View Full Version : Application: Ezra Na'chtion

Ezra Na'chtion
Nov 17th, 2005, 04:14:55 PM
Character name: Ezra Na’chtion

Character Profile: Quiet, seldom speaking, attentive, pays attention to every detail, making mental notes of everything. Friendly on most terms and seldom expresses anger. Abhors violence and would rather sit with his nose in a book then wield any weapon.

Character History: Born and lived in Anchorhead Tatooine, Ezra was a boy with an intelligence beyond his years. He loved to learn. He finished his schooling at the tender age of twelve. His parents where astounded that such a brain child could have come from them. Ezra was a happy boy and enjoyed his life on Tatooine. But he longed for more knowledge. So in the middle of the night he boarded a ship and left his home and headed out into the galaxy. He moved from planet to planet, learning from scholars and professors, increasing his knowledge to legendary proportions. He eventually came to Corellia and found a scientist by the name of Zanon O’hara to teach him genetic science. For a whole year Ezra learned from Zanon, but then the old man disappeared on day and was never seen again. From there Ezra went to Corusant, but no one there would teach him, all pushing him away do to his age. He wandered the planet’s surface, begging for food and money and only getting enough of it to barely survive. He eventually found Doctor Lawn, a surgeon of sorts who worked in the worse part of the Coruscant slums. An area called the “Shades” Ezra learned the art of surgery and medical practice from the strange man. And from here his real story begins, its up to you to help shape this youth’s future.

Character Motivations: Ezra had heard rumor of the vast knowledge kept inside the Sith Order’s library, and other rumors of a device of infinite knowledge know as a holocron. He only wants to fabled knowledge and could care less about the force. But he has realized that he has the ability to control the life energy and has decided to study it as well and receive training from the sith order.

Character Skills: Vast amounts of knowledge on many different subjects, other then that, nothing.

Why should we accept you: Ezra brings a amount of intelligence and cunning to the order instead of the normal brutish strength that is a common place within the order. No offense meant. Other then Baralai Lotus the order seems almost without men of science of knowledge.

Roleplaying example: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38848

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Completely.

Have you read the rules: Yes.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 17th, 2005, 04:22:05 PM
Yes, of course.

Ezra Na'chtion
Nov 17th, 2005, 04:26:00 PM

Nov 17th, 2005, 04:27:10 PM
*does a dance*

Yay! The Order has people again!

(<-- Information hungry guy, but in a more information broker/spy/etc. type way than a science type way)

Baralai Lotus
Nov 17th, 2005, 07:16:46 PM
Well, well, glad to see I got mentioned in someones application. Ring me up kid, you can have a master if you want.