. Ambrose now knew that he was one of the last remaining members of the Vampire race. Ambrose saught out to continue in the ways of the Darkside, The Sith Order was the place to go. Ambrose has been plotting for his revenge ever since.
Raurn Tarplas
Jun 12th, 2006, 01:11:43 PM
Name: Jaarn Tii
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 14 BBY (18 yrs old)
Homeworld Unknown (Possibly Shili)
Species: Togruta (
Height: 1.91 meters
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Blue
Affilation: Coruscant Energy/Grav-Ball (Zoneball) League
Political Alignment: Imperial Citizen
Not much is known about his childhood besides his apparent early start in the Zoneball. Many speculate he never was born to Shili, but is widely unsupported by his public persona.
During his early teenage years he became the youngest player in the Grav-Ball league. Commonly looked upon as the second coming of Deme Tryshyn, he managed to use his athleticism to score numerous goals throughout his first two years apart of the league professionally.
At the peak of his sucess he was heavily investigated. Imperial HoloVision journalist and company alike were tremendously interested in his childhood. Although no truths seemed to conjure from any of the reports, his climbing fame was tremendously tarnished by the mystery of his past. Children slowly disappeared from his market, and no longer was his sharp-tooth smile cute.
The boy that once tarnished the league with his excellence was seen upon as an enemy. The comparsion to the great Tryshyn faded away, as did he. In the past two years he has taken a retirement from the league. Although greatly endorsed, his contracts have prematurely finalized. Using the numerous credits he attained over his spurt in the professional league he has refinaced them in swoop racing and Outer Rim podracing contest. Despite his lavish account his attempts to re-enter to sports realm through racing have falling short.
Even his famed wins in the illicit pod-racing circuits in the Outer Rim have been nothing less than short-lived. Some reports of his story have led to insane aslyums, or suicide. Though neither are true, he has definately faltered since his prime in his teenage years. Recently he has been seen taking classes at University of Coruscant.
At this point he should have graduated. But beyond that there is no information on his whereabouts and happenings.
Jens Vec
Jun 28th, 2006, 09:44:49 PM
Name: Jens Vec (pronounced Yens Vek)
Age: 19 standard years, soon to be 20
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 5'7"
Jens is a native to Naboo and a strong supporter of the Rebellion. Using his talents on the trick-specialized form of hoverboard, he runs as a decoy against the local police and Stormtrooper garrison while his friends steal supplies and relocate them to points where (hopefully) they will be found and transported to the Rebels. It is his hope to someday join the Rebellion in an official capacity, whether it be as a ground trooper, starfighter pilot, or even just a janitor.
Jun 28th, 2006, 10:13:25 PM
Name: Nathaniel Essex
Alias: Xel-Naga
Species: Human
Age: Unknown
Alliance: Black Sun (Well, eventually. Might aswell put him down as that since I don't want to have to update him later)
Despite being born and raised on Nar Shaddaa, Xel managed to remain uncorrupted by the Planet's criminal undertone. This all changed, however, when Xel took a blow to the head that caused him to loose his former self and become a dark and ruthless person. He cut a path of blood and death, and gained immense fame in the process. But his success was not to last. He was caught and imprisoned by the government. He was sentenced to suspended animation for fifty years. When the empire took over he was forgotten and lost in the resulting turmoil. He stayed in suspended animation for eighty years before he was finally remembered and released. The Empire wanted nothing to do with the criminal and simply threw him back out into the world instead of dealing with him. Months went by before Xel's body could fully function again. But, as it turns out, the suspended animation overdose had caused his brain to weaken and a form of insanity took form. Now he was a half-mad murderer unleashed upon the streets of Coruscant without a second thought. Something Wicked this way comes...
Rev Solomon
Aug 3rd, 2006, 01:01:06 AM
Name: Solomon
Species: Human
Age: 43 standard years
Alliance: Light Side
Jedi Padawan Sol U'Man fought on the front lines of the Clone Wars with his master, Mandiar Saban, until their Clone troops turned on them, leaving Mandiar dead and Sol buried in the rubble of their remote bunker. Against all odds, Sol survived and escaped into the surrounding wilderness.
Finding himself without purpose in a galaxy without the Jedi Order, Sol drifted for some time in the outer rim, where he had a frighteningly close brush with the Dark Side. Eventually, he discovered the Book of Prophets, which led him to take the Faith as his guiding light, as well as a new name. Solomon has not forsaken all Jedi teaching but has merged it with his newfound faith. He now resides on Dantooine where he serves a parish of isolated ranch communities as a circuit-riding preacher. But he is always conscious that the will of God, and of the Force, may call him elsewhere.
Kallum Romanoch
Aug 6th, 2006, 04:36:01 PM
Kallum Romanoch
Age: 14 standard years
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 119lbs
Allegiance: None
Raised by his engineer father and school teacher mother in a modest apartment in Coronet, Kallum was no stranger city life. He was also no stranger to travel; he and his parents would take shuttles all over the planet for weekend breaks and once a year, would head to the starport for an interplanetary vacation. Two years ago, however, he took his first long trip without his parents and hasn’t seen them since. During the Imperial crackdown on Force-sensitives, Kallum’s parents put him under the protection of his uncle, Marx, a well-connected gangster. Marx took his nephew across the galaxy to the notorious moon of Nar Shaddaa; they lived in the Corellian Sector for six months until the Imperial sweep reached Hutt space. Kallum spent the next eighteen months in the custody of a band of mercenaries for whom his uncle used to work - his uncle, on the other hand, was forced to return to Corellia. An Imperial raid on the mercenaries lair resulted in a bloody shootout, killing most of the mercenaries except one. Not wasting a moment, the mercenary brought Kallum to his ship and they escaped to Tatooine. When word of Black Sun activity reached his ears, the mercenary took Kallum to the Hutt Palace and offered his services to the notorious crime syndicate in return for Vigo Kasajian relieving him of the boy. Kallum is a defiant adventurous fourteen year old with a penchant for trouble and recklessness, he is a good kid but very impressionable, his strongest attributes are physical but he can construct bomb droids blindfolded.
Poe the Felmouth
Aug 6th, 2006, 04:38:01 PM
Poe the Felmouth
Age: 24 standard years
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 112lbs
Allegiance: None
The legend of Poe the Felmouth started in the Tarisian Undercity; he was born during the third Rakghoul epidemic, his mother was infected and killed by the authorities shortly after his birth - Poe would’ve been killed too, had he also been infected. Instead, Poe was a mutant: he had no hair, an unformed nose, sharp teeth and was deathly pale. As a child, he walked around on all fours, much like the rakghouls themselves, and was regarded as an outcast among the outcasts so he lived outside the villages in the dangerous wild with the other monsters. Then one day, he returned to his village a young man, standing upright and walking like a man; preciously little else had changed about him nevertheless. He built himself a small hut and when the children of the town came to him, he told them of the dead with whom he speaks. The villagers felt threatened by him and feared for the safety of their children. One night, an angry mob forced him out of the village and through the village gates he swore a curse that sickness and disease would rob them of their livelihood and bring their families to ruin. The following night, disease struck the village and the sick were forced to live outside the village for fear of contamination; soon enough, the villagers all fell sick and perished. No other town denied him entry after that and thus he became known as The Felmouth. He roamed from village to village and spoke to the criminals who had escaped or had been banished from the upper levels, paying particular interest to what they had to say about Imperial security. Poe dreams of escaping the Undercity and seeing the sky for the first time.
Sergeant Michael Brand
Aug 7th, 2006, 10:38:40 PM
Name:Sergeant Michael Brand
Species: Human
Age: 31 standard years
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 196 lbs.
Allegiance: The Rebel Alliance
The son of a beat cop in Hanna City, Chandrila, Michael Brand saw the worst of the Imperial occupation in his hometown. When local miscontents organized a homegrown rebel cell, he joined with little hesitation. He cut his teeth on urban guerrilla combat as a teenager until an Imperial crackdown forced him and his comrades to flee.
Finding sanctuary in the Rebel Alliance, Brand signed up to do what he'd learned to do best: fight. After fourteen years of service in the Rebel Marine Corps, he has earned his superiors' respect as a dedicated, competent, and inventive soldier. He has few ambitions outside the cause and prefers the front lines to an administrative job. However, he does hope one day to return to his home planet to liberate it from Imperial control.
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