View Full Version : Looking for a teacher (open)
Naira Cross
Nov 16th, 2005, 04:50:42 PM
Wandering through the hall of the Citadel, Naira aimlessly looks at all the ancient tombs that are held inside of these walls. Not exactly knowing where she was going or what she was about to do. However she certainly had an eagerness about the whole situation. She knew why she had come; she came in search of a teacher. She knew that she would be able to find such a person here because rumored had it that this was the place where the best of the best were either perfected or broken.
Yurza Magus
Nov 16th, 2005, 10:57:15 PM
Yurza walked out of his room, wearing only a pair of thin black pants. He was on his way to the training grounds to run through a few techniques of the Shien style of lightsaber fighting. He smiled as he twirled his lightsaber hilt in the palm of his hand. He was considered an expert bladesman buy many, but in his time away he had lost and that would not happen again. Shien was his answer to winning.
Shien is a powerful style developed by Soresu practitioners that preferred a more offensive angle. The defensive nature of Soresu often leads to dangerously prolonged combat. This style came about from combining Makashi and Soresu. He had known or heard of very few that mastered the art. Skywalker, and also as Lord Vader, and two Jedi Masters he knew of. Plo Kloon and Agen Kolar. Though both were very powerful practioners, they fell in the Clone Wars. Now Yurza was determined to become the Master of the art.
As he though about all this, Yurza walked down the hall and when he turned the corner there was a woman standing there. He didn't recognize her, so he set his feet an glared. "Who are you?"
Naira Cross
Nov 16th, 2005, 11:17:35 PM
Naira had been in a kinda of a trance, just thinking about her past, where she found herself now, and how different the two are compared to each other, when it seemed from out the darkness she heard a voice. “Who are you?” She looked over and saw a man that had an inquiring yet penetrating glare on his face. She turned to face him with a look on her face that meant she was serious.
“My name’s Naira. I’m new to The Sith Order and am looking for someone who is up to the challenge of training me. Who are you?”
Yurza Magus
Nov 16th, 2005, 11:32:26 PM
New to the Order? He though. It wasn't all that surprising, but still. My name is Yurza, Sith Knight, and one that might be able to help you with your request, even though it's sad to say that times have changed the Sith Order. No longer is there a Master and Apprentice. It seems that the other Knights have taken to the idea of Apprentices being taught by more than one teacher, which in the long run I see faring much better. No one is allowed to learn all of our secrets and therefore we protect the power we have gained."
Naira Cross
Nov 16th, 2005, 11:46:01 PM
She had heard of the new way that Apprentices were learning and it suited her. She had lived on the streets where those who taught any form of combat were often replaced with in a matter of months. “A wise change. Give knowledge and power to any one person and you run the risk of being overthrown. Spread it out and power stays longer and covers more ground. Divide and conquer. So you might be able to help me with my search? In what areas would you train me in?”
Yurza Magus
Nov 17th, 2005, 01:22:19 AM
Yurzaq smiled and flipped the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand. "Well most would recommend that I teach lightsaber classes. I am well on my way to becoming the only living Master of Shien."
He neglected to mention his power over the mind. That would have to wait till another time. He was already teaching Saveer in that area and to be honest it was taxing, and he couldn't explain why.
Baralai Lotus
Nov 17th, 2005, 12:38:39 PM
Baralai started his trek down the hallway to library for his midnight reading. He was clad in his usual black leather trenchcoat, and his hair was it's usual messiness.
He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, silently taking a puff from it. As he looked up from taking a puff from his cigarette, he saw a girl he hadn't seen before talking to Yurza. He couldn't help but smirk. It looked like a scene out of a bad romance. A questioning young woman looking for something, and then a young shirtless man holding a blade. It was somewhat comical in Baralai's mind.
He walked up beside them and placed his body against the wall, acknowledging Yurza with a nod and then the same with the girl. He silently took another puff from his cigarette and propped his weight on the wall, enjoying a midnight smoke before he headed out to the library. If they wanted to talk to him, well. . .who could resist the charm of a God?
Naira Cross
Nov 17th, 2005, 04:54:37 PM
While talking to Yurza about being trained, a man that had an arrogant quality about him and an eye patch over one eye came and acknowledged both her and the would-be trainer. A quick nod with the look of slight disgust was the extent of her manners and Naira was back talking to Yurza about what was important.
“Well the problem isn’t becoming the master, it’s staying the master.” Reaching at her side, she grabs the hilt of one of her vibroblades. “This is my weapon of choice, but obviously no match for a lightsaber."
Yurza Magus
Nov 18th, 2005, 04:45:58 PM
Yurza smiled. "Actually, you'd be surprised what that weapon can do in the hands of a real fighter. Anything is possible with the Force. As our resident Alchemist here is intent on proving that to the universe."
Naira Cross
Nov 18th, 2005, 09:01:01 PM
“Resident alchemist? Really?" She said turning to the stranger. "And here I just took you for some silent member of the Order with a bad eye. My names Naira Cross, a new member and in search of a teacher to help me further my ability. Tell me do you do anything else than just be the Resident Alchemist?” As she said this she took in the possibility that he might be a good knight to learn from. From the look of it, this quiet man has been in his fair share of fights and had a good time, that is if he had predominate fighting ability and not just gotten on the wrong side of a Jedi. From the look of it, both Yurza and he, had potential.
Baralai Lotus
Nov 18th, 2005, 10:52:08 PM
Baralai strode over to the others and looked at Naira, pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling on it silently. He handed the note over to Naira, just a simple introduction.
Well, I am mostly the Alchemist of the Order, but I also have my other talents. I am a Knight of the Order as well as an experienced whip fighter. I have some skills in the medical field, and I do my best to cater to the needs of our new students here.
He smiled slyly at the girl and looked back at Yurza. For some odd reason, when he looked into the eyes of Naira, he remembered the girl he had experimented with. The girl who had screamed for her life, as the one she loved stole the very organs from her body. There was so much. . .so much potential in her eyes. That same fire that he had seen in Angelica's eyes. Every time he saw it, he couldn't help but remember her.
He held back laughter as his mind wandered with the ideas of what he would do to a girl such as her, the experiments he could do. But, regardless, he couldn't there was no way he could. She was a student under the Order, and as such, she had protection under the Order from people far stronger than Baralai. He had to keep his thoughts to himself.
Naira Cross
Nov 19th, 2005, 12:41:41 AM
Naira looked strangely at the man as he now handed her a piece of paper. She took it, all the while wondering why he had yet to say anything. As she read, she began to have a faint idea as to why that was. He was mute, whether it was from birth or a ‘developed attribute’ was still to be known.
“Well its sounds like you’re a jack of all trades. Medicine, alchemy, whips: an impressive list, but I have yet to know your name.”
Looking in to his eye, Naira saw something odd. A fleeting spark of something sinister, almost evil. She contemplated what is was that made him smile so mysteriously and whether to respect him or believe him to be crazy. However this girl of only five foot five, was not intimidated. She had dealt with her share of evil men, crazy men, and sometimes a combination of the two; in the end she was the one left standing.
Baralai Lotus
Nov 23rd, 2005, 01:34:11 PM
Baralai wrote down on a piece of paper and handed it to the girl.
Baralai Lotus, here should you need me child.
Baralai couldn't help but remember the girl from his first set of human experiments. She was just like her in almost every way, it was phenomenal. Baralai's imagination was running wild at the possibilities of what he could do. This girl would prove to be very valuable to Baralai in the future.
Naira Cross
Nov 25th, 2005, 10:12:54 PM
“Well it now seems that I have two possibilities for a teacher. Since I have just met both of you, I don’t know which one of you will have the patience to train me. Yurza, seeing as how I met you first, are you up to the challenge or do you think that Baralai here would be better suited?”
Her piercing green eyes looked at him and wondered what he thought. He had been quiet for the past couple of moments and it was beginning to put her a little on edge. It’s never a problem when things are loud, but it’s when things get quiet that you need to worry. Not only did she not like silence too much, but she had never had any one to tell her what to do and was still getting used to the thought of being subordinate.
Yurza Magus
Nov 27th, 2005, 10:09:49 PM
Yurza thought for a moment and nodded slowly. "I'm up to it, but are you? It won't be a walk in the park."
Naira Cross
Nov 28th, 2005, 07:49:34 PM
Naira looked at him, gave a quick little smirk and said “I would expect nothing less. When do we begin?”
Yurza Magus
Nov 30th, 2005, 04:05:58 PM
"Whenever you would like. I'm not really busy, though now would be a perfect time seeing as I was just on my way out there."
Naira Cross
Nov 30th, 2005, 05:38:44 PM
“Sounds like a plan, lead the way”
Looking at Baralai she said, “Unfortunately this is where it ends. See you around.” As Naira turned, her brown hair swung around behind her and she set off after Yurza to what she knew was the beginning of countless days of training
Baralai Lotus
Dec 2nd, 2005, 07:52:47 PM
Baralai stepped away and smiled slightly as he waved to them, heading back to the library, to go get in some midnight reading.
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