View Full Version : New Jedi...

Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:32:57 PM
I'm looking to create my first Jedi character (on this forum anyway :rolleyes ) and I'm looking to intro this character beyond the more conventional "sign here" approach.

I'm structuring this post to cover two points I'd like to discuss; firstly I would like to work out what is/is not permissable in terms of species/skills/force talent etc., and secondly I would like to co-ordinate (if possible) to plan an IC "discovery" styly recruitment (because they're so much more interesting).

So, a matter of the person himself.
A young(ish) human male who currenly walks the darker side of the line, not as extreme as a sith but rather a criminal.

He is one of the last remaining of a small and obscure clan of force-using warriors. They focus on fighting skills and maintian force abilities not by power (as the midachlorean count is not as high as the stronger Jedi candidates) but rather by blood (many hundreds of generations of a breeding program).

He has a strong natural for martial combat (a blood-related genius level of unarmed and edged weapon skills), force-assisted combat skills (particulalrly tactical acrobatics) and has unusual, exotic (and unique) force abilities:

- Lightning Edge: An imensely high concentration of force-energy in the form of a crackling blue/white energy. This energy can be 'called' or 'summoned' on a fist or a kick or even a martial weapon (swords, staffs, etc.). The energy-form gives the leading edge/point of the object unparraleld kinetic penetration, turning a fist strike into a near-lightsaber stab. It's purely a matter of panatration, their is no explosive force and he moves no faster or more accurate then when he ever throws a punch/kick/swing.
Lightning Edge on an edged weapon allows it to withstand a lightsaber but Lightning Edge only lasts as long as one strike so it doesn't last long.

- Sharingan: It is this ability which made other factions fear their clan and ultimatley lead to their persecution and genocide. The Sharingan is rare even among the clan; although all in the clan have it form the age of about 8, most only attain it's "first level". At this level, a user of the Sharingan has more then perfect vision in any light level, thorugh any kind of obstructing medium (no solids, but certainly smoke) and can 'see though' force illusions (they still see the illusion but it is seen differnetly as they can see the flow of the force manifesting and maintaing it). Sharingan also allows the photographic observation of visual details such that it can allow the user to virtualy copy any skill after seeing it only once (provided they are physically/mentaly able to pull it off).

These abilities are the result of advanced breeding lines and so for anyone to try to develop the skills []iwithout[/i] the blood, they would have to be a highly developed jedi (like a Knight or Master) and they would use up alot more focus and force to do it. For him, the ability is a natural extention of his very existance.

That said, he has little aptitude for healing, limited mental disciplines (beyond fighting anyway) and has almost no mind-trick skills whatsoever. Infact, it can be said that beside his natural blood-right talents, he has a great weekness in just about everything else. Also, he is still young and so his talent is still very raw, although powerful, still not really under full control (or even half control for that matter).

So far, his drive comes from emotion.
His has a very strong natural power but little control over it. the only for of control he exhibits is his highly trainned conventional martial skills (hand to hand, throwing knives, etc.). His sence of control and mental discipline is somewhat paradoxical and yet cliched; his life of martial arts blesses him with great mental discipline but he is still very young, stubborn, headstrong and emotion-influence to a point of near recklessness.

For an unknown reason, his entire clan was wiped out by something. When he came to, he was the only one left; that was about 2 years ago. He has since spent the time searching for answers but pocking around in such dark places has forced him into a life of crime.

In terms of the 'discovery', like I said, he's a little criminal to begine with; floating around, putting his talents to use for the nearest Hutt. Perhaps a Jedi happens upon him, recognises his strong talents and noble heart but also the deep emotional trauma and even a small but definite streak of darkness.

I'd just like to point out that at this early stage I'm open to redesigning this character as extensivly as neccesary but I want to presevre the core theme.
Some people have skills as a result of hardwork and some of natural talent, this character is one fo the later, a young and impulsive one at that. I'd like to maintain the theme of martial artist and bloodline abilities but otherwise the details are flexible.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 12th, 2005, 08:25:03 AM
With regards to the natural abilities that you've come up with - it's generally against our rules, so to speak, for a character to start out with those kinds of powers. The Lightning Edge in particular is way beyond the "beginner" limits you should be setting the characters skil level at.

Djinn S'jet
Nov 12th, 2005, 08:52:19 AM
Yup, I understand; I've decided to withdraw this for now, I will re-apply once I design a more reasonable character. ;)

EDIT: If I was to have a half human/half cizerack, would that be alright?
Because that would give me a few interesting abilities woundn't it?

Or instead of a Cizerack, something else, something new?
I don't want something quite as physicaly drastic as a Cizerack, how about something with some kind of advanced vision (feral cat style high accuracy/speed with nightvision) and natural bioeletric shock like an eel (at his level, it's only a contact ability and it's like a taser).
Also, the electro-ability is biological but has very deep roots in the force and although this has no benefit to himself, it does mean that anybody with almost any level of force control ability (even a beginner initiate) would be able to deflect it. Someone as powerful as a Knight would probably be completely unaffected as their natural force-aura is sufficiant to repel it abd a master might even naturaly force it back on him and shock him instead.

To keep things fair, the off-set is the logical extension that not only can he not use his ability if it is drained/conducted away (i.e. standing on an earthed plate or water while using the ability) but it will cause a huge drain and render him uncoscious.
Also, eletric shocks on him can cause electro-instability which can also harm him greatly and render him unconscious.

Using the vision requires concentration and he can only maintain it for no more then 20 seconds a time and 2 mins between uses and it is mentaly taxing, further more if used whilst a bright burst of light is present (direct bright light in eyes, flash grenade, etc) then it is blinding (it is not a matter of brightness per say, more a matter of a sudden change of light level which is so painful that it can be blinding for minutes).

There's also somewhat of a natural focus on force abilities to enhance combat/acrobatic skills but it's really more of an attitude/aptitude then a real ability. It just means that he fights a little better then the average initiate (still can't match a padawan) but suffers in non-combat skills.
Rather, I should say that his alien half is predatory and so natural focus is on combat and perhaps sensing and illusion will also develop later on (but that'll be much later).

And I'll thrown in a natural phobia (and big physical weekness) of fire just to mix things up.

Please understand, I'm really not trying to power-play here, I'm just tryin to work out my boundaries so I can create an interesting character.
Yes I know special abilities aren't the key to interesting characters. I'd just like to try something that's a slight bit outside the human refrence, if that makes sence.

When it comes to character creation, I'm an oddball; I appreciate that in a universe of many aliens their are great variations in their ability which will alter the way they live. I like to try characters with abilities not for the abilities themselves (I'd rarley use them anyway) but rather exploring what it means to have them.
How to live their life with all it's relative advantages and disadvantages and to throw in a little alienation (which I'd like to try).

Milivikal k'Vik
Nov 12th, 2005, 10:23:56 AM
Try to make a simple more normal character PLEASE :(

Nov 12th, 2005, 08:00:52 PM
Djinn ~ Normal Character
Vek ~ Normal Character (after tweaking that is)
TR-117 ~ Normal character (for a droid)

Am I not entitled to even one non-human character?
And I don't just mean someone who looks funny, or a wookie; I mean soemone whole can be expressed in the full rainbow of humanisation yet living in different boundaries.
But fair enough, I will suspend this enquiry for now (I may bring it up in the future after I earn some trust :rolleyes ).

OOOOoo, wait, what if all the above mentioned abilities are the potential abilities of his species but they do not present untill he studies the force, and himself, more. That is, for now he is normal and perhpas in the future he will earn the abilities after studying and prooving to be a decent Jedi.