View Full Version : Application: Ixion

Nov 20th, 2005, 06:03:35 AM
Due to personal incongruity between Kyashi and myself, Ixion will nolonger be joinging the crew idea and so I thought I'd put him to good use with the Sith.


Character name: Ixion

Character Profile: He has always been more comfortable around machines then people. It's not that he doesn't understand them, it's just that machines are so much more simple to him; particularly the opposite sex (which of all, is the subject he knows the least).
Besides that, he is outoing, confrontational, active and very eccentric.

Character History: Ixion's early life was an enigma.
A transport vessel suffered engine failure and was caught by the gravity of the gas giant Meterox III, the vessel plumeted with tremendous speed and collided with a mining platform, over a hundred people where killed that day. The an infant was miraculously a lone survivor; found cocooned inside a sphere made of twisted bulkheads, the child was taken in by the local authorities and placed in the Metroxan Welfare system (he only barely survived, half of his limbs where lost). Ixion was a typical unfortunate of the system; bouncing between foster homes his whole life, he learnt life's lessons the hard way. At 15, Ixion managed to escape the system (illeagly I might add) and now drifts through the various networks of trade routes and back water planets and only occasioanly on major ones like Coruscant.
Ixion is generaly a miscreant, he makes his money whatever way he can which may include anything from honest work repairing equipment or the criminal ways of hacking and stealing (particulalry speeders, skiffs and ships).

Character Motivations: He want's to further his own alchemical ability, learn the ways of Sith Alchemy as well as generaly improve himself to be as powerful as he can be.

Character Skills:

- Force Alchemy (NOT Sith Alchemy); A force-based ability which invloves using of the force to manipulate and restructure molecules; this allows him to essentialy re-mold materials and construct devices by directly manipulating the ingredient components. He can also manipulate things "half-way" such as to dissasemble structures but not re-assemble (disintegrating objects).

- He is very highly inteligent, even if his demenor advises to the contrary. Besides having a generaly sharp mind, he has a partcular focus towards languages (speaks/reads/writes many dozens including various Droid codes), numbers (including cyphers and cracking), technology and the sciences.

- He is also a "skilled" pilot of speeders, skippers and space vessels (mostly civilian models, a few military support vessels). The term "skill" might be an overstatement though, his ability it the result of solo trial-and-error behind the console of a ship (and alot of luck) and so most would not so much call him a pilot as they would a nutjob.

- In civilian terms, he is a very capable, rough, street-style fighter (he tends to come out on top in most bar fights); in larger terms (Sith, Jedi, Imperial Agents, etc...), he tends to get squashed like a bug.

Why should we accept you: To expand the number of Alchemists, to bring a little more upbeat/eccentricity to the bunch; generally a variation from the serious Sith with severe faces that walk the corridors of the Citadel.

Roleplaying example: I also RP as Djinn S'jet and Vek, otherwise there's something here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39654).

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Absolutley.

Have you read the rules: Yes

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 21st, 2005, 08:24:11 PM
I'm going to say no for now. My reasoning: Because You've got a fairly new character, Vek, at TSO and I'd much rather see you develop him before you embark on another character at TSO.

BTW: In case no one is aware, voting has been reinstated at votes needed for acceptance being three out of three voters. Ixion, you're free to argue your position. No one is allowed to post in this thread except voters and the applicant.

Baralai Lotus
Nov 21st, 2005, 08:33:22 PM
Hmmm. . .I would say no to the Force Alchemy part, because that's what Baralai does, and I didn't even start touching that until like. . .Knight level. If you wanted to master the basics and then study it under someone, or be like myself and study alone, then you could. In any case, that's my really only objection.

Nov 21st, 2005, 08:48:45 PM
Well as the knights, your word is final I suppose.

My only arguement would be the same old stuff really, this character was accpeted in general a while ago but swfans seams to do this alot, that is, one group of people will accept while others do not.

BTW; Sith Alchemy is more powerful, this alchemy is less powerful but more accesable (you can talk to Saveeradeevaravaravee
on the subject as well).

The origonal bio sheet is here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38806&perpage=20&pagenumber=6).

But I don't really mind; this character got kicked out of Kyashi's group so now I'm just trying to find a place for him and if you don't think he fits in here then I'll just find him somewhere els to stay (as I'd rather avodi scrapping him alltogether, I kinda like him as a character).

Zereth Lancer
Nov 21st, 2005, 10:29:54 PM
Well, I Must agree with Jorshal on the fact that you just got Vek into the order and it seems odd have another new character. Other then that fact I would say yes. Your application is awsome and well written. But I still think maybe you should wait awhile before joining TSO.

Perhaps it could be possible for you to study alchemy under Baralai without actually being part of the order, and then eventualy Baralai will ask Ixion to join TSO.

Any thouhts on this from you guys?

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 21st, 2005, 10:59:12 PM
I think its a good idea, I'm totally up for that. It's just I'd much rather have you develop Vek as a member of the Order before trying to do it twice... Take Ixion for a run on the rp or storytelling boards. Not all character's have to belong to a group.

Nov 21st, 2005, 11:36:19 PM
Very true, I'm happy to do that.

Okay, I'll keep Ixion independant for now.

Baralai Lotus
Nov 22nd, 2005, 04:05:44 PM
If you ever want to study more on Alchemy though, Baralai is more than happy to do a thread with you.

Nov 22nd, 2005, 07:31:27 PM
Cool, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. ;)