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Travis North
Oct 19th, 2005, 04:31:05 PM
Just wondering what people are up to and to say I still lurk here... Oh and to say I need some help, concerning some roleplay.

Y'roth Helghast
Oct 19th, 2005, 05:44:40 PM
what kind of help?

Travis North
Oct 19th, 2005, 06:03:59 PM
Help like, I'm roleplaying in an Empire that doesn't know what it's doing.

The community I'm in has just shifted into the post RotJ part of the timeline and has no clue what to do. From this point on it's pretty customizable RP. But organizations are getting ahead of themselves, the Alliance has immidiatly formed the New Republic and the Jedi Order. As well the Empire wants to conquer all and remain strong against the NR but doesn't know how to go about doing it. To top it all off OOC, moderators are fighting each other. Splitting the community.

Basically since RP is at a halt, I figure this would be the perfect oppourtunity to have a few experts come in and get the ball rolling again.

Telan Desaria
Oct 20th, 2005, 01:28:26 PM
I can help you - just post me a link as to where. things have died here at SWF and I grow sick of trying to revive it and be laughed at for it.

Im all yours Travis.

Travis North
Oct 20th, 2005, 04:02:04 PM
It's mainly a forum for a JKA roleplaying server, but most of the roleplay takes place on the boards.

If anyones interested click here (http://s13.invisionfree.com/RPG_Resurrection/index.php?).

Anybody is welcome to join and assist.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 20th, 2005, 09:08:34 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
I can help you - just post me a link as to where. things have died here at SWF and I grow sick of trying to revive it and be laughed at for it.

Nice attitude.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 20th, 2005, 10:19:15 PM
Why is RPing at a halt here anyway?

*pokes the forum*

I mean, I know that Shadow Squadron, after an inital burst of excitement seems to have dematerialized, but I thought that there was more to the Empire than one squadron.

Oh well, I have to go make spaghetti.

Oct 20th, 2005, 10:41:06 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
I can help you - just post me a link as to where. things have died here at SWF and I grow sick of trying to revive it and be laughed at for it.

Im all yours Travis.

Did you ever think of saying "Screw you losers, I'm gonna do what I want to do!", Telan? I think that's the attitude we all need to start taking with our own ideas and rps.

Tiberius Anar
Oct 21st, 2005, 09:58:58 AM
Well he could, but then we would end up with a lot of VERY disgruntled people. Anyway, we are engineering Desaria's rise to power as Regent.

Which reminds me...must add to my thread for that.

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 02:12:22 PM
I tried the Im going to do it anyway thread and Visc/Khendon had a fit. Silancy, I love you as a sister but in this case you are in the wrong. I have tried here and it has tired me out.

Anar - you may NPC me.

If Jarek ever returns, so may he.

Note to all - I am leaving SWF sometime next month as I have been offered a position in the Ami military. Yes, it is ironic, but it is the chance to return to soldiering.

I will continue tp rp until my departure and I may lurk now and then, but this reset killed our activity. The Empire may have been fighting NPCs, but we had had fun doing it and also had some awesome rps with and against each other. We were a forum unto ourselves - but now, we have become fractured and things have stagnated anyway.

I will miss SWF greatly, but this is I suppose something I must do. I will continue to rp until I leave -if there is anything to rp for that matter - but then it will be some posting. Here is hoping my departure spurns some activity my presence could not.

Gloria Imperium

Khendon Sevon
Oct 21st, 2005, 02:44:39 PM
So, the count is at... 3, or 4? I can't remember how many times Telan has said he was going to join some military and leave.

C'est la vie, c'est la gar, c'est la fur.

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 03:39:44 PM
Upon what horse of halucinogens have you mounted? I have gone on leave a few times before -onces for the Academy, and once more vacation, and a few times due to uncontrollable circumstances - but this is the first time I am serving a nations army other than my homeland. Your cynicism is far from appreciated.

Tiberius Anar
Oct 21st, 2005, 03:40:55 PM
So, anyhoo, we need to get things moving. Khendon keep an eye on your PM's please.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 21st, 2005, 03:53:09 PM
Btw I blame Travis as well for the sudden demise of Shadow Squadron. :mneh

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 04:00:12 PM
I blame general disinterest.

Tiberius - when we are we going to start/finish this regent ascendancy

Tiberius Anar
Oct 21st, 2005, 04:00:39 PM
Now now. Be nice.

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 04:06:48 PM
I am- it was a simple question

Tiberius Anar
Oct 21st, 2005, 04:10:08 PM
Well if your going, I don't see why you are interested. Or are you staying? Do tell.

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 04:37:41 PM
I am leaving. I will be on leave for the duration of my deployment. But I am not gone yet. I have until the 16th of November

If you do not want my presence, Tib, then so be it

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 21st, 2005, 05:26:33 PM
You know, I seem to recall quite a few people defending you the last time you were "ridiculed". It's happened more than once, so this 'nobody likes me' attitude holds nothing of substance. Tear is doing threads with the Inquisitoriate, Karl is doing threads with his people, and Anar is slowly putting his puzzle together despite having to take a few breaks due to things outside of RP.

I'm always online, if not actively at my computer, so there's nothing to stop you from sending me an IM or a PM to remind me if I forget about a thread.

This general disinterest is not what you think it is. Things may not be quite as fast as they used to be, but they're there regardless; you just have to open you eyes and look around.

Contrary to what you might percieve, I'm most definately not wrong.

Travis North
Oct 21st, 2005, 05:31:06 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Btw I blame Travis as well for the sudden demise of Shadow Squadron. :mneh

Woah... Where'd the topic of blame pop up. I leave to roleplay elsewhere and this comes up, am I really such a crucial person to have? This'll be hard to explain.. Meh, but it needs to be said. I'll just give you my history of roleplaying which should detail all my goings on. Oh and for future references the name Travis is that of myself, my middle name, in the world and the character.

-----(Warning: The following is a long story short.)-----

Pre-Launch SWG Forums... The account Sollak is created, various general discussion topics are created mostly 'Wow, fanboy stuff.' Sollak joins a guild which plans to play on Radiant but switches to Chilastra at launch. Cruising the forum for replies and such, Sollak clicks on the RP forum. He roleplays with various peoples, most notably Ace McCloud. Official SWG launch, Sollak is now playing on Chilastra for a few months when he Ace McCloud popup on MSN and says come to Fans and roleplay.

Darriann Sollak is created at Sw-fans. A few RPs take place, all of which unfinished. Darriann joins the Rebellion and starts the idea of 'Fleeting' which he used to do back at the old SWG forums. Fleeting is revived! Stuff happens, Travis is the created in the Empire. Travis does a few roleplays, incompleted. Travis still playing on Chilastra meets those of the sw-fans community who played in the GRU suprisingly also on Chilastra. Playing Darriann Sollak, a rebel, he gets banned, by some other guild, from the GRU player city and doesn't hang out with the GRU anymore.

Travis forgets his other Fans characters and concentrates on roleplays with the Imperials. Alex comes to Fans and asks Travis to join him on Kettemoor and starts a roleplaying player city. The idea seems good but doesn't stay a float. Travis goes to check the new SWG forums to see whats going on with the Kettemoor idea. Someone posts why don't we RP on JKA, ForceMod III. Travis thinks why not I own the game and forgets about SWG and Fans.

On JKA, Travis commandeers the two stormtrooper Empire. He establishes a glorious faction, and then becomes supreme ruler of the Galaxy. Stuff happens a while later, the server falls apart, rebuilds, falls apart, and rebuilds, etc. On the third try Travis is no longer in command and the Empire is crumbling. Travis goes back to Fans to get some help from experienced roleplayers. Travis then posts this story.

-----(THE END, OR IS IT???)-----

Anyway, feel free to blame me for the lack of roleplay. I can never really get around to finishing one, or I just lose interest. I'm one of those people with I guess you could say a medium attention span.

Now if you want me back... I'll come back but chances are I'll forget to do stuff. I'm one of those people that needs reminders, that why I haven't done anything with Shade Squadron. I only remember now because this has been brought up.

Anyway... I expect everyone to damn well confused at this point... I am as well. So.... Stun batons, golden wrenches, and a broom closet?

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 21st, 2005, 06:53:11 PM

Well I was only joking, hence the (:mneh). I apologize if you got bent out of shape over a lighthearted comment. :)

Travis North
Oct 21st, 2005, 07:11:20 PM
It wasn't a serious reply. I take anything said over the internet as if it was a joke. If I'd wanted to get bent out of shape, as you say, You'd see it in the language and phrasing. But don't you think it's an amazing story anyway... I really have to find out what happened to Ace McCloud aka Vhiran. Best smuggling partner I ever had.

Telan Desaria
Oct 21st, 2005, 08:31:45 PM
Sil - I have thanked you countless times for your defense. Why the sudden change of allegiance?

Oct 21st, 2005, 08:38:09 PM
No-one has "changed" allegiance, Tel, but you thinking everyone dislikes you is very silly. Don't be like (sorry to say) Visc and become paranoid. :|

Yes, the Empire isn't chugging along as fast as it may or may not have been before the reset, BUT, look at all the other groups. People are more focused on their own little plans and plots, plus everyone is *SHOCK* getting lives other then rping!

Personally, I don't see why you guys can't work something out, so say, you have a common goal that you can call work to achieve in your own way.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 21st, 2005, 08:56:37 PM
Vhiran... hmm. I can't remember who RPed him. I'll look it up. :)

oh, duh, he only played those two characters. I dunno what happened to him. RL, most likely.. .. ..

Telan Desaria
Oct 22nd, 2005, 12:10:20 PM
RL has indeed hampered things and no one in any way can fault someone for that. This is a game and I realize that.

Im just tired to pouring my heart into my posts and getting two or three reads per post. Thats what I consider disinterest.

Telan Desaria
Oct 22nd, 2005, 12:16:32 PM
ravis - I cannot log onto the board - what is going on?

Travis North
Oct 22nd, 2005, 12:48:16 PM
Apparently an admin has gone rogue and tried to destroy the forum community. This thing happened once not to long ago with a friend of the admin, who also had forum controls.

The chief administrator by sheer luck has managed to recover the forums by accessing the admin CP from a page he had left open before the mass ban.

I've just gone through everything on the Imperial forums and saved all the required stuff. You can post again. The rogue administrator has been delt with.

Oct 22nd, 2005, 02:22:25 PM

Oct 22nd, 2005, 09:32:24 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
RL has indeed hampered things and no one in any way can fault someone for that. This is a game and I realize that.

Im just tired to pouring my heart into my posts and getting two or three reads per post. Thats what I consider disinterest.

Yeah, but if you're enjoying your threads, why would you care how many people read it? Yeah, it's nice to have millions of people read your threads, but if you're doing it for your own enjoyment, it shouldn't matter.