View Full Version : Seeds of Destruction (TSO Train Thread)

Yurza Magus
Nov 11th, 2005, 11:38:18 PM
Yurza stood on a branch of one of the tall Kashyyk trees. The Sith Alcolyte with him, Saveeradeevaravaravee, stood right below him. He smiled as he looked out at the Wookie village before them. The other members of the Sith Order were in thier own trees surrounding the village, planning thier own attacks. His was simple. Chaos, pure and utter chaos. The Sith Knight smiled as he reached out with the force and turned to Saveer, nodding. "It is time. When we get in the village just follow my lead and everything will go according to plan. Remember this is a training mission and as such you will be under me for now. Hesitate when given an order and I will not when it comes time to strike you down. I plan on surviving without a scratch and I will not have anyone doing something that will ruin that simple goal. Is that uderstood?"

Without waiting for him to answer, Yurza unclipped his lightsaber and twirled the hilt around in his hand, feeling the balance and weight as he prepared himself mentally. He reached behind him and pulled another lightsaber from a hidden holster on the back of his belt. He looked at it for a moment and then tossed it to Saveer. "Here use this if you need it, but remember to use the Force as well. Bend the wills of others to follow yours."

Nov 11th, 2005, 11:59:08 PM
So this was a lightsaber...

Saveeradeevaravaravee stood silently on top of one of the thick Wroshyr branches that decorated Kashyyyk's landscape, examining the new weapon he now held in his hands. He had never used a lightsaber before - in fact, had never even held one. Nevertheless, the weapon was incredible - albeit a bit too large for his hands. He was accustomed to as much, though, so using it would be much the same as using the sword on his back.

As Saveer continued to examine the weapon, he found the activator switch. With a loud snap-hisss, the blade sprang to life, casting a green glow on its surroundings. It was light and easy to move - an elegant weapon, quite a far cry from the heavy blade on his back. He waved the weapon through the air a few times before shutting it off, satisfied with its performance. Luckily, they were high enough in the branches to avoid detection by the sound of the blade, else these actions could have complicated things quite a bit.

Clipping the weapon to his ammunition belt, alongside the cryoban grenades already hanging there, he looked toward the Sith Knight standing above him, allowing a scoundrel's grin to cross his face.

"You've no need to worry about hesitance on my part, Yurza. I will do what needs to be done, regardless of the consequences - I always have."

Turning back toward the village, he donned a more serious expression. This was his first mission - he would likely see combat today. Was he ready? He didn't know. There was only one way to find out.

"I'm ready when you are, Yurza."

Yurza Magus
Nov 12th, 2005, 10:54:24 AM
He reached out to the others and felt thier auras as clearly as though the were standing next to him. Jorshal's cool, clear confidence and Baralai's calculating mind. Between the three of them alone they could probably take out the village quickly and silently as long as there was no Jedi as they suspected. This should be truely exhilirating, but remember Yurza. Don't over do it.

"We leave in a moment, but I have one more thing for you," he said as he nodded to the side and a small bag rose up out of the air. He brought it over to him and opened it, smiling as he pulled out a hown spun brown cloak and a pair of tanned pants along with a matching tunic. He put them down at his feet and pulled another set out and held them for Saveer. "Here put these on and put all your weapons but your sword and lightsaber in here."

Yurza saw a confused eyebrow lift on Saveer's face. "To these people, the Jedi are the saviors that they are waiting on. If a Jedi were to turn on them in the middle of a battle, well thier hopes and dreams would be crushed. Leave the right amount of survivors and the word will spread that Jedi are not to be trusted. Distrust and chaos is the goal of our part of this mission. Soon we will be in the midst of them and once our peers attack, you will appear to defend the village until I say otherwise, but I warn you to stay away from any Jedi that you have seen and attempt to clear your thoughts of any malice should you come across them."

A few moments later the two were changed and Yurza had the bag of thier clothes and weapons on his back. he stretched out in the uniform and smiled. He liked the way it felt, even if it did look awful. Prehaps he could get Kathrine to make another, darker one when they got back. He nodded to Saveer and then leapt off of the limb to the next. He reached into the Force as he thought a Jedi would, allowing it to guide him instead of him bending it to his will. It felt, relaxing, but at the same time he knew that he wasn't as strong as he was when he was immersed into the darkside. Atleast he had made the right choice in his life. "Come let us get this over with. I hate this feeling."

He sent a subtle burst of energy through the Force to Jorshal and Baralai to let them know that they were going in. He then turned his attention to the village and used the Force to leap from one limp to the next. They would be there in no time and then all the fun would begin.

Nov 12th, 2005, 05:00:39 PM
So that was the plan, eh? An intriguing idea - and right down Saveer's ally. He was, after all, a Con Artisté. After dropping his weapons in the bag, he quickly donned the Jedi outfit - quite a loose fit, but quite annoying in relation to his usual garb, which amounted to little more than a loin cloth and his weapon belts - fairly traditional of squib culture, as their fur took on the brunt of the work for which clothing was designed.

Following Yurza's lead, Saveer took a quick jump, letting the Force guide his actions - how odd that felt. Still, Saveer was not the type to look at things as good and bad, only as productive and the opposite. Clearly, for him at least, this method would not be productive. He already felt vulnerable.

Saveer had little difficulty in keeping up with Yurza. The pace was moderate at best, and, even with the less productive "light side" of the Force, the task was not taxing. After a few moments, they arrived on the outskirts of the village.

The village of Gwoorkrr was typical of villages on Kashyyyk - the majority of the population was in wookies, though, every now and then, one would spot an off-worlder - perhaps a Twi'lek, or a Bothan, and certainly a fair share of humans. It was a perfect place to hide - especially with the major meetings being held in the shadowlands. It was doubtful if anyone save the Sith Order and the Jedi the group supported knew of their existence here - even the Empire, or the wookies themselves.

As they walked into the more crowded areas of the village, Saveer and Yurza found themselves the subjects of many suspicious glances from the village's various inhabitants - much of the galaxy now distrusted anyone who carried a lightsaber or dressed in robes, be they Sith or Jedi. With Skywalker's failure at the Death Star, the Jedi were now seen as inapt, unable to solve the problems they claimed could be solved. Similarly, after the absense of the Darth Vader and the Emperor, many were becoming accustomed to life with out the Sith - and most were content with that idea. Furthermore, the wookies were generally suspicious of any off-worlder, let alone some religiously-fanatic Jedi.

As they made their way to the heart of the village, Saveer glanced toward Yurza.

"After you, Master."

It would be best to stay in character.

Yurza Magus
Nov 13th, 2005, 12:49:43 AM
Yurza nodded and took up the lead. He past many Wookies eyeing him dangerously, though he wasn't as worried about them as he was others. It was well known that the Wookies were fiercely loyal to the Jedi through out the ages and though they were outsiders, as long as they stayed in character then they shouldn't have too much trouble. Outsiders on the other hand, seemed to get suspicious and stay that way. But then again he wasn't worried about them as long as they could play the part to perfection.

"Tell me Saveer, go you know of any public places where these Jedi followers might congregrate?" He asked as he steered them towards what looked to be a pub. Though he despised the gaint Wooks, he had to admit that they did know how to brew thier drinks and since he was here he might as well indulge himself before things got too messy.

Just before entering the bar though an older man and a bright red Twi'lek stepped in front of them. Both were armed with small personal blasters and both had the look about them that they knew how to use them.

"We don't get much of your kind around here. And I suggest that you take your business somewhere else," the old man snarled. Yurza merely smiled and stepped aside. He would let Saveer handle this and see just how good the young spy was.

Nov 13th, 2005, 09:57:32 PM
Saveer carefully withheld a grin. A test, was it? Saveer had gotten himself out of many such situations without the use of the Force - its addition would only make this that much easier.

"Now, now, boys." With a casual wave of his hand, Saveer used the Force to pluck the blasters away from the thugs. "There's no call for violence - we're only tourists today, and we want a drink."

The old man laughed. "And what makes you think we want you to have a drink, Jedi?" The man nearly spat the words - at least a few people here had some sense. Reaching down, the man pulled a vibroknife from his sock, holding it to Saveer's throat, to which Saveer made no resistance. "Now, you'll want to be leaving, friend."

Saveer smiled - this man was obviously very weak-minded, easy to manipulate. He was attempting to scare off two "Jedi," each obviously armed with a lightsaber, and one complimenting it with two blasters. Still, reacting violently would be out of character for a Jedi - he needed to find another way.

He wasn't familiar with the technique the Jedi used to influence the minds of others - those at the Order had yet to explain that technique. However, he did have experience with influencing minds - making people believe they saw or felt something that wasn't there. With a little creativity, perhaps he could influence the man's emotions, as well.

Reaching out to the Force, Saveer concentrated on infiltrating the old man's mind. Focusing on the man's emotions, Saveer carefully planted an image in the man's mind. Waving a hand for effect, Saveer voiced the idea, solidifying it in the man's mind.

"No, my friend. It is you who wishes to leave. You wish to leave us now."

The man looked suddenly dazed. Lowering the vibroblade, he began speaking in monotonous tones.

"I want to leave you now..."

Saveer cast Yurza a carefully hidden glance as the Twi'lek stared in astonishment at his leader's sudden change of tone. This time, Saveer expanded his concentration to include both minds.

"And you want to pay us for your trouble. All of your credits."

"And we want to pay you for your trouble. All of our credits."

With that, the two men emptied their pockets, dropping a large amount of credits into Saveer's outstretched palm. After reclaiming their blasters from Saveer - he had no need for them - the two men sauntered off, shaking their heads in astonishment at their sudden change of emotions. Smiling with a strange sense of accomplishment after that display. he glanced at Yurza.

"Was that acceptable, Master?"

Yurza Magus
Nov 13th, 2005, 11:31:26 PM
Yurza had been looking around at the time for onlookers and when he looked back, there was a hint of a smile on his face. "The show was impressive, but the credits thing was almost out of line. A Jedi would never do that unless absolutely necessary, however it does help when we are starting to sow the seeds of deception on these people."

The Sith resumed his walk into the bar and smiled. It smelled of alchol and theer was a rich grainy scent in the air. "So, where were you saying we might find some of these Jedi fanatics?"

Nov 13th, 2005, 11:45:01 PM
Saveer looked at Yurza - he had noticed the attempt to begin the deception. "My thoughts, exactly. The less the villagers trust us, the lest they trust the Jedi as a whole. As for the location of these venerates, they might-"

He was cut off by a short human male, who bowed deeply before speaking.

"Greetings, master Jedi. I am Sciao Wynn." He rose, glancing back to an unoccupied booth in the rear of the bar. "Perhaps we could have a talk - in private?"

Saveer glanced at Yurza - it was clear by his expression that the same thought was going through his head. "Here."

Saveer and Yurza followed as the short man led the way, finally seating himself at the booth and gesturing for Saveer and Yurza to do the same.

"Master Jedi, as I said, I am Sciao Wynn. I am one of a rather large support group for you and your kind. We are very happy you have come - we have been trying to locate any other Jedi for some time now, and we were about to give up hope of finding you."

Saveer glanced suspiciously at Yurza. Other Jedi?

Yurza Magus
Nov 13th, 2005, 11:59:40 PM
"Well then it is the will of the Force that we all chanced into this bar at the same time. I bid you good day sir, and I must admit that I am curious. You did say other Jedi, correct?" Yurza asked as he let his voice slip into a singsong stage. It was almost as if he was singing, put that was just part of the ruse to put the man at ease.

"Yes, there are others that I know of. Here though there are only two that I have come in contact with. A Kel Dorian Jedi and his Padawan. Both are out and about today, though I believe only a few kilometers outside the village training."

"I see. Would you happen to know these two names?" Yurza asked.

"Torn Dlo and Naysheta. And I would ask fo your's as well Master Jedi."

Yurza smiled and motioned to Saveer. "This is Jisa, my Padawan and I am called Gisde. If you'll excuse me for a moment I must go to the fresher. Jisa please entertain out host for a moment."

He got up and walked away. This was not what he expeted. Though the woman was unknown to him, he did know Torn Dlo. Personally infact. Not so long after his flight from the Order he had run into the Jedi and it had not been a pretty sight. Dlo was not to be underestimated and he would let the others know.

He stepped into the fresher and fished a small comlink out of his pocket. "Jorshal, this is Yurza. We've made contact with the fanatics and hae confirmed that there is a Jedi among them. A Kel Dorian named Torn Dlo. I must caution you now, be wary of the Jedi Master. He is very powerful. I've dealt with him before and trust me his lightsaber skills are more of a challenge than I suggest you taking up."

Nov 14th, 2005, 12:27:32 AM
A Kel Dor? So, then, the man Saveer had seen must not have been a Jedi after all... interesting. In fact, Saveer could not recall having seen any non-human sentients in the group meeting - the group may be even larger than Saveer had seen. Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility of a force illusion - but that would mean...

No, he couldn't have been seen! Even a Jedi Master couldn't have detected him from that distance! If he had...

"A Kel Dor, you say? And a human female? Are there no other Jedi in your group?" If he had been detected, there was a very good chance that the Sith attack had been expected - which could very well put Saveer and Yurza walking straight into a carefully-rigged trap.

The man thought for a moment before answering.

"No, I don't believe there are any others around - unless someone is holding out on us. Though, I would think that Master Dlo would have sensed it if that were the case. He can sense the presence of the Force from hundreds of meters away..."

There was something in the way Sciao said this that made Saveer uneasy - it was almost as if...

Something cold pressed against the back of his neck.

"Take it easy, Jedi. No sudden moves."

It was a lightsaber.

Yurza Magus
Nov 14th, 2005, 11:46:00 PM
Yurza looked over to the man standing behind Saveer. He wasn't Jedi and he was clearly uncomfortable with the lightsaber. That much could be made clear by the way he held the weapon. He slowly raised his hands above the table in a non-threatening gesture.

"Look let's just take this easy. We don't want anyone to get hurt. We can just talk about this nice and easy like," he said eyeing the one with the lightsaber on Saveer's neck. The grip on the weapon was loose and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

He jerked two fingers on his left hand and the weapon flew into the palm of his hand. Before any of the others could move, he had taken the weapon apart and held the crystal in his hand. It was the equivalent as unloading a blaster. "Look. I didn't try to do anything but protect my Padawan. We mean no harm."

Nov 15th, 2005, 01:39:00 PM
"Sithspit!! What the frag do you take us for?!? You kriffing gravel maggots."

The now unarmed man had turned to Yurza now, and was nervously eyeing the lightsaber.

"No Jedi wears those robes anymore - not with the inquisitoriate executing every Force user that moves!"

From the corner of his eye, Saveer could see faint stirrings throughout the pub. Some were taking pleasure in watching the fight break out; others casually made their way to the door, leaving large tips on their tables. Several people, however, seemed to be taking far too little interest in the conflict - this trap had been laid well. Being extremely careful of his motions, Saveer turned to regard the venerate who stood behind him.

"Perhaps not - we normally do not make this a practice, ourselves. We only hoped that this guise would make our contact with your group more speedy. We mean you no offense."

The man turned his head, gesturing to the various hidden venerates in the bar.

"You offer us no proof of this - a team has been trailing you since you entered the city, and your activities thus far have not been exactly Jedi-like."

By now, the entire group of Jedi venerates had formed a perimeter around the two Sith. Several of the venerates held lightsabers, while the others were armed with disruptors and heavy blasters. Even with the Force, this would prove a difficult fight to win.

"You'll be coming with us."

Yurza Magus
Nov 16th, 2005, 10:41:33 PM
Yurza nodded. "Very well. If you wish us to come then we will come peacefully, but you must understand that the reason for our rash actions have been that times have changed and we had to as well. We meant no harm for anyone."

He reached down and unclipped his lightsaber and laid it gently on the table. "Here. This is my weapon and I'm sure my Padwan will gladly turn his over."

As he spoke he sent waves of reassurance through the Force to Saveer. The trap was being laid and soon it would be tripped. They only needed a little more time and to find this base of theirs.

Nov 17th, 2005, 08:49:13 PM
Saveer smiled reassuringly. "Of course. These are tools of violence, which is not what we came for."

Unclipping his lightsaber, he placed the weapon into Sciao's outstretched hand, along with his Sith sword.

"Good." Sciao nodded his approval, then nodded toward the group of venerates, who promptly lowered their own weapons. "We will head to the campsite - there is one there who will judge you for who you truly are."

Standing up, Sciao positioned himself at the head of the main group, motioning for Yurza and Saveer to fall in behind him. Once everyone was in place, they began to move out.

After several minutes of walking, they found themselves standing outside a small wookie treehouse on the outskirts of the village. Here, Sciao stopped the group.

"This, my 'Jedi' friends, is one of the many hidden elevators to the shadowlands within the village. Once we arrive in the shadowlands, I must ask you to wear these, so that our location may remain secret." He held out a hand - in it were two pairs of goggles. Where goggles normally bore lenses, however, these instead bore flat, gray sheets of duraplast.

Reaching out, Saveer and Yurza took the goggles, fastening them about their foreheads, and then followed Sciao into the treehouse. There was a slight creak as the elevator made its way into the forest below...

Yurza Magus
Nov 18th, 2005, 11:28:21 PM
Yurza felt the drop as the descended. He sent out his Force awareness to just outside the elevator, as he didn't want to get caught on the wrong side of Torn Dlo's lightsaber again.

He could feel the life outside the lift and smiled. They were ideed going down and what was more, there was only two of the original gaurds. He scanned them quickly to find the location of thier lightsabers and mentally frowned. These two didn't have them. Blaster bolts. I guess these people are smarter than your average fanatic.

Before he could even think of what to do, the lift came to a hault and the two Sith were prodded in the back. A deep voice rang out with a simple command. "Get going."

Once outside, thier hands were grabbed by the wrist and a pair of restraints placed on both. "If you are Jedi then I'm sorry for these measures, but I'm sure you understand."

"Of course," Yurza said smiling. "We want your complete trust."

He felt a tug on his restraints and they were off. Twisting and turning. They would have truely been lost if they tried to escape had the young Sith not had sense enough to open his senses to the Force. He smelled the woods around him and tasted the air. He was confident that when the time came he would be able to move quickly back to the lift.

Suddenly everyone came to a stop and the goggles were removed from their faces. For a moment the light blinded the two as thier eyes readjusted from total blackness to the well lit camp they stood in. In the middle stood a very old man, whom Yurza took to be the leader.

They looked at each other for a long moment before the man came forward with a slight limp. "I've heard all Jedi have powers to heal. Is this true?"

Nov 21st, 2005, 11:43:55 PM
Saveer blinked as the light of the campfire suddenly pierced the darkness of the last ten standard minutes. Standing before him now was an old man, his hair well past the point of graying.

"I've heard all Jedi have powers to heal. Is this true?"

This would be a difficult question to answer. Saveer made a custom of researching an adversary before competing with it, whether it be in business or in combat, and his research on the Jedi had shown that all Jedi do, indeed, have a basic understanding of healing techniques. Saveer, however, did not. Healing techniques weren't exactly standard teachings of the Sith Order.

Still, Saveer was, truthfully, only a padawan. Yurza was much more experienced, and perhaps had knowledge of the technique. If not, Saveer had seen enough of Yurza's skill in illusions to know that, if he couldn't do it, he could make any non-jedi believe that he could.

"It is customary for all Jedi to learn such techniques. However, I am still a padawan learner - I have learned some of healing my own wounds, but I have yet to expand the technique to heal others. My Master, however, is far more experienced than I - I am certain he can help you."

Or make you believe it. For long enough, at least.

Saveer turned to Yurza. Hopefully, he would catch on - it would take a lot of skill for him to bluff their way through this one.

Yurza Magus
Nov 22nd, 2005, 05:12:13 PM
Yurza smiled. It was the response he expected from Saveer. He was playing his role superbly. He nodded his agreement. "Yes we are trained in the ways of healing, though my own skills aren't much better than field first aid. My powers lie in another area of expertise, but I will demonstrate my abilities should the need arise."

The man stood there for a moment, measuring Yurza's words and finally nodded. A Rodian came forward and held out his arm. It was black and blue along his forearm and the Sith almost recoiled from the sight.

"I see...well I'm not sure what would be best, but I assume just some ice and maybe a bacta patch would be sufficient for the injury."

"It should be and that is what we have been applying for the past few weeks, but it hasn't gotten any better."

"I see...well let's see what I can do," Yurza said as he stepped forward. He gently laid a hand on the Rodian's arm and closed his eyes. For a long moment, he only stood there, making a show of nothing. Then he began seeping out into the Force and bending the wills of those around him.

The flesh started slowly growing back to the Rodian's normal green and when the Sith opened his eyes the arm looked normal. At the same time he reached into the Rodian's mind and tweaked it slightly to make it more pain resistant.

"Well...how does it feel?"

The Rodian flexed his arm and smiled. "It is much better. I feels a little pain, but nothing like it was. Thank you Master Jedi!"

The leader turned to the pair and stood measuring them agian. "Well you proved your ability to help people, but that still doesn't make you Jedi. What else are you capable of?"

Nov 22nd, 2005, 06:18:53 PM
What else were they capable of? The man couldn't have asked a broader question. However, much of his Sith training could be applied to the life of a Jedi - from Saveer's und

"Through the Force, a Jedi can do many things - we can augment our senses, levitate objects, heal the wounded, even sense the future, but we are encouraged to find other ways to solve problems. You see, the Force isn't a tool; rather, we are the tools of the Force. Using the Force as a tool to solve your problems is a path to the Dark Side."

If there was one thing Saveer was good at, it was conning people. Whether he was acting a role, as he was now, or increasing his profit in a trade, he had a knack for getting what he wanted. Jedi, in particular, were simple to play - Saveer had only to act the reverse of what the Sith had taught him.

Still, he had intentionally left out any information regarding the ability of the Force to alter someone's mind - no sense giving the old man another explanation for the Rodian's recovery.

Yurza Magus
Nov 22nd, 2005, 06:38:20 PM
The old man nodded. "As much we knew, but you have proven yourself through your acts and your words."

His face brightened into a wide smile as he threw out his arms around him. "Welcome friend Jedi to our humble settings. Prehaps later you and Master Dlo will have much to discuss?"

More than you can imagine, Yurza thought, but he said aloud. "If he can spare the time. I wouldn't want to hold him up from other important duties."

"Nonsense, he is always pleased to commune with fellow Jedi. Now how about some good warm food?" As he spoke, the seemingly bare camp came to life. More than a dozen others came out of small hidding places and a few woman and children as well.

Seems like entire families are involved. It will only make it sweeter.

"Jisa, would you be so kind as to help them out. And sir, might I ask where your fresher is?"

The man pointed him in the general direction and Yurza followed, finding the small room easy enough. Inside, he closed his eyes and stretched out with the Force, searching for the Jedi Master. He seemed far enough away, but he could only feel one presence. Prehaps his Padwan has taken flight to somewhere. I can only hope for now. If Dlo gets here before the job is finished then we will survive only by a stroke of luck.

Nov 25th, 2005, 01:33:40 AM
As Yurza moved toward the fresher, Saveer busied himself by carrying armfuls of food to the table that had been set up beside the fire. By the time Yurza returned, the venerates had set up quite a grand feast. The table was set with everything from brot-rib to gornt cutlets to dru'un to endwa - there was food from all over the galaxy, fit to please nearly any palate, along with a variety of gravies and sauces. Matching the meal was an assortment of both alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages - everything from Corellian Reserve to the local Gralinyn Juice. There was even a bottle of Crème D'Infame dating back to the Old Republic.

Once the hustle and bustle of the preparations had finally ceased, the old venerate leader stood, raising his arms in a gesture of welcome.

"Friends, welcome to our honored guests! Masters Gisde and Jisa, we have much to discuss - many of our ideals are on the brink of realization. Now that the two of you have arrived, perhaps we can finally realize our ultimate goal: to reinstate the Jedi Order in the galaxy!"

Saveer looked at the old man questioningly. "Are you not worried that the Imperial Inquisitoriate will find you?"

"You are truly wise, Master Jisa. We have considered this possibility, of course, and we have devised a number of countermeasures against attacks by the Imperials." He stopped for a moment to give Saveer a very kind look. "But there will be time for that later. Now, we must eat!"

Again, the campsite was a bustle of noise and activity as the venerates began to eat. Picking up a large cut of brot-rib, Saveer sent Yurza a veiled glance. It was almost time for the fun to start.

Yurza Magus
Nov 27th, 2005, 01:43:57 AM
Indeed it was. The time would come much sooner and much more surprisingly than Saveer was probably expecting. On the way in system, Yurza had contacted a local Imperial garrison and after making sure that none of the Inquisitor were present, he told them that he might be able to help them bring down the group and possibly a few Jedi for the right price.

He purposely hadn't told Saveer, because his reaction needed to be real. And He hadn't shown his face to the Imperials so they wouldn't ID him and purposely try to avoid him. Now he had the trap set, it was only waiting to be sprung, something he was doing as they ate.

The Sith reached over and took a large portion of some fruits and smiled as he picked a large red one and sank his teeth into. Under his cloak a small tracking beacon sounded. Soon the woods would be alive with Imperial troopers, and lightsabers that would protect the people, until the two made it obvious that they would be able to escape.

Atleast not acting like Jedi. And that's when the fun begins, he thought as he took another bite of the juicy fruit.

Thirty minutes later, his predicition came true. Three bright lights lit up the night air and a deep voice broke the sudden silence that accompanied the lights. "This is the Imperial Garrison! Everyone stay where you are! We know Jedi are in there with you. Send them out before we come in!"

Yurza looked to the head of the table, where the leaders sat and shook thier heads. "We cannot allow them to be taken. Too much depends on them."

The Sith smiled inside as he stood up and put the most concerned face on. "We cannot just run. We will stay here and help no matter the cost."

"No! You have much more planned for you than dying here. We simply cannot allow you to fall into the hands of the Empire."

Yurza shook his head. "We won't."

With that, he got up and nodded to Saveer. "Come, let's go and see what help we might be."

The two walked away and once they were out of earshot, Yurza gave a soft chuckle. "Ironic that the words I spoke have a double meaning that the fools are about to find out."

Nov 29th, 2005, 02:26:38 PM
Saveer was not entirely surprised by the appearance of the Empire in the situation - indeed, as had been pointed out earlier, the robes they wore would have them pegged as force users from the moment they arrived in Gwoorkrr. That they would make their appearance here, however, was not something that Saveer had not expected. As Yurza beckoned him, he casually unclipped his lightsaber, leaving his off-hand positioned for quick unsheating of the sword on his back. He was not an experienced fighter, but there was no point walking into a battle unarmed.

Yurza spoke as they left the clearing in the woods, heading deep into the Wroshyr trees, but Saveer responded with nothing more than a simple nod. If they needed to fight stormtroopers, it would be easier if they didn't know when to fight back. Reaching out with the Force, he sensed the minds of nearby stormtroopers.

Taking a quick leap, Saveer jumped to a low branch of the nearest Wroshyr tree, a good 20 feet up. Glancing down, he noticed a questioning look on Yurza's face, but simply shrugged it off and began jumping from branch to branch. An aerial attack would be much more effective.

A few meters further, Saveer and Yurza arrived at another clearing. Standing in the clearing, and scattered throughout the forest around the campsite, was an entire legion of fully-armed stormtrooper elites. As Yurza entered the clearing, the commanding officer stepped forward.

-click-"Sir, we have the Jedi surrounded, and are prepared to move out on your command."-click-

Yurza Magus
Nov 30th, 2005, 04:18:30 PM
Yurza could feel Saveer's shock through the Force as the troopers came to him so calmly and smiled. He was still full of tricks, even to those nearest to him.

"Very well commander. This next part is crucial to our plan. I want you to attack us, but you will not harm either of us, but put on a good show of trying."

The trooper nodded and moved off to join the rest of his platoon. the Sith Knight beckoned Saveer to join him. Once he had he smiled at the young Alcolyte. "Are you ready? The fun will begin very very soon."

Dec 1st, 2005, 06:45:44 PM
Saveer jumped silently from the tree, landing quite gracefully in the dirt below. As he fell, his robes flared and rattled in the wind. A nice effect, indeed.

Once the shock of the landing had been fully absorbed, he looked up at Yurza, an enormous grin adorning his fox-like snout.

"I thought you'd never ask... 'Master Gisde.'"

Yurza Magus
Dec 2nd, 2005, 03:49:06 PM
He smiled and then turned to the troopers and waved to get thier attention. "Now!"

All of a sudden, the air was filled with blaster bolts, and Yurza's lightsaber leapt to his hand, his blue blade waeving intricate patterns through the night sky. He deflected a few bolts back to spots near the senders, but for the most part they were deflected harmlessly to the side. All the while, the pair of Sith slid backwards to the edge of the ledge.

Suddenly, he leapt down from the ledge back towards the fanatics. When he hit the ground, he put on a show of rolling and came up panting. "Too...to manny of them..."

Dec 2nd, 2005, 04:14:47 PM
It came quickly - Saveer would have barely had time to react, had he not already known it was coming. With a sudden snap-hiss, the green blade of his lightsaber sprang to life.

His skills with a saber were menial at best, and many of the blaster bolts instead passed just to one side of his neck. Still, he managed to catch the majority of the bolts, sending them to impact sporadically with nearby trees.

Keeping up the act, he backed away alongside Yurza - though his panting and sweating were more than just an act. Worse, the lightsaber handle tasted and smelled like sweat and blood, and the taste and olfactory receptors in his fur were screaming. He obviously hadn't been the first one to use this particular lightsaber.

As he continued to fend off the invading stormtroopers, he allowed one blaster bolt to graze his shoulder. Shutting off his lightsaber, he made a dramatic display of falling to the ground, making it look as though he was very badly injured.

"Master! I can't -" He coughed several times. "There are to many..."

With that, he fell limp.

Yurza Magus
Dec 5th, 2005, 03:46:30 AM
Yurza gave a grim smile. Everything was going according to plan. All that he had to do now was herd them into a corner where no one can escape.

"Quick! Everyone this way!"

Yurza pointed to the back of the camp and one of the leaders came up to him worried. "But that way is a dead in!"

"Trust the Force good sir. I have a plan."

The man nodded, needing no more prodding and went to herd the village that way.

A few minutes later everyone was sitting cuddled in a alley with no where to go. The same man came up to Yurza. "What now Master Jedi?"

Yurza looked off as if not hearing them. Suddenly he looked back a fire in his eyes and the man took a step back from fear. "Now...you die..."

Before any response could be made, Yurza grabbed his lightsaber and the man's head went flying into the crowd. At first no one seemed to move and then mass hysteria came in full and the crowd of people went wild. Some tried climbing higher to get away from him, others tried bringing what weapons they had to bear, but it was then they noticed the small group of troopers behind him.

Dec 5th, 2005, 04:05:51 PM
Saveer stood, grinning wryly. The fun had finally begun. Still, not all of the venerates were here - there were many who were still scattered throughout the village. Some of these needed to survive, so as to spread the word of the Jedi's evil through the galaxy. Jumping into one of the trees, he began to follow the group from above.

After a short time, the group came to a dead end - the trees here were too thick to pass through. A flash of Yurza's blade, and one fell. By the time Saveer caught up, at least ten men lay on the ground. Saveer only hoped Yurza wouldn't get carried away.

Igniting his lightsaber again, he jumped to the ground. There was a brilliant flash of light as Saveer's lightsaber blocked Yurza's next downward swing. Thinking quickly, Saveer allowed some of his thoughts and emotions to bleed into Yurza's mind. Already immersed in the power of the Force, Yurza would likely have no trouble hearing the message.

It's OK, Yurza. Just play along

There was no time for any more, as Saveer was immediately forced to parry another thrust from Yurza's blade. Risking a glance, he took a quick count of the number of venerates still there - 13. Too many. Turning his parry into an attack of his own, Saveer brought the saber in a wide circle, slicing directly through the waist of two venerate women in the process. Still too many. He would let Yurza take a few more.

Yurza Magus
Dec 9th, 2005, 02:50:51 PM
Yurza blocked and weaved around Saveer's thread, all the while putting on a show of Saveer being the good little Jedi. For the most part he was doing good and Yurza would let him continue the part for some time.

"Jisa, stop this. It is better this way. Atleast at our hand they will have an honorable death!"

He twisted to the right as a blaster bolt came flying past Saveer and almost caught him in the face. Fortunately he was fast enough to avoid the blast. Unfortunately one of the men hit him in the back with a stun bolt. His knees buckled for a second and the Sith reached back into the Force to hold himself up as he continued his little show.

Dec 9th, 2005, 03:05:47 PM
"No, Master Gisde! Killing these people for your own reasons will lead to the Dark Side!"

He swung his saber again, only having to go slightly out of the way to lob the head off of a small child who was cowering against one of the trees. Between the stormtroopers and the Sith, there were only six venerates left now. Between slashes, he cocked his head over one shoulder and looked back at the small huddled group.

"I've got him under control. RUN!"

While the six venerates jumped up and ran for their lives, Saveer and Yurza stood in saber lock. Once they all had their almost out of earshot - but not quite - he shut off his saber. He needed to make sure they fully understood the how selfish and double-crossing the Jedi really were.

"Master Gisde, do you still have my disrupter pistol?"

It only takes one person to deliver a message.

Yurza Magus
Dec 11th, 2005, 03:42:59 PM
Yurza thought for a moment and then cut his head to the right suddenly. "Come. Leave the rest we need to leave here now."

Before he finished his words, the Sith was up and moving. The Jedi was close and getting closer. He did not want to tangle with Torn Dlo without the rest of the Sith Knights here. "We must be fast."

Dec 13th, 2005, 07:30:03 PM
Saveer sighed heavily. He had hoped to have a little more fun. Nevertheless, Yurza was right - there was a strong Force presence nearing their location, and Saveer had no more desire to meet it than Yurza did. Still, there was something missing about the situation.

He glanced back at the six remaining venerates. They were running for their lives, glancing back nervously to make sure they weren't being followed - as if they could do something about it if they were. As one of them glanced back, Saveer raised a hand. The man flinched heavily before tumbling off his feet and landing face-first in the dirt. Wasting no time, the man scrambled to his feet, taking only a cursory glanc to find whatever had pulled him off his feet before rushing out of the forest like a flaming womp rat.

Before he ran, Saveer took a casual glance at the bodies that lay on the ground before him, seeking out any valuable objects that might exist there. Though the Force signature was getting ever closer, there was always time for collecting, and it would be another half hour or so before Torn Dlo arrived, no doubt seeking out the source of the pain that he had undoubtedly been feeling. After a quick clean-up, Saveer followed after Yurza, who was now barely in sight.

After a quick Force boost, Saveer caught up with Yurza, and it was only moments before they had arrived at the hidden elevator. Four lightsaber hilts jingled on Saveer's waist as they entered the elevator, alongside a belt-pouch full of credits and miscellaneous valuables. There was a soft creak, and the elevator began to rise.