View Full Version : The Crew and You (Recruits - please post here! Tarsis, that means you!)
Nov 4th, 2005, 12:55:04 AM
Name: Currently we're going by the name "The Crew" but IC we're referred to as, well, whatever name we happen to make up.
Members: Myself (as Kyashi and Leiko Hatake), Michael Cline, Wil, Apollus, Skye, Dani, Victer, Andy
What is "The Crew"?
Originally meant to be a cover for my own selfish rp plans, The Crew began as a failed attempt at a Force group. It's become an all Darkside adept group, all fairly young and inexperienced. Kyashi is their "leader", and we're going to be partnering with TSO in the near future. Please note - we are NOT Sith, and we don't follow many of the "Sith Rules" that TSO does. The best description I've found has been "Darkside Devotee" from the RP corebook.
Annnnnnd, we have rules. Most of them are not strictly enforced, but we do have a probation period if you join. Again, it's not enforced often but it's there to keep us from having a bunch of people join, lose interest and screw us over.
Serious inquires/questions only please. I'd like to possibly make this group big enough to pose a threat and cause a ruckus. ^_^;
Victer Dejan
Nov 4th, 2005, 01:36:36 PM
Can I be the metaphorical older brother who beats on his siblings but isn't all horrible?
Nov 4th, 2005, 10:00:36 PM
Yes, but you need to drive us to Corellia :) I'll put up a link for you once I get the thread started. <- post, people!
Nov 11th, 2005, 05:39:52 AM
Hey Djinn here, this being the darker side of my RPing. :evil
So I wanna sign up as the terrorfyingly inteligent psychopath. He is also half Hiigaran so his physiology is a bit different (check out the character profile).
Nov 11th, 2005, 11:11:58 AM
It's become an all Darkside adept group, all fairly young and inexperienced.
Don't go all Superman on me. We're a group of newbie Force-using KIDS. I read your PM before I even saw this - we're going to have to talk about your character before you can join. For reals. :|
ALSO, anyone who has been invited to join (Wil mentioned Tarsis, and I know LD has her twilek joining) please post to this thread so I can have an up to date members list. :x Thank-you.
Anyone with a * beside their name in the first post, you're on probabtion. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 11th, 2005, 12:29:43 PM
Yes I do!!
Andromeda "Andy" sexy doomsider who will distract the enemy with her large... tracts of land!
Nov 11th, 2005, 09:53:42 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Oh god, Wil is rubbing off on people :eek
Nov 12th, 2005, 02:17:19 AM
Originally posted by Kyashi
Don't go all Superman on me. We're a group of newbie Force-using KIDS. I read your PM before I even saw this - we're going to have to talk about your character before you can join. For reals. :|
Okay, lets talk; what did you have in mind?
I tried to keep things balanced, do you think I need to cut back on the skills?
Djinn S'jet
Nov 12th, 2005, 02:32:22 AM
Just a thought, but perhaps you're mistaking Vek's attributes for "power". He's a big fish in a very small pond, now he's steping out into the real world.
Sure he's got some mojo, but he'll be knocked oon his back many many times before he becomes a true Dark Jedi (at any level).
Morgan Evanar
Nov 12th, 2005, 12:16:22 PM
Originally posted by Djinn S'jet
Just a thought, but perhaps you're mistaking Vek's attributes for "power". He's a big fish in a very small pond, now he's steping out into the real world.
Sure he's got some mojo, but he'll be knocked oon his back many many times before he becomes a true Dark Jedi (at any level). If someone is uncomfortable it's for a reason. Just because you think it's a good idea doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Nov 12th, 2005, 12:47:19 PM
Your character has WAY too many special abilities, esp. ones based on his race. Yes, we're going to try for the big prize, but we're all starting out near or at the bottom rung. We don't have tons of skills and we don't have special race enhancements in our characters - I personally don't like it, and I try not to have it in my characters. It's something that I did do when I first started rping, and it just seems...lame now.
The highest level Adept in my group is Kyashi - knight-level. He specializes in TK, and manipulation. He doesn't have a saber, and he doesn't fight (He hasn't had to). I included the fact that my group is full of YOUNG NEWBIE ADEPTS in my description because I don't want a bunch of high-level characters joining - IC it makes no sense what-so-ever for Kyashi to include someone who would out-rank him in any way.
If you've read this thread , or any of the threads the Crew has been in, you'll notice one thing. All of the characters (sans Kyashi) have limited Force abilities, and most of our threads are character-based roleplays, as opposed to action-based ones. I prefer to play Kyashi as a cult-leader type character who influences others into doing what he wants them to do through words, not actions. I've tried very hard to keep him from crossing the lines into the whole 'Sith/Dark Jedi' territory because I never wanted him to be either.
I offered you a place in my group because I thought maybe you would take it as an opportunity to play a more realistic low-level Force adept, and you took it to the extreme because you seem to have to have every character you create be "special". I'm not comfortable with your character, and I don't think including him would help the group in any way. Sorry.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 12th, 2005, 07:31:30 PM
Finaly someone is saying what I CAN do rather then going on and on about what I CAN'T.
Alright, I get it fine now. *throws out all the special abilities to leave a standard human psycho*
If you had stated exactly what level you expected to BEGIN with then it would have been fine. Please appreciate that this is by no means a critisism of you but rather of me and my mind; you see I tend to need people to be specific otherwise I naturaly probe to see what I can/can't have.
So yes, no special powers, no special combat skills, no sabers (can I at least have a vibrosword?); gotcha.
I appoligise for the stark introduction to the world of my imbalabced brain.
Nov 12th, 2005, 07:41:23 PM
Any better now (
I'm happy to keep tweaking away as long as I have to. ;)
I promise I won't start posting till your completely satisfied that Vek is good to go.
Nov 12th, 2005, 09:25:09 PM
Edited for civility. Please check your PMs, Djinn.
Or don't. :|
Djinn S'jet
Nov 12th, 2005, 11:39:34 PM
I have, my inbox seams to be empty. O_o
Nov 13th, 2005, 02:03:00 AM
Apparently, my original description of what exactly "The Crew" is wasn't specific enough.
We are a small group of mis-matched Force-adepts. Kyashi is the leader, and he picks and choses who joins based on "the flow of the Force". Think of him as a cult-leader - he's looking for weaker people, people he can manipulate and use for his own purposes in the guise of helping the other members. Everyone else who has joined is either:
- Force-adept newbie with little or no skills
- a character who has something useful that Kyashi wants and can use (IE Victer has a ship, Dani is a mechanic and keeps Wil out of his hair, etc)
We don't have sabers, and we don't have fantastic Force skills. Why? Because we haven't really learned anything IC! That's why we've reached an agreement with TSO - we increase their number and both groups do training (We are not becoming part of TSO, we're just helping out. Sort of mutally beneficial).
I am looking for people who can write their asses off if I need them to. I have big plans for this group that I would eventually like to accomplish, which is why I've been semi-strict about who joins and who doesnt. It's why we have a Probation Policy. I want to have fun characters who don't really match well with each other because, hey, that's interesting! It makes you have to think about what you're going to post when your character is someone semi "normal" in a strange situtation.
We are not Dark Jedi, and we are not Sith. Kyashi uses the Darkside, but he doesn't follow any of the codes of the Sith, or even refer to himself as either group. So, please, if you want to play a crazy Sith or Dark Jedi, join the Sith Order or start your own thing.
So, if anyone will actually bothering reading this big ole post and is still interesting in rping with us, post here or send me a pm.
Djinn S'jet
Nov 13th, 2005, 02:12:06 AM
OOOOooooo, riiiiight.
Now if you just straitened that out in the first post I wouldn't have got into this whole mess. :p
Emphaisis on the "I" there, I recognise alot of the blame is on crazy old me as well. :rolleyes
Nov 13th, 2005, 04:11:51 PM
It's not me who wants to join, it's my other character. Give me a sec and I'll sign on as him and post XP
Ivan Fortinbras III
Nov 13th, 2005, 05:25:24 PM
Here he is. I don't have much on his history yet, but I do know he's going to be really religous. Lol, I would have posted sooner, but I wanted to wait until I had all his stuff down and ready to submit to you.
Nov 13th, 2005, 11:42:10 PM
I just needed a name for the members' list :) Post your bio once you're done with it.
Nov 14th, 2005, 02:13:15 AM
I shall indeed ^^
Ivan Fortinbras III
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:00:30 PM
Do you want me to post it in this thread or would you like me to PM it to you?
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:09:03 PM
Post it right there *points to ^^that post!*
Ivan Fortinbras III
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:26:08 PM
Lol, ok. Just wanted to make sure and just an update, I'm almost done.
Nov 14th, 2005, 11:35:28 PM
Nutjob force newbie reporting as ordered SIR.
*stand to attention & salutes*
Shall I just join in the RP thread then?
Nov 14th, 2005, 11:43:47 PM
No, start a new one. If you could be on Corellia, that would be awesome ;)
Nov 15th, 2005, 12:37:49 AM
Corellia, sweet.
*cogs whirring*
Ready ( when you are.
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