View Full Version : Your favorite childhood memories

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 14th, 2005, 09:04:32 AM
I was making pancakes yesterday for breakfast, and while mixing up the batter, I got to thinking how much easier it would be to mix if I had one of those electronic mixer things. Which of course made me smile, because it reminded me of all those awesome childhood memories I had while growing up. So, I decided that it'd be neat to start a thread where people can share their favorite childhood memories :)

1) Licking cake batter off of the mixer dealies after everything was all mixed up and ready to be put into the oven. The mixer things were great to lick I admit, but the best was when one of those big wooden spoons was used. There was so much more chocolate cake mix on those :D

2) Going crabbing with dad every Saturday morning. When we lived in Annapolis, my dad and I used to wake up at 5 AM every Saturday morning and load up the wagon with 3-4 empty bushel barrels, fishing line, chicken necks, and a huge metal net. We'd walk to what was called the Sea Wall on the Naval Academy campus and spend 4-5 hours catching blue crabs. Then we'd take our haul home, and shell about half of them. The ones that were shelled were made into fresh crab cakes, and the others were simply bioled. This is probably my favorite memory of all.

3) Back when I lived in Florida, my mom and dad loaded a bunch of cleaning supplies into the car, piled me and my sister in the backseat, and told us we were going to go clean some lady's house. Imagine our surprise when we pulled into the Disneyland parking lot instead :D

4) Every Easter, the family egghunt always started out with dad putting in Mozart's Allegro. Now whenever I hear Allegro, I always think of Easter.

5) Again while living in Florida, we used to throw parties for the squadron my dad was in. One of my favorite was when my dad, wearing his favorite apron, grabbed a bronze candleholder and lipsynced to Chubby Checker which was playing on the stereo at the time.

6) My mom once took me and my sister out on some boring errand. Upon returning home, we turned into the cul-de-sac that we lived in only to be greeted by the sight of a group of delivery men trying to get a baby grand piano in through the front door of the house.

Now let's here some of yours :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2005, 12:40:21 PM
1. <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=726&password=&sort=1&cat=500&page=5>Stealing the icing off of my own birthday cake with the help of my older brother...</a>

2. Playing Legos with my younger brother, and creating a vast 'toyland' empire in our room.

3. Playing Monopoly with Johnny using MicroMachines. Each had a separate personality, of course, and sometimes we did the same sort of thing but played chess with them.

There might be more, but these stand out the most. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 14th, 2005, 02:29:23 PM
I used to play dress-up with my cousins a lot. Every time the three of us would get sent to our grandmothers, while our parents were at work, we'd invent a whole new little scenario to play. I was the oldest so I had the most say in what we did. One day we were bananas, another I was an evil genius who had kidnapped a princess from a plumber. We saw a Star Trek exhibition at a local museum once, and had a Klingon attack when we got home.

I used to have a fascination with making webs, too. Sounds odd, I know, but I would just get a huge bundle of wool and cross-tie it to everything in my grandmothers living room. It would form a giantic web and I would just have fun ducking through the little spaces, pretending that touching the wool would attract a giant spider or trip off some security alarm in the museum that I was raiding.

Being an only child, I have a lot of good memories of just getting lost in my own imagination. I had tonnes of action figures (no Barbie Dolls for me, suprisingly) that I would set up together. One day the Ghostbusters fire station would be invaded by farm animals, the next the Turtles would be fighting He-Man.

One of my favorite toys was a PlayMobil pirate ship with a canon that really fired little canon balls.

Nov 14th, 2005, 04:43:38 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
I used to have a fascination with making webs, too. Sounds odd, I know, but I would just get a huge bundle of wool and cross-tie it to everything in my grandmothers living room. It would form a giantic web and I would just have fun ducking through the little spaces, pretending that touching the wool would attract a giant spider or trip off some security alarm in the museum that I was raiding.

We used to play something kind of like that, except we would jump from bed to bed while one person was a crocodile :lol I have lots of memories of weird games we would play. I remember building a pirate ship in our atitic in one of the houses we lived at.

I remember the time when we went to the beach and were fishing, and my Grandpa was bombed out of his tree and dove in to catch a fish. I didn't know he was drunk at the time, so I thought it was the funniest thing.

I remember my first dog, Cookie Dog (yes, very inventive naming skills) chasing a bob-cat into a tree while I was playing in our backyard when we lived further up north. He used to go off his leash and run across all of our neighbours lawns :)

As for toys, I really remember playing with Barbies, but having them be hookers o_O And when I was younger, going to Giant Tiger on my mums' pay day to buy She-ra figures. Everything I had, my sister had, so our house was full of barbies, she-ra, jem (we had the car with the tape player in the back) but always in pairs :lol

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:14:58 PM
Originally posted by Kyashi
As for toys, I really remember playing with Barbies, but having them be hookers o_O And when I was younger, going to Giant Tiger on my mums' pay day to buy She-ra figures. Everything I had, my sister had, so our house was full of barbies, she-ra, jem (we had the car with the tape player in the back) but always in pairs :lol

Haha YES!! I had She-ra too :D And Barbie hooker is great :lol

Nov 14th, 2005, 05:34:33 PM
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/5179/s14us8xn8jo.th.jpg (http://img361.imageshack.us/my.php?image=s14us8xn8jo.jpg) http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/8851/spinjas5xn2uy.th.jpg (http://img361.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spinjas5xn2uy.jpg) http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/9546/turtleblimp2bf6nb.th.jpg (http://img361.imageshack.us/my.php?image=turtleblimp2bf6nb.jpg)

:) I suppose this works equally well in Jenny's thread.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:34:40 PM
We used to play "hot lava" which consisted of the ground being hot lava and if we touched it we'd turn into a hot lava monster. Whoever was the hot lava monster would of course chase everyone else around the room while we jumped around on windowsills, couches, chairs, etc. :D

We also had, at one time, two bunkbeds and four children in one room, beds across the room from each other. So of course we had to jump from bed to bed across the room, which usually ended with someone banging their head painfully on the bottom bunk.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:38:35 PM
Monster in my pocket! Mon dieu!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:41:13 PM
Bunk beds are great. I used to make the bottom bunk into a fort by draping a sheet down from the top bunk. Then I'd make seperate rooms inside with sheets stuffed into the support boards of the top mattress.

We also used to have one of those huge wraparound couches. It had down cushions, so they were really poofy. Sometimes my sister and I would take the corner sections and pretend they were horses. We'd have 'races' and rescue a herd of stolen brumbies (we watched Man From Snowy River way too much). Other times we'd take every single cushion from the couch and throw them into a pile on the floor. The couch had awesome springs in it, and so we'd jump into the pile of pillows like lunatics.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:44:31 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
Bunk beds are great. I used to make the bottom bunk into a fort by draping a sheet down from the top bunk.

YES we did this all the time until it was outlawed, for some reason. But it was fun. :D

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 14th, 2005, 11:06:49 PM
Godfathers Pizza is the greatest pizza chain on earth. I was raised on the stuff. For years before my sister was born, me and my mom would spend the days watching matinee movies and going to Godfathers Pizza for black olive pizza. Those were the best days ever.

One time, my parents decided to have some fun at my expense for Halloween. They dressed me up as a doctor, with a facemask, hat, stethoscope, and rubber gloves. They told me that when people opened the door and asked what kind of doctor I was, that I was to snap my rubber gloves and exclaim "PROCTOLOGIST" loudly.

I used to "freeze" my Han Solo action figure in "carbonite". Which is to say that I filled a tupperware butter dish with water, put Han in it, and stuck that in the freezer. I would then have endless fun the next day waiting for him to thaw out.

I remember a particular beach vacation to Daytona Beach. I think I was eight years old for this one, and my sister was four. We always filmed our vacations, so we were at this little family-owned ice cream shop we'd get ice cream at. We all ordered some up, and my mom turned the camera on, and panned on Laurie (my sister). She was scowling/pouting, and my mom asked "Where's your ice cream", to which she frowned more and pointed to the ground, where the ice cream had fallen from her cone when she went to lick it.

I had the greatest playground a kid could ever want, and it was at my grandparents house. Acres upon acres of cow pasture, fishing ponds, and woods. I couldn't count the days that me, my sister, and our cousins would disappear out there. We built a huge fort out of a big tree next to a creek. We caught crawfish under rocks in the creek, and foraged for pecans from a nearby grove. Occasionally we would fight each other by flinging cow pies at each other. My sister attracted my ire one day and I got a shovel full of fresh pie and lobbed it in her hair and forever ruined that game :)

Christmas traditions in my family are huge. We always observe the Saturday after Thanksgiving as "Tree Day". This usually involves me, my sister, and my dad travelling to the four corners of the ghetto to bargain shop for the best christmas tree we can find. When this is done, we all go buy Coca-colas in glass bottles. It has to be in glass bottles because nothing tastes colder, and it is always cold the weekend after Thanksgiving. When we get home, and begin the grueling task of setting the tree up, my mom serves us her homemade Christmas cider, which is a mishmash of the weirdest ingredients I've ever seen. To this day I've never had a better cider. Especially when I juice it up with some dark rum :D

One of my favorite childhood memories involves my sixth birthday and the infamous "MOO MOO" incident. My sister was 18ish months old, and insanely jealous of me getting presents for my birthday. I got a tee-ball set and she wanted to play with it. My mom would help her hold the bat and swing it for her, which made her squeal with glee. Whenever it was my turn to use it, she would scream, kick, and generally become a demon. One time, I took the bat from her, and she held on to the end of it, dragging along the ground, screaming "MOO MOO" as loud as she could. She got up, pumped her stubby legs in a rapid fashion, and bull-charged me, tackling the bat. I gently pulled away again, and she went beserk, resorting to head-butting the carpet in her anger. To this day, this is how I think my sister came to be the way she is.

Actually, I think most of my best childhood memories come at the expense of my sister. I don't know why :) She only got a beating every third day of my life. For years, my parent's bedroom was the Roman Collosseum. I was a happy-faced, bread and circuses plebeian, my dad was some rawhide-wielding Gallic Samnite, and my mother was all powerful Caesar, while my poor sister played the part of the emaciated underdog Christian. It was so festive. They occasionally threatened me with the belt for excessive laughing so I had to really hold it in.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 14th, 2005, 11:15:45 PM
Kat is 2 years younger than I am and Shana is 2 years younger than Kat.

Kat would put anything on her head when she was 2-4 if you called it a hat. That amused me constantly.

The '74 Camaro my dad had for a brief time was pretty awesome. 350 cu in. Chevy V8s are difficult to make sound bad. It was fun to ride in. ...

Nov 15th, 2005, 12:12:32 AM
I would have to say that my best memory was the Christmas right after Hugo hit the east coast. It was the first time in my life I had seen snow. All I remember was that it was so white and cold and my father always the prankster would keep putting snowballs down the back of our shirts. And where we lived, it was right next door to my grandparents and christmas night after mm brother and I were tucked into bed, my parents and grandparents and a few aunts and uncles went outside and put up this huge christmas tree and decorated it and everything. They then took all the presents from under our tree and put them outside just before waking us up.

We went jumping and leaping to be the one who opened the first present. When we saw that there was nothing under the tree we thought Santa had taken all our presents and we started crying. Then our parents took us outside and all our aunts and uncles were getting back with thier kids and all of us went wild! Nothing like waking up to the biggest tree you have ever seen and having all you presents just sitting there. To this day I think that is the best Christmas that I've ever had.

Wyl Staedtler
Nov 15th, 2005, 09:21:31 PM
I remember the first time Dad taught me to play hockey. My two older brothers (Brad is five years older, Jason is four) had been on teams for years, and I was always so jealous when we went to their games. I'd been skating since I could walk, but Dad waited until I was five to give me my own stick. We were visiting my grandparents and it must've been twenty below that day out on the pond. All I remember though is my dad standing in the middle of the ice yelling at me to grip the stick lower, bend down when I skated to get more speed and lean into my turns. Then when he went inside, Brad and Jason showed me how to take a guy down without getting called. The best part was my little brother Sam, who was watching us just as jealously as I had.

My gran is of the school where, no matter what you like or what you're allergic to, at dinnertime you take a little bit of everything and you clear your plate with a smile on your face. I used to hate cherry tomatoes, and she always put them in her salads. At family get togethers all the kids ate in the kitchen, which was connected to the deck by a sliding glass door. After my gran would leave the kitchen, I remember going out onto the deck and lobbing the tomatoes into the yard.

Every year our entire family (all the cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents) would drive to the Okanagan to camp in this town called Oosoyoos. I gleefully recall having to dodge my parents hands after ignoring their warnings about fighting with my brothers.

Saturday morning cartoons; only day of the week us kids got up willingly.

We lived with my aunt and uncle and there was one television between our two families, which was rarely ever used. Our backyard was good, dense Canadian forest. We used to tear around in there, climbing trees and eating huckle/salmon/saskatoon berries. It was awesome.

Every day after school without fail we would run home, toss our backpacks in the door, and then get our hockey sticks from the garage. Every kid on our street would do the same thing, without even talking about it, and we would divide into teams and start a game. The most important possesion for a kid was a hockey stick. They were used as lightsabers, walking sticks, bush wackers, bear protectors, raft paddles... the more war-torn your stick was, the more respect you got.

One afternoon my uncle took me, Brad, Jason, Sam, and our cousins Greg, Jaden, Sean, Kyle, and Keenan to the hardware store and bought us all hatchets. We spent the rest of the summer chopping up alders and building a secret fort in the woods.

And my all time favorite memory is being sent out in the middle of winter to grab a new log for the fireplace. There's just something primitively satisfying about running through the snow, hefting a heavy hunk of wood into your arms, and struggling back into a warm house knowing that you've contributed to the heat

Nov 15th, 2005, 09:51:50 PM
I was three, my father pointed at a black box on the table and said: "Television"

Taro Lawson
Nov 15th, 2005, 10:03:34 PM
I was around five. My friend Josiah and I always had great fun digging trenches in his backyard and pretending to be at war (much to the dismay of my parents, as apparantly girls aren't supposed to do this :D ) But one time, we were in the heat of battle in his backyard and he got stuck underneath his swing set, which was our headquarters for that particular battle.

Took him ages to get out. I left him there and ate lunch. Funny thing was, his family didn't even know he was missing! :lol

Nov 15th, 2005, 10:06:22 PM