View Full Version : Open Conversation: Saveer

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 7th, 2005, 12:48:44 PM
The doors to the library was almost always left open, welcoming many to share in the knowledge of the Sith Order. Jorshal passed through it and scanned the range of people within the first level. He was actually looking for a certain person, the new Sith acolyte Saveer. Jorshal walked through the hallways, glancing at the researchers and other students from Corellia. Of the aliens and humans around, none resembled the furry creature Saveer. Perhaps he would check the lower level.

His steps echoed as he stepped down the stairsinto the lower level of the library. Whereas the upper level contained much more of the Sith history, the lower level contained more of Sith sciences and skill gaining. Most of the members of the Order spent their time in the library here. He glanced around and found nothing. He should be down here..." He thought to himself.

Oct 7th, 2005, 01:11:30 PM
It must be in here, somewhere...

Saveer pushed the ladder to the next shelf, climbing to the top for what seemed like the thousanth time that evening. He looked through the books on the top shelf - titles like The Dark Side and You: Everything a Sith Needs to Know and Embracing Your Power: A Step-By-Step Guide to Ruling the Universe were lined up, all in a neat row - the self-help section, appearantly. Perhaps he would find what he needed here...

As he scanned the titles of the books, he again was left without the booke he needed. He slipped down to the next shelf, repeating both procedure and results.

There has to be something here!

One of Saveer's ears twitched as echoing footsteps broke the dull silence of the room. He felt a new presence in the room, a presence he had felt before... Climbing to the top of the ladder, Saveer peered over the top of the bookshelf, curious as to the identity of the newcomer. Recognizing the newcomer as his master, Jorshal Vuntana, he climbed onto the bookshelf and leaped to the floor, eagerly running up behind him.

He'll know where to find it!

As he approached the Sith Lord, it became appearant that he was searching for something himself. Perhaps they could be of mutual assistance to each other...

He slowed his pace as he neared the other, being weary of his actions so as not to startle the Sith Lord.

"Are you in need of some assistance, Master?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 7th, 2005, 01:57:51 PM
"Hmm?" Jorshal mumbled as he turned his head and found Saveer between the rows of bookshelves. "No actually, I came in search of you." He said and found a seat at one of the research tables. "I've been meeting to get together with you to see how you're faring, how you're progressing. Hows the order been treating you so far?"

Oct 7th, 2005, 03:13:34 PM
Saveer walked to one of the nearby bookshelves, removing several books and placing them in the chair opposite Jorshal. Being barely taller than the chair itself, he needed a boost to comfortably see over the table.

"The Order has accomidated me quite well, my master. I'm finding the Dark Side to be even more appealing than I had originally thought. Though I wish I could find this book..." He looked at Jorshal, a glint in his doe-like eyes. "You wouldn't happen to know where it is, would you?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 7th, 2005, 06:42:14 PM
"What book?" He asked and then suggested. "You could check the computer catelog." He gestured over towards it in the corner. "So what about the other members? What do you think of them?"

Oct 7th, 2005, 07:31:59 PM
Saveer followed Jorshal's gesture to the computer terminal in the corner.

"I must have missed that. I'll check it later."

He looked back at Jorshal, considering his question.

"The other members?" He rubbed his chin in thought. "Well... Ambrose has been a great help to me - he taught me quite a bit before my training under you. The other three I haven't had much opportunity to interact with, but they all seem to be very strong minded. From my experience, people like them are very difficult to win over in a trade... Baralai in particular seems quite strong-minded to me, though he seems much more experienced than the other two. And you I enjoy learning from. I believe the companionship among those in the order seems to be growing - though everyone seems to have his own agenda."

He shifted his position on the books underneath him - they seemed a bit unstable. Reaching down into the small bag that hung from his waist, he produced a small flask of savareen brandy - which, without regard to the name, was one of Saveer's favorite drinks - along with a pair of disposable cups.

"Would you like a drink, Master?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 9th, 2005, 11:12:48 AM
Regardless of a history of bad consequences, Jorshal had never refused a drink and he wasn't about to start now. "Wouldn't mind one." He said and accepted the cup. "Yes, personal agendas are not neccessarily a bad thing. But the Order must always come first. In our seperate agendas we form one common goal and shall bring this order into glory." Jorshal reflected on the state of the order for a moment. Saveer was accurate in identifying that most of the group didn't have much of a sense of comradery, and was too involved in their own seperate agendas. That would change, it would have to if the Order was to survive.

"So what's your agenda, Saveer. Any personal goals?"

Oct 9th, 2005, 11:59:51 AM
"My agenda?" He took a drink. "I'm in this for the information. Information is the most valuable resource in the galaxy - it opens doors to opportunities most sentients would only dream of. Information brings money, money brings power. It is the way of the universe." He took another drink. "I run a small trading business on Sernpidel. It is moderately successful - I've had dealings with a few people of some power and wealth - but I don't have the resources to bring in the big clients. The Empire, the Rebellion... With the Dark Side in my control, I will have the edge I need to get the vital information these clients seek. The boost I recieve from the Dark Side will be a powerful asset in my information gathering - I prefer not to use the term 'spying,' but you may call it what you will. The Dark Side will bring me information, information will bring credits, credits will bring power, and power will bring more customers, who will bring credits. It's a vicious and self-empowering cycle - this is the nature of the Dark Side."

He made none of the insidious grins that so often accompanied talk of the Dark Side of the Force - for Saveer, the Dark Side was a tool, nothing more. He was not as sadistic or bloodthirsty as so many other Sith had been - perhaps that would prove to be a weakness for him in the future. Still, he held no disdain toward killing. It was necessary in all walks of life if one wished to gain power, and Saveer held no false expections to the contrary. Still, death was not the ultimate end result of the Dark Side for him - only wealth, only power, nothing more. If death had to be incurred, so be it.

He took another drink.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 10th, 2005, 10:31:39 AM
Somebody had been reading his books out of the library and Jorshal was very impressed. "You certainly don't mess around." Knowledge and understanding of the Force was the first step towards manipulating it to one's use; an understanding that apparently Saveer was quickly on his way to reaching. "You're studious and eager to learn. A quality less bountiful around here. I admire that." He took a large sip from the drink.

Oct 10th, 2005, 11:01:05 AM
He chuckled. "Knowledge is power, my master. Learning is my business - I'm not about to stop now, especially with information this profitable."\

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 10th, 2005, 02:31:12 PM
"You had best watch where you tred. Profit can be a very dangerous thing." He sipped from the cup. "Get you in trouble." He didn't say it outloud, but he reminded himself to be sure Saveer didn't do anything that might compromise the Sith Order for profit.

"So who do you deal with mostly? Any big time factions or is it individuals?"

Oct 10th, 2005, 02:41:56 PM
He sipped the drink once again.

"Generally individuals - bounty hunters, smugglers, desperates... there are many who desire information and rare items. Though there have been a few dealings with larger groups... With the Dark Side in my command, I expect these occurances will become somewhat more frequent." He laughed. "You'd be surprised what some people would give for information." Subconsciously, his eyes darted to the hilt of the Sith Sword slung on his back. "It's a very profitable business, indeed."

Jorshal's face suddenly wore a stern expression, the same it had worn the last time Saveer had mentioned profit. It was subtle, but Saveer based his life, and his profit, off of noticing subtlety. He laughed aloud.

"Don't worry, master. I'm smart enough to know the line between profit and stupidity. I'm not bounty hunter scum - when I make an alliance, I keep it."

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 11th, 2005, 03:39:38 PM
"Good." He said. "Because the Order is not kind to traitors. Not at all." Jorshal thought back to his younger days when a traitor was rooted out of the Order. He was executed, along with all those who collaborated with him in a very public way. Jorshal being a very young boy was nearly traumatized by the heads rolling to the floor. The neck stumps spilling blood. "Hmm." He mumbled and returned back to reality.

"So what do you see becoming your role around here. You're formidable in combat, but you're not a soldier. You're knowledgable but not a scholar..."

Oct 11th, 2005, 07:16:58 PM
He shrugged, taking another drink from the glass and swirling it around. It was about half-empty now.

"I just assumed I'd be taking business as usual, except that I suppose I will be doing quite a bit of "information gathering" for the Order, at no charge - after all, the gift of the Dark Side is one that cannot be matched by any material gift. I would say my highest assets, other than my species' natural talent for trading and haggling, are my expert talent at hiding and evading detection, even while moving - very useful in gathering information - and my skills at the art of conning - though, as you said, I do know a bit of the combat art, as well. Collecting on personal 'bounties' or taking care of off-the-record mercenary work would not be beyond my capabilities, either, as that unique combination of skills is particularly well suited for those tasks."

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 14th, 2005, 01:58:13 PM
"You mentioned information collecting for the Order." Jorshal said once Saveer was done. "It is a relatively unexplored territory of the Sith Order, but not untapped. Would you be interesting in participating in a training experience?"

Oct 14th, 2005, 02:27:01 PM
"Of course. I'm sure the Order would require some proof of my skill, and at the same time the Order can benefit from whatever information I might dig up. In addition, I am always willing to learn and hone my skills, and I may find something of some value outside the Order - without infringing on the Order's doctrines, of course." He paused for a moment, looking to Jorshal for any sign as to the nature of the exercise. "What, exactly, do you have in mind, Master?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 15th, 2005, 02:37:20 PM
"I've recieved word about an interesting sect of non-forcers who venerate the Jedi." Jorshal didn't need to spell out how dangerous this was. The Jedi were formidible the way it was, having large groups of mundanes supporting them was not acceptable. The Sith Order needed to cut this movement at the root and now. "However, I only have word. I do not know where it is, when they meet, none of the details. So far it is a dangerous rumor that needs to be debunked or proven." Jorshal sipped from the cup. "Would you be interested in finding out?"

Oct 15th, 2005, 03:42:07 PM
He grinned. "It would be my pleasure, my Master." He followed suit with a sip of his own. "I will find the answer as quickly as possible." He paused, giving Jorshal a strictly no-nonsense look. "And if I should happen to be confronted by them?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 15th, 2005, 05:55:08 PM
"We'll discuss details later. Perhaps tonight?" Jorshal said as he rose from his seat.

OOC: I'll get in touch with you through pm regarding the mission.

Oct 16th, 2005, 12:01:23 PM
Downing the last few drops from his cup, Saveer tossed it into a nearby garbage recepticle, standing as he did so - though he actually lost some height as he slid from the books. He had to walk around the table to place himself again in Jorshal's line of sight - which was exactly what made him talented at espionage. "That sounds like an excelent idea, Master. I would be obliged to meet with you later - say, here again in 9 standard hours?" It was fairly early, and, by Korriban's rotational cycle, 9 hours would put their next meeting at just before sunset.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 16th, 2005, 01:13:42 PM
"No, it's too open here." He said glancing around. "We'll meet in the Catacomb. That way none of this gets out." Jorshal finshed the last of the drink and threw the cup away. "I shall meet you then."

OOC: No need to start an additional thread, we can make the arrangements through PM or Instant Messanger if you have AIM.