View Full Version : Jedi/Sith
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 05:45:18 PM
I'm looking to begin to develop a Jedi or Sith char sometime soon and so if you don't mind, I'd like to pick your brains.
Firstly, how does ones character become a Jedi/Sith?
Do I move in to the academy as a trainee or am I attending the first lesson or am a already a Padawan of a few weeks?
Secondly, are their any species which are not permitted to become Jedi?
(I'm mainly wondering incase they have policices against paticular socio/political groups)
Thirdly, its it possible to have a beginner jedi/sith character who already has a unique talent? (but is appropriatley week as something else, too keep the balance) particularly a force ability?
If so, can force abilities be more exotic then just the standard canon brand of healing, jumping and lightning?
Nyloh Heat
Nov 10th, 2005, 05:58:07 PM
The FAQ can answer a lot of these questions I think, try there, and then check out the forums as each group has their own way of how you'll go up in ranks I'm sure. From there, once you decide what you want your character to be, you can always check with those in charge of each group, and most groups have their own forms of FAQ available as well.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 06:37:41 PM
Thank you. :D
But where are the FAQs exactly?
Nov 10th, 2005, 06:56:56 PM
As Nyloh said, much of this can be found in the FAQ ( Still, there are certain aspects that the FAQ doesn't cover related to your questions, or is a bit ambiguous about, so I'll try to help you out.
As far as joining the Jedi/Sith... Right now, I don't think the Jedi actually have an organized group, the GJO seems to have been pretty much inactive since the reset. The Sith, however, are really keen on taking new members - check the Customs Outpost sub-sub-forum in the Sith Order sub-forum and read the "How to join the order" post. It's pretty simple, and I'm sure we would be glad to take you.
As far as joining the Jedi, the best way I can think of to establish a Jedi character is to post in the Survivors of the Jedi Purge story... I just created a Jedi, and that's how I'm starting him out, but I'm sure there are other ways to go about it. I'd ask a more experienced Jedi.
As for your second question, I've never heard of the Jedi dissallowing a species to join based on politics. As long as you choose a species that's force-sensitive, I'm sure you'll be fine. Again, I'd wait for an official Jedi's say on this matter.
Thirdly, from what I've seen, a limited talent in some area of the force is alright in a new character, but it has to be appropriately weak itself - your character cannot be as strong as any trained character in any area of the force. Eventually, everyone generally chooses one specific focus, and is stronger in that area than all others. For a newcomer, it is ok to have found out that you have a particular strength, but not to have developed said strength beyond basic ability. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this)
Finally, for your last question, you might want to check out this thread ( It contains a general guide to the force powers available on the forum. Still, force powers aren't an exact science - as long as you stay within those guidelines, I'm pretty sure it's ok to be creative and find new ways to apply those abilities. Just remember that your body can only handle so much force usage - while Energy Manipulation may enable you to create lightning bolts, which contain the same electrons as a lightsaber blade, focusing those electrons into that blade would take the entirety of a Master's energy, and you would therefore be unable to sustain the blade. Not to mention, you would be entirely drained of energy - it's just generally a bad idea.
If you still have any questions, just browse the Sith/Jedi forums. The answers can most likely be found there.
Y'roth Helghast
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:06:18 PM
not to mention the link saying f.a.q. at the top of the screen ;)
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:08:39 PM
Yeah, that too...
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:54:31 PM
lol, yeah I found it right after I posted that.
I'm attemtping to open up a dialoge to develop a new jedi character, I was hoping for something a bit more outside the box. In a nutshell, a character whose heredity grants him a natural genius level set of physical abilities and a couple of unique exotic force abilities BUT the trade off is that not only is he sooo young and new that he can't really control his own abilities but also he has distinct weeknesses for jsut about everything else other then the combat and exotic abilities (that is, he has no other abilities yet). Even with his talents, a padawan could easily knock him on his back as Padawans have expeirence.
But it's all rather complicated which is why I'm openning up a discussion about it.
Y'roth Helghast
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:56:48 PM
Sorry man, I don't think it flies with the FAQ and whatnot but its not my call, thats really up to the mods. Regardless, it is an interesting proposition, passing it on via bloodlines and whatnot.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 08:08:13 PM
Well I it is all open for discussion; I mean that I'm willing to fiddle with it untill everyones happy.
I'm just trying to create an exotic character, not a powerful one. Another way to think of it is the guy who has trainned for years to become a phenomenal soldier but has never seen a war before.
Similarly, this character is a natural but lacks the experience and wisdom of others.
Bit like a wookie toddler with a bowcaster. :rolleyes
Also, I was also going to say that I'm more then willing to keep it as an ongoing probationary period that way I can adjust the abilities as he begins to be RPed into existance.
Most of the RP will be regular stuff anyway so adjutments like "he can only use the special ability twice a day" would be easy enough to incorporate.
Nov 10th, 2005, 08:22:32 PM
Reading your post, I think the Lightning Edge thing would fall into a similar category with the saber blade example, draining your energy very rapidly - especially seeing as using lightning period is a master-level-only talent. A master would be able to use this ability once, and then would likely have little energy to continue the battle.
The other one just seems to me as a bit to powerful - for example, Saveeradeevaravaravee is an illusions specialist. A padawan who could see through all force illusions would completely nullify Saveer's main talent, therefore making a fight with him completely unfair. This would be especially true if he were a Sith Master fighting a Jedi Padawan - the ability to nullify a Master's main talent would effectively give a padawan an edge over a master, which would be most unrealistic.
I am by no means a moderator, and I've only been at SW-Fans for a little under 3 months, so it's not my place to say you can or can't do it. However, I think you can have an exotic character without giving him unrealistic force powers - for example, Saveer is a three-foot-tall fox thing and a professional trader, while another of my characters is an Alchemist, and yet another is just plain weird (Joda Cardgage, look in the Survivors of the Jedi Purge planning thread to find out exactly how exotic he is.) I think, personally, that having a character who wins too easily becomes stagnant - roleplaying a more realistic character, who starts off relatively weak and grows to become powerful, creates a much more interesting experience, and will keep you engaged longer.
I hope I'm not out of place saying all this - I realize I still have a lot to learn about roleplaying, myself. But, as one SW-Fans newbie to another, perhaps my advice can be thought of as more friendly and less condescending. You sound like a very creative person, and those talents would be excellent in a fan-fiction or short story, but they just give your character an unfair advantage over other characters here, IMHO. Still, the main idea is very well thought out. I look forward to roleplaying with one of your characters at some point in time. :D
Finally, I talk to much. :crack
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 10:19:25 PM
Well thank you, and I always value an honest opinion; and I equaly look forward to RPing with all of you. :D
So yes, alright, I see your point there.
What if the visual ability was reduced, say maybe just a very accurate high-speed vision (can see fast movements), a simple low-light enhancement and can only penetrate weeker ilusions and camoflages (i.e. shapeshifters, holograms, initiate-level illusions, etc.). One day, it may appraoch master level but untill then it's far lower.
Applying similar logic to the Lightning Edge, reducing it's power drastically to suit an initiate level. Perhaps a power that is still about plain penetration but at a reduced rate, say, capable of punhing through leather armor but not something more substancial.
Also, I'd just like to point out that even at the max power I mentioned before it's not that unfair as it's only a punch. Yes it has tremendous armor penetration but it's only a swing so even a Padawan could easily deflect it with a counter (or a kick to the face :rolleyes ).
That said, while I continue to discuss this concept I am also beginning to formulate other ideas as well (which I will post later). ;)
Nov 10th, 2005, 10:46:22 PM
The punch I agree is not necessarily unfair; however, I just think the logic of it needs to be not of concentrated force lightning but of something different. Like I said, lightning is a master-level only talent, and then only in masters of the Dark Side. As for the other one, the normal vision enhancements seem to be alright, but perhaps cutting through illusions should be knight- or at least high-apprentice-level, not something functional at initiate level. However, if you simply roleplay that your character has strong mental powers, than he will most likely be able to see through an illusion of any Sith or Jedi at equal level to him or below.
Perhaps the punch uses force-enhanced muscles, or is a non-force power - the inherant ability to channel electricity, already present in every living thing, into a punch would be much more plausible to me. Again, though, I'm not a moderator - I have no say in what flies and doesn't, that's their call. This is all just my personal opinion - how I would set up a character with those abilities, so as to keep it in check. However, I have a tendancy to over-weaken my characters at first, compared to a lot of characters I see starting out, so you might be able to get by with more than my suggestion. I don't know.
Just make sure you stay in check with the FAQ and the Force Powers list, and you should be alright. And, be sure to put limitations on the use of any of those powers - the lightning edge thing sounds like it would take a lot of extra energy over a regular punch, so it's probably something you would save for a finishing blow, not throw around whimsically. Also, bear in mind that energy manipulation, if you choose that path, is inherant to the dark side - not that its use is only available to dark siders, but that it is a purly offensive skill, and using anything purely as offense is likely to lead a character toward the dark side.
Sorry I'm posting such long posts, I'm trying not to sound too picky. Like I said, I'm fairly new myself; this is just my individual take on the subject.
Maybe a moderator can jump in and help you/us out.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 10th, 2005, 11:16:38 PM
Oh no problem at all, I enjoy a good talk.
And you where right about the finishing blow, I appoligies if I didn't make that clear before, but it is a once/twice a day type thing, that is, it's a big bad finsishing move and only used if you really want to kill somebody. I do like the idea about it being inherant to the species, it certainly fits the bloodline idea. What about something that is part force and part biological?
And about the lightning aspect, it's only really in the name and in the asthetic of the crackling energy; all it does is enhance the kinetic penetration of the blow. The rechnical explanation would no doubt follow along the lines of some kind of impartion of bioeletric/force energy on molecular bonding to raise their electron states to a point of microscopic disintegration, or something like that. :rolleyes
And I certainly understand you point of the anti-illusion; perhaps it should be cut back to something purely visual. Maybe, it's jsut a matter of really clear, high-speed optics and as such it may be able not to literally see through illusions but rather spot the tiny imperfections (if there are any) in the illusion itself (the same way you or I can spot the different between a real photo and a CG image).
And a further elaboration perhaps, but what if the bloodline has created a sort of force "shunt"; that is, no more or less powerful but rather just very very different.
Aside from the most basic of abilities (speed, jumping, strength, healing) all of his force abilitites are of a different "flavour". For now he has only the Sharingan and Lightning Edge but as he continues training, while other Padawans learn force lightning or telekinesis, he instead learns Rasengan, Mangekyou and Amaterasu. This characters unusual abilities do not grant more power, they grant him different power.
Nov 10th, 2005, 11:53:19 PM
Originally posted by Djinn S'jet
The rechnical explanation would no doubt follow along the lines of some kind of impartion of bioeletric/force energy on molecular bonding to raise their electron states to a point of microscopic disintegration
Uh... Can you put that in Music Major terms?
Originally posted by Djinn S'jet
while other Padawans learn force lightning or telekinesis, he instead learns Rasengan, Mangekyou and Amaterasu.
I'm into Japanese and all, but... What are those, exactly?
The rest of that sounds good to me. :D Biggest rule is just realism - don't try to overpower yourself, and you'll be just fine.
And the Force can enhance any biological part of your body, so if you have the natural ability to channel electricity, the force can most certainly enhance that ability - once you learn how. Same goes for the vision thing - as your force powers grow, you can continue to enhance your natural abilities. Just remember not to make things too easy for yourself (not that you are), or you'll get bored with the character, even if you are in compliance with the rules.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:12:28 AM
Oh I know.
And as for the Japanese, doesn't really matter; I could explain but my point is simply to say that his abilities are just different.
As for the l-edge ability....uh...well.....
The force/bioeletric energy generated in his body is pulled together and concentrated in one small point i.e. a fist.
When striking matter, the energy is forced onto the electron-shell bonding between atoms and molecules and these bonds absorb the energy violently.
Infact, so much energy as to make them fly apart (like little flywheels spinning of their axels).
And so the blow of the L-edge would literaly cut appart a solid object with the fist right behind it. It would cut something like a lightsaber, a punch to the chest would feel like punching through a block of butter of equal size.
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:32:05 PM
You're getting extremely technical. Three rules: 1. realism! (within the star wars universe) 2. fun for ALL, and 3. common sense.
Now go post.
Nov 12th, 2005, 02:24:51 AM
1) I thought I was being realistic; Lighting Edge makes as much technobable sence as shooting lighting streams out of you hands.
2) he'd be alot of fun, he's got natural talents but he lacks experience, he will make many mistakes in the years to come before he learns to actualy put his abilties to any impressive use.
3) I'll have you know I have alot of common sence. :p
I'm posting, I'm posting!
Morgan Evanar
Nov 12th, 2005, 05:01:02 PM
If you have to write something long winded to justify anything it's probably not reasonable or fair, usually.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 12th, 2005, 07:26:10 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way. My brain just works faster and in more depth then neccesary and I have an annoying habit of posting it before I fiter it out, I just post what I think.
It's my hope that explanation of a thing will demonstrate it's vulnerability. For example, telling us tha kryptonite is supermans weakness means nothing; explaing in detail what it does allows us to work out how it all works.
Aaaaanway...*gets back on track*....I'm withdrawing the idea anyway, if I decided to ocntinue a Jedi idea it will be of something significantly reduced.
Just a casual point (please don't take this the wrong way); in my defence, it only seams to be Saveeradeevaravaravee that's actually helping me by conversing with me the way I said I wanted (I did what a conversation after all, not a debate) and alot of what I'm getting from everyone else it just what I can't do.
Okay, I appreciate that I do not know the boundries of this forums RP, not yet; but please understand that I am not psychic and so if you tell me what I can't do, I will most likely flounder about for a while with more 'wrong' ideas untill some more people decide to join in the discussion and offer alternatives.
At the momment, I'm playing a game of creative battleships (with the excpetion of helpful Mr Saveeradeevaravaravee).
I just whant to reiterate that I'm trying to use only an open and casual tone, I mean no disrespect and I most certainly mean not to offend or attack anybody.
I just want to talk.
Please don't hurt me. ^_^;
Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2005, 01:26:12 PM
If you are looking to be a Sith Apprentice, I have a Sith Master willing to take you in >D
Nov 16th, 2005, 01:54:04 PM
If you're looking to be a Sith Master, we have a Sith Order willing to take you in. :D
(Unless you're already in, in which case, I must ask, where are you?)
Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2005, 02:38:06 PM
Are you talking to me?
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 16th, 2005, 02:54:55 PM
You do have to start out at the bottom as a padawan or an apprentice. If you want to be a Jedi - find a Jedi to apprentice to, and the same with a Sith. Usually an existing RPer can 'mentor' you in the ways of the board, as well as the ways of the Force.
Nov 16th, 2005, 02:54:59 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Are you talking to me?
Yes. Jokingly, though :D. Obviously, I'm not serious.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 16th, 2005, 06:14:53 PM
Well I might consider going down the Jedi/Sith path sometime (on these boards you have to try it once though right?) but at the momment I'm hesitant as I'm not sure I want to put in the time.
For now, I'd say I'm willing to try but I've no idea if I'll enjoy it or just get bored of it and give up.
But maybe I will try it.........
.......after I find a Jedi to pester into become my master................
*flicks open jedi rolladex*
Nov 16th, 2005, 07:02:38 PM
Alright, if I start a Sith character then it will most likely be Vek; so, who do I talk to about starting in TSO?
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 16th, 2005, 07:30:17 PM
Why join TSO?
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 16th, 2005, 07:37:56 PM
They have a recruiting forum on their board.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 16th, 2005, 11:41:54 PM
Well I only say the TSO 'cos they are big and obvious, any other Sith factions around don't exactly make themselves nice and clear.
The TSO is a clear-cut faction and I prefer that to the more subtle ones. If your gonna go bad, might as well go all the way right? :p
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 16th, 2005, 11:53:52 PM
I don't believe in factions because that's a cracker jack way to play a Sith, but go right ahead with that :)
Nov 17th, 2005, 12:05:25 AM
I like factions only because it provides a clear-cut way to find a master and train, and it provides more roleplaying opportunities than independant RP does.
Prime example - I've just started a Jedi character, and I've made a request to find a master. There's no GJO now for me to go to, and no one's responded so far to my request. Granted, it hasn't been very long, but factions make the process that much easier.
If I wanted to play an independant Sith or Jedi, I would still probably go to a faction long enough to get the proper training, but then I would pull some act of dissidence and leave. That's just me, though. Point being that both are good ways of roleplaying - neither is better than the other, it's just a matter of personal preference.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 17th, 2005, 02:36:35 AM
That's my thinking exactly; to get through initial trainning (which is almost entirley dependant on the direct presence of instructors and a master) it really is easier to join a faction, unless someone knows otherwise.
Then, after earning the independance of being a Padawan for a while, then I can run off and find a seperatist Master (should I decide to).
Then again, there's still something to be said for the kinds of operations factions can pull off; only a faction can operate with moderate to large teams of people, a seperatist group could only really manage one-on-one.
That all said, I think setting up a seperatist faction (smaller then TSO and Jedi but larger then just one master) or two might well be a good idea but that would of course require effort that few people seem to have time for.
If such a formal seperatist faction where to form, that might be something worth getting into (IMO).
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