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Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 3rd, 2005, 08:58:33 PM
Over the years Jorshal had become accustomed to waking at the crack of dawn, before sunlight ever broke over the lowest horizon. He had done it with his mother, escaping from Imperials, on warrior worlds where he trained, even under his deceased master Southstar. By now the break of dawn made him comfortable. Since the beginning of his Sith training, he hadn't woken up any later. But for his apprentice, Tarsis, perhaps getting up a little early might be somewhat discomforting. He set two very full and heavy backpacks down on the ground and glanced at the door. Tarsis still had ten minutes to meet him. In his mind he ran through a mental checklist of the items needed for the training exercise while he waited.

Nov 8th, 2005, 08:46:56 AM
"It's sunrise Jorshal... I just wanted to make sure you knew that. I've still got 5 hours of sleep to get." The huge metallic behemoth of a man came trudging out of the Citadel half awake and barely able to comprehend what was going on around him. In all his life Tarsis had never had to get up this early and if it wasn't for Jorshal taking him under his wing, he would be sound asleep.

"Well, you look wide awake for such an early hour." Tarsis said at an attempt at humor. Ever since Tarsis had arrived on Korriban, he's had this growing feeling in the back of his mind that he had changed in a way. Maybe he was still the same as before or maybe he hadn't changed at all, and if he had, then it was only in a few aspects. He had learned though, that he could trust his fellow Sith. Something that Tarsis hadn't been able to do for quite sometime, trust someone."Lead the way Jorshal."

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 8th, 2005, 04:48:40 PM
"I hope you haven't made any plans for the next seven days. We're not coming back for a while. I'd suggest you leave anything heavy or unneccessary behind. Everything short of a pair of shorts and this pack here is not needed. I know your powersuit aids you're physical ability, loose it."

Jorshal himself was dressed in a thin shirt, shorts and sturdy shoes. The training mission he had in mind was extremely strenious. To his knowledge, no human had finsihed it and lived, only by using the Force would one survive.

"See that mountain?" Jorshal pointed off to the distance. It's peak was faint through the foggy wastelands of Korriban. "It's a hundred and thirty kilometer distance to the base. A canyon surrounds most of it, about two kilometers deep. The mountain stretches to the sky reaching about 175 kilometers. We'll hit the summit early in our fourth day."

"Once we begin the climb, our food resources are gone. You'll have once 20 ounce bottle of water to live off of until we return. Shleter is out of the question, so are any form of climbing tools. Here's your pack." Jorshal handed Tarsis his pack, it was just as heavy as Jorshal's, each were packed with the short food supply, the water and the rest was stone; about one hundred pounds of stone. "You're aquainted with Force amplification, it is your biggest friend here. Any questions?"

Nov 9th, 2005, 01:55:52 PM
Are you serious! was the only thing that came to Tarsis' mind. He never took off his powersuit, except to shower and sleep, but even then, it was right there next to him. "You’re serious, aren't you?" The answer to that question was obvious from the look Jorshal had on his face. So with a deep sigh, Tarsis turned around and walked back into the Citadel.

After 15 or so minutes, Tarsis had reemerged from the confines of the Citadel in clothing he hadn't worn since he was a child. If one was to look from top to bottom, they would see a 6 foot 6 in. man, with a black pony tail, well muscled upper body (curtsies of training in a powersuit that weighed more then twice what the big man insides did), followed by a tank top (not to mention one frell of a farmers tan in the areas covered by his suit), a pair of shorts that came down to the knees, excedingly pale, muscular legs, and a pair of shoes. Looking up at Jorshal, Tarsis just shook his head. 'I hate you' didn't even come close to what Tarsis was thinking at that moment.

Lifting up his pack that Jorshal had prepared for him, checking over it one last time, making sure to go over the list Jorshal had said early of the contents inside, and then turned to face Jorshal as he strapped it onto his back. "As I had said earlier, I’m ready when you are."

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 9th, 2005, 09:30:39 PM
"Good. Let's run then." Jorshal swung the backpack on his shoulders and began to run at a mediocre pace. Soon enough, Tarsis was up to speed and at his side. "Alright, we're running... without using... the Force... to aid us." He said between deep, regulated breaths. "If we're going to... make our time... we need to... speed up... gradually."

Increase strength and speed he had already seen Tarsis do. This run was much more of a test to see how much of a hold on Force amplification he had. Jorshal slowly increased his speed, over the course of a few minutes he was taking great strides, touching the ground only for a moment. THe difficulty was in seeing in time potential hazards ahead, just moments ago he had nearly tripped over a stone. Tarsis was a little behind, no acolyte could match Jorshal's speed so quickly. He dropped back and spoke. "Slow down... have the skill... to undo." With that he passed behind Tarsis, watching and feeling for how the acolyte responded.

Nov 13th, 2005, 06:56:55 AM
OOC: Sorry it took me a few days to reply. Works really been kicking my butt these past few days, but I'm good now.

IC:Tarsis took off shortly after Jorshal did and soon after, was running right beside his new master, his sack bouncing up and down as he did. Tarsis loved running believe it or not. It wasn't something he didn’t get the chance to do regularly, but when he did the, he enjoy every second of it. This was the same for any exercise actually. There was just something about it all that brought a sense of satisfaction to Tarsis. Be it the hard training he would put himself through or the results once it was all over, Tarsis hadn’t a clue, and he didn’t really care to find out.

"If we're going to... make our time... we need to... speed up... gradually."

"If... you say so…Jorshal."

Tarsis had said with a slight chuckle at the end. He had found a good breathing pattern now and was actually managing to keep up with Jorshal that is until Tarsis realized Jorshal was now in front of him. Shaking his head, Tarsis slowly but surely, began increasing his speed, calling the Force to do as he pleased. But before he could try to move up to where Jorshal was, Jorshal had dropped back again, seeing that Tarsis was a little ways behind him and spoke a few more words. With a quick nod, Tarsis brought his attention to the trail they were on. Jorshal had been referring to the Force and how Tarsis should pace himself and not over due it. To know his cut off point. Tarsis agreed of course. If they were going to be hiking for the next seven days, then pacing ones self was a nicety.

But for right now, Tarsis didn’t find it necessary to use the Force. He was well rested and enjoying the moment. To rush it would be a waste of a good time. Although he wasn’t trying to rush, Tarsis had picked up and speed and gained some distance on Jorshal. Looking over his right shoulder, Tarsis yelled back, “So…am I to call…you Master…now or…will Jorshal suffice?”

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 14th, 2005, 12:08:32 AM
Telepathy was never his strong point, but speaking through it was not a problem. It was much better than trying to run and talk. "You're not on that level of aquaintance with me yet." He said silently. "Now slow down to a natural run behind me." He commanded as he also slowed down gradually, keeping an eye on how well Tarsis commanded the Force.

Nov 16th, 2005, 08:55:25 PM
"As you… wish… Jorshal." Releasing his grasp on the Force, Tarsis reduced his speed and fell to a steady pace behind Jorshal as ordered. Already Tarsis could tell this hike was going to be interesting. If it wasn't the hike, then it was going to be the conversation between Tarsis and Jorshal or the lack there of. It didn't matter though, this was Jorshal's way Tarsis thought to himself. But Tarsis couldn’t help but feel that he still needed to prove to Jorshal that training him would not be a waste of his time. Unlike his failure during the Group Training session, Tarsis planed on performing flawlessly this time by whatever means necessary.

“So…” Tarsis started and then stopped. It was obvious that speaking telepathically was much more easier then trying to talk and run at the same time. So, stretching out and extending his grasp on the Force again, Tarsis focused on speaking with his mind. Being that this was his first time attempting the feat, it took him a little bit to be able to focus on controlling the Force and making sure he didn’t fall any further behind. Once he thought he had a strong enough hold on the Force, Tarsis forced his thoughts to Jorshal as best he could, “Seven... huh? What...you have planned... ask?” His message had come across very scrambled. Tarsis was of course, not surprised by this, it being his first time and all, so he reverted back to running and talking at the same time. At least this way he could get out whole sentences. "Seven... days huh? What else....do you...have...planned...if I...may ask?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 18th, 2005, 01:33:46 PM
[i]"Now don't think I'm going to give away everything so easily. I think you'll find that seven days is going to be a rush. Good job controlling you're speed. It's not about how fast one can go, its about who well he can command his speed." [i]He said telepathically all the while staying focused on Tarsis' efforts. With that said, he sped up and commanded Tarsis to do the same constantly instructing and criticizing.


The horizon grew as Jorshal approached the canyon, it was only midday of the first day and the long run was finally over. He looked behind him and found the Palace was entirely out of view. He'd done the run many times, he was used to such exertions and constantly strived to make better time. Finally as they approached the edge of the canyon he slowed his speed and stopped a narrow half a foot from teh edge. It was all about command. He stepped back and turned to Tarsis, sliding his backpack to the ground. "A bit of a work out, huh?"

He removed the canteen from the interior of the pack and began to drink the water. "Feel free to grab a drink. If I need it I'm sure you do too."

Nov 26th, 2005, 10:57:16 AM
Tarsis could only smile at Jorshal's comment. "I've been training myself outside of these little meetings of ours. It's been helping me a lot to control my grip on the Force." He said as he sped up next to Jorshal, listening and storing away his constant instructions and criticism. Tarsis would hold on to them and use them later during his individual training sessions.

The fact was, that Tarsis had been taking very well to the Force, at least, in his own mind. Whether or not he was making an impact to his instructors was unknown to him but Tarsis did know, that if he was doing something wrong, he would have been instructed other wise by now.


Tarsis had finished the run right behind Jorshal and a good run it was indeed. Tarsis could feel his heart pounding, as if getting ready to explode, bursting his chest onto the ground. It was a marvelous feeling. A feeling that always let a person know they had done the job right. “It wasn’t to bad.” Tarsis said in reply to Jorshal’s comment. He was of course just joking, but Jorshal could take as he pleased. “And yes, a little bit of water would be just fine right about now.” Pulling out his canteen, Tarsis unscrewed the lid and took a small swig. Nothing big, just enough to quench his thirst. Besides, Jorshal had said that he’d need to conserve his water for it was the only one he’d be getting.

As screwed the lid back on his canteen, Tarsis spoke up. “So, how long you been with the Order Jorshal?” This was an attempt at casual conversation, just a little something to pass the time before they started off again.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 27th, 2005, 09:07:27 PM
"Since I was a young child." He said simply and stopped there, leaving an uncomfortable silence. He took another big drink of the water. "Drink more water than that." He instructed without giving reason.

Nov 29th, 2005, 07:21:20 AM
Doing as he was told, not bothering to ask why, Tarsis unscrewed the lid to his canteen and took down a gulp of water. " Since you were a child, huh?" He said as he screwed the lid back on, but kept it in his hand incase he was instructed to drink again. "So that would make you how old?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 29th, 2005, 06:24:12 PM
"Too old." He responded causually. Honestly, he didn't feel that way at all, he thought he still had his prime to look forward to. It was just an ambiguous answer to keep Tarsis at an emotional distance.

He screwed the cap back onto his own canteen and slid it into the side pocket of the pack. "Alright." He said before Tarsis could ask anymore questions. "We've got the canyon to decend and another couple of miles ahead until we hit the foot of the mountain."

He leapt from the ledge down to a flat rock protuding from the canyon wall.

"Remember, use the Force to keep your body strong. Now let's make this quick. I want to begin the base of the mountain by nightfall."

Nov 30th, 2005, 09:01:15 AM
Tarsis didn't reply. Jorshal didn't seem like he wanted to talk and if that was the case, then so be it. They wouldn't. The only time Tarsis would say anything would be to ask questions.

Packing away his canteen, again, Tarsis followed Jorshal over to the ledge and watched as he leapt down to the rock sticking out of the canyon wall. It was a good 10 foot drop to the rock below, but Jorshal had landed like it was nothing. Granted that this was a small jump, it could still prove hazardous if one was to land the wrong way; a broken ankle, a sprang, etc.

"Remember, use the Force to keep your body strong."

Heeding Jorshal’s words, Tarsis began to focus, drawing in the Force to do his bidding once more. Tarsis’ use of the Physical Amplification was much faster then it was when he first learned how to use it. He had taken a liking to the technique and thus during his solo training, focused on this move more than any others. After having completed the amplification, Tarsis focused the Force into his ankles, just as a precaution, and leapt from the ledge to the flat rock Jorshal was now standing on.

After landing, Tarsis fought of the dizziness that usually followed after using the Physical Amplification technique. It was a side effect of the move, but through his training, Tarsis was learning to combat this side effect. Closing his eyes only for a moment, Tarsis quickly regained himself. With a quick nod to Jorshal, letting him know that he was good to go, Tarsis waited on Jorshal to lead the way to the base of the mountain.

Jorshal Vuntana
Dec 5th, 2005, 04:49:44 PM
The two leapt down the canyon as the sun set behind them. Their timing was not bad, Jorshal had to admit he was surprised the young man could keep up. He noted, ironically, he was not that much older than Tarsis. The death of his master, knighthood being forced upon him, taking the reigns of the Order had drained him, it felt like he was much older than he was.

He leapt from one orange rock to another, the previous tumbling behind him to the canyon floor.

By now, the sun was long behind the canyon wall and it casted a deep shadowy abyss before them. Decending the canyon was now much harder without being able to see. Jorshal knew to use the intuitive aspect of the Force to guide his steps, Tarsis was less experienced than him, but holding his own.

It was time for things to fall into place.

He had learned through his master Southstar to become subtle in his telekinesis. Jorshal was far from an expert in telekinesis, as a child he had hardly any interested in it. But now he had realized its uses, particularily in that of assassination.

He could easily find Tarsis in the Force and knew where his next step was. Jorshal loosened the the rock to the point that it would not bear any weight. He thought silently to himself, Catch yourself!

Dec 8th, 2005, 06:42:24 AM
Tarsis had taken notice of the boulders behind him and how they fell after he jumped from them. This of course made jumping boulder to boulder a bit more 'exciting', but also made the tall man move quicker across their orange surfaces so as not to remain on them for very long.

The whole time they were jumping boulder to boulder, Tarsis had been connected to the Force. He found it's presence to be necessary for this particular task. Not only did it help him focus but it allowed him and Jorshal to stay connected telepathically. Not that Tarsis could speak telepathically, but he would keep trying. Such was his nature. To perfect what he knew and make it better. It was then that Tarsis tried reaching Jorshal telepathically. "Jorshal...ar…e.....we..al..mo...", but before Tarsis' 'cryptic' message could be finished, the rock he stood on fell from beneath him. A sudden surge of adrenalin and fear swept over the young Acolyte. His stomach felt like it was in his throat as time seemed to slow down. His first reaction was to call for Jorshal, but then it was all made clear to him, ”Catch yourself”

Anger, beyond any Tarsis had ever felt, coursed through him, but that would come for later. Acting quickly, Tarsis used his anger and focused in on the Force. His resources were limited, he knew that, but Tarsis knew he could always count on his Physical Amplification skills if anything. Commanding the Force into his arms, forearms, legs, and hands, Tarsis readied himself to catch a hold of the rocky wall before him. But he wasn’t close enough. He was now twenty or so feet from Jorshal and Tarsis could see that he was waiting to see what the big man did. He had an idea. He would use his own telekinesis powers to force himself towards the wall. It was then that Tarsis concentrated and willed the Force to move him forward. It was only a little bit, if any, it could have been the way he was falling, but still, Tarsis was close enough now. Grabbing and holding on for dear life, Tarsis could fell areas of his skin begin to rip as the rocky surface dug into his flesh.

He stopped.

Looking around, realizing that he had fallen well into the darkness of the canyon when he couldn’t see Jorshal anymore, Tarsis caught his breath. He was at the point of exhaustion. If it wasn’t for how much he wanted to punch Jorshal in the face, Tarsis would have just let go. But he pressed on, even falling a few more times as the rocks he used to hold himself, gave way to the big mans weight. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Tarsis was able to relax as he sprawled himself over the surface of the rock Jorshal stood on. This was his first encounter with the idea of death. The first time he was ever put into danger like that and what was worse, it wasn’t his doing that put him in the danger. It was an eye opening experience to say the least. This also made Tarsis realize that he needed to know more when it came to the Force. Yes, what he knew was very helpful, but there are only so many situations that those few skills would come in handy. When they got back , Tarsis would inquire more into this, but for now, he focused on Jorshal.

This was the second time Tarsis found himself ready to rip Jorshal’s throat out. Once during the group training session and now. Standing up, shaking off the dizziness as he did, Tarsis just started Jorshal. Tarsis was sure Jorshal knew what he was thinking, but that didn’t matter. Raising his fist into the air, Tarsis aimed at Jorshal’s face and swung.

Jorshal Vuntana
Dec 8th, 2005, 04:35:38 PM
The exchange of kinetic energy stung the palm of Jorshal's hand as it stopped Tarsis' in its tracks. Jorshal pushed back with a force to throw Tarsis off kilter. Jorshal's simple response was warning enough.

Tarsis' head was swimming in throughts and emotion. The darkside was alerted, like a predator to its prey, to Tarsis. Whether or not Tarsis would accept and be capable of handling the darkside had to be proven to Jorshal. It was one thing he learned in training was to never take anyone at face value. As a knight he put this belief in practice. As a trainer, he learned that everyone was a pretender and a fake.

Their shadowed forms moved sporatically in the dark created by the canyon. He repeated his instructions from before, "To the base of the mountain by dark."

His legs carried him slowly and then broke into a trot, then to a full run. Not once did he look back at the Acolyte.

Jan 19th, 2006, 01:42:07 AM
“To the base of the mountain by dark”

After taking a knee to rest for a moment, Tarsis looked up to see that he was alone now. Jorshal’s moon lit silhouette had long faded into the night’s darkness as he made his way to the base of the mountain and Tarsis, who probably appeared weak and unworthy of the title of Sith, was left to fend for himself.

Lowering his head, Tarsis glanced at his bloody hands. The cuts were deep, but they would heal. Ripping a few pieces off his tattered shirt, Tarsis wrapped both of his hands, his right forearm, and his left shin. Pulling at each knot again and again, making sure they were all good and tight, he stood up. If I have to make this hike by myself to earn Jorshal’s respect, then so be it, but I’ll be damned if he thinks I’m going to let him think of me as weak or unworthy.

Exhausted, but willing to press on, Tarsis began walking, following Jorshal’s tracks. Pain was shooting through his body left and right as he took each dreadful step. This only made the situation worse, but fueled him at the same time. His anger grew with every painful step he took which only enraged him more and made him want to get this over and done with faster. Taking his pain and his eagerness to prove himself, Tarsis forced himself into a jog, and soon after, the jogging had escalated into running.

Hours or what seemed like hours had went by and Tarsis was still going strong. He had begun to think the night was endless. Its darkness stretching far beyond human comprehension, but it wasn’t until he saw a glimmer of light, a shinning force within the darkness that he finally relaxed a little. Jorshal had made camp. Tarsis had made it to the base of the mountain. He had done it. Needless to say that this wasn’t the biggest thing he had ever accomplished, but it was something. Winded and thirsty has frell, Tarsis walked up to the camp Jorshal had set up. “I hope… you’ve…got…some better…tricks up your…sleeve or… you’re… in for a rude awakening.” He said as he finally caught his breath. Hopefully, Tarsis had proved himself to Jorshal, even if it was only a little bit. Right now, he’d take anything.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 19th, 2006, 05:03:38 PM
He smiled and didn't respond, Tarsis should be able to read Jorshal's response, even without the Force. Their session hadn't even begun yet. They were at the base of the mountain, the run was only the prologue. He fiddled through his pack and retrieved the single package of food and the remaining water.

"You're instructions are to finish up the food and water today. It's important for the training session. I won't be eating after this night either." He opened the package and began to eat, occasionally washing it down with the water.

The ate in silence, both exhausted and with nothing more to say to each other anyway. Sleep came quick for Jorshal as he lapsed into a dismal dream state.


A blonde boy walks along a crumbled stone path, the enviroment shows him to be walking in circles. He stares at the ground always.

"You'll stay here, honey." A distorted feminine voice said sing-songingly.

"You'll be safe here, honey." The same voice said.

"I love you, honey."

The boy stared at a vast flight of steps in front of a massive stone wall. The Sith Palace. The stones made faces at him, they laughed and jeered. Each face the same, that of the man who let him in.

"Quit crying." It said.

"This is no place for children." It said

"Quit crying! Why are you crying?" It said.

"I will kill you with my hands, this is not for you!" It said.

The scene changed again. The blonde boy was grown now. Still so immature. He stared as events unfolded repeatitively. The woman who held his hand, who took him to the palace. Took him to hell. Her head exploded into crimson mist, the effect of a projectile weapon, and blood flowed onto the tile floor endlessly. His mother's head exploded into crimson mist, the effect of a projectile weapon, and blood flowed onto the tile floor unendingly.

Blood merged with endless tears, swirling down the rusty drain.

"You'll be safe here, honey." A deep voice said. "This is no place for children, honey." It repeated. "I love you, I will kill you."

A disfigured face stared at him, the flesh burnt from blasterbolts, the hair ripped from his head. The face haunted him for nearly a year now, his master Southstar. Killed at the hands of a Jedi, turned over by the hands of a student, betrayed by a lover, abandoned by his apprentice, his friend, even his son.

Southstar died because Jorshal was not there.

It was his fault.

"You've failed. You're failing. You were not meant to lead." The head said, black earth falling from its crooked jaw.

Jorshal's mother left him at hell. He became the devil.

"You've failed. You're failing. You will drive it all to dirt." The head said, black earth falling from its crooked jaw.

Jorshal saw so much of himself in his newest student. Purge.

"You've failed. You're failing. Within three months you will die."


He sprung to life in the darkness, the fire now smouldering. Tarsis was asleep. He glanced around and wiped the sweat from his brow. His whole body was soaked. He couldn't bear to lay back down. In all his retreats to the mountain, no dream had ever shaken him like this. Perhaps his judgement was skewed.

He stared at the food wrapper for a long time. The hallucinogens in the food and water, he reminded himself. But he couldn't believe it. No hallucination had ever been false for anyone who took to the mountain. In the few prophecies made at the mountain, none had failed to come true.

He glanced at Tarsis, still asleep, though not peacefully. All the hallucinagens Jorshal had ingested, Tarsis had done so as well. His mind wandered to what might be going through his head. What rancorous dreams. He finally lied back down and contemplated the difficulties of the day to come, especially if he was getting no sleep that night.

OOC: So Tarsis has been drugged :d The hallucenations will last for the remaining 9/10 of the thread, on and off ofcourse. I'm going to task you with coming up with something you think reflects Tarsis's conflicts, which will ultimately contribute to the growing conflict between these two characters and climax towards the end with Jorshal and Tarsis' confrontation. How all this will manifest remains to be seen. Just keep it in mind when you write from here on. Whether or not Tarsis' dream at the moment will play heavily into his hallucenations and visions is up to you. So this is where everything gets interesting, good writing.

Feb 2nd, 2006, 05:09:01 PM
Tarsis wasn’t expecting much, and to be completely honest, he wasn’t expecting anything from Jorshal, but a smile would suffice for now. Without so much as saying a word, Tarsis opened his bag and pulled out what was left of his water and food and did as he was instructed, eat.

After ten or so minutes, Tarsis realized that there wasn’t much else to be done and that he had as much of a chance of starting a conversation as a snow ball did in hell. With that in mind, Tarsis bunched up his possessions and laid his head down on top of them, closing his eyes and relaxing finally after an extremely exhausting day. Besides, Tarsis would need his rest if he was going to finish this gauntlet that Jorshal had decided to put him up against.

Not even 5 minutes later, Tarsis was out like a light and dreaming dreams of his past, just like every night…


The evening started out so nice. The stars were out, mom was cooking a special dinner because dad was on his way home, and brother and sister were playing in the living room while Tarsis sat alone, on the cold floor.

Something was wrong.

This wasn’t how his dream was suppose to start. He was suppose to be in the living room with his brother and sister, wrestling, trying to make sure they hadn’t forgot anything their dad had taught them. But no. Now Tarsis was cold, scared, and alone and he didn’t know why.

“Trevor, why are you guys playing with out me?”

Trevor stopped for a moment and looked at his sister.

“Do you hear something Maggie? I could have sworn I heard something.”

With a sick smile, he looked at Tarsis.

“Oh, it’s just you. Don’t you have some crying to do mama’s boy?”

Tarsis was quick to clear himself of such an outlandish charge.

“I’m not a mama’s boy! You are!”

Trevor laughed and started shouting.

“Mama’s boy, mama’s boy, mama’s boy, Tarsis is a mama’s boy!!!”

And soon after their sister joined in. It was like the Angels were singing for them and with such sweet melancholy at that. That was all it took. Tarsis charged after his brother. Nothing he ever did was good enough for him and right now, all Tarsis wanted was to bash his brother’s face against his knee. But when Tarsis went to step foot into the living room where they sat, he tripped and fell scrapping his knee as he did.

“Mommy!? Mommy, please come here. I’m hurt mommy! Please mommy…”

Tarsis said as he held out his arms, tears building in his eyes.

But as Tarsis turned to hold out his arms for his mom to pick him up, her bloody, limp body fell face first between his legs. As Tarsis screamed for his mom to be ok, as the tears filled his brown eyes and ran down his cheeks, Tarsis’ house suddenly turned into their backyard. His mom’s lifeless body disappeared as well as his siblings. The living room faded away like dust in the wind and finally the roof vanished and a starry night’s sky quickly filled the void.

Looking around, Tarsis realized he was all grown up now. The tears were gone and the feeling of being alone and scared were gone as well. But that only lasted for what seemed like an instant because when Tarsis looked down at the ground he saw his father’s dead body, with his sword sticking out of his chest. His sister laid to his right, her head lay cradled in her arms. But his when he looked for his brother, and he knew it was his brother that was supposed to be to his left, all he saw was a fist that connected with his face.

The stars that filled the night fell like fire and brimstone as clouds turned into storms of rage. Lighting crashed all around them and when Tarsis opened his eyes and sat up; he realized he was his young self again, incapable of doing anything against his older brother.

Trevor raised its hand again and punched Tarsis across the face. Blood flew from the little mans mouth as he hit the wet ground. A tear rolled down his cheek.

“Still not talking? Fine. We’ll do this your way.”

Again and again the figure raised its hand into the air and brought it down across Tarsis’ face. Each hit felt like it was stronger than the last and with each hit, another tear rolled down Tarsis’ face.

“Why did you kill me? HUH? Answer me! Why’d you kill me!!

“Because you deserved it!! All of you did! I was never good enough. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I trained, I was still never good enough for you or him!”

Tarsis said as he pointed as his father’s corpse.

“It was never about being good enough Tarsis. You just never had it in you. You’re weak. You will always be weak. You’ll never be able to become the Sith you hope to become.”

Tarsis stared at his brother for a moment. What was going on?

“What did you say Trevor? How did you…”

But before Tarsis could finish his sentence he realized that it was no long Trevor he was talking to, it was Jorshal. There he stood, like a statue. The rain ran down his painted face just as calm as the change from day to night, and in his hand was Tarsis’ sword. Tilting his head, Jorshal uttered one word,


Tarsis just stared with the most puzzled look on his face. What was going on indeed! This dream had gone from bad to just plain out goofy. It was then that he felt the pinch. Just a small one. Then another one. This time, it was just a little bit more painful. Looking down, Tarsis could see his sword sticking through into his stomach. Awe was replaced by fear and pain as he clasped his hands around its blade. Looking up, there was Jorshal not even two feet away from him.



Tarsis was up and stumbling backwards, holding his gut as he collided with a tree. Looking around, Tarsis saw Jorshal asleep across from him and his sword was no where to be seen. Sweat ran down his face like a waterfall running off the side of a cliff. He had never in his entire life had a dream like that; never had one felt so… so real. He could still feel where the sword was sticking through him. Its weight was still there.

Running his hand through his hair, Tarsis sat down next to the fire. He was cold. The kind of cold he felt in this dream. But now all he could do was scoot a little closer to the fire. Rubbing his arms, Tarsis sat just sat there. It wouldn’t be long now until sun would rise and they would start their hike again, but it would be a long time before Tarsis would let this dream be forgotten.

Jorshal Vuntana
Feb 9th, 2006, 04:37:06 PM
The light from the sun broke across the mountain, but did not wake him up for he had been up since his haunting dream had ended. Now was as good of a time than any to prepare his things for the continued trip. He felt nausous as he stood up, he wouldn't be surprised if he vomited during the next day of the trip.

He looked to Tarsis without a word and then again at the mountain before him. He began with a walk up the gradient, expecting Tarsis to follow out of knowing better. If he stayed behind, it was his own fault.


Theyhad been trekking for a majority of the day now, dusk was only a few hours away. Since they broke camp, the gradient had increased very much. At some points Jorshal found himself climbing the face of a rock that jutted out of the mountainside. Bruises and scars pecked his body, his clothing torn in places. He was thoroughly exhausted, His diaphram felt as if the next breath might be its last. He reached for a new holding place. Each little movement stretching his already strained muscles.

Tarsis was holding up remarkably well, Jorshal would admit he was surprised. He thought about the dream as he reached for the next crevice to pull himself up on. He was destined to die, but at who's hand? He looked below and found Tarsis still climbing, still holding up. Would it be this acolyte, a traitor? It should only make sense, Tarsis was in close proximity, his intentions could have been accidentally been leaked through the Force, his mind having been under the influence of the hallucinagens.

Whether or not it was true, Jorshal wanted to believe it and he did.

Perhaps fate could be altered? He would have to surely kill Tarsis, in a way more intentional than before. He climbed some more and formulated a plan in his head.

OOC: Go ahead and wrap up the day, make it seem Tarsis is being physically challanged and further the dream's meaning for Tarsis.

Feb 21st, 2006, 03:56:45 AM
The night had passed slowly for Tarsis. He had tossed and turned several times during the night, finding it hard to sleep and at some points, just staring up into the stars unable to close his eyes for fear of what the next dream would bring. The dreams he had were just felt too real to overlook. When morning finally came and Jorshal woke, Tarsis had a feeling that things were going to be a little different from this point on. Jorshal seemed even more distant then what he usually was and Tarsis could not shake the feeling that Jorshal had something up his sleeve, but Tarsis remained skeptical and thought to himself as he began stretching, Could these dreams be warnings from the Force? Can it do that?

He didn't say much as he prepared for the days hike. It was mostly Tarsis thinking to himself, with the occasional question for Jorshal, nothing serious. And as Jorshal set out, Tarsis threw his backpack on and took off after him.


This had been the most challenging part of the hike yet; bruised, cut, and bleeding in several places. But he was holding on and he would continue to do so until he finished this tribulation of Jorshal's. Grabbing a little power from the seemingly endless supply of pent up Force presence, Tarsis dug his hands into each crevice, just as Jorshal did before him, and pulled himself up closer to the top.

With every bruise, every cut, and every ounce of blood that drained from his now tanned body, Tarsis could not help but recall the dreams from the night before; the pain he felt when he reached out for a mother that was not there, the pain of each punch from his brother, the heartache he faced when confronted about his fathers and siblings deaths, and finally the pain when Jorshal ran Tarsis' own blade through his stomach. The thought brought chills all over Tarsis' body and fueled the behemoth anger. And for a moment, just a moment, Tarsis entertained the idea that this just might be a warning from the Force and thought about how easy it would be just to pull Jorshal’s foot out of that crevice and watch him fall to his death, but with a quick shake of his head, Tarsis brought himself back to reality.

This was all too much. Had the sun finally backed his brain or was this really some kind of warning? He had decided that he would confront Jorshal about these dreams. He would find out if Force could warn a person of impending danger. He would figure out what was going on, but if these dreams were true and Jorshal did plan on killing him, Tarsis would make sure that Jorshal found out the hard way that he would not be killed so easily and Jorshal found himself laying in a shallow grave.

Once the two reached the top of the mountain, Tarsis tossed his bag off to the side and made his way over towards Jorshal. Tarsis had questions and Jorshal had answers, but Tarsis kept in mind the possible hidden message from his dreams and walked over there ready for whatever was going to happen…

Jorshal Vuntana
Feb 26th, 2006, 09:57:08 PM
He looked up at the sky, it was beginning to rain. There was something about the mountain that made reflected the mood of those who climbed it. He could feel Tarsis approaching with questions and suspicions. Fear and anger.

"Speak." He said.

Feb 27th, 2006, 11:44:08 PM
Tarsis didn't even know where to begin. He didn’t want to come across as some loony, but he didn’t want to sound like a scared kid either. There was no easy way to go about this so Tarsis just said the first thing that came to mind. "I need to know more about the Force and what it can do. Can it warn us about the future? I mean, can it come to us, say, in our dreams and tell us about things that might happen or are going to happen?"

Tarsis didn't want to give everything away, not yet anyways. He would see how Jorshal answered first and then, if it was the answer he was looking for, he would tell Jorshal about his dreams.

Jorshal Vuntana
Feb 28th, 2006, 12:14:49 AM
It was strange that Tarsis was pondering the same thing that had occupied Jorshal's mind for the past day. "It can under some instances. Other times it can be deceptive."

Whatever dreams Tarsis may be having, Jorshal was sure that he was being decieved. Jorshal's own dream, he felt it was real. The Force was warning him of his own death.

Feb 28th, 2006, 12:43:57 AM
That was the answer Tarsis was looking for but he still did not feel like he should tell Jorshal everything about his dreams. Not yet at least. "What do you mean deceptive? As in it might twist the truth? Show us a second path?" If Tarsis was right, maybe his dream did have a hidden meaning, a hidden path that could only be taken at a certain moment and maybe, just maybe, it wasn't him that was suppose to die, but Jorshal instead. The only question that Tarsis had running through his mind now was; How, why, and by whose hand?

Jorshal Vuntana
Feb 28th, 2006, 03:45:19 PM
"I mean deceptive, exactly what the word means. Sometimes dreams may not be incarnations of the Force but your own mind instead." Which obviouly wasn't the case for Jorshal, he was too important to the Force for deception or false dreams. But Tarsis on the other hand was obviously too conceited. Whatever warning dream he had was more than likely a farce.

Mar 4th, 2006, 12:49:24 AM
"Alright Jorshal, if you say so. No need to get upset. It was just a question. You know, I'm the student, you're the teacher. I ask questions, you answer them. That's how this works." Tarsis wasn't sure how he should treat Jorshal now. If it wasn't for the warning in the back of his mind, Tarsis would treat him just like any other member of the Order, but Jorshal had been acting different ever since they had woke this morning. Something was up and Tarsis was going to find out just what it was. "Alright Jorshal, what’s up? You've been acting different ever since this morning; not that you were ever a blast to be around in the first place or anything, but you seem like that stick you always wear up your rear is being twisted. You wouldn’t be hiding anything from me would you?”

Jorshal Vuntana
Mar 5th, 2006, 11:37:58 PM
"You know what, I know how this goes down around here. Arrogant kids who are pissed about the death of their dog show up and happen to be Force sensitive. You all think you deserve acceptance. Then you start demanding promotions. None of you deserve Force sensitivity, your all lucky." He said as the rain began to pour down now.

"You come here thinking that the purpose of the Sith Order is to teach kids with skinned knees to get revenge. We don't teach. This is an eradication system. Attract those with the potential, judge them, and in most cases, kill them. You're not welcome here. You've been deemed purposeless."

Mar 6th, 2006, 12:37:14 AM
And there it was... As if the Force had taken Tarsis' dream and turned it into reality; the darkening sky, the rain, and Jorshal standing there, like a statue with water running down his painted face just as calmly as the passing days change from day into night. Tarsis couldn't believe it. Whatever Jorshal had said had gone in one ear and out the other. His dream was coming true. Whether or not this was truly a sign from the Force, Tarsis no longer cared. The only thing he cared about was surviving and he intended to do whatever it was that was necessary to do so.

Swelling up from inside, Tarsis had let go of his anger, rage, and frustrations from the past week and forced a Psychic Scream on Jorshal’s un-suspecting mind; a move that he had taught him when Tarsis first joined the Order ironically enough. Tarsis was not about to let Jorshal end his life here. Jorshal may be the more experienced fighter, but Tarsis would give him a fight that he would never forget or die trying.

And as Tarsis watched the effects of the Psychic Scream take its toll, Tarsis prepared himself for Jorshal’s counterattack…

Jorshal Vuntana
Mar 6th, 2006, 11:37:01 AM
He could do a psychic scream, but he never responded to them very well at all. He had foolishly not built his mental shields up and shook his head in pain. He outstretched his arm and with it an invisible wave collided with Tarsis and sent him reeling a few feet.

He collected his mental shields as his muscles prepared for a physical attack all the while he appraoched Tarsis knowing full well that he was far from out for the count.

Mar 7th, 2006, 12:20:35 AM
Tarsis flew backwards as the Force Push knocked him off his feet. Tumbling and rolling on the ground a few times, Tarsis quickly jumped up to his feet, but was only knocked backwards again by Jorshal's fists. Tarsis reeled back from his attack, but quickly established a proper block to stop the next few attacks from connecting. Four hits to the face from Jorshal was enough to last him for a long while.

Tarsis had to do something and do something fast. With every hit Jorshal landed made Tarsis' arm feel like it was going break in two that much more. And do something he did. The next punch Jorshal threw, Tarsis grabbed onto his arm with both hands and brought it down, yanking Jorshal along with it, and used his own momentum to throw him off balance and past the big man. Now with Jorshal stumbling behind him, Tarsis turned around and charged Jorshal. Fueling his legs with the Force, Tarsis was going to make sure that, if he connected with Jorshal, it was going to count.

Jorshal Vuntana
Mar 8th, 2006, 10:14:04 PM
He clenched his teeth as he saw Tarsis coming towards him and he silently dared him to try his best. He placed a hand on the man's shoulder and attempted to spin off with limited success. He lost his balance in the process, he nearly stumbled to the gound.

Agan, he released a Force push towards Tarsis and leapt through the air to where the man should land.

Mar 9th, 2006, 10:46:55 PM
Damnit! Tarsis thought as he watched Jorshal dip to the side, send out another Force Push, and leap into the air. Standing quickly and with all the power of the Force still in his legs, Tarsis stomped his feet into the ground and secured himself a footing as Jorshal's Force Push swept over him like a wave; his hair and clothing whipping back in its wake.

To Tarsis’ own surprise, his idea had worked now all he had to do was take care of Jorshal. Looking up just in time to catch Jorshal, Tarsis wrapped his arms around his right leg and his waist and without wasting any time, turned and threw Jorshal into the a tree that stood a good 8 feet away. With a loud crack, both the tree and Jorshal hit the ground.

Jorshal Vuntana
Mar 10th, 2006, 02:08:09 PM
He gritted his teeth and stood up, the Force allowing him to ignore the pain in his back. The tree began to dissolve at its broken point as splinters and shards of wood were pulled by telekinesis and sent soaring towards Tarsis.

The acolyte was faring well against him, which told him he was either loosing his skill or he underestimated the man. Either way it was his fault. He never wanted this, he never wanted to teach or to be burdened with the duty of mentoring. His attack grew in ferocity and the anger fueled him.

Mar 24th, 2006, 11:23:28 AM
Tarsis just watched at the splinters came soaring towards him. Acting quickly to dodge them, Tarsis found himself letting out a yelp of pain as he noticed he wasn’t fast enough. Looking down, Tarsis saw several pieces sticking deep into his right foot and his left shin. Gritting his teeth in pain, Tarsis tried his best to stand but fell just as fast.

He would not let this be the way the fight ended. He would not let this stop him from taking down Jorshal. "DAMNIT!" he screamed as he tried standing up again, this time, using the Force to assist him. All Tarsis knew was that he wouldn't be able to last much longer like this. If he was going to do anything, then he had best hope he could defend himself against Jorshal and use whatever strength he had left to lash out against his foe... that's if he had any.

Once he had his balance again, Tarsis readied himself for whatever it was that Jorshal had planned next.

Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 7th, 2006, 05:02:08 PM
No counter attack? He had to admit he was a little suprised, for someone so combat oriented, Tarsis not attacking, though it would be most defintiely fruitless, was curious. Curious but not surprising.

The darkside welled up inside his mind as he projected another Force blast at Tarsis and ten feet to each side of him. "Are you prepared to give up yet?" He barked through gritted teeth.

Apr 11th, 2006, 05:00:45 PM
OOC: I’ve basically set it up for you to end it as you please so go ahead and do your worst XP

IC: This was the deciding moment in Tarsis’ life where he would figure out if he had what it took to be a Sith; if he truly had it or if his father was right all along and Tarsis never had what it took; if he would be just another average person with no purpose in life or if he would finally be able to put the ghosts of his past to rest and find his true calling. Such a deciding moment and all Tarsis could do was stand there…

As Jorshal’s Force blast pushed down on his body, Tarsis just stood there staring off in the distant, the pain forcing him to lose himself in thought, but then as Jorshal spoke, Tarsis turned his attention onto the man before him with renewed fervor. The words Jorshal had just spoke had more meaning behind them then he would ever know. Those 7 words were the last words his father had said to him right before Tarsis ran his sword through his chest. Those words were what pushed Tarsis over the edge, that last little nudge that sent him down a path that had lead him to this exact moment. It was then that Tarsis had made his decision.

Closing his eyes as memories came crashing down upon his mind; memories of his mother, father, of his siblings, his past, him killing his father, his first kill after his father, all the rage he had ever felt, all the anger, hate, malice, the lust for revenge, and then Jorshal. It all came at him just as fast and painfully as Jorshal's Force blast had; it was all Tarsis could do to close his eyes between the pain being inflicted upon his body and the pain being inflicted upon his mind and soul. He was being torn apart in every direction but he could feel a power growing inside of him that he had never felt before. The Darkside had found a new toy to tinker with. A new host to feed upon and Tarsis gave himself completely to its control.

A rush of the living Force shot out from Tarsis, removing Jorshal’s barrier and Tarsis was finally free to expand his lungs again and breathe fresh air. He was past the point of being mad, past the point of anger, hate, and revenge. He was past whatever point of no return there might have been. All Tarsis could see now and feel for that matter was the moment and he saw it for what it truly was, his turn.

When Tarsis’ eyes finally opened again, they were solid white. Tarsis had no control of himself whatsoever. To Tarsis, it was like he was watching the events of this fight unfold from the comfort of his own room. As if he had turned on the holonet and was watching himself on the news. He knew what was going to happen, but had no control over any of it. Tarsis’ mind had been taken completely over by the Darkside. He was it’s to control.

With his white eyes fixed on Jorshal, Tarsis’ possessed body sprang to life and began moving towards its target. Dragging his wounded leg behind him as he limped on his other foot, Tarsis slowly but surely was getting closer to Jorshal and with each step he took, his fist got tighter, his breath grew heavier, and the most lost in the Force he became…

Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 14th, 2006, 12:53:07 PM
The Force emminated from Tarsis as Jorshal realized that maybe he had been wrong, perhaps the Force was with Tarsis after all. Perhaps he truely was worthy. Jorshal summoned all the power he could muster, it expressed in his clenched fists pulling back and released as his hands threw themselves ahead of him in another telekinetic blast.

This blast was much longer lasting than the previous, creating a continuous wave of force against the ever resistant Tarsis. Suprisingly, he continued to march on against the Force towards Jorshal. Finally the telekinetic blast let up and Tarsis charged forward in full strength. Insticntively, Jorshal hooked his arm and used the man's inertia against him as he threw him into a thick tree.

Tarsis did not relent. He stood with fury in his eyes as the next attack opened. Jorshal couldn't tell if it was any weaker than the previous attack, but he could tell if this kept up he might never get a chance at resuming his own offensive.

The fight went on for hours upon hours, most of the time Jorshal was dodging and trying to outsmart Tarsis into knocking himself out, but he was never successful. He had seen this before, a darkside rage, full of violence and impervious to pain. But never had he seen one so prolonged.

For one to collapse of exhaustion, one must have never slept, never had any food or drink for days. The requirements are so simple it almost sounds easy, but it isn't, its painful. When faced with hunger, or a parched thoat, and a bull of a man seeing red, you struggle to fight on in hopes of survival. You fight on until you fall down and lapse into unconsciousness.

He could not say who fell first, but when he woke he could see Tarsis about fifty feet away and out on he ground. He struggled to recollect the fight, how long had it been? How long had he slept? He brought himself slowly to his feet, he could tell now that the drugs had been washed out of his system. Somewhere inside he could feel embarressment for everything, his paranoia. Next to those feelings, he could sense himself blaming Tarsis for it.

He dug into his pack, removing several containers of water and a small food ration. There was enough for two as he had packed it before they left. He consumed his share, saving a little water for the journey back. He threw Tarsis' towards the man, it landing within his sight. Slinging the pack over his shoulder he stared at the battleground, the black earth turned up and the few trees that stood ominously over the arena. He turned away and began to walk the path back, his mind filled with memories and the emotions tied to them, leaving Tarsis to eventually make his way home, alone.

Apr 18th, 2006, 12:34:49 AM
Hours after Jorshal had left, Tarsis finally woke up. Everything that had happened was one big blur in the mind of the big man. The last thing he remembered was Jorshal hitting him with a Force Blast from every direction and then waking up. What had happened to make him forget the events of the fight, he hadn't a clue, but he was going to find out; even if he had to beat the answers out of Jorshal or at least try.

Stretching a bit as he tried to get up, Tarsis quickly found out he was much better off staying prone on the ground. His body was suddenly wracked with aches and pains the likes of which he had never felt before in his whole life. The pain was so intense that he actually cried a few tears as he screamed out in agony.

Trying again and again and again, Tarsis finally, this time holding back the urge to scream out, successfully sat up. Looking around the battle field, Tarsis began to try and piece that had happened together, but failed. For some reason, he just couldn't remember anything. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Tarsis' head like a blaster bolt to the brain. Doubled over and rolling around on the ground, Tarsis started screaming out in pain again. Blood ran freely from his nose and ears this time, the aches in his body intensified, and pain seemed to grow each time Tarsis moved. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the pain subsided.

Wiping the blood from his face as he finally stood up, Tarsis sluggishly started walking around. A few fallen trees here, a couple of holes there, all in all a pretty ruined piece of land. How long did we fight for? Tarsis found himself thinking as he limped across the battlefield. And why am I hurting so badly? What was with that head ache just now? And where is Jorshal? A million and one questions ran through his mind as he continued to survey the area. Why he couldn’t remember anything was the main one, but for now, all that would have to wait. For now, he had to make his way back home. And making his way back would be ten times as hard then it was making his way here especially now that he was injured.

Before he started his trek back, Tarsis found the pack that Jorshal had left for him. Picking it up, Tarsis opened it up and emptied its contents: A bottle of water and about a days rations, if that. “Well…not I know… where he went.” Tarsis said trying to catch his breath. Every time he moved, every time he breathed, it hurt. It hurt so bad that it almost made him want to way back down and wish he was knocked out again. But each the pain echoed throughout his body, Tarsis just thought about what had happened and the fact that he couldn’t remember any of it and that alone made him start walking towards the great Citadel.


Four days later Tarsis finally arrived back at the Citadel. Dehydrated and starving, Tarsis used what little energy and what little connection he had to the Force at that moment, as he felt ready to collapse at any moment, to force himself to walk towards the Medic or to just find anyone that could get him there. Finally, once he saw a few Acolytes in the hallway, Tarsis fell and smacked against the black marble flooring with a sickening thud.

When he awoke, Tarsis was laying in his bed. Bandages covered the majority of his body as well as a few cast, one for his wrist (thankfully it wasn’t his sword arm) and one for his right ankle. It appeared that he was more broken the he had originally thought. Grabbing the glass of water next to his bed, Tarsis chugged it down and then quickly refilled it with the gallon sitting next to where his cup was on the desk. Before he knew it, the entire gallon was gone, but his thirst was quenched, so that made up for it. Lying back down, resting his head against his soft pillows, Tarsis fell back asleep only to dream about the events that took place five days ago…