View Full Version : A little meeting

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 29th, 2005, 03:25:13 PM
I think that an out of character statement/discussion needs to take place regarding any major events or developments that your character has recently gone through or is projected to be going through within about a months time.

I also think that we need a state of the Order statement/discussion. Look back about a month and state what you liked. Look ahead about a month and say what you want to see.

Please, please, please keep each statement section under a paragraph. The storytelling is for your threads.

As I am starting the thread, I'll post mine first.


State and Projection of Jorshal Vuntana
State: Formed the first training mission. Negotiated with the Imperial Inquisition regarding Baralai Lotus. Recruited Dakler Terrcin. Intending to go into what influences his decisionmaking and philosophy. Write some self training/practice.

State and Projection of the Order.
I like seeing the characters develop and the establishment of relationships between chars. I'd like to see a successful group mission.

Sep 29th, 2005, 03:39:19 PM
State and Projection of Tarsis
In the process of having his droid upgraded. Currently under going a group training session with current active members of the order. Planning on some self training and eventually making his way of the Sith ranks.

State and Projection of the Order
I like seeing the Order more active and establishing its self once again in the absence of the Elders. I'd like to see the group of apprentices complete their training and advance in the ranks to take on apprentices of their own.

Sep 29th, 2005, 07:16:57 PM
State and Projection of Saveer
Has recently recieved a Sith Sword and an unknown gem (thread still in progress, I don't know what the gem is yet.) Long ago recieved a Jedi Holocron, which he intends to offer to the Sith Order in the hopes that it will help to further the Order's excellence. I'm hoping Saveer will eventually be placed in charge of Covert Operations and Bouny Hunting work for the Order. In the less distant future, Saveer will simply learn to control the force and master it as his ally, possibly make some other allies as well within the Order.

State and Projection of the Order
I'd like to see the Order make a name for itself in the galaxy, get a few more members, and return to the status of a full organization instead of a quintet of forcers. We should make the inquisitoriate's work a bit harder for them :D. I'd just like to see the order establish itself as a force in the galaxy.

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 29th, 2005, 07:36:41 PM
State and Projection of Ambrose
Has been a force user in the past. Would like to become what he was. I would like to see Ambrose become a well known member of the order and would like to establish a meet and greet with all of the characters here at the order.

State and Projection of the Order
Would like to become affiliated with more groups and have group rp's. Would like to see the Order get out in the open and become a powerful group once again.

Dakler Terrcin
Oct 2nd, 2005, 01:37:10 PM
State and Projection of Dakler
Recently joined the sith order. Has a lot to learn, which some group missions could really help. I would like to see him aquire a lightsaber so that he isn't completely helpless when faced with Jedi.

State and Projection of Order
although most of us probably like the idea of voting on everything, I think it makes more sense for the sith to be ruled by a dictator instead of a council. I'd like to see some friendships and enemies amongst ourselves, and all of us vying for power.