Mitara Sinar
Oct 5th, 2005, 11:33:12 AM
I've now had 2 shifts at my new job as law enforcement. They put me on the 4pm to midnight patrol shift. Most of it so far pulling over drunks and stoping drunken bar fights that have found there way to the street.
it's kinda stupid how many guys think they can get away with things if, in their drunken state, they try to flirt with me. REALLY it doesn't work. Though my partner got a good laugh out of a drunk saying... I'm so beautiful, my boobs looked like 2 big jelly doughnuts... I had to laugh after the fact too. Like what do guys think a lady cop would find flattering? well to give the guy some credit he was plastered out of his skull.
So if you guys are in vancover and get pulled over in the late night by a 5'11" tall, slender, cop, with long red hair, and a partner that looks like he could be in the WWF, that likely will be me, so please be nice, and just don't flirt with the lady, it get's annoying when we are trying to work. Or if you do try to flirt, don't compare the lady cop's body, or parts there of, to fat filled snack foods.
it's kinda stupid how many guys think they can get away with things if, in their drunken state, they try to flirt with me. REALLY it doesn't work. Though my partner got a good laugh out of a drunk saying... I'm so beautiful, my boobs looked like 2 big jelly doughnuts... I had to laugh after the fact too. Like what do guys think a lady cop would find flattering? well to give the guy some credit he was plastered out of his skull.
So if you guys are in vancover and get pulled over in the late night by a 5'11" tall, slender, cop, with long red hair, and a partner that looks like he could be in the WWF, that likely will be me, so please be nice, and just don't flirt with the lady, it get's annoying when we are trying to work. Or if you do try to flirt, don't compare the lady cop's body, or parts there of, to fat filled snack foods.