View Full Version : Return of the Sith (open)

Yurza Magus
Oct 22nd, 2005, 07:10:41 AM
A light breeze shifted the grass ever so slightly as a form walked lightly, not breaking a single blade. The light skinned man smiled as he came to the entrance of the large castle. He had been gone for so long and could no help but think that the elders would be furious by his sudden absence and reappearance, but that was of little consequnce to the young Sith Knight. Yurza was home.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 22nd, 2005, 12:05:44 PM
"It's good to see you've returned." Jorshal said as he approached from behind Yurza. He had known the moment Yurza set foot on Korriban that one of the Order's greatest potentials had returned. "Your timing is flawless."

Yurza Magus
Oct 22nd, 2005, 10:03:18 PM
Yurza smirked and cocked his head towards his left shoulder. His blonde bangs falling infront of him and partially blocking his physical view. "And you would be...Jorshal?"

He hadn't spent much time outside of his room since being gone so it was surpirsing that someone knew of him. "And why would that be?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 23rd, 2005, 04:12:01 PM
"It would be because The Sith Order is in need of its knights right now." He said. "And flawless timing for yourself as well. beleive it or not you're technically one of the senior most members here. Great things await you" He smiled. It amazed him that someone could be gone for such a long time and yet remain one of the senior members. It made a statement about the Order. Everyone there was young and unexperienced, only a few outside Yurza and Jorshal had barely attained knight status. Somone with a little more experience was welcome.

Yurza Magus
Oct 24th, 2005, 01:11:45 AM
He smiled as he turned around and brushed a few stray strands of hair from his face. "Great things were always in store for me as a Sith, but onto other business. What have happened to the others? When I first came here I remember it being slightly more lively than it is now."

Baralai Lotus
Oct 26th, 2005, 10:06:14 AM
Baralai strode quietly from behind Jorshal, his footsteps echoing around them. He looked up, his one eye giving a soft glance at Yurza. Baralai did not remember him very much, but he knew of him. He ran a hand through his black hair, pushing it to the side and stuck out his hand to greet the newcomer. Anyone was welcome these days, and Baralai could feel the force emanating from this one like stench from a Rancor. He had potential.

Yurza Magus
Oct 26th, 2005, 11:04:58 AM
Yurza looked at the hand of the new comer and did not offer his in return. "You would be?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 27th, 2005, 02:01:50 PM
Jorshal held his answer as Baralai introduced himself. Yurza didn't accept his hand in anyform of friendship and that slightly bothered Jorshal. They wanted unity at the Order. However, Yurza was hesitant in a way Jorshal culd understand.

"On behalf on him, this is Baralai Lotus. He had his tongue cut out by the Imperial Inquisorate so you might find communication with hima little difficult right now."

Yurza Magus
Oct 27th, 2005, 03:27:31 PM
Yurza looked back at Baralai and nodded. "I see."

Speaking directly to the young man now he asked, "Have you entertained thoughts of telepathy?"

Baralai Lotus
Oct 27th, 2005, 04:24:03 PM
Baralai nodded affirmatively. He had, but he did not know how to pursue it. He withdrew a hand and pulled out a cigarette, striking it up and taking a soft puff from it. He was conversing in his own way.

Yurza Magus
Oct 27th, 2005, 11:26:31 PM
He returned the smirk with on of his on and the chuckled slightly. He turned back to Jorshal at the moment and motioned to the surrounding palace. "But in all seriousness where is everyone?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 28th, 2005, 07:47:26 PM
"For the most part dead or missing." He said. "First Southstar and Jezreal, then Je'gan... Zereth has disappeared without a trace. LV is still alive and kicking, but we hardly see her around the Palace these days." He paused for a minute. It had seemed like the whole order had fallen apart. "I've been doing my best to keep things alive around here. Group training and whatnot."

Yurza Magus
Oct 29th, 2005, 01:09:34 AM
Yurza nodded. "Well if you would like I've learned a thing or two in my absense. Prehaps you would like some help with the teachings?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 1st, 2005, 01:03:20 PM
"Your help is welcome." Jorshal replied. "We've been working under a new system, however. A knight doesn't need to train an apprentice until that apprentice becomes a knight. It's more of a system of multiple apprenticeships under a different knight each time."

Yurza Magus
Nov 1st, 2005, 04:46:26 PM
Yurza did a slight bow. "Then my skills are at your disposal."

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 1st, 2005, 05:04:52 PM
"No." Jorshal said. "They're at your disposal. I will not be assigning appretniceships nor directing them. Your success as a knight, as well as everyone else's, comes at your own merit. If you're looking to help the order, I think you should know what to do."

Yurza Magus
Nov 2nd, 2005, 11:11:38 PM
Yurza gave a slight smile as he thought about that. "Oh I do. And I have a few ideas that might come to fruitation here."

Baralai Lotus
Nov 4th, 2005, 08:47:37 PM
Baralai smirked and ran a hand through his hair as Yurza spoke, talking about his ideas that would come to fruition. Baralai took a puff from his cigarette and looked over at Jorshal and Yurza. Baralai had his own ideas, and they would start new orders, as well as help this one.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 4th, 2005, 09:31:08 PM
"Very good." Jorshal smiled and nodded once. "I'm going to have to take my leave now. Business, I'm sure you understand. It was good seeing you, Yurza." He turned to Baralai. "I'll see you later, Baralai. Don't forget to stop by about your Alchemy lab." Jorshal began walking down the hall, leaving the two knights to themselves.

Yurza Magus
Nov 4th, 2005, 10:17:59 PM
As Jorshal walked away, Yurza watched for a moment before turning to Baralai and looking the young man down. "There is only we three?"

Baralai Lotus
Nov 4th, 2005, 10:56:38 PM
Baralai shook his head and motioned for him to follow. He turned and began walking, there were others, as Yurza was sure to notice as they walked passed the dormotorie rooms of the Sith Acolytes. He lit up a cigarette and turned back to Yurza, smriking and writing something on a piece of paper, while the cigarette dangled from his mouth.

We are not alone. There are acolytes, and tell me, can you teach me to speak with my mind?

Yurza Magus
Nov 4th, 2005, 11:03:24 PM
Yurza thought for a moment and nodded. He probably could teach Baralai that trick. After all he was a menatlist. Why couldn't he?

"What I meant by my question was where are the other Knights? And Lady Vader?"