View Full Version : Application: Hara Kiri

Hara Kiri
Nov 18th, 2005, 12:49:47 AM
Character name: Hara Kiri

Character Profile: Very much an accelerated bipolar: Happy one day, sad and secluded another. Naturally curious about peculiar things and has the tendency to talk to all things as if they were alive. She loves her privacy and pretects it at all costs. On another hand she holds a stern double standard. She is allowed to be curious about minor things, but you aren't. Don't forget, she has every right to invade your privacy any hour of the day or night. She hates being insulted and hates being talked down to. Don't ask about her past.

Character History: Now you've done it. She knows her past but hates to talk about it and therefore stuffs it into the old locked chest in the back of her memory. Often times she likes to brag about her past, but never the real past, its far too horrid.

Can you keep a secret?

Yes? ... good. Now read this fast for full effect.

The secret origin of Hara Kiri is highly classified and she, and the Empire, and the rebels, will compete to kill you in your sleep. So tell no one. She was originally an espianage agent for the Empire, a favorite of people like Darth Vader and various grand moffs of old times. She fell head over heals in love with her partner on a double secret mission to Alderaan, before it blew up that is. There only way to allow their love to ring through the galaxy was too escape the Imperial leash of the Emperor and his dogs (by that I mean minions, not [i]actual[i] dogs!) A certain troop of Bothans out to steal some plans for a death star made a deal with the secret agent lovers and they joined the rebel alliance. Luke Skywalker killed her boyfriend on the evening before their multi-trillion credit marriage on Endor, so... you can see why she's mad at those Jedi!

Hope you didn't spend much time reading that. ::Smirky laughter:: But seriously, she's been on Corellia for about six months trying to scam street gamblers with her newfound ability of reading other's minds. So far she can only see the color of the cards... nothing else. She knows deep down she's sick, NOT mentally right. She want's it fixed but she needs money bad. To keep the story short, she blabbed about the telepathy and someone mentioned researching Sith, they had a study and research place on Korriban. Being drunk, she did here this in a bar, she blew the last of her luckily won credits on a trip to lovely Korriban.

Anything further back than those six months on Corellia and you'll get an equally goofy story one paragraph above. Ask her, I dare you.

Character Motivations: Step 1) Hone the mind reading trick. Step 2) Get to a casino and cheat a bunch of money. Step 3) Live the rich life. Step 4) Get help.

But we all know that she is not stable enough to make it past step 1, have fun training her. She tells herself she's going to get help, its really not happening. Perhaps she'll find a home among the Sith Order's eccentric people. Wait till she figures out you all are honest to God Sith!

Character Skills: Skills? She'll try like hell to cheat you at an game involving money. If you call that a skill. She tends to creep around very well without being seen, she can be brilliant when it comes to puzzles or difficult situations. It's just that she rarely is drawn into that kind of focus. She's a detail and people watcher, she likes to predict what people will do next, though she's not so hot at it now. Practice makes perfect, right. And then there's the telepathy thing. She's going to get real good at it, I'm looking to use her to play out a support role to those fighting in the field of combat.

Why should we accept you: She's so quirky, how could you not accept her? She'll bring the life to the party, honest! With all you people kicking the crap out of everything, someone who will say in your head (with a cool echoing voice) "There's a guy with a rocket a football field away, watch out!" She's useful, interesting and attractive. What more could you want!?

Roleplaying example: Twinkle (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37748&highlight=southstar)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Very much so.

Have you read the rules: Yes!

Dakler Terrcin
Nov 18th, 2005, 01:01:25 AM
My vote, if I had a vote, goes to you, cause you would be absolutely hilarious to have around, and you will probably give headaches to the people who deserve them. She'll make things interesting if nothing else.

Zereth Lancer
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:43:07 PM
Well, other then the typical; my (Parent, sibling, lover, dog, friend, distant relation) was killed by a jedi so I want to be a sith, thing is really getting old and on my nerves cuz everyone does it.

Other then that. I give your application my big stamp of approval, its big. Welcome to the Sith Order. Enjoy your new life and bigger and better, uh, evilness.

Baralai Lotus
Nov 18th, 2005, 10:55:12 PM
You got my vote, you're tottally in with me. I like your application.

Hara Kiri
Nov 19th, 2005, 02:48:23 PM
The whole "Jedi klilled everything I love" (cause its so Jedi like...) was just an example of what she might say if presented with the question. Two reasons: The first being she doesn't want anyone to know about her past for a variety of reasons (start a thread with her if you're desperate to find out) and its hard to actually have a legit RP if in reality everyone knows all her deep dark secrets. Secondly, I couldn't give away all my plot in this here application! :)

Hope you all understand.

EDIT: So for clarificication: Her whole plan is to use the Sith so she can get money. But depending on how everyone rps out with her she'll probably change her goals.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 20th, 2005, 01:40:58 AM
I'll give my yes vote.

Yurza Magus
Nov 22nd, 2005, 03:45:21 PM
Since I do believe that I am the last one, I'm going to say yes, so let me be the first to welcome you to the Sith Order.

Hara Kiri
Nov 22nd, 2005, 11:38:01 PM
Well then, I'll definitely get to posting. Thanks.