View Full Version : Mission, PN

Y'roth Helghast
Sep 28th, 2005, 06:29:51 PM
Yeah, other people are busy, understandable of course, so in the mean time, PN is gonna have some fun. Other Imps are more than welcome to get involved if they so choose.

This is just a brainstorm so far, so if anyone has input/ideas/improvements, throw them in.

I've got so far a mission/raid for Project Nightmare. Counterterrorism objectives, raiding and removing a recently discovered facility manned by Rebel agents. The facility appears to be a hotel complete with bar, conference chambers, and a ball room. It is in actuality a Rebel haven, high priority agents stay the night there under the pretense of business clients meeting for a conference and what not. The bar is used to meet and greet new recruits to the Rebel's cause. The ball room, well, that's just gonna be a fun entrance scene. :D

How did we find out? I plan on utilizing our disguise specialist, Crestmere, since he has recently become more active.

The first thread, a closed thread btw except to all those invited, of this mission involves the interrogation of the captured rebel contact, followed by Crestmere assuming the deceased contact's identity, and living a few days of the contact's life. This of course offers a great chance for character development for Crestmere as he battles to maintain his own identity while his personality adapts to the rebel environment. During that time, Crestmere keeps in touch with HQ on a varied basis, and the PN characters have time to react to the information, also allowing for some group cohesiveness to build for the mission. Once it is confirmed to be a Rebel haven, Crestmere returns to base and the thread ends.

Begin second thread, an open thread, following a few days later when Crestmere noted that more people would be there than before, allowing PN maximum impact upon arrival. PN enters via glass ceiling of ball room and begins to execute the traitors. The trick to pull off though is that no one escapes and no one else in the building finds out, this part could be difficult to determine. PN splits up, Lang to set charges at key points on the structure's supports and foundations, Horus to shut down any communications within the building, Scothis will be positioned outside the building at the main entrance where he will prevent anyone from escaping as he's positioned with a clear shot down the alley to the side door as well. Helghast and Crestmere head up stairs to the conference rooms while Reyok and Brenlar execute all traitors within the bar. PN doesn't bother with the rooms as the building is going to blow once they evac anyways. This is of course the mission outline and not including anyone else who decides to appear so we might have some METTC dependent situations.

The conclusion of the thread involves the evac of PN through the sewer systems of the building, blowing the foundations and supports, and then rendezvousing at the pick up point.

Hows it sound so far?

Victor Crestmere
Sep 28th, 2005, 07:43:43 PM
First off, the plan sounds good seeing how one, the negotiations are taking far to long to take place and two, a little character development on my end doesn’t sound to bad either.

Here's what I think.

We could easily split the team upon entry into three groups; Crestmere and Helghast in through the glass ceiling of the ball room, Reyok, Horus, Lang, and Brenlar through the basement, and Scothis positioned outside.

Crestmere and Helghast enter, taking care of any and all traitors that they can while Reyok, Brenlar, Lang, and Horus make their way towards the bar. Before they make it to the Bar, Horus and Lang split; Horustaking care of the networking and Lang planting the charges in their key locations. All the while Scothis makes sure no one escapes.

How's that sound for an entry plan?

Sep 28th, 2005, 10:26:38 PM
I like what I see. The rest of the Empire may be sleeping but you two are keeping things moving.

You make me a happy squirrel. If you need the boss to make an apperance just say the word and ill lumber by and give brooding looks of dissapproval.:rolleyes

Victor Crestmere
Sep 28th, 2005, 11:47:02 PM
That's what we're paid for XP

Danni Reyok
Sep 29th, 2005, 05:51:25 AM
Great idea, boyz. I like both your idea's and I've been a little bored lately.:D

Y'roth Helghast
Sep 29th, 2005, 08:24:39 AM
Awesome, now I'm going to get into some other details.

What planet is this going to be staged on? Not Coruscant, the Rebellion wouldn't bother with high priority agents swarming there. Not Corellia, other forces are at work there. We need a solid planet in the Imperial Domain with a lot of traffic to it.

Equipment? We will be using the normal Nightmare Gear of course and general weaponry but I wanted to make available to everyone that there are several options to choose from.

Armor-wise, there aren't that many options as we'll be going in with full armor, powerpack and all. We all need to remember that the powerpack is essentially the suit's greatest weakness. If it is ruptured, big boom boom, one fusion bomb later... So just be careful concerning that. The hotel walls are not durasteel or anything, so I would think with an added mod to our helmets, we could have a vision on our HUD capable of seeing heat signatures and the like. Our weapons are more than capable of going through simple structure walls so this will make for an interesting perspective in hunting people down. Also, remember that the armor looks bulky at first to those who don't know about it, but its actually put us on superior level in nearly every physical department.

Weapon-wise, the C-14 has several Mods that can be attached to it. In most threads so far, Scothis has utilized a sniper mod. It is a module attached to the rifle allowing a devastating round, far longer range, and much better accuracy. Unfortunately, it means no semiautomatic, automatic fire, much longer cool down rate, and longer reload time. Other mods include a flamethrower, an antivehicle mod, a riot suppressor mod, and an ion mod. The flamethrower is not practical in such purposes as we are not seeking to remove evidence or necessarily demolish the place ourselves, the demolitions will do that for us. The antivehicle also won't really be needed in such an environment. This is an Imperial raid in Imperial territory, no one is going to bring a tank after us. The riot suppressor mod though, designed to mow down many people quickly, this is a viable option. Fast rate of fire, using a smaller caliber of bullet than regular, but still very effective. The main problem is ammo. Unless we bring an ammo box with us, which we won't, then you won't have very much time to use the mod before you've run out. And then, you wouldn't have that much ammo to the normal rifle afterwards either. The ion mod would be useful against droids and computers, meh, not really necessary here either.

Remenber that we also have the assault shotgun. This can utilize several different types of rounds. First a typical spread, incredibly devastating up to 15 meters still as the triple barrel releases enough to handle most targets. Any closer than that gets progressively worse. Then we have slug rounds, putting massive holes through about everything. Self explanatory from there. Flame rounds, similar to shooting three large fireballs out of the barrel at once. Cryofreeze rounds, similar to using a cryogrenade, contain a goo like substance that when open to the air, freezes instantly. Also, concussion rounds, incredibly loud slug rounds pretty much, mostly to inflict a measure of shock upon the enemy, which our armor protects us from.
Hand to Hand weaponry is personal preference.

Everyone needs to have their mission operative kit, interrogation for Helghast, Demo for Lang, Medic for Brenlar, Scout for Scothis, so on and so on. Realize that the kits take up a certain amount of slots on your armor as far as availability goes. Helghast's interrogation kit takes up one sidearm slot as it is not required to be that big. Lang's demo kit on the other hand takes up her shotgun slot and both sidearm slots. Brenlar's medic kit takes up both sidearm slots, and Scothis' scout kit takes up just as much as the demo kit. If you have no special op kit for your character, more firepower to you :D

As far as resistance is concerned, for such an installment, we can expect rebel guards and the like. Nothing of course nearly as advanced as we are, but blasters are still blasters. If they hole up somewhere within the building, sucks for them, we'll blow it up when we leave with them inside. The main thing is that no one escapes and no word of it escapes until we're done and out.

Also that as Project Nightmare, our presence is intimidating and mostly rumors on many levels. We haven't done much as a group but a few adept raids. This is our first military function for the Empire AS a group. We're laying down a foundation to work off of from here on out. And we're not just commandos, we're the Inquisitoriate, which means we handle things differently. Its not all Navy Seal and what not, we are the bad guys and the government is on our side so make sure we handle it like that.

Victor Crestmere
Sep 29th, 2005, 10:59:47 AM
PN does have a great deal of weapons to choose from, me personally, I fancy the C-14 Gauss Rifle because of it's different capabilities. So with that in mind, I say the riot mods sounds best for this mission. Simply because we needn't waste our time with a gun fight when we can just, as you said, mow them all down. I was also thinking that Crestmere and Helghast could possibly utilize the concussion rounds for the Jackhammer's as well. You know, before we enter through the ceiling, pop one or two of those bad boys down into the crowd and then enter. Not only will this double our surprise advantage, it would also stop them from firing upon us as we descend down into the room.

And for the others, I say Jackhammers all the way. Well, it depends on how large the Bar area is. If it’s not that big, then I say Jackhammers with the spread rounds and possibly the slug rounds for those who think they can run away from their Nightmares.

Let’s not forget we have Disrupters… :x I believe that’s self explanatory

But yea, as far as ammo goes, I can have Crestmere replace his Disguise kit, because he’s not going to need it during this mission, with an ammo box. Helghast could possibly do the same if it is needed.

Concerning our Armor, I agree, full tactical CMC-400 “Nightmare” Exo-Armor complete with powerpack and all. As far as the powerpack is concerned, we’ll just have to be extra careful and hope they don’t get shot. Now the heat seeking addition to our HUD’s sounds nice. It could defiantly add a sweet effect to hunting down and eliminating those Rebel scum.

I really can’t wait for this mission to start ^_^

Y'roth Helghast
Sep 29th, 2005, 12:11:01 PM
Hmmm, thumbs up for replacing our mission op kits, at least for us two. I forgot about the disruptor pistols. Remember each pistol only holds five rounds and it takes something like four to six minutes to reload another cartridge. So we can save those for our high priority targets :D And it makes good deterence for any PCs (player characters) who try to stop us. No we can't hit them with the disruptors but if everyone plays like they should, stepping down from a fight with a disruptor is always the best course of action.

The Jackhammers will of course have the most efficiency in such close quarters so I would expect those as primary weapons, I suppose. And yeah, concussion rounds into the midst of the crowd of the ball room, and even for those assaulting the bar. I'm not expecting anyone to really be shooting back that can do damage from the ballroom really, possibly the bar. All the guards and what not will most likely be in the lobby and around the conference rooms.

The matter of location, planetwise, is yet, still undetermined.

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2005, 12:18:54 PM
Need anything from the Navy/Army/ anything at all? I can npc a variety of characters - I have also yet to get off the ground my INQ Platoon Commander

Victor Crestmere
Sep 29th, 2005, 12:28:35 PM
Unfortunately , I don’t know much about all the planets and stuff like that, so someone else will probably have to speak up on that part of this operation. :rollin

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2005, 12:37:39 PM
Commenor is a staunchly Imperial world.

As is Centaur.

Chandrila has a strong Imperial presence and would make an excellent site for a Rebel gathering.

Y'roth Helghast
Sep 29th, 2005, 12:58:42 PM
Chandrila sounds nice. Thanks for the info.

And I'd like to leave this as much to the Inq. as possible. Your Inq. Plt. Ldr would be very helpful actually. Using a Plt of Inq soldiers to make road blocks to the building would remove the issue of witnesses. And you could have a good old time eliminating rebels that tried to fight their way through the road blocks to assist their comrades on the inside. The other thing would be that the presence of Project Nightmare would have to be top secret, even among the Inq. ranks. Those in charge, for instance, you, and your superiors would only be slightly aware of PN's presence.

As far as the Navy/Army are concerned, they don't even know Project Nightmare exists for the most part from what I understand. Of course the higher ranks have heard, but as said, this is the first military function Project Nightmare is undergoing as a unit. The members are all from reknown areas but even in the public datafiles, they are all declared missing or dead.

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2005, 01:58:40 PM
Excellent - my INQ troops can set up a perimeter and simply be told that an INQ interrogation is proceeding inside and no one is allowed in or out - period.

We can play a one to two escaping from the Hotel - killed by us - and maybe a short range distress call to a local resistance cell placed so my men can have a few posts of eliminating their brief attack/attempted rescue.

Let me know..

BTW - my character -

Viscount Ierin del Forza

Sep 29th, 2005, 02:40:25 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Excellent - my INQ troops can set up a perimeter and simply be told that an INQ interrogation is proceeding inside and no one is allowed in or out - period.

Best not to tell everyone in the area the Inquisitoriate is doing an interrogation in the area.:p Kinda defeats the purpose of the Inquisitoriate. If they ask questions tell them to leave. If they linger shoot em.

If its another Imperial, see above for details;)

Victor Crestmere
Sep 29th, 2005, 03:14:18 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Tear on that one >_<

Karl Valten
Sep 29th, 2005, 05:06:51 PM
First of all I'd like to say...Thank the gods we have people with INITIATIVE while certain imbeciles like sayyy...me for instance...are doing absolutley NOTHING.

Kudos to all, I bow to thee.

Unfortunately, my slacking self has been tied up in RL issues AKA SCHOOL, soccer, hockey, marching band, and preparations for homecoming this weekend.

Alright, enough of my pointless excuses.

I like what I see. It is a very well thought out plan, I'll have to go over this again another time or to see if there's anything I'd like to add. As this is a sort of full op for PN the Inquisitoriate wouldn't send an Inquisitor with the group, at least one to the groups knowledge, they'd keep someone in the shadows to clean up the mess just incase something goes wrong. Other than that, all the PN agents would have free reign.

Because of this I don't see Karl as being directly involved in at all except for maybe some brief work in the first thread and maybe an observer in the second.

Speak'n o' threads, Tear did you get my PM about the sequel to Phasmatis Imperium?

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2005, 06:37:58 PM
Myfault - I meant something to tell his men - they would be in civilian clothes with their uniforms underneath that can be brought o the fore as soon as the shooting begins.

The public knows of the INQs existence, just not of what it does - so if they saw a platoon of fifty red uniformed soldiers and another twenty or so Civil Defense Force (Police) officers,. they would simply go around and continue on about their day as they counted their blessings.

Y'roth Helghast
Sep 29th, 2005, 06:56:53 PM
Agreed Telan. Sounds great as does dealing with the Rebels outside of the perimeter that come to the assistance. As Horus is good at what he does involving shutting down the networks. The Rebels would be more or less responding to no response on the other line, so they would be more bewildered than anything else until they saw your road block.

And ahead of time, the building will be vacant of primitive fire escapes as such things as fires are generally contained within the technological failsafes. You would think building fires like today would be a thing of the past, so we have no worries of people escaping from such exits, the only exits are a back door in the ball room and the main entrance.

When Lang, Horus, Brenlar, and Reyok come up from the sewers, they will be coming up into the clerk's room and then right into the lobby. The perimeter will be complete by then with Telan's men, Scothis will remove any that leave either exit, which won't be many as its tactical regardless for PN to shoot those closer to the exits and work their way in to the middle.

The ballroom for example. Helghast and Crestmere enter via glass ceiling in the middle, shoot cryofreeze grenades at the doors to lock them in and then begin to execute the traitors closest to both exits of the ball room. Toss frag grenades into the back of the stage and continue to remove the civilian population until the ball room is clean. This is only a quick example.

Tear and Valten, it would be appreciated if each you could make seperate observational posts in the second thread. All of our activities can easily be seen observed through our HUDs on closed channels to the Inquisitoriate. I say seperate as I'm sure the Grand Inquisitor would be interested in observing the progress of his previous subordinates and also of such a promising tool for the Inq, and then Valten is much easier to understand as he is the Tactical Officer of Project Nightmare and the brains behind it all. This of course is more of PNs first independent mission from Valten but criticism is always welcome in the face of improvement for a group that is built on malicious efficiency. Not to mention, your observations will make for good character development within the Inquisitoriate if another PC decides to join the second thread.

And as far as RL is concerned, none of us here consider it as laxing on the work, man. We've all got stuff going on too, no worries.

Sep 30th, 2005, 01:02:58 AM
Originally posted by Karl Valten
Speak'n o' threads, Tear did you get my PM about the sequel to Phasmatis Imperium?

Yeah I did. It all sounds reasonable enough I'll let you lead it up whatever way you want. The threads just really about Tear testing Valtens loyalty, seeing how far he is willing to go. Murdering a somewhat innocent Moff being one of them:)

One of many tests to come o_O

Telan Desaria
Oct 1st, 2005, 12:23:29 PM
an innocent Moff - -remind me to public chide you about that


Y'roth Helghast
Oct 8th, 2005, 07:37:56 AM
Hmmm, the first thread and mission should be beginning soon, hopefully by the end of this weekend. Is there any more input anyone would like to add? I figure I had given enough time for such, but just in case.

Victor Crestmere
Oct 8th, 2005, 07:40:17 AM
No input here except, let's get things rolling but we're already doing that so I'm good XP

Danni Reyok
Oct 8th, 2005, 07:53:13 AM
Karl Valten and I are gone for the weekend but will be back on Sunday night, just letting ya know.:D

Telan Desaria
Oct 9th, 2005, 04:45:17 PM
ah - ok

Victor Crestmere
Oct 9th, 2005, 05:30:57 PM
Well poo... but hey! It's sunday, let's roll ^_^

Karl Valten
Oct 14th, 2005, 09:31:53 PM
Originally posted by Danni Reyok
Karl Valten and I are gone for the weekend but will be back on Sunday night, just letting ya know.:D

Since when did you get the right to speak for me?? ?

*kicks Danni in the shin*

Note: Soccer and Marching Band are finsihed this weekend,...meaning I might HAVE TIME TO WRITE WOot

At least until hockey starts again *sigh* my social life has vanished into school, work, and extracorriculars.

Danni Reyok
Oct 14th, 2005, 09:46:17 PM
*curses underbreath* :grumble

You think you are so superior to me and guess what...you are!!! Which really sucks for me

Your in trouble when I get home!!.

Oct 15th, 2005, 04:30:47 AM
Aww the squabble of siblings in the Inquisitoriate. How scary are we:lol

Danni Reyok
Oct 15th, 2005, 07:14:53 AM
Who ever said we were siblings???:mischief

Well, maybe Karl did. :lol

Telan Desaria
Oct 15th, 2005, 02:17:41 PM
Ah, the incest....

Victor Crestmere
Oct 16th, 2005, 07:54:00 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Ah, the incest....
Ewwwwwwwwww, that's gross!

Karl Valten
Oct 16th, 2005, 09:01:35 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Ah, the incest....

OOOOHHH, take that back or I'll bribe S'ill into doing terrible things to you and your CT.

*kicks sibling in the shins again*

Danni Reyok
Oct 16th, 2005, 09:33:11 AM
Alright, this needs to stop.

*rubs shin*

Telan Desaria
Oct 16th, 2005, 02:08:38 PM
S'Il has already done terrible things to me when we were in Washington.

Oops - you meant to my CT....

Victor Crestmere
Oct 18th, 2005, 10:01:17 PM
Posted, just to let you all know. And sorry it took me so long, been kinda sick these past three days and I've had to work as well, so yeah, sleep became my new best friend.

Y'roth Helghast
Oct 19th, 2005, 06:20:16 AM
yeah ok whatever no one cares :D

My response will be up promptly. Danni, be ready cuz we'll be passing off the tortured and interrogated prisoner to you for execution. :D

Victor Crestmere
Oct 19th, 2005, 09:03:03 AM
Yeah, that's what you say now Helghast, but when I'm a no show for three days you rip my head off and spit down my throat.

I think someone cares ~_^, lol

Danni Reyok
Oct 19th, 2005, 02:42:54 PM
Posted, just to let you all know. And sorry it took me so long, been kinda sick these past three days and I've had to work as well, so yeah, sleep became my new best friend.

Oh, hope you feel better soon, Victor:hug

My response will be up promptly. Danni, be ready cuz we'll be passing off the tortured and interrogated prisoner to you for execution.

Oh yay!!! Finally some fun...>D

Victor Crestmere
Oct 19th, 2005, 10:45:45 PM
Originally posted by Danni Reyok
Oh, hope you feel better soon, Victor:hug

Oh yay!!! Finally some fun...>D

See, someone does care! Lol, thanks Danni:D

Danni Reyok
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:09:34 PM
Finally got to post

Victor Crestmere
Nov 4th, 2005, 07:05:57 AM
Originally posted by Y'roth Helghast
The Jackhammers will of course have the most efficiency in such close quarters so I would expect those as primary weapons, I suppose. And yeah, concussion rounds into the midst of the crowd of the ball room, and even for those assaulting the bar. I'm not expecting anyone to really be shooting back that can do damage from the ballroom really, possibly the bar. All the guards and what not will most likely be in the lobby and around the conference rooms.

The matter of location, planetwise, is yet, still undetermined.

I was re-reading this and a thought popped into me head. Since we're aiming for the element of surprise, what about possibility of using suppressors? This would more or less pertain to the ones taking out the non hostiles aka Crestmere and Helghast because one, I know PN leaves no witnesses and two so the guards don’t catch onto us, making it easier for us to take out the priority targets on the upper levels.

If you think about it, we still get to shoot our big guns :D (the trusty C-14), take out a lot of people :D, and finish the mission objective :D, but the only thing is we’d be doing it silently. I think this would give the mission a bit more dynamic effect, seeing how we’d get in and out without anyone knowing it, while the others blast away, keeping the attention off of us, all while clearing the lower levels and securing our exit.

Just a thought :x

Victor Crestmere
Nov 8th, 2005, 09:57:53 AM
Anyone here? *echos*

Wil Mienstrire
Nov 8th, 2005, 01:34:24 PM
and one of obvious sense, good call

Karl Valten
Nov 8th, 2005, 07:44:11 PM
nnnngh. Currently writing.....trying...to.........stay...conscious, sleep deprivation and exhaustion are catching up with me. Should have post up soon