View Full Version : An Iron Fist (closed)
Oct 27th, 2005, 10:52:15 AM
It had only been a few days since the group training session Jorshal had put together ended, but Tarsis didn't like waiting. Call him impatient, call him whatever you'd like, he didn't like it. He had been spending his days since then working on his skills with the Force. When it came to knowledge on combat or tactics, Tarsis was always the first to jump on it. Even when he was younger and his father would train him and his two siblings, Tarsis was stuck like glue. He'd practice and practice until he got it right. Things hadn't changed, well, not all things had changed. He did after all, kill his father, but Tarsis wouldn't consider that a bad change, he'd say that was a change for the better, sure as frell made him feel better.
Walking outside to the training grounds brought back the memories of what Jorshal had taught them that day: telekinesis, the psychic scream, and physical amplification. And along with those came the memory of Jorshal yelling at Tarsis for failing to demand the Force to do as he saw fit. "I don't care if you find telekinesis relevant to your personal goals, these are simple Force accessing powers. Start paying attention, start proving your training not to be waste of my time." That imprinted itself onto Tarsis' mind. He would never again let anything he did seem like a waste of time to himself or anybody else.
All of what Jorshal had taught the group, Tarsis thought, could be very useful in combat, but the one that stood out the most to him was the physical amplification. To be able to amplify any part of your body, to become stronger, or to move faster, these were truly a warrior’s assets in combat. For Tarsis, this would prove to be his specialty when it came to the Force. He would hone in on this Force technique and master it to it’s full potential, but first came the other basic techniques such as telekinesis….
Oct 31st, 2005, 03:37:07 AM
Hearing the sound of gravel crunching under his metallic boots, Tarsis neared the area where the group training session had taken place. To his left were the rocks they had used test their Telekinesis on and to his right were the dead remains of the deer they tested their Psychic Screams on. Seeing the dead carcasses of the deer made Tarsis smile. He smiled not because he enjoyed the sight of their dead bodies, the smell alone guaranteed that, but because this was one of the test in the Force that opened his eyes. This test was fueled by so much of Tarsis’ past and it was in that same moment that Tarsis realized just how much his past motivated him to more on, to gain as much as possible. The one thing Tarsis had yet to figure out was why he did this. Why did he lust for power so much? Was it for his Mother? Or because of his hatred for his Father? In the end, it didn’t matter. Tarsis had started on a new path, the path of the Dark Side and where it was leading him now was that mattered to him.
Bringing himself back to reality, Tarsis continued walking through the Training Grounds until he came across a small clearing in the forest. Looking around, Tarsis noticed the fallen trees and the pieces of boulders that lay scattered among the trees. This had been the place that Ambrose had thrown his bolder during the training session. A perfect place to begin his training.
Stepping over behind one of the fallen trees, Tarsis closed his and began demanding the Force‘s presence. Recalling what he used that day during the training session to fuel Force, Tarsis smirked. He remembered how mad he had been at Jorshal and now thought that that might have been part of the reason Jorshal had said what he said. To fuel Tarsis’ anger. Tarsis knew he wasn’t the most patient man, and when it came to telling him what to do, he’d rather get mad then do what he was told to do. But it would take time for him to master that, but until then, he’d use it to his full advantage, fueling his dark side needs. Once he felt the exhilarating rush of the Force flowing through his veins, Tarsis stretched out his right hand and concentrated on the fall tree before him. Once he had control of the Force and knew it was there, Tarsis demanded it to do as he said and sure enough, the tree lifted on the ground.
This was not a test to see how high Tarsis could levitate the tree nor was this a test to see how many pieces Tarsis could obliterate the tree into. This was a simple test of endurance. To figure out his limitations with the Force in the aspect of Telekinesis. Bringing the tree up off the ground, probably four or five feet, about to Tarsis’ chest, he slowly started moving it back and forth and side to side, seeing and feeling the effects of Force on his body. Tarsis had noted that after keeping the tree in motion, drained him more so then when it stood in one place. That was obvious, to be sure, but important to remember nonetheless. Feeling the effects of the Force begin to grow after ten minutes or so, Tarsis withdrew his hand back into his cloak, and disconnected himself with the flow of the Force, watching the tree fall as he did.
Tarsis did not want to exhaust himself so soon, he still had a few more hours of training left and needed all the strength that he could gather. So far, Tarsis was pleased with things. He had set a goal and accomplished it, nothing serious, but for someone who had never used the Force a day in his life until recently, Tarsis thought himself to be doing well.
Ivan Fortinbras III
Nov 14th, 2005, 07:47:46 PM
Ignore this...:D
Nov 14th, 2005, 07:50:09 PM
Telekinesis, check... Tarsis thought to himself. Of course it wasn't mastered, it would take a lot more practice then just one, but it was a start. Tarsis' power with the Force had been growing more then what he had realized. It's like the say, "practice makes perfect" and although he wasn't perfect, he sure as frell was practicing a lot. Every morning since the group training session, for at least 5 hours; every morning is right after noon of course.
It was time to practice his Psychic Scream and this always proved to be the most difficult skill to practice simply because it had to be used on something living. Smiling, Tarsis thought to himself that he could start a zoo with all the animals he had accumulated over the past few days. A deer here, a bird there, another one over the hill, but it was all in the name of training. Walking as silently as possible, Tarsis crept through the forest, hunting for any signs of life that he could find. Right now, anything would do. Anything at all. But Tarsis couldn’t find a dram thing! Not one deer, not even a bird in the trees.
Shaking his head, Tarsis was ready to move on to the next step of his training schedule when out of the corner of his eye, he caught signs of life. Coming to a stop, Tarsis peered around the tree that was in front of him and low and behold, there stood a hunter. He was apparently unaware of Tarsis’ presence seeing how he had his back turned towards Tarsis and was currently taking aim at a deer in the distance. This was Tarsis’ chance to test his Psychic Scream on a human and he wasn’t going to pass on that. Besides, he had been rather curious to see the effects it would have on a human.
Stepping out from behind the tree and walking a few feet towards the man, Tarsis called out to him, “Excuse me, but what are you doing?”
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