View Full Version : Genetic Engineering/Modification
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:02:19 AM
I'm considering this as another possible origin for a possible next character and so I thought I'd crack this open for discussion as well.
I'm wondering how much gene modification (rather, to what extent) is tolerated?
I realise that power must be balanced to keep things fair, but with the number of alien species/droids with seamingly "superhuman" level abilities, I would also imagine that a degree of modifiction would (or at least should) be allowed.
The origin I'm talking about, for a specific example, would be a Kaminoan experiment (an unsuccesful one at that). The human-looking subject would possess great physical strength (double human), speed (about 1.5x human) and physical resistance (physical toughness equal to a wookie, perhaps very slightly superior). Modification to sences would be far more basic, such as simple 20/20 vision and perfect human hearing (the idea being that soldiers would have sensor-equiped helmets anyway).
Healing rate would also be mildy upgraded but considering the theoretical presence of medics and field hospitals, the healing rate need only be concerned with blood loss and infection and so his body heals fast but only to a preliminary degree so bleeding stops very fast but cuts would take days and bones weeks; just enough to hold out untill the medic or medevac can arrive.
The experiment was considered a failure because the subject was simply far too independant and overly aggresive to be a practical trooper.
They abondoned the project before they even got past the beta phase and so even then, the one and only prototype subject has distinct flaws.
A neurological disorder that induces 'attacks' of headaches, nausea, shakes and even paralysis when medication isn't taken. The neurology is sensative to eletrical imbalance so he is also particulalry week against eletric shocks.
In terms of skills, he was never formally trainned; instead picking up skills on the street. His projectile weapon skills are generaly very basic, it's his martial arts (well, street brawling) and sword skills (again, very informal) skills that shine.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: OOooooOOOOOOoooo...just a thought, but what if a group of these rejects got togther as a crew?
The "Wildcards" being a batch of abondoned human-form experiments, each being the result of a different project; each with our own special talents and raving inadequacies.
Could be fun. :p
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:10:24 AM
Do you ever do anything simple? :|
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:14:06 AM
Yes, but why would I need to open a thread to discuss something that I already know? :rolleyes
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:18:23 AM
Yes, but why do all of your characters need "enhancement"? You can play someone without super-strength, or powers or the Force and still have it be interesting.
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:18:59 AM
You're going to have to think of some serious disadvantages if you really want that many boosts. Independence and aggression aren't drawbacks.
For putting that much stuff onto a new character, we're talking something terrible like no feet and/or butt cancer.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:23:17 AM
I only have one active character and he's pretty normal. All this stuff is simply a discussion, I am exploring the possibilities for my next character. I'd like something exotic but I don't know what yet and so I open dialogue. I may end up using none of this at all, I just want to know my options.
Anbira: lol, alright.
What about modification such as to physicaly equal him (strength & toughness) with a wookie?
(And still include those neurological flaws of course)
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:24:52 AM
What is the point to it, then? Just make a Wookiee character if you want an un-penalized bonus like that?
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:30:22 AM
The neurological disorder is a very weak compensation for having such an enhanced character. In so far as that it is a condition totally under the control of the roleplayer in question.
In other words, apart from common sense - a factor not overly in play here - what is stopping the roleplayer from claiming that his/her character has taken his/her medication and always does so on the hour, every hour?
There needs to be an extraneous variable, such as the spontaneous and uncontrollable vornskr transformation that some Lupines suffer whenever the Force is in use nearby. This adds an extra dimension to character as well as ironing out the inherrent racial advantages with disadvantages.
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:30:44 AM
Originally posted by Djinn S'jet
I only have one active character and he's pretty normal. All this stuff is simply a discussion, I am exploring the possibilities for my next character. I'd like something exotic but I don't know what yet and so I open dialogue.
I like using italics too!
You have how many "discussion" threads? How about you concentrate on developing your first character and then work on some of these other ideas? It's good to have a solid character to start with, imo.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:34:19 AM
Thats exactly what I'm doing.
*points at active character*
*points at discussion threads*
With a droid just barely off the drawing board, nothing else further will be made while I develop these. I say again, this is just a discussion.
Think of it as a conversational exercise if you will. :p
I am new here and I want to learn more, heance I ask questions.
Lots and lots and lots of questions. ;)
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:35:06 AM
It's always a lot more fun to play characters with big and interesting flaws. Droo mentioned the Lupines, which is a good example.
I used to have a character named Cirrsseeto (still do actually, but he's changed in the new story line) that was a very large, very strong alien, but had a grade-school education and a very sheltered view of the world. It meant that as long as somebody could out-think Cirr, they could easily avoid a pummeling.
Stuff like that always makes for interesting combinations. Kryptonite to Superman and such.
EDIT: Nowadays, Cirr is a starship mechanic. He's very ship-smart, but he's conveniently vacant when it comes to about anything else ^_^;
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:36:41 AM
I get that, but what are lupines on these boards?
As I'm not aware of any canon SW lupines, I assume they are an invention of swfans?
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:42:23 AM
I'm not a Lupine historian, by any means, but I believe the Lupines of this roleplaying universe are the brain child of Jenny, aka Vega Van Derveld, and other aliases. If I'm wrong here, my apologies. That said, I believe Christin, aka s'Il, played a part in their later development - again, I may be wrong but in any case, here is some further information regarding the Lupines of SWFans.
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
The two strains:
Loveloxx - With a rather unhealthy reaction to the Force, Loveloxx strain Lupines can be transformed into violent, mad vornskrs when the Force is used around them. It sends terrible, lancing pains into their minds and seemingly awakens the primal need to hunt and kill within. They will stop at nothing to kill the cause of this pain, and any hope of deterring them without coming to blows is futile. They are stark raving mad in this stage, unable to acces any higher brain functions.
Losstarot - engineered to be able to withstand the Force, this strain of Lupines are even known to sometimes possess the force themselves. Their bodies do not react in such a violent way as the Loveloxx Lupines do.
Both strains can transform at will, but a transformation brought on by the Force for a Loveloxx is much more painful and wrenching. They can be hurt by both silver and cortosis, horrible welts rising from the point of contact that scar permanently if not cut away soon after they are recieved. However, with their heightened metabolisms, they can heal much faster than normal beings, and their lifespan is much longer that normal.
As well, the two strains have always been mortal enemies, as House Loveloxx and House Losstarot were the first warring houses of the now nearly extinct Lupines.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:49:29 AM
You neglected to mention if they have/haven't any particular perks when they are in human form.
I would certainly be interested in such a character but I'm not a huge fan of shapeshifting and so if that is their only ability then I would prefer to look for something a little more solid.
Then again, if their was a possibility to have a mutant strain of 100% mod discretion of course. ;)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 11th, 2005, 07:44:09 AM
For the moment, Arya Ravenwing and Loklorien s'Ilancy are the last of the Loveloxx and Losstarot strains (respectively). Also for the time being, I'd rather them be the only two Lupines on Fans - at least until I can get the Lupine history more complete than it is right now.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 07:53:09 AM
Alright, I respect that.
*skitters of to work on other ideas*
Khendon Sevon
Nov 11th, 2005, 10:08:36 AM
I would like to point out one of the time-honored character types. This “type” has been around since the Illiad and is present in many modern works. Additionally, I believe it has been well applied to roleplaying and character creation here.
I would suggest this type. It has the inherent advantage of being interesting and very, very fare.
This type is the “tragic hero” (sans death, of course).
Nov 12th, 2005, 02:20:55 AM
Indeed, a literary classic; unfortunatley I can never seamt o design one properly, as you can see I often have trouble balancing it out.
But I suppose I could give it a go.
For example, if you've read my post on the my odd jedi character idea, could you suggest such a fatal flaw?
I have ideas of my own which I will share but I was wondering if I could here if you have anything of your own to suggest?
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