View Full Version : Secrets Within These Walls. . .(Closed)

Baralai Lotus
Sep 27th, 2005, 10:16:24 PM
Baralai strolled the halls of the Order, his mind drifting somewhere else this evening. He could hear nothing but the silence this evening, even the animals were silent. The half cast moonlight shone down on his face as he walked, unsure of where he was going. He was simply letting his feet carry him. He walked out to the balcony of the order, and looked out over the landscape.

Jagged rocks were all that adorned the landscape, a wasteland almost. The moons of Korriban offered no glory to this place, only their light. He ran a hand through his hair and looked out over the balcony with his eye. As he brought a hand back down over his face, he felt the scarring on his lips and the eyepatch. He remembered in an instant what had happened to him, and his hatred for those who created it started to flow freely.

The force came with this anger, and then, an odd feeling. A calling feeling, as though he needed to go somewhere. Almost like a whisper speaking to him. Baralai turned his head and saw a path before him. Like a surreal light, leading him somewhere within the Order. The Force was leading him, or was he leading it? He followed the path before him, leading him to a large door.

The door was falling apart, but was shut into the building securely. He placed his hand on the handle, its dusty surface cold to the touch. The Force reacted immediatly, and the lock undid itself. He pushed the door open and walked inside. He saw nothing but a dark room, the room seemed empty, and every step echoed in the darkness. Baralai looked around, expecting to find something there. There was nothing but the silence.

Then, he felt it, the strength of the Force flowing too him and flying out in every direction, like he was being jerked. He fell to the knees and felt the Force fly out of him. A warm blast of air flowed through the walls, and then, the over head lights slowly came on. The back was slowly illuminated, revealing tables full of various types of equipment. The Force was activating the machinery and the lights, it was powering everything in the room.

Baralai fell onto his hands as the Force flowed out of his body, not of his own accord. He struggled to remember that it was his tool, his tool to use. He tried to bring the Force back to him, but the lights continued to come on. Unable to scream, he instead writhed in pain. His eye was closed so tightly it began to water, and yet, he could still see the light of the room. Before too long, the feeling passed, and Baralai felt the Force return to him. Gasping for breath, he slowly opened his eye and looked up, to see something he had not expected.

Like columns of blue light, the two huge Alchemist tubes stood before him. Large enough to create whatever the mind could fathom, and the liquid slowly beggining to bubble. He stood and looked to his right and saw several pieces of lab equipment. Mortars, microscopes, burners, alchemic tools, all of it. Astounded, he turned behind him and saw something he had never thought existed in the Order.

There, covered in dust, but still beautiful, was a bookshelf that took up the length of the wall. Standing at almost fourteen feet tall, the shelf was covered in Ancient books. It was truly a sight to behold. Baralai crept up slowly, letting his fingers run across the leathery folds of the books, their dusty surfaces showing their age and amount of use. He slowly slid his finger up the spine of a large green book and pulled it from the shelf. Across the cover were the words;

Sith Alchemy: The Secrets of God

Baralai looked the title over and over again, he had discovered an entire Sith Lab. It was ancient, but the tools worked fine, although, he wondered why only the tubes had come to life. He slowly opened the book and took a seat at the desk, allowing himself to read it over. He would have to learn, for within these books was the knowledge he craved. The secrets of God. . .he had found home, and it was Hell.