View Full Version : Relations

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 13th, 2005, 11:22:15 AM
To: Whomever makes the decisions around here.

In representation of the Sith Order, I would like to open an OOC discussion up over how the Sith Order relates to the Empire, however, I do not know whom it is that I should be speaking to. So leader of the imps, please speak up.

EDIT: I think this is the right place to post this, if not, please relocate the thread.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 13th, 2005, 11:36:55 AM
Just need a bit of clarification. Don't take this the wrong way, I just want to know exactly what should be said/who should respond. I’ll probably babble enough to answer fractions of your questions.

Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
In representation of the Sith Order…

So, you're representing the entire Sith Order? The higher ups told you to come here and post this question?

Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
…I would like to open an OOC discussion up over how the Sith Order relates to the Empire, however, I do not know whom it is that I should be speaking to. So leader of the imps, please speak up.

We don't have a leader in the traditional sense. As of right now, I’d say the “active higher ups” would be myself, Piett, and Telan. I’m not sure about the status of Viscera; though, I believe he is on break. (If he is active, he’s on that list, as well).

If you really want this question answered, you’re probably going to see a debate ensue between any number of us… that’s traditionally how anything happens here.

Of course, I believe there is a post somewhere back in the reorganization threads that has a TSO member (Lady Vader? Maybe) discussing the relationship. I’ll look into it.


Looked into it (wasn't that quick?):


Originally posted by Lady Vader
Anyways, I'm going to tie him [Speaking about her character Javus] losely to TSO, mostly because TSO was set up by Palpatine on Corellia and then later moved to Korriban. The only ones that had knowledge of this to secure secrecy of TSO were Palpatine, Vader, and Javus. Now with Palpatine and Vader dead, Javus is the only one that knows of TSO's existance and where it is based. He can be a mediator between the Empire and these Sith.

Telan Desaria
Oct 13th, 2005, 04:29:34 PM
I know that the Empire is ruthlessly hunting down any force-users who cannot be bent to the will of the Empire - if the Sith are seen as a rogue element that cannot fall without question into line with Imperial doctrines, then they would doubtless not be considered allies.

In fact, an enclave of force users would be aidrect threat to the Empire and eradicated with the full-force of the Imperial fleet.

If that requirement can be met, then I dont see why not.

Are you the approved representative of the SO???

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 13th, 2005, 10:38:01 PM
1) Yes, I am acting with the authority of the leadership of TSO. I ran the character Southstar actively within tso for nearly three years before the reset. I have given money to keep TSO boards alive. At the moment I am leading TSO in the absence of Lady Vader and keeping the boards active. The name of which I rp under is decieving, I understand and am sorry for not explaining this earlier.

2) In no way is TSO going to, nor attempt, to nullify any of the Imperial governance docterines. The Empire has its realm of dominanc, that being governance and the military, the Sith Order has developed its own realm of dominance as well, that being based in philosophy. One that encourages a reginmental order of society subordinate to governemntal power, similar to that described in Tiberius Anar's "On Government and the State."

What I want to know at this point is if an OOC discussion would be desired.

What I want to discuss is how can TSO and the Empire can mutually benefit from each other based on the aformentioned understandings. Ideally forming a relationship similar to that of the Stoics and the Roman Empire.

Telan Desaria
Oct 14th, 2005, 12:34:24 PM
Given what you have said you have in one post displayed intelligence as well as clear-thought.

I am amenable to the opening of an OOC dialgoue.

Oct 14th, 2005, 12:43:06 PM
Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
. The name of which I rp under is decieving, I understand and am sorry for not explaining this earlier.

Shouldnt be sorry Khendon just doesnt see anything unless it has some sort of Veteran weight to it.

As to the matter between the Sith and the Empire I would think we would be at odds at the moment. Everything that was Sith related died with the Emperor to be filled with people who probably werent too happy with how they had been treated previously by "the sith".

Not to mention the fact I tortured one of your members. Plus I was making plans to come give you guys a beating:rolleyes

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 14th, 2005, 01:51:14 PM
Yes, it is understandable that at the moment both tso, as a group of Force users, and Empire would be at odds. But the mission of a discussion would be to change that. It is foolish, IC, that two forces that have so much in common would oppose each other rather than form a mutually beneficial relationship.

The first point I want to discuss is the kind of role tso may take that would be acceptable to the Empire. I have briefly mentioned the philosophical principle which we support, that of obediance to ruling classes, and have not met any opposition to that. Correct me if I am wrong, but it is agreed this is a good thing IC for the Imperials. Corresponding with the previous statement, it would be good for the Empire that the Sith endorsed philosophy to spread. The TSO is a teacher and propagator of this theory and in order for it to spread those teachers would need freedom from the Inquisiton, as they are entirely made up of Force users, to do so. It is my wish that those within TSO use their amnesty to start a movement within the IC galaxy in which this philosophy spreads amongst the subjects of the Empire. Would the Empire be willing to grant this? Please explain.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 14th, 2005, 02:43:39 PM
Originally posted by Tear
Shouldnt be sorry Khendon just doesnt see anything unless it has some sort of Veteran weight to it.

Wow, what did I do to ruin your morning coffee?

Originally posted by Tear
As to the matter between the Sith and the Empire I would think we would be at odds at the moment. Everything that was Sith related died with the Emperor to be filled with people who probably werent too happy with how they had been treated previously by "the sith".

I see no reason for the Sith to currently be at odds with the Empire. Maybe the inquisitors. They attempt to kill whatever Force users cross their path (which is extremely hypocritical considering that Tear is kind of a user).

As to the Empire as a whole:

I’d assume that most of the population believes that the Sith are no more. In fact, to use the movies as a source, the Force is viewed as a “mysticism” that has about as much actual power as magicians have in our modern world.

Members of the Empire that were closer to Palpatine would probably be in two factions (those that oppose the Sith as a whole, and those that support them).

Never the less, the exact shape of this beast known as the Empire is still hazy. As such, we can mold it any way that will benefit “the story.”

Now, as to the plausibility of the Sith acting as some sort of philosophical movement for the Empire:

I can see this happening. It would be an interesting twist. However, I believe there would be individuals against such an event. One such character would be Khendon. He is a strict believer in the Master-Apprentice Sith precedent.

And… this post is too long :)

Oct 15th, 2005, 04:28:07 AM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Wow, what did I do to ruin your morning coffee?

Twas only a jest ...teehee?

(which is extremely hypocritical considering that Tear is kind of a user).

Its supposed to be hypcritical. Tear hates the force.

As for relations between the Sith and the Empire I merely stated my opinion based on IC relations of the Present and not of the future.

If the are enemies of the Inquisitoriate they are enemies of the Empire. Of which we have only just recently discovered your order exsists how future interactions between our two factions plays out is up for debate.

Tiberius Anar
Oct 15th, 2005, 05:31:52 AM
I doubt that there can be an coherent IC policy towards the Sith, or indeed towards any group of force users. The way the Empire was set up meant that the only person able to decide policy for the whole Empire was Palpatine. Now that he is gone it is the various big-wigs at Court who are calling the shots- Anar, Tear, Sevon, Desaria, Piett etc- each of whom is a powerful figure but none of whom, as yet, has succeeded in subjegating the others to their will.

The way it works is each figure in the Empire has powers that they can use (Anar, as Chancellor, controls the ministries and so forth; Sevon, as an Executor, has powers over various military figures and can exert influence over other key people; Tear as Grand Inquisitor control the Inquisitorate; Desaria and Piett control the parts of the military under their command) each is perfectly enitiled to make policy within their own area of control but no single figure can do so for the whole Empire. It requires each of the key people to co-operate.

Of course, once one of them emerges as leader and has the others under control, things will be different.

Telan Desaria
Oct 15th, 2005, 02:16:53 PM
Untrue, my friend. A unified policy can be created - though there migjt, understandably, be time taken to acclamate to it.

I am going to move Desaria into a certain operational area soon so that he has a specific fiefdom as it were to command. Probably as protector-general of the COre worlds or soemthing.

So - I see the Sith - if all goes well - as being a department of the Empire, a sort of church-cult that while not interfering or influencing government decisions does do its utmost to carry them out and enforce said policies at all costs. They would move about the Empire and aide in snuffing out democracy, bringing order to the galaxy, hunting pirates and criminals, and most importantly: hunting the Jedi. .

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 15th, 2005, 02:26:19 PM
I think the chief point of discussion needs to be about the relationship between the Inq and the Sith Order as that is where conflict is most liekly to occur. As Tiberius Anar stated, a coherant IC policy is near unachievable due to the multiple leaders within the Empire. Would it be acceptable that the Empire's general policy towards TSO is reflective of that maintained by the Inq.?

Tiberius Anar
Oct 15th, 2005, 03:25:55 PM
I think that the reception of that the SIth will receive will be largely dependant upon the person with whom they are dealing. If they are dealing with a particularly pragmatic person, then they might be warmly received. If they are dealing with a person who is more idealistic, from an Imperial standpoint, then the reception would be cooler. It they are someone that has bought into the whole anti-force user vibe of the New Order then the reception is likely to be at the point of a blaster or similar.

The official Empire-wide policy would, I expect, be anti-Sith. But unofficially it is a different matter. Many of the the leaders of the Empire tend to be quite pragmatic and, if it suits them or the greater good of the Empire, they will ignore or bend all sorts of rules. Just bear in mind that the situation will be changable and that there are always going to be some parts of the Empire (areas or institutions) that will not bend the rules and that will want to see the Sith extinguisghed. How successful they are at driving out/hunting down the Sith will depend upon their own position relative to that of whoever is protecting and employing the Sith.

So if, for example, Desaria was to employ the Sith in a campaign there might be members of the local branch of the Inquisitorate who object and try to stop him. But, as a Grand Admiral, Desaria would be able to use his power to browbeat, bully or command those around him into accepting his actions and clearly a mere Inquistor would not be able to overule him easily. The Sith could then get on with their work and all woudl profit by it. If, later on, the Grand Inquisitor was to turn up the situation would probably change.>D

Telan Desaria
Oct 15th, 2005, 04:18:01 PM

Military Policy - OFFICIAL - any man woman or alien that can serve aboard an Imperial warship or vehicle without any more than reasonable accomodation and is willing to swear unyielding fealty to the Empire is welcome within the ranks. Force users are permitted provided they have been screened by the ISB and the Inquisitoriate and been deemed not to be a threat to the Empire.

Wil Mienstrire
Oct 15th, 2005, 07:56:04 PM
The present IC situation with the Inquisitoriate and TSO, under the public title of The Sith Historical Order, are currently at a standoff, due to the lack of information mostly. The Inquisitoriate only knows that the TSO exists and that they are somehow affiliated with Corellia and its government's inner workings. In a cautious response, the Inquisitoriate is more or less neutral until something else occurs. Otherwise, the force purge continues.

This is Y'roth Helghast btw... XD

Telan Desaria
Oct 16th, 2005, 02:07:49 PM
Off course - Corellia being an Imperial fortress world and home to one of our largest shipyards, we are natrually apprehensive.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 28th, 2005, 08:10:36 PM
Sorry it took so long to get back to this thread, I put off all my papers until the last minute so it sucked up my week.

So in the event TSO proves to be an effective means in purgin lightside force users, would the Inq consider a more laid back position towards TSO members?

Karl Valten
Oct 28th, 2005, 09:45:58 PM
The Inquisitoriate does take part in shady deals under the governments nose. The INQ could probably go along with a turn-the-other-way doctrine...as long as the Sith don't present any sort of threat to the Empire.

Dalamar DeSang
Oct 29th, 2005, 05:50:31 PM
Kill them all... :D Sith and Emps... :smokin