View Full Version : Mission Report (Invite Only)

Oct 23rd, 2005, 04:59:33 PM
They were here. It had taken Saveer two standard weeks to track them down, plus travel time, but they were here - and he was just in time for the monthly meeting. Fortunately enough, he had a front-row seat inside a hollowed-out Wroshyr branch. Through a small knothole, he watched as the meeting began to take place.

His position offered him safety enough from prying eyes - the only open section of the branch was the hole on the top through which he had climbed, and it was several feet behind him. Unfortunately, this hideout was not without its drawbacks - the space was very cramped and uncomfortable, even for someone as small as Saveer; fitting a human in there would have been entirely impossible. Worse, being so far away, and encased in wood, almost nullified any sound that might come from the surface. To add insult to injury, the forest seemed to be throwing off his bugging devices. His only means of information, then, was his ability to read lips, meaning he would only get the half of the conversation he could see.

Watching closely through his macrobinoculars, he examined the group - there were a few obvious smugglers and perhaps a mercenary or two, but the majority looked like simple-minded civilians. This would make the work that much easier. One of them, Saveer noted, had a small cylindrical object clipped to a belt. A lightsaber? It could be, but cryoban grenades, along with a number of other objects, held a very similar appearance. From this distance, it was impossible to identify, even with macrobinoculars. Besides, owning a lightsaber does not make one a Jedi...

As Saveer continued to watch, the meeting was brought to order. A tall, heavily-built man - the same one who's belt held the strange object - stepped to the center of the circle of men, speaking and making large hand gestures to emphasize his points. He turned about the circle as he spoke, causing Saveer to lose much of the conversation. There was something about a member choking on a piece of fruit; he had become too meddlesome. It was a shame to put down such an easy information source... The leader also made mention of the Dark Side and the Sith, though Saveer couldn't determine whether this was future planning or a history lesson, or even whether they knew of their current existence on Korriban.

Saveer continued to watch as the meeting played itself out. A few members stood to announce mission verdicts, several suggestions were made to submit support to the Jedi, and a few offers of men wanting to learn the Force themselves. All-in-all, though, the meeting was short, ending after just nigh of a half hour. Crawling back through his cubby-hole, he made his way to the entrance he had so craftily carved. With little difficulty, he eased through the opening and perched himself on top of the branch, casually removing a datapad from a belt pouch. The group had dismissed, and the members were leaving the forest clearing from the only exit pathway, directly opposite the tree from which Saveer had been watching. Suddenly, however, one of the group members stopped, turning to look directly at Saveer's branch. It was totally empty. The man turned, scratching his head and looking quite perplexed as he began to leave the clearing.

There was a dull thud as the man hit the forest floor.


Saveer walked casually into the Catacomb - the same place he had been briefed weeks ago by his Master, Jorshal Vuntana. He had sent Jorshal a message via comlink upon his arrival in Korriban's atmosphere, and there had since been ample time for Jorshal to - ah, yes. There he was. Saveer knelt on one knee.

"Master, I am ready to give my report on the Jedi Venerates."

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 27th, 2005, 03:17:56 PM
The catacomb was empty save for Saveer and Jorshal, silence ensued between Saveer's opening statment and Jorshal's response. Shortly after the training mission, Jorshal had requested the use of Saveer's services in learning more about a potential band of Jedi Venerates. At first, the information was sketchy, Jorshal had no clue if the group really existed or if it was just a hoax. Regardless, it could not be ignored. As the Sith Order's chief intelligence gatherer, Saveer had returned with at least the knowledge of the existance of the group.

"Please share." Jorshal said as he found a seat against the wall.

Oct 27th, 2005, 06:40:58 PM
Saveer rose, likewise seating himself against one of the many stone pillars that held the ceiling in place. After a quick stretch of his fingers - they had been gripping the controls of the Maiden's Voyage for at least an hour - he removed a datapad from one of his belt pouches and began skimming it for important information.

"They have set up a base of operations in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, and they hold meetings every month to discuss the state of affairs. From my position, I couldn't make out very much of what they were saying - the forest causes a lot of interference with bugging devices, so I had to resort to lip-reading to ensure my continued anonymity."

He entered a few commands into the datapad, finally bringing up the file he was looking for.

"They mentioned something about the Sith, but I couldn't catch enough to know their intentions." He looked up. "It's possible they were referring to the recent deaths of Vader and Palpatine, or even to the ancient Sith race that once lived here on Korriban." He looked back at the datapad, searching for any pertinent information. "I also have reason to believe that the apparent leader of the group is a Jedi, but that suspicion remains unconfirmed. He wore an object bearing resemblance to a lightsaber, but," he gestured to the cryoban grenades he himself wore, "it could be something else, as well. And, given that it is a lightsaber, there are ways of obtaining such artifacts without ties to the Force. For the most part, the group is made up of smugglers and commoners, with perhaps a few mercenary members."

He looked at Jorshal again.

"I think you should also know that I was forced to take down two members. Have no fear, though - their superiors are convinced that their deaths were accidental."

He extended an arm, offering the datapad to Jorshal.

"This datapad has a complete report, Master. There are many minor details to go over, and this information would be to your great assistance, I'm sure."

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 28th, 2005, 08:00:54 PM
He took the datapad from Saveer and scanned the displayed information. "Do you know if they meet there frequently? If not, do you now where the will meet next?"

Oct 28th, 2005, 09:00:30 PM
"From the information I have gathered, they have made Kashyyyk their permanent base of operations. They meet in the same place once every month - their next meeting will be in 2 weeks and 5 days. The jump from Kashyyyk to Korriban takes some time, though a faster ship could make the jump in as little as 5 days." He leaned forward slightly. "If we leave soon, we can arrive in time for the next meeting." He paused, seemingly awaiting some response from Jorshal, who was still reviewing the notes. "Does this please you, Master?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 1st, 2005, 05:24:28 PM
"No, the situation is quite irritating as a matter of fact. Your work, however, is commendable. We must take action quickly, Jedi Veneration can not be allowed at all."

"We will join them at their next gathering, I'll have our fastest ship fired up. But it will take some time to draw up plans... meet me here in an hour and I'll have a briefing ready as well as the rest assembled. Until later Saveer, good work." Jorshal stood up and walked to a set of displays preparing the first attack of the newly formed Sith.

Yurza Magus
Nov 2nd, 2005, 11:23:22 PM
Yurza walked in shortly before that hour was up. He had gotten a transmission from Jorshal and it indeed sound promising. He saw his fellow Sith viewing displays and walked up beside him. "Kashyyyk? Been there a few times. Hated it."

Nov 2nd, 2005, 11:48:45 PM
Placing both hands on the giant doors that lead into the Catacombs where Jorshal said to meet, Tarsis pushed them open and entered. Upon entering, Tarsis saw Saveer and Jorshal who was viewing a display along with someone Tarsis had yet to meet. Without paying much attention to Yurza, Tarsis walked over next to Jorshal and said with a hint of amusement on his voice, "You call Jorshal?"

Dakler Terrcin
Nov 3rd, 2005, 11:21:49 PM
Dakler rushed into the catacombs, looking slightly distracted. He hardly noticed that anyone else what there.
"Sorry if I'm late" he said. "I had some...ummmm....business..., off planet I had to take care of."

Suddenly noticing the small crowd beginning to gather, he said "Anyways.....what is this, some sort of we-like-to-kill-people-and-bathe-in-their-blood-anonymous meeting?"

Baralai Lotus
Nov 4th, 2005, 08:43:13 PM
Baralai stepped in, lighting up a cigarette as he went. He smiled as he stepped in and saw everyone, lifting a finger to Yurza, Tarsis and Jorshal. He just let his smile etch across his face, this was going to be his first mission as a knight. It was time to display what power he had.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 7th, 2005, 10:14:47 AM
"Alright, it looks like this is it." He said outloud gathering everyone's attention. He walked to a circular flat display and invited everyone to meet him. "We've got ourselves an issue on Kashyyyk that threatens our role in this galaxy." He spread his hands out on the display, leaning on them. "It has come to my attention, through the intelligence efforts of Saveer, that there is a group of Jedi venerates on Kashyyyk. They emulate the Jedi way, yet are not Forcers themselves. They treat the Jedi like demi-gods, like they are holy warriors sent as a gift from the Force itself."

He exhaled. Hopefully everyone could see why this was a major problem. "The last thing we need are hordes of people acting in the name of the Jedi. It is hazardous to the very fiber of our being that Jedi culture spreads. This development needs to be stopped and now."

"Our missionobjectives are as follows." He punched a few commands into the console and data based on Saveer's findings appeared in the center display and on the datapad screens around the circular console. "One: We terminate most venerates, save for the leader and a few to spread word to other potential groups of venerates Two: We collect every artifact, book, relic, ect. that we can find. We don't know for sure but some of them may be carrying parts to a lightsaber, maybe crystals. Third: Saveer reported that there may have been a Jedi present. In the event this proves to be true, avoid conflict, especially the acolytes. A Jedi Master would make short work of any of us. Not that the Jedi is a master, but we can't risk it."

"The chances that the Imperial Inquisorate show up is high. As I'm sure you all know, Baralai had a run in with them a while ago. They're not kind people." He glanced at his fellow knight who now wore an eyepatch and couldn't speak due to having his tongue cut out.

"We are going to be divided into three teams of two. Each will be headed by Yurza, Baralai and myself with an apprentice of each leader's choice."

"Team one will make initial contact and begin the extermination. Team two is to persue all that make for escape. Team three is to capture the leader and a few remaining venerates as well as secure major artifacts from the gathering."

"There's about a fifty percent chance of strong resistance, blasters, grenades and vibroblades. Their gathering spot in the lower levels of the jungle is a dangerous spot for all. Mind the carnivore plants, vicious animals, poisonous thorns, ect. If worse comes to worst, don't try to escape to the lower levels. It only gets more dangerous the farther you go down. Maintain general contact through comms or telepathy to avoid confusion."

"Any questions?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 7th, 2005, 10:36:44 AM
OOC: The training mission will be divided up into three threads within the storytelling forum to avoid confusion and such an unreadable mess in a single thread. Knights: Pick your objective, pick your partner, start your thread. Pick a character who's particular skills would be most useful.

For example: Taris is a heavy hitter, good with physical duties. Saveer is quick, good at gathering intel and info. Dakler is skilled with stealth and also physically oriented.

How each objective turns out is up to the two writer's creativity! This may end with a crushing defeat to TSO as three different Jedi show up, it may be a total victory or a phyrric victory (victory at a large cost). Everyone has as much input into this story as they can muster.

Each set of partners has the option to create as many non-roleplayed characters as they see fit to flesh out their story. Sharing of non-roleplayed characters is encouraged, but be sure to communicate with another team to do so. All Jedi that might show up are to be non-roleplayed.

Be sure to include something in the title that designates your thread as part of TSO training mission. For example: mine might be titled Dark Stalking (TSO training mission) or TSO Training Mission: Dark Stalking.

I'll read each thread and post story major updates in this thread to keep each team informed of general happenings.

Remember, other Roleplayers on Fans will be reading through our posts. It's going to be hard not to when three threads show up each toting TSO training mission. Make an impression, each of you have huge potential.

I'm excited to see this work, hopefully it will. Good writing to you all.

BTW: I'll make my pick once Baralai and Yurza have.

Yurza Magus
Nov 7th, 2005, 10:44:05 AM
Yurza started to shake his head and then stopped. "How many mentalist besides myself are there here?"

Nov 9th, 2005, 01:39:14 PM
Tarsis watched and listened as Jorshal explained the mission objectives. Although he didn’t like the idea of a Jedi being present, if it even was a Jedi, Tarsis nodded his head in agreement with Jorshal. This, indeed, was hazardous to the Sith cause and needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.

As Jorshal finished, Tarsis, resting one hand on the hilt of his vibrosword, glanced around at the others as Yurza spoke out. With a smirk, Tarsis replied, "Don't look this way my friend. My skill lies with my sword."

Nov 9th, 2005, 01:44:11 PM
Saveer yawned as he stood from his resting place. He had taken the opportunity to recouperate after returning from his first mission.

"Perhaps I could be of use to you, Yurza. I suppose the height of my skill with the Force lies in my mental abilities, and my skill in illusions is growing rapidly."

Baralai Lotus
Nov 10th, 2005, 01:21:56 PM
Baralai smirked when Jorshal acknowledged him in his reference to the Inquisitoriate. It was true that they were merciless, and they would do whatever they could to make one suffer until they had the information they wanted. Baralai had no intention of going back there unless it was to tear the building down and kill everyone inside it.

He strode from up to the side of Tarsis and placed a hand on his shoulder. He was acknowledging Tarsis as his partner. His strength would be well placed, and he would be good in the field of battle. He knew that Tarsis would be helpful, and he intended to use Tarsis to his full potential.

Dakler Terrcin
Nov 10th, 2005, 06:33:18 PM
The Knights chose their apprentices, and Dakler couldn't help but feel like kids on a playground...Especially when he was last -- apparently they thought he was the Force equivilant of a fat kid in dodgeball. The thought wasn't comforting...

What kind of commander would let things work like this anyways? Dakler had expected the Sith to be more like a military: the commander decides what combination of men is most likly to complete an objective, and then orders them how and when to complete said objective. Perhaps this could work as well, it just wasn't how an outsider would think the Sith functioned.

In any case, there was no use in letting what the others thought effect him. He was already more powerful than he had imagined possible only a year prior. Dakler look to Jorshal, and with a wink, said "I'll try not to slow you down when the fun starts."

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 11th, 2005, 02:24:51 PM
"Right then." He looked at Dakler. "You're with me."

"Everyone knows what to do. We'll break for Kashyyyk tomorrow morning at dawn."

OOC: Knights/leaders, go ahead and start your thread when you get the time. I'll do my best to get mine up asap.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 11th, 2005, 04:36:48 PM
OOC: I've begun the short summery thread to keep you all updated should you nothave the time to read each thread yourself
