View Full Version : Fruitless Seach(Open)

Kaisuko Midama
Nov 13th, 2005, 12:20:30 AM
His Search had been fruitless.

Kaisuko Midama had been sent to find his Sister, A padewan learner who had wandered off in Kai's brand new ship in search of the rebellion. he had last detected her Locator on naboo, where it had, for some unforseen Reason, Stopped Tansmitting.

He had landed in the starport in the Capital City on Naboo in the Xenosis VI, a Ship he had hired to take him around, an Expensive one too, It would take him years to pay back his father. But non of that mattered at the moment, He now had to get back on his ship and go to where his Clues lead him.

"Kai to Xenosis" He said into the comlink he had in hand, he stood there, waited a few moments, then frowned, There was no Reply. He held the button and tried again. "Kaisuko To Freighter Xenosis VI, Reply Please"

After not getting a reply a second time, he checked his portable computer, he had planted a locator in the ship, He got no signal, that could mean only two things, Eather his ship had left, or something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. He decided he would go to the hanger and Find a more...Realiable Pilot.

As he approched the hanger, He felt around through the force, Something was here, Something Bad, Something evil. as Kaisuko entered the hanger he placed one hand on his lightsaber inside his jacket and began to speak to the Pilots who were standing around talking to eachother.