View Full Version : Application: Vek Baalzephon

Nov 17th, 2005, 02:59:06 AM
Hey there, Vek (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38806&perpage=20&pagenumber=5) here; I'm officaly applying to join TSO.

If you'll have me.


Pretty, pretty please.


Character name: Vek Baalzephon

Character Profile: In most situations, Vek is a quite guy; he maintains a calm exterior whilst all the while a chaotic battle rages in his head. On the one hand, his human mind seeks to bring order, logic, understanding and control but it's only just barley capable of reigning in the powerful Trianii hunter's spirit.
The best way to explain the externalisation is a conserved boy with a quiet rage in his eyes which he relishes to unleash in a good fight. The Trianni have lived with such feelings for thousand of years and so weild them well but Vek's diluted blood brings a degree of instability into the mix.

Although, as he matures in age he is learning to appreiciate the finer things in life but that is something he has only just begun to explore.

Character History: Vek is the bastard son of a slave girl in the possesion of one Karro the Hutt. His mother was the favorite of the Hutt and as such had no hope of being parted from him; the father was a slave pit fighter, the half Trianii was a reiging champion before his own son was forced into the trade and killed his own father; Vek was a virtual celebrity on the underground fight ciruit before he left.

For a long while, Vek was rainning champion himself, earning his own freedom at the age of 17 (well, after a little aggresive negociation) and has since enjoyed his freedom wizzing about the galaxy seeing all there is to see.
His fighters heart has finaly setteled him on the path of becoming a powerful warrior of the Sith.

Character Motivations: He feels the feral call of the predator; he want's to prove himself the warrior he belives himself to be and pledges to further himself done that path as far as it goes. Also, he hopes to hone his mind to reign in the beast inside and learn to temper it to his will and put it to use (rather then let it rule him).

Character Skills: Multiple langauges, Force sensative in matters of physical combat, cabable fighter (with vibroswords and martial combat of the war-dancer style) but hopeless at all other forms of force ability (and most other skills in general infact).

Why should we accept you: I can't think of a spectacular reason to be honest; I hope to eventually develop this character to become a fully fledged Sith and in so doing hope to bring my own style creativity and RPing ability to this area of the story.

Roleplaying example: I also RP as Djinn (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39610).

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes, of course.

Have you read the rules: If you have read them, you’ll know what to write here.


*slips something under the table*

:10bux :10bux :10bux

Baralai Lotus
Nov 17th, 2005, 12:56:27 PM
I tottally go with a yes. You're application is pretty outstanding. I think you're good to go in my opinion.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 17th, 2005, 01:32:38 PM
Welcome to the boards then.

Most of us are partaking in a training mission at the moment, so having Vek join in any group threads might not happen for a little bit. As for personal training feel free to post a thread requesting a training session with one of the four knights or even PMing them. Make sure you read the table of ranks "Ranks Reform" thread in the Sepulchre to get an idea of how char training goes on, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

FYI: Yurza Magus, Baralai Lotus, Zereth Lancer and myself are the four knights.

Nov 17th, 2005, 06:47:29 PM
Alright, thank you very much; I'll besure to use this calm before the storm to read up and learn all I can. ;)

wait, does that mean that I now RP as someone who has just arrived OR an active initiate OR an acolyte?

I like the pyramid rank scheme, I'm just unclear on where a fresh recruit would start the first post.

Nov 17th, 2005, 07:22:53 PM
I see only one problem with your application, other then the misspelling of the word "capable" and a few grammer errors, and that would be the part that says, "cabable fighter (with a few years with a lightsaber experice)"

Lightsabres are for Force Users only unless your a General Grievous and you were taught by someone. Not to mention that if you used a lightsabre in the open with the way things are now, the Emprire would kill you on the spot or being a jedi, a venerate, or anything under the force adept slot.

Nov 17th, 2005, 07:31:08 PM
As it states in my main character profile, Vek is actualy force sensative (but only as far as fighting, everything else is abismal).

He has grown up with vibrosblades for weapons but one of his greatest enemies in the ilegal pit-fights where he was raised was on ex-padawan, also a combat specialist. He was "trainned" with a lightsaber, just on the wrong end. He took the other fighter's twin lightsabers and has since spent years learning how to use them.

For now, his skills are far more suited to his vibroswords and so his sabers are really just something he practices with (he wouldn't use them in a fight, too unpredictable)

So you see, the "capabale fighter" reference is really in reguards to his conventiaonl war-dancer style pit fighting (twin vibroswords and rough, vicious martial combat) and as he has only had a few unassisted years with the lightsabers, he really isn't up to a standard of transfering all of his skills completely to those lightsabers just yet.

Does that make sence?

Nov 17th, 2005, 07:55:50 PM
No, it doesn't make sense. The lightsaber is weapon that is virtually so exotic you have to have the force and someone to train you to know how to use it. I would suggest tossing out the lightsabers all together and sticking to the vibroblades if that’s the case. The lightsabers really have no point for practicing since your character, even though force sensitive, can't really use them. Not to mention, traveling around with twin lightsabers, which are supposed to be equally as rare, is unreasonable as carrying them around just doesn't make sense unless your character has his own ship.

Since you're going to be trained in the methods anyways, it shouldn't be a problem to hold off and pick it up in an actual training thread, and even make your own lightsabers in the given case as we're all supposed to start from the beginning anyways.

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:02:29 PM
Well alright, if you think thats best. ;)

*application tweaked*

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:18:21 PM
I don't know about the lightsaber being usable only by one trained in it. Without training, of course, it could never be used to its potential, and would be very dangerous if you made even the smallest mistake, but it's only a weapon. It's a beam of energy extending from a piece of metal - there is nothing about that that prevents a non-forcer from turning it on and swinging it around - I know there have been non-forcers in the past who have used a lightsaber. In fact, Han Solo himself used a lightsaber to cut open a taun-taun so that Luke could survive Hoth - and he was by no means a Jedi.

Granted, lighsabers would not be nearly as useful in the hands of a non-forcer - the biggest advantage to lightsabers is blaster deflection, which, without the force, is impossible. However, I see no problem with a non-forcer simply picking up a lightsaber and swinging it around like a vibroblade. It's not suited for that sort of wielding, so it would be far less effective from a combat standpoint, but it could still be swung around.

(Also, in the game Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Kyle Katarn uses a lightsaber for a while without training, if memory serves correctly. In Jedi Academy, also, the main character, Jaden Korr, has constructed and partially learned to wield his own lightsaber, so it is entirely possible, unless you completely debunk every Star Wars game in history as not part of the EU. Not to mention that Jorshal has recognized non-forcer wookies in our training missions to have lightsabers...)

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:25:58 PM
I belive the base of the argument lies in the factor of the sabers gyro-destabalisation. Not only does it's energy field exert an un-balancing gyroscopic effect when swung but it changes slighly with the natural fluctuations in the localised magnetic/eletric fields of the environment/planet.

Thus, you need the force ability to feel/predict the natural flow so as to ba able to use the blade. Anyone can cut with one but to swing it around in combat you need force talent and practice.

But like my point of view states, Vek has had experience with lightsabers and he does have talent for the flow (of combat environments anyway) and so I do beilve I have a point but the ultimate decision would lie with someone with more authority then I. :rolleyes

NOTE: Can droids use lightsabers?
If so, that proves that the force is not always neccesary.
But if not, then that would be evidence to the contrary.

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:45:40 PM

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:46:11 PM
Double post...

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:46:12 PM
To use it to any degree profficiently in combat is completely different than cutting open a taun taun. Common sense dictates as much to such an analogy.

The weapon weighs nearly nothing, thus the error percentage of using such a weapon is beyond a novice even practicing with. It can't be swung like a vibroblade as the weight and momentum is complete off, for anyone who has actually fenced, this would also be obvious. Going from a weapon that weighs a few pounds to virtually nothing is a drastic change that takes more than I guess you would think.

A lot of the games contradict each other; so yes, bringing up such is pointless. And wookies practically worship jedi by this era, a wookie carrying a lightsaber is actually expected in their circles as they would think such things as to bring good fortune and what not.

Vek already agreed to the suggestion, regardless. It shouldn't be a problem for anyone to actually start at the bottom and work their way up anyway to actually learning how to make and use their own lightsaber which in the end, would hopefully make for more substantial roleplaying.

Robots can adjust to the weapon through programming, via electronic training. Case in point

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:57:10 PM
I do agree that a lightsaber would be nearly useless in combat - I said as much in the other post there. My point is that, while he can't use it very well, it would be OK for him to have it, and to have experimented a little bit with it. But, no, for combat it would not be very useful at all.

Dakler Terrcin
Nov 17th, 2005, 08:59:25 PM
I say let him do it. Normal people can learn to do almost anything (like those guys who would spin plates on variety shows back in the 60s and 70s) but really, there are some amazing skills out there, just check out the guys at circ du soleil. If people can juggle and do acrobatics like that, I see no reason why one couldn't slowly learn to use a lightsaber.

Without training in specific lightsaber forms, or the ability to sense things with the Force, they would never compare to a Jedi or a Sith, but as long as he dosen't claim Knight level ability, I would say to let him do it.

Nov 17th, 2005, 09:48:10 PM
If you allow one person to come in with lightsaber training, then you bet the dren will hit the fan andf you'll have an awfully big mess on your hands. Be realistic, and Djinn, STOP IT. Cut out the crap and the extras and concentrate on having your NEW Sith learn the Darkside instead of having him be all amazing when he joins. You're starting on the bottom rung, remember? Or were all of the PMs I sent you for naught? :(

PS. It's a freaking LIGHT SABER - anyone without training who uses one is at risk for GOD-MODING. Also, Vex, enough with the eye rolling, you keep it up and they'll roll across the dang floor.

Nov 18th, 2005, 12:23:18 AM
Easy everyone, clearly this is a divided opinion in TSO and I have already decided waaay up the top of the thread to agree and take out the sabers.

I have no issue with not having sabers, I just wanted to be clear; it's done now, no more lightsabers till I build them in trainning.

Everybody happy now? O_o

P.S.: I use eye rolling alot, that's what I do, that's me; american accents annoy me but you don't see me asking them to stop now do you?
So there. :p

Dakler Terrcin
Nov 18th, 2005, 12:50:24 AM
wait, you think you can take the easy way out and just not have lightsabers? ;)

But we were having SOOOO much fun arguing. It's way more fun than being reasonable or actually reading your posts.....

Nov 18th, 2005, 09:29:44 AM
Originally posted by Vek

P.S.: I use eye rolling alot, that's what I do, that's me; american accents annoy me but you don't see me asking them to stop now do you?
So there. :p

Well, damn, good thing I'm Canadian then :D

You know what? I'm tired of always trying to help Vex make characters that won't start arguements, but yeah, I'm done. Have fun being ignored by me and by others because of your attitude :).

Nov 18th, 2005, 09:33:16 AM
MY attitude?

Vek was accepted fine till you came along and started making unilateral decisions.
You actually trying to chase me off swfans?

Cos that would be the third time this community has done that. :\

Alas, it's too late.
Now this little hotpoint will expand into something more serious, the communty will side with their own felloe long-term regular and I guess I'll be asked to leave again.

*starts packing bags*

Nov 18th, 2005, 09:41:34 AM
You can stay, I'm just going to not rp with you, so cut the melodramatics.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:44:00 AM
No melodrama, please.

e: f;b

Djinn S'jet
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:45:23 AM

Just to clarify, that last post wasn't me; that was my moronic little freind who decided to take my login for a joy ride when I stepped out for a momment.

I have NO INTENTION of leaving, you can RP with anyone you want, I perfectly happy with that. :D

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:46:40 AM
No "that wasn't me, it was my brother/friend/cat posting" either.

Stop crying wolf.

Nov 18th, 2005, 09:51:32 AM
If you really feel that way, wouldn't it have been better to PM that to me?

But anyway, let me put it this way; if it wasn't me then it wasn't me and if it was, well, I'm in a cranky mood and I retract any statment I made in haste. :p

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:54:07 AM
My point still stands.

Think before you post. Don't get so defensive and don't try to explain away your actions with the excuse that you have used too many times before.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 18th, 2005, 11:11:27 AM
Fact is, this thread ends now.

The lightsabers have been thrown out, everyone is happy. You all are bickering like children in an application thread. Stop it and don't do it again on tso boards.