View Full Version : "Bum's Bottle" (Open to all, especially those interested in Strays)
Jakobi Skorne
Oct 24th, 2005, 07:13:12 PM
In the Lower Sections of Coruscant, when people are not trying to scrape a living from the bottom of this proverbial bottle, they are most likely using some of their money to find the bottom of a bottle. Literally. Thus, the "Bum's Bottle," a medium-sized, somewhat dingy bar, was quite busy with patrons doing just that.
Sitting in the corner at a table is a man. He is, from an outward look, human. He is also quite large, and powerfully built. His hair is cropped short, close to the head. His skin is tanned naturally, though it hadn't seen much sunlight as of late. Working the evening shift at the bottom of Coruscant ensured that. With an appraising gaze around the bar, he finds someone. It is a man who is pinching at one of the scantily-clad waitresses. When his passes are ignored, the gap-toothed buffoon grabs her. Time for work.
Getting up from the table, the large man made his way to Gap-Tooth's table. His buddies, Bucky Beaver, and Bug-Eyes, are snickering as Gap-Tooth made several unwanted grabs in certain areas. In no time, with the long and purposeful strides, the large man was at the table. Clearing his throat, he spoke.
"Hey, man, take it easy. This lady's just doing her job. If you let her make her living, I won't have to make mine."
Naturally, like all the other drunks that Jakobi Skorne, the Bouncer of the "Bum's Bottle", had evicted, they took it as a threat, not putting two and two together. Gap-Tooth stood up, breathing in Jakobi's face. The breath was a putrid mix of chewed up food and booze.
"You tryin' to start some trouble?"
Jakobi speaks.
"No, I'm just the guy who takes care of trouble makers. Now look at me. I'm not the one you want to be messing with..."
And naturally, like numerous other drunks, Gap-Tooth felt ten feet tall and invincible. The booze always did that to a man. He began to get really loud, yelling incoherently at Jakobi. Jakobi only looked down at the man, at the gap in his shirt. Jakobi smirks.
"Hey, is that real chest hair?"
As Gap-Tooth looked down, Jakobi took a grab of the man's shirt, including the nasty patch of chest hair. Drawing Gap-Tooth closer, Jakobi brought his head crashing down into Gap-Tooth's nose. Blood erupted from the nostrils as the unusually hard head of Jakobi broke the nose of Gap-Tooth. Keeping a good hold of him, Jakobi dragged Gap-Tooth to the door with little resistance, kicking the door open. Picking the man up, almost over his shoulder, Jakobi gave Gap-Tooth a toss, sending him sailing into the street, where he landed with a thud.
Wiping his hands, Jakobi returned to the table where Bucky Beaver and Bug-Eyes were gawking, jaws held wide open in shock. Stopping at the table, Jakobi speaks.
"You boys wanna make any more trouble?"
Blubbering, both shook their heads in dissent.
"Good. Now enjoy your drinks, and stay out of trouble. And remember..."
Jakobi made a two-fingered motion towards his eyes, and back at the two.
"...I'll be watchin' you."
Without another word, Jakobi stalks back to his table, sitting in the corner of the booth. Palming the large bottle of whiskey single-handedly, Jakobi took a swig.
"Damned drunks."
Oct 24th, 2005, 07:51:45 PM
Drunks were the easiest to score from. Years of pick-pocketing taught one that alcohol often did wonders for parting a man and his credits, and places like the 'Bum's Bottle' were excellent hunting grounds.
Even for the younger generation of Coruscant's dextrous elite.
Joe was one of those.
No last name, just Joe. That was her name. She'd been down in the lower levels of Coruscant ever since she could remember, scraping a living from other's wallets. Somedays she ate like a queen; others she was lucky to pilfer enough change for a fizziglug. But tonight was shaping up to be a night like no other.
She had snuck in earlier, watching from a dark corner towards the back of the bar, her eyes studying the patrons and deciding which one to start with. She watched those ordering actual drinks more than those drowning their brains in simple draught beers and ales. She wanted the expensive drinkers - those were the ones with money.
Fifteen minutes of watching from her hiding spot and she'd picked her target. Some poor sap who kept ordering Caridan Sunset after Caridan Sunset. He was alone, nurturing his drinks and frowning at the table.
Crouching, oe began to make her way to his table, making sure to keep far below the radar of the patrons. To that end, her path took her beneath tables and chairs, quick ducking through stumbling legs.
Closer, closer to Caridan Sunset. Closer to her first big catch of the night.
Migg Laos
Oct 25th, 2005, 02:58:42 AM
"You're filthy."
"Just a little grease, s'all."
An eyebrow rose, barely countering an amused grin. "What're you gonna do about it? Your shift started five minutes ago."
"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Tubek kept me late at the shop, some airhead from off-planet brought in his speeder for a last minute working over." Migg Laos shrugged cheerily as she shimmied into her miniskirt, shielded from peeking Toms in the small office behind the bar. Ooron Orhrn, the bartender on duty, watched her amiciably as he leaned against the wall.
"You can't go out there like that." His lopsided gaze ran over Migg. Her sharp featured face, normally pale, was smudged with a dark layer of dirt and grease. Dynamic red curls--usually so carefully pinned--fell in twisted shackles around her perspiring face. She snorted loudly.
"Sure I can. Got to. Nobody'll notice; most of the guys out there'll probably like it." Migg winked at Ooron and then, grabbing her apron, headed out into the din. She picked up two drinks from the bar, set them on a tray, and then tottered her way through the crowd. She delivered one and then glanced back at the bar; Ooron was busy again, but she caught his eye and he shot her a semi-annoyed questioning look.
"Caridan Sunset?" She mouthed. Ooron jerked his head in the general direction of the guy, and Migg wiggled her way over.
She'd been hammering away at this job the last few months, trying to keep up with her rent but failing miserably like most who lived down here. It was the usual story on Coruscant; you worked one job to pay your rent, another to keep you fed, and always had the odd employment opportunity on the back burner in the likely event you lost one job because of the other.
Growing up down here, Migg had learned a thing a two. And so, when she felt her "undercity" instincts tremble, she'd looked around. Sure it had surprised her to see a kid in here, but it had happened before. After a few moments of observation, Migg recognized the absurdly furtive movements of the child. She sighed; they'd all done it of course, but that didn't mean she was about to let the scamp rob their customers.
Glancing over at the bouncer, Migg motioned slightly with her head at the girl, then plunked down the Caridan Sunset and swished a few customers over to watch.
Jakobi Skorne
Oct 25th, 2005, 01:22:16 PM
Jakobi took another swig of his whiskey. He noticed the red-headed waitress nod to him, indicating someone. It was a matron to the bar, a small, lithe woman. She had the look of a thief about her. Best to wait for her to act. He took another hearty swig, pulling out a cigar and lighting it as he did so. Taking a drag, he blew perfect smoke rings, enjoying the cigar. He diverted his attention, gazing elsewhere. But while he kept looking about, a look of disdain upon his face, he was still keeping a watch on the young, dark-haired woman out of the corner of his eye. He mutters quietly to himself.
"Please don't be a thief...Don't want to have to toss out a woman."
Oct 26th, 2005, 01:42:21 AM
S'shuuur watched tonight's scene from his usual seat in the back corner of the pub. He enjoyed watching the bouncers take their personal troubles out on the drunks - who were, in turn, taking theirs out on the various employees and patrons of the bar. Of course, the bouncers would never admit their reasons - they were always the tough guy type, the ones who put all their effort into looking good, and very little into actually being good. But that was always the reason - at least, almost always.
He watched the bouncer carefully as he returned to his booth. Today, it wasn't for enjoyment that he watched him so carefully - it was for safety. When S'shuuur was taking jobs, he could never be too careful. The authorities on Coruscant weren't all that fond of smugglers and mercenaries, and all it would take is for that bouncer to find out and go blabbing on him before S'shuuur would find himself sharpening his claws on the walls of the Coruscant Prison.
When he was sure that the bouncer had been completely subdued by his own self-pity, S'shuuur turned to the other occupant of the booth.
[So it's a killing you want, is it?]
He spoke the words in his native tongue - Togorians, due to their physical structure, were incapable of speaking basic. After a few moments of translation, the figure sitting opposite of him spoke.
"A killing? Perhaps. I just want it back. Do whatever you need to get it."
S'shuuur smiled smugly.
[Have no fear. It shall be accomplished as you desire.]
The man, a shady-looking, long-haired swoop racer, began to get up, but was stopped by S'shuuur's upraised hand.
[I believe you're forgetting something.] The swooper gave him an obviously perplexed look, still halfway out of the seat. [I require payment in advance.]
"Of course."
He sat again, taking a small datapad out of his pocket and punching in a few figures. Once he had finished the credit transfer, he nodded at S'shuuur, who similarly produced his own datapad.
[50,000 credits, as we agreed.] He looked back up at the biker. [For now, we have nothing further to discuss. I will contact you when the job has been completed.]
The biker rose from his seat, casually making his way out to the street. Once he was sufficiently out of earshot, S'shuuur himself rose, walking casually toward the booth where the bouncer sat, still wallowing in whatever grief had befallen him. Best to make sure nothing had been seen - if his conversation had been overheard, the bouncer might need to experience some unfortunate accident in the near future...
The bouncer was still downing his whisky, and had even made some good headway on a cigar - that was a good sign. To all appearances, he had absolutely no clue what had just taken place. One less person S'shuuur would have to kill tonight. He leaned over toward the bouncer, speaking in what passed for a Togorian whisper.
[Excuse me, but I think there might be some rather shady business going on over there.] He pointed at a couple of men speaking in hushed voices in a far booth. [Perhaps you should check it out?]
Jakobi Skorne
Oct 28th, 2005, 08:45:19 PM
Jakobi had noted the Togorian, but simply did not worry about the meeting. Or the fact that someone had just passed him some credits. It was all too typical for some shifty individual to accept some credits for a job.
As the Togorian began speaking, it was clear he was trying to whisper, though Togorians, by Jakobi's assumption, were not quiet individuals. Jakobi nods at his voice.
"It's not my place to worry about shady business. If it were my job, you'd be among those who have been tossed out the door. Your business is simply your own, unless your business is to disrupt the business of this bar. If that's the case, again you would be out."
Jakobi took a drag of his cigar, flipping the ashes into the ashtray. He would not be intimidated by a walking shag rug. Abiding his time with the cigar, he stalled, letting the words sink into the semi-thick skull of the Togorian.
After a second or two of awkward silence, Jakobi motioned for the opposite chair.
"But thank you for the information. Now drink with me."
Oct 28th, 2005, 09:53:42 PM
He didn't let it show on his face, but, internally, S'shuuur smiled. He had been right about this one, too - drowning his sorrows in whiskey and bouncing. Raising one clawed hand, and making no effort to retract said claws, he scratched his chin thoughtfully. Why should he have to sit and drink with some ill-begotten bouncer? It was not in the Togorian's nature to comfort humans - after all, the humans had never had any comfort to offer him. It had been humans who had shunned his family for their fearsome appearance, forcing them to live off of the remains of those who angered them. It was humans who had looked down upon the Togorians' inability to speak basic, calling them unintelligent - a mistake made by many now deceased. It was the humans who put a tariff on his very existence, forcing him to pay huge service fees to any who allowed him to enter their store, an act of "kindness" performed only out of fear.
It was the humans who had killed his clanmates, leaving him alone in the harsh streets of Coruscant's lower city...
He sighed heavily and lowered his hand, looking down at the bouncer. It was nice to be accepted, for once.
[Very well, bouncer. I will drink with you - on the condition that you buy the drinks. I have no intention of paying the tariff against Togorians for worthless intoxicants.]
Retracting his claws in the traditional Togorian offer of peace, he extended one hand in greeting. Over nine feet tall - average height for Togorians - he had to bend down considerably.
[I am S'shuuur, of the Togorian Yil Clan. I serve as a sort of hand-for-hire in these parts]
If the bouncer was truly as uncaring for shady dealings as he claimed, S'shuuur had no worries of revealing his career to the man. If he was lying... well, that was what claws were for.
Jakobi Skorne
Oct 30th, 2005, 10:14:13 PM
Jakobi took a drag of his cigar.
"A tariff just for being a Togorian? And I thought I had it rough....And you see, if I invited you to drink with me, then it is customary for me to buy the drinks. Or at least, if I were an 'honorable' individual..."
Taking a drink, Jakobi flags down one of the faceless waitresses that he saw bustling about. He takes another drag from the cigar, until it was useless to smoke it any longer. This only took a few seconds. Exhaling the smoke in a large plume, Jakobi makes his order.
"Two more bottles of Cardian Sunset for us....and it's on my tab."
As the waitress saunters off, shaking her package ever so slightly as she did so, Jakobi turned to S'shuuur.
"Benefits for working at a bar...A hand-for-hire, you say? How's the business?"
Oct 30th, 2005, 10:50:00 PM
S'shuuur aimlessly waved a hand through the air, as if stirring something within.
[It's been better, I suppose. Still, it pays well - if it weren't for these damned tariffs.]
The waitress returned swiftly, setting the drinks on the table, to which S'shuuur gladly responded by downing nearly half the glass. The humans could say anything they wanted about S'shuuur, but he could still hold his liquor.
[Just because the Togorians look different than most of the trash down here, the humans put a tariff on us. All the vendors seem to be in it together - I can't find a good price anywhere in the lower city. It makes one glad that desperate humans are willing to pay such high prices for my work.]
He let out a meowing laugh - the kind that one uses to hide ones inner pain.
[Of course, I'm the only Togorian left here, after those bounty hunters found my clanmates. A shame, really - if I can ever find a way off this rock, I'll be doing some hunting myself. Unfortunately, the lower city officials have even gone so far as to deny me access to the upper city, so there's not much chance of that happening - not without some help, anyway.]
Jakobi Skorne
Oct 31st, 2005, 06:28:46 PM
"Hmm, that's gotta, for lack of better terms, suck."
Jakobi took a drink that, to the surprise of any drinkers looking, matched that of the Togorian. Jakobi, his thirst slaked, continues.
"Well, there is something that I can do.....You tell me what to buy, and get the proper creds, and I'll make the purchase for you. Hell, you can be there if you want, to ensure your investment. And as for the hunting of your clansmen, it is better to make plans for such an event when the means is necessary, and never before. To do so would cause uncontrollable hatred and rage, which in turn leads to bold and decisively stupid acts of a being that has nothing to lose. Remember, no matter how little you have, your life is always something that can be lost."
Jakobi took another swig.
"And when the means and the plans are in place, have backups, a 'Plan B.' And insurance. Lots of it. Basically, cover the hindquarters while arming the front. It's a juggling scheme, but it can be done."
Jakobi, taking a breath, looks about with his eyes, never once moving his head, before he continues, just low enough for the two to hear.
"You an 'errand boy,' a 'laundry man,' or a 'Fido?' And what's your standing rate?"
Oct 31st, 2005, 07:06:33 PM
S'shuuur laughed softly - so that was the deal. This man was in need of S'shuuur's... services.
[I do nearly everything, Bouncer. And my rate depends on the job. Though...] He paused for a moment, allowing his newly-born idea to develop. [In exchange for your aid in evading the tariffs, I might be persuaded to allow some discount. In fact, depending on the amount of aid rendered and the nature of the job, I might be willing to call it an even exchange.]
Whatever money he may lose from such a proposal, the avoidance of tariffs - and possibly even the ability to visit the upper city, even find some of the resident bounty hunters of coruscant, far outweighed the loss. Depending on how far this man was willing to go, it was an exchange S'shuuur was more than willing to make.
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 2nd, 2005, 07:19:40 PM
"Ah, everything...."
Jakobi took a swig, swallowing hard.
"Actually, I don't need someone to do a job for me. I just wanted to know what the swoop racer was paying you and for what. You see, if it's really worth his while, you can milk it for more creds. In fact, call him or contact him, and simply say that you have a better offer. If he is desperate, like you think he is, he will up the pay a bit. You are a Togorian, and as a clansman, you shouldn't accept too little for your services. You see, what they're doing is playing to the stereotypical 'big and dumb' traits that most sizeable aliens are assumed to be. Prove 'em wrong, and then dazzle them with lies. You have better paying and better jobs that you are passing up; play that and they will make it worth your while with more creds. And if they don't, then tell them to screw off. This city's big enough; the underbelly of it is just as big, and filled with just as many good job opportunities."
Jakobi reached for another cigar.
"You get where I'm coming from?"
Nov 2nd, 2005, 08:42:20 PM
[An interesting thought, Bouncer. Still, I am not the only mercenary in this part of Coruscant, and raising my prices would only send my clients elsewhere. I make fair gain off of my doings. In fact, this biker paid me quite well for my job. It seems someone has taken his swoop - a simple thief. Perhaps he poses some danger to this racer, but he is by no means a difficult kill for any trained mercenary. The agreed-upon price of 50,000 credits is a high price already for such an easy job - a price that took much convincing - and more than a little threatening - to receive. The great Boba Fett himself, in fact, would make little more from such a job.]
He sent the bouncer a sharp look, making a very obvious display of flexing his claws.
[Perhaps it is you who underestimates my intelligence. If that is the case, I can assure you, you will not make the same mistake twice.]
He guzzled the remainder of the glass, slamming it on the table. Glancing at his empty glass, he flagged down the red-haired girl who was flitting about, serving drinks.
[Waitress! Another drink!]
Togorian males were never much for being polite.
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 3rd, 2005, 06:44:43 PM
Jakobi smiled.
"Well, from that, it is obvious that you positively do one of two things: either you fail to comprehend Basic, or you simply do not listen. I merely suggested to play the market; no one person has ever priced themselves out of the market.....But, for a swoop bike, fifty thousand is a pretty good price. And Boba Fett plays the market himself. He only accepts certain jobs, and for certain prices. Anything too low, he simply ignores it."
Jakobi produced his cigar, lighting it as he took a large drag.
"But what does bother me about your predicament, is the price. It's great. In fact, it's too great. There's more to it than a simple thief pilfering a simple swoop biker's vehicle. Either way, it would be prudent to carry some sort of insurance. Maybe a crew, of at least two. Here's my proposal: you scope the job out, find out if it requires more than yourself. If so, then I will accompany you for a small cut of the fees. And if it's more than we can handle, then you and I recruit some others to get the job done. And once the bike is in tow, either take the good price of fifty thousand, or hold out for more. The latter is up to you."
Jakobi takes another swig of his bottle, not quite emptying it.
Nov 4th, 2005, 03:10:39 PM
Fiddling absently with her shirt cuff, Joe sat quietly beneath the table. She watched her target, but made no move to seperate his credits from him just yet. A sound had caught her attention, from the other side of the bar, and she turned her head in its' direction.
A Togorian!! She'd heard of the species, but had never been able to really see one this close.
Curiosity overtaking her desire for credits for the time being, the little girl watched intently for a few minutes before crawling out from beneath the table.
She wanted a closer look, and was determined to get one.
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 7th, 2005, 07:05:19 PM
The thieving girl had just revealed herself. And strangely enough, she wasn't stealing. She was staring in Jakobi's direction, he noted, but from the direction of the stare, it didn't seem to be him that she was staring at. That would leave....
....the Togorian, S'shuuur. Apparently she was the ever-so-curious thief. Chances are, she had never seen a Togorian before. Jakobi had, and had even fought with another Togorian, and won. It was no big thing to him. Like a typical feline, tear off the whiskers, and they have difficulties. Whether it was depth perception or the fact that ripping out the hair on someone's face more often than not hurt like hell, Jakobi had no clue, but didn't question it. The beaten and booted Togorian was causing trouble, and Jakobi simply did his job. Bouncing and roughing people up was his business, and business was good.
Not to mention, she probably hadn't seen a being like Jakobi either. Unlike the Togorian, he didn't belong to one race: he was something of a mutt, a half-breed. But he didn't look like half of any race. He looked like a human: a very well built, solid human.
Deciding it would deter her if she were notice, Jakobi looked straight at the thief, and motioned for her to come and sit with himself and the Togorian. He then looked at S'shuuur, smiling as he did so.
"You have a fan."
Migg Laos
Nov 8th, 2005, 02:57:08 AM
"Waitress! Another drink!"
Migg frowned at the brute, setting down the last of the drinks on her tray at a nearby table. Working at the garage during the day she'd gotten used to being ordered around by the boys, big tough men who didn't think she had any business messing around on their turf. Their orders were the kind that clearly showed their impatience, their complete condescendance--waiting for her to 'grow up' and realize that she wanted to settle down and pop out a few rugrats, not crouch over a speeder and poke at it's innards.
That didn't mean she liked it.
Smiling stiffly at the Togorian, Migg took her sweet time in going to the bar, chatting it up with one of the regulars as he nursed a pint. After a good fifteen minutes the woman mosied over to the table and set the drinks down. Hard. "Here ya go. Enjoy."
She narrowed her eyes at Jacobi, reaching out and catching hold of his drink with one pale hand. "Hey, ain't you on duty?" One cherry eyebrow rose. "I ain't aimin' to hafta get between any fights tonight 'cause you've been throwin' 'em back."
Nov 8th, 2005, 09:30:15 AM
S'shuuur glanced inconspicuously at the young girl across the bar.
[So it would seem.]
He continued to observe the young girl, making note of her strange movements as she attempted to conceal her interest in the togorian. Strange girl - most people without experience with togorians ran away, or at least kept their distance. But this girl was different, she...
His musings were interrupted by a loud thud as his drink was forced onto the table. Glancing back at the bouncer, he noticed that the red haired girl had taken hold of his drink. He smiled wrily.
[Seems you have a fan as well, Bouncer.]
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 8th, 2005, 07:35:02 PM
Jakobi smiled at the waitress, hearing S'shuuur's taunt. Laughing, Jakobi quickly snatches the bottle from her.
"Just because I'm 'throwing them back' doesn't mean I intend to get wasted. Besides, I have to earn my keep as well. And if I drink the bar out of booze, then the patrons quit coming.....and I will eventually lose my job. And it's all downhill from there, baby..."
Swilling down the last of the bottle, Jakobi grins wolfishly at the waitress, tossing the bottle to her.
"And that's the last for me."
Puffing on the cigar, Jakobi looks pointedly at the two.
"And my name is Jakobi. Jakobi Skorne. Not 'hey you!'"
He laughs heartily, smiling at the two. Plumes of smoke whisped outward from his nose and mouth.
Nov 14th, 2005, 05:54:52 PM
Joe stopped her advance a short ways from the Togorian, shuffling in and out of moving patrons to keep her spot on the floor. This soon became too much of a hassle, and the small girl decided it best to take shelter beneath a table. Her eye searched for a few moments before finding a suitable place to watch. She had paid the man across from the Togorian no mind - it was the alien that had her captivated.
Sitting comfortably beneath a table a short ways away, Joe resumed watching with intent.
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 14th, 2005, 09:11:38 PM
Jakobi shakes his head.
"If you'll excuse me, S'shuuur, I have to go to the men's room. I'll be back."
Getting up, Jakobi makes his way through the bar to the men's room.
A minute later, Jakobi comes out of the dirty men's room, hands soft from the soap that he washed his hands with. A glance around the bar noted no problematic customers. And the thief had moved to another table, where she sat underneath, staring at the Togorian. Fortunately that table was currently empty, so Jakobi decided to sit down at the very same table. He speaks, loud enough for the thief underneath to hear.
"If you want to get to know your first Togorian, then get out from under the table and come sit with us. I promise that I won't bite, but I can't say the same for my tablemate."
Jakobi smiles, offering the girl underneath the table a hand up. It was now her move as to whether or not she takes it.
Migg Laos
Nov 17th, 2005, 02:18:50 AM
Migg rolled her eyes as Jacobi excused himself to go to the restroom. She picked up his empty glass and put it on her tray, nodding shortly to S'shuuur before winding her way back to the bar to pick up the next order. Someone pinched her backside as she walked by, which made her jump. A hearty round of laughs were shared by the patrons sitting around the table. Migg smiled with syrupy sweetness and winked at the old dog who'd grabbed her; he looked to be in his sixties and, despite the squeeze, had a kind air about him.
"Hey Migg!" She turned to look at the bar. "Stop flirting with the customers and take these over to Jijir and the gang!" A quick glance around and she spotted the regulars; Migg groaned inwardly. Their table was beside Jacobi and the Togorian.
Kaisuko Midama
Nov 17th, 2005, 10:38:57 AM
Kaisuko Midama wasent looking to good, not down on his luck at all, just tired of all the regular places he went to. So after hearing about a quaint little bar in the lower levels, he decided he would pay it a little visit.
{Quaint indeed} Muttered Kai under his breath, wrapping his Black silk trench around himself as he walked through the door, his Silver and blue eyes casualy passing over the other customers as he made his way over to the only empty table he could see.
Taking a seat he waved to the waitress and waited for her to come over. he looked around and spotted the Togorian and smiled for the first time since he had entered the lower levels that morning.
Nov 17th, 2005, 10:22:46 PM
S'shuuur nodded as Jakobi rose. Obviously, the man had no need to use the restroom - evidenced by the fact that, upon his return, he took a seat at another table, underneath which hid a small child.
Diverting his eyes from the young thief, S'shuuur looked around the bar - surely there was something more of interest while he waited on Jakobi. Glancing around, he noticed a smile on the face of a young man, eyes fixed on him. Standing, he made his way to the newcomer's table, taking a seat across from him and donning his best business air.
[Is there something I can help you with?]
Kaisuko Midama
Nov 20th, 2005, 11:46:13 PM
Kaisuko shook his head, although he looked like he was intersted in the race of the man in front of him, he didint want to talk much for some reason, unusal for him.
{ Not really....unless...} He held up a small holopicture of his sister and asked. {Have you seen this woman?} he said, his eyes filled with questions.
Nov 26th, 2005, 06:43:02 PM
Interrupted in her observations, Joe pulled a frustrated look as she stood up from beneath the table. She only turned a childlike glare of disapproval to the man who'd spoken to her.
"I've met plenty of Togorians, mister." A slight fib.
"Now stop eyeballing me or I'll yell mynock."
It was a trick she'd used plenty of times, crying mynock in an establishment full of patrons. The speed with which people vacated their tables had always been nothing short of impressive; after all, who wanted to eat their food and drink their drinks when the threat of such a thing loomed overhead?
Jakobi Skorne
Nov 30th, 2005, 04:31:03 PM
"Go ahead, and try to cry 'mynock' if you wish. It'll just get you thrown out on your backside. And I'm eyeballing you because you're eyeballing my patron's pockets. I know you need to make a dishonest living somewhere, but it's not to be done here....."
Jakobi smiled at her, letting the message sink in.
"The invitation to meet, greet, and drink with me and my tablemate still stands. You in?"
Jakobi kept his hand down, still offered to her, should she choose to take it.
Dec 4th, 2005, 04:05:24 PM
Joe gave the bouncer's offered hand a look of disdain. "I'm already standing."
She didn't like him, but if putting up with his attitude meant being close to the Togorian, Joe would grudgingly deal with it. Heading for the Togorian's table without so much as a glance back at the bouncer, the girl hrmphed to herself. Even if she'd been thrown out for yelling mynock, it wouldn't have mattered - the whole place would've emptied out lickety split. She wouldn't have been out on the sidewalk on her own.
Kaisuko Midama
Dec 4th, 2005, 09:51:57 PM
Kaisuko Laughed slightly at the Girl, she was smart, somewhat at least, Yelling mynock would empty the place pretty fast. { Hey...Why don't you take it a step further and Scream Sith?} Said Kai, a Smirk spred across his face. He knew how highly Unlikely it would be that a sith would actualy show in a place like this but it would be funny to see the patrons reaction to it.
Jakobi Skorne
Dec 8th, 2005, 08:07:38 PM
Jakobi only smirked at the man's statement.
"Actually, I think mynock would've worked better...."
Jakobi pulls up a chair at the table, next to the Togorian. He looks to the woman, and offers her the chair in an attempt to be polite. Jakobi's mother always told him to be polite to women, but not to let them walk all over him. And he had already laid down the ground rules with the woman thief. Now it was time for ettiqute.
"After you, ma'am."
Dec 9th, 2005, 12:36:47 PM
<font color="#666666">OOC: Sorry for the delay in my posting. RL stuff/Lack of creativity/What is the posting order???</font>
S'shuuur shook his head.
[No, I'm afraid not.]
He glanced up as the young child took a seat.
[Welcome back, Jakobi.] He looked at the young girl, one clawed finger scratching a persistant itch under his chin. She was still eyeing him very curiously. [Is there something I can help you with... miss...]
He took another huge drink of his Caridan Sunset. It was empty again.
Jakobi Skorne
Dec 10th, 2005, 11:36:06 AM
Jakobi took his seat to the Togorian's left, and spoke, motioning to the Togorian.
"This is S'shuuur. S'shuuur, this is...."
Jakobi looks to the girl, hoping she would fill in the blanks.
OOC: And as for posting order, it's not hard. And really, establishing it would cause it not to flow as easily. So simply put, post wherever it feels natural to post at.
Migg Laos
Dec 13th, 2005, 04:51:39 PM
Migg stiffened at the familiar voice and grit her teeth, heading to the bar to pick up refills. Ooron grinned at her, obviously unconcerned that the vein in her neck was about to burst through her skin. He passed her another glass of Sunset. "Gimme a fizzyglug, too." Migg said as an afterthought. "I'm goin' outside for a stimbreak after this."
"No way, you were late and we're busy!"
Migg left her tray on the counter, opting to carry the two drinks. She waited until she was a few customers away to call over her shoulder, "See you after my break!". It was the work of nimble feet to rope her way back to Jacobi's table (she was choosing to ignore the Togorian's existance as much as possible). As she set the drinks down, Migg gave a rare smile to the kid and pushed the cherry fizzyglug over.
"On the house. Least we can do if you've gotta put up with these guys." She winked wickedly.
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