View Full Version : Now what (open to a jedi)

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 02:59:15 PM
alarms were sounding every where, people were running, people were falling down dead all around her. What was going on? A child's voice, Her voice, was calling for somebody, a name, one she couldn't hear clearly, but it was her voice as it was in her youth.

What looked like storm troopers were storming down the halls, shooting at everybody as the people around her drew glowing blades from their sides and started deflecting the bolts.

one of the women grabed her as she started to run from the troopers, as the blaster bolts started to overwelm the defenders. she was still screeming for a woman, Master Qein, she was calling for a Master Qein. The lady holding her said "Forget her. She can not help you. We must get to a safe location." The lady ran out the door to a large building and tossed her on to a ship that was starting to take off.

A man in the ship caught her and put her in the hold with a number of other children as the ships hatch slamed shut...

Mitara, a young lady, Sat up in bed quickly. Her breathing was rapid, sweat was dripping off her face. She looked around and saw that she was in her room, in her home, on the small backwater planet she always remembered as her home.

"It was just that dream again. Calm yourself girl it's only a dream."

She knew that after that dream showed up there was no getting back to sleep this night, so she climbs out of bed, and get's dressed for the day. She gets into her work clothes, a dirty white T-Shirt and a set of dirty jeans, throws on her leather work boots and goes outside for a walk.

Why was she having these dreams? or at least why now? They starter shortly after Alderaan was blown up by The Empire, and have been returning every month ever since. The dreams were so real, Like she was really there, but yet she has no memory of that really happening to her.

She knows that this human family adopted her, and she knows that she really has no memory of a life before she was adopted. could this be a memory?

Mitara shakes her head at that idea, and walks through the farm and into the village, wandering her way through the streets.

Most of the people in the village thought she was human, and on the outside she looked human, but on the inside, she has a completly diffrent anatony, like she has 3 lungs instead of 2, and she has a shorter more efficent intestinal track, and she ages at half the speed of a real human. So even though she only looked like she was around 16 years old, she really was 32 years old. She knew all this, and she knew that when she was placed up for adoption, the new Empire was doing clean up work around the galaxy...

Was that what she was seeing? Who knows? Who cares? She would have been six years old at that time, more like a human 3 year old really. It's was her past, and has no bearing on her future. Or does it?

Mitara sits herself down on a bench in the village square. It was still 2 hours before sun rise, and at least she could get a good view of that from here. Today was just like any other day, but something felt diffrent, something felt like this day was going to change her boring life forever. She only could hope it would be for the better.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 18th, 2005, 09:14:37 PM
The lead speeder screamed by on the special stage, the repulsors echoing through the forest. This pastoral planet was home to a semi-annual speeder rally, one of the qualifying and test rounds for the big manufactures. After leaving Corellia behind, Morgan was nomadic, looking for something to do and stay low.

He purchased a prepped but beaten speeder from one of the smaller privateer teams, and had spent the past week hitting it with a spanner. It ran, but he didn’t have a co-driver. It wasn’t unheard of to run without a co-driver.

The rally wove and skirted several small settlements, but this wasn’t one of the popular rallies, more of a shakedown event than anything else. The CEC Rally Corellia would be the big opener this year, although every year since the New Order, speeder rallying had dwindled some. Parts got more expensive and engineering teams were working on military equipment. It had essentially gotten stale over the past twelve years.

Still, the old Sorosuub Morgan was running had a large following and an even larger availability of junkyard of parts. It was an old rear-thruster design with a relatively small but peaky, high output powerplant.

He didn’t have a co-driver, or a crew, but he had rigged a system of displaying the notes on the heads up, and a button to advance to the next set, resetting a distance counter. He was sunk if anything happened to the speeder. Morgan checked his wrist chrono. He was going to stage in 30 minutes. The used racing suit was loose around the middle, but it hadn’t bothered him during the shakedown.

A consistently lumpy idle thrummed from behind as the speeder idled across the staging area. The time was synchronized. One minute. The green-jacketed controller waved him forward to the line. Morgan set the parking brake, which was separate from the hand brake. He gave inside of the speeder one last look-over before tightening the five point harness. The handbrake came off as the count hit twenty. Morgan held the throttle halfway, waiting. The lower the numbers, the slower time went.

And then everything sped up to a blur. With a scream, the speeder leapt out of the control point and down the dirt trail. Stage one was long, winding and had some spectacular drops as it wound up the mountain. It was almost a hillclimb.

Stage two plunged back into the valley, but twelve kilometers west.

Stage three wandered through farmland. Unrestricted repulsors howls echoed across the farmland. The more Morgan drove the car the more he had learned that the previous owner had a far twitchier driving style than he did. The accelerator pedal was very on or off, and it was tricky to keep a line in a corner. In the middle of the stage, the engine note changed. Morgan backed off a little, but still drove to try and keep some time. 200 meters, 4 left, extra long. It was part of the road that circled the farming village. There were probably some spectators. He pushed the throttle down to peak thrust and cranked the wheel, putting the speeder into a nearly full opposite lock power slide, until the right repulsor quit suddenly. The front right of the speeder dug into the gravel below sending the speeder tumbling end over end into a tree lining the road.

The world finally stopped shaking violently. The right side of the passenger cabin had collapsed. The welds on the rollcage had failed in terrific fashion. With the body of the vehicle mostly crushed, Morgan had to kick the door open in front of a gathering crowd.

At least the wreck was off the road.

Mitara Sinar
Nov 1st, 2005, 01:55:13 PM
Mitara heard the roar of the speader as it approched the village. she was confused for a moment since speeders were not a common sound to hear in the village, but then she remembered that her village had been put as part of a big speeder race. Well at least it was big for this planet.

Mitara gets up and starts to go back towards her family's farm to try and calm down the live stock. The Last year that her village was on the trak route one of the speeders thought to take a short cut through the field, frighting the chickens to the point that they wouldn't lay eggs for a week.

She started to walk down the gravel road back towards her home, when she saw that the racing speeder comming down the road towards her. She still needed to cross the road, and the speeder was still a good ways in the distance, but with the speed it's moving at she didn't want to risk it, so she decided to stop and wait for the speeder to pass.

As she stood there, she got a nagging fealing that something was wrong. She ignored it for the time being, and continued to watch the speeder. Then before she knew what was going on, she found herself diving in to the road side drainage ditch, as the speeder flipped end over end, right over top of her, and landed in the trees on the other side of the ditch.

Mitara picks herself up out of the ditch and looks around. that's when she relised how close she was to getting killed. she noticed that a small chunk of her hair was missing, and after a quick look around she saw it hanging off one of the fins on the speeder.

Mitara walks towards the speeder, as other started to approch.

"You okay, sir?!" She called out to the man leaving the speeder.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 3rd, 2005, 09:30:39 PM
Morgan gave his oversized jumpsuit a few pulls. Dull shards of glass fell off.

“Yeah.” He sighed and slumped against the wreck. At least there were no co-driver’s remains to dig out.

“Right repulsordrive quit mid-turn. Did anyone get hurt?” Morgan asked, suddenly more concerned now that he knew he was in one piece.

Mitara Sinar
Nov 8th, 2005, 12:19:15 PM
Mitara rubs her right shoulder as she walks closer to Morgan.

"I think I brused my shoulder when I dived into the ditch..."

Mitara then points to the small portion of her long red hair that was hanging off the dibris of his speeder.

"...And when you took that little trophy, it kinda hurt a bit. I think it was only person near by when this happend, But considering how close to town this was, you are lucky i'm the only bystander that got hurt, and i'm really not all that badly injured. In fact I've had worse from the farm animals."

Mitara offers a hand to Morgan.

"We should likely move away from the speeder, incase it desides to explode. you need any help? how badly are you hurt? if you need to you can lean on me for support."

Morgan Evanar
Nov 9th, 2005, 03:51:32 PM
“I’m fine. It’s not going to explode.” Morgan had turned everything off before he crawled out of the wreck. “I’m sorry about your hair.” He said, moving away from the wreck anyway.

“I’m surprised there are no crowd control officers here. I guess they decided everyone knew to stay away from the roads.”

“So, what is it you do out here? I’m from Nar Shadda. It’s so… different. It smells nice.” Nar Shadda had a smell, but no one referred to it as pleasant.

Mitara Sinar
Nov 9th, 2005, 04:14:35 PM
"No worries, i'm just happy to be alive. Hair will grow back. I'm just suprised I was able to move out of the way in time. With the speed you were going, I would have had to start the dive before the first sign of trouble. I don't even know why I knew to move it just felt right."

Mitara walks away from the speeder with Morgan

"Myself, my addopted parents and their children, run a farm just accross the street from here. I normal tend to the livestock. feed them clean their pens, stuff like that. I also run in to the village to get supplies when the market is in town, and help sell my family's goods at the market."

Mitara shrugs.

"I don't really remember what I did before the farm. don't really remember anything from the first 6 years of my life, which I find kinda odd since I remember in detail the last 26 years of my life. though I do get this one dreem that comes often, and I hear my own voice as a child. I don't like the dreem, I often wake up screeming from it.

And before you ask, i'm not human. I age slower. Hence I only look like a 16 year old."

Morgan Evanar
Nov 14th, 2005, 09:58:15 PM
“Oh. That’s pretty unusual. But you never know how old someone is by looking at them.” Morgan didn’t really have any backup plans now that his speeder had failed spectacularly. He had three or four days to kill.

“Know anyone who needs some speeder parts?” he asked.

Mitara Sinar
Nov 15th, 2005, 03:43:22 PM
"Not really. I'm sure that if you just leave it here, it will be salvaged by the end of the week. There's not much money running around this small village, so many people will grab what ever they think they can sell."

Mitara smiles as she goes to carefully cross the street towards her family's farm.

"If you want a ride back to the start of the race track, I could get a horse from the farm and we could ride into town. It would take a good chunk of the day, so if you want to get back there we should get going soon. or would you rather wait a day and let your body heal from the crash?"

Morgan Evanar
Dec 6th, 2005, 09:31:06 PM
"I'm fine. There is a reason roll cages are requirements. Getting back would be good." Even though he had set aside time for the rally, there was no point in sticking around.

"What's a horse?"

Mitara Sinar
Dec 7th, 2005, 05:20:05 PM
Mitara laughs slightly.

"It's a creature that we use to ride on, pull things, carry things for use on the farm. Most people out this way can't afford the machines that do that sort of stuff for us, so we raise creatures to help us. lucky for us thare are many wide open fields that we can let them feed on the grass of, so food costs are kept low."

Mitara stops as she is at the side of the road on her farm's side and looks back at Morgan.

"...or if you would rather I could get a few sleeping bags and we can walk for a few days to get back to the starting line of the race."

At this point Mitara drops into a shoulder roll, and rolls her self in to the ditch on her side of the road, as another speeder comes zooming around the corner at blinding speeds, cutting the conner too much and would have hit Mitara if she had not rolled when sh did.

to most people it would be kinda odd that she was able to dodge in time, since there was no way to know in time that the speeder was not sticking to the center of the track like it was supose to, not to mention that Mitara was not even looking in the direction of the speeder at the time of her roll. Not to mention, that was the seconds life threating speeder accdent with in the hour that she has narowly esscaped from by a hair's length.

Mitara picks herself from the ditch and yells at the back of the long gone speeder....

"LEARN TO STICK TO THE ROAD BUD!" here voice returns to normal as she looks back at Morgan. "shesh, some of you racers really need to not hug the corners so much. somebody could get hurt."

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2005, 07:00:02 PM
"It's the only way you can get any time." Morgan pointed down the curve a ways twoard the innermost part of the bend.

"You start from the top of the corner and then you aim for the inside part, and momentum carries you back out. Fastest way to do it. Besides, can't you hear them coming?" Any Bith would tell you that a racing speeder was the most obnoxious thing ever, and that you could hear them for kilometers. Morgan liked the whine, though.

"Horses are fine if we stay away from the roads, I think. Most riding animals get spooked pretty badly by racing speeders."

Mitara Sinar
Dec 27th, 2005, 03:36:57 PM
Mitara smiles.

"I understand it's all part the race but when you almos get run over twice in one day, it is slightly anoying, and accualy I can't hear them comming. I was born with a hearing dissorder that cut the sound frequencies that I can hear down drasticly. If it's too high piched, or too low piched I can't hear them."

Mitara goes to walk through a gate in the fence.

"Come on, this wat to my family's stable. And don't worry, I know a number of riding paths that can get ya back there with out taking the road."

Morgan Evanar
Dec 28th, 2005, 10:03:15 PM
"Great." he said sincerely.

The stable was warm and musty. Morgan's nose wrinkled a bit. It smelled like large animals and the associated byproducts. The four-legged beasts had sleek, well cared for coats.

"Prrbpbptppbrrh." He looked over at the animal furthest from him, wide eyed.

"They make interesting noises. Do they bite?"

Mitara Sinar
Jan 4th, 2006, 12:11:27 PM
"Most of them don't bite." Mitara says as she starts to saddle up two of the female Horses. "Really only the two big males at the end bite people, but we only use them for pulling things, not for riding."

After the horses are saddled up, and ready to ride, Mitara quickly runs into the house and gathers up some supplies for their trip. then she comes back out and ties the gear to the animals, hopping on to the saddle of one of them. She then looks back at Morgan.

"Oh, do you need any help with getting on or whatever? take it you have never ridden one of thse before?"

Morgan Evanar
Jan 5th, 2006, 08:25:10 PM
Morgan looked at the horse and saddle for a moment. He had been watching Mitara when she climbed on the beast.

“I’d never seen one in the flesh before. But…” He swung himself into the saddle, and managed not to fall off, and it looked about the same as the way she was sitting. It was comfortable enough.

“How do you maneuver a horse? Is it like a dewback?”

Mitara Sinar
Jan 9th, 2006, 01:40:06 PM
Mitara gets a slightly confused look on her face...

"Dewback?" Mitara then shrugs "I don't know what that is, but with these fine creatures, all you have to do is tug gently on one side of the ranes to turn the head slightly in the direction you want to go. To speed up, just squeese your legs together around the horses middle, to slow down, pull back gently on the ranes."

Mitara goes to give a demonstration as she manuvers around a few things in the stable, then she makes her way to the doors. as she passes by Morgan again she says questioningly

"do you think you can handle that?"

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2006, 10:41:51 PM
Morgan urged the the horse with a squeeze around the middle, gently upped the pressure until the animal moved. He directed it left and then right in the space he had, and then followed Mitara to the door and stopped. She started out the door, apparently satisfied with his command over the animal.

“Dewbacks are big lizards that are pretty easy to domesticate, but this world is probably too wet. I saw a stormtrooper desert unit pass through Nar Shadda once, moving dewbacks from one ship to another. But that was years ago. I think I like horses better, anyway.” Morgan said with a smile. This was different, but he liked it.

Mitara Sinar
Jan 11th, 2006, 02:11:23 PM
Mitara nods.

"That's good! I've ways liked the horses."

Mitara commands the horse to start to move off trough the farm. and onto a trail going in to the woods.

"Come on! This way!"

once in the woods and afte morgan has caught up, Mitara looks over at Morgan.

"Well this is going to b a long ride. any thing you want to talk about?"

Trilby Benedetta
Jan 13th, 2006, 10:01:34 AM
Her plan had half-worked.

Reports of the wreck had reached the crew, and she had graciously volunteered to go check it out. The smile that crossed her face quickly faded when she saw that, no, he wasn't in the speeder.

A chat with the locals (and some acting on her part - she knew next to nothing about speeders, and a little less about all this rallying business) now had her following a trail into the woods. Her bounty was just an hour or so ahead...

Morgan Evanar
Jan 15th, 2006, 11:26:56 PM
Morgan thought about the question for a second.

“You ever lived the city life? Like Coruscant or Corellia?”

Mitara Sinar
Jan 16th, 2006, 12:58:45 PM
Mitara Thinks for a moment.

"Not that I can remember. All my memories are wit my adopted family, in fact I don't even have memories of being adopted. I’ve been getting this one Very realistic dream every few nights though, that makes me wonder if I ever was living on another planet. It started coming around shortly after the headaches went away, the ones I got after Alderaan was blown up. Those Headaches lasted for almost a week, and the doctors couldn't rind anything wrong with me."

Mitara looks over at Morgan, and got a slight feeling that he wanted to hear more about the dream, so she continued.

"The dream is kind of sickening, I normally wake up in a cold sweat, and can't get back to sleep after it's over. I'm on this planet that looks like it's all made of metal, like it's one big building going on as far as you can see, connected by walk ways.

I was just a little kid, younger than what I can remember. People were being killed, I could feel like I panic going though my body. I was calling a name, one I don't recognize but yet I felt that in this dream, for some reason, she was important to me."

Mitara hangs her head shaking it slightly.

"I don't even know how I know that this person was a woman, Master Qein I believe was the name. Well anyway, a lady in brown robes grabbed me and started running away from these swarms of white monsters that all looked the same. She also told me that the lady I was calling for could not help me now."

A few tears start to fall from Mitara's eyes

"Hearing that in the dream made me want to cry out in sadness, it made me want to find her even more. But I was being carried, and I could see that the white monsters were killing the other people behind us. A shot also came right at me, only to be deflected as it passed one of the other men in robes, with his glowing sword. They were all dying."

Mitara looks back up and towards Morgan

“The woman that was carrying me got me outside, the tossed me in to the arms of a man that was at an open door of a ship that was taking off. The last I saw I that woman was her turning around and pulling out a glowing sword and started fighting off the white monsters that were now swarming her. She was trying to make it to another smaller ship. The man closed the door, and then I wake up."

Mitara chokes back her emotions, unknowingly using A Jedi calming technique to do this.

"But it’s just a bad dream, right? It's not like there are people out there that would mow down people like that, right?"

Trilby Benedetta
Jan 20th, 2006, 12:36:16 AM
She remained far enough behind so she wouldn't be seen, close enough that she could make out exactly who she was following. As she got closer, she picked up bits and pieces of the pairs' conversation.

...this planet that looks like it's all made of metal, like it's one big building going on as far as you can see, connected by walk ways...
People were being killed, I could feel like I panic going though my body. I was calling a name...
in brown robes grabbed me and started running away from these swarms of white monsters that all looked the same...
the white monsters were killing the other people behind us...men in robes, with his glowing sword. They were all dying...

A knot began to form in the pit of her stomach. The girl wasn't "dreaming' anything, and once she'd taken care of her target, she'd be interested in learning what else Mitara could remember.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 22nd, 2006, 08:00:35 PM
Morgan shook his head.

“There are several planets that are cities, but I have no idea what the glowing blade was. But for people doing bad things? I’ve seen enough. It’s possible.” The conversation died at that point. He suspected Mitara was not happy to hear that what she dreamt(?) was possible. Morgan had seen enough of the dangerous and ugly to know it was.

They were moving at steady walk.

“Can we pick up the pace a little? I can walk this fast.”

Mitara Sinar
Jan 23rd, 2006, 01:03:55 PM
Mitara was a little dissipointed at the answer that she got, but did her best not to show it. when she was asked if they could speed up, she just noded, and commaned her horse to speed up to a fast gallop.

After Morgan had done the same and fallen in to step besider her again, Mitara asked...

"So how many planets have you been to? Are any of them like my home here?"

Trilby Benedetta
Jan 25th, 2006, 12:12:19 PM

The..whatever they were riding had picked up the pace and widening the gap between them. She picked up the pace, and finally just called out to them. Not the most subtle way to catch up, but she wasn't about to lose them.


Morgan Evanar
Jan 28th, 2006, 08:57:05 PM
"Well, I've been to the Corporate Sector and spent a lot of time on Nar Sha..."

"Hey!" Morgan's head looked back.

"What in the seven hells?"

Mitara Sinar
Jan 30th, 2006, 01:31:41 PM
When Morgan is interupted Mitara looks behind her to see who was calling to them. Mitara then gets off the horse and walks a few steps towards the woman.

"Excuse me, My I help you? And what are you doing here? This is private property, owned by my family, and unless you were invited by my parents, one of my three cousin, or their parents, then I will have to ask that you move off to public grounds. So please explain yourself quickly, or get off my family's land."

It was true that they were still on the farm land even though the were in a forest like area, but not all that far ahead was the place where her family's side path meets the main public riding path. a few mor minutes of riding and the two of them would have been on the public path, after the passed through the small wire gate up ahead.

Mitara always used caution when dealing with trespassers, and always carried her skinning knife with her, not only to prepare food when she had just hunted it down on a long journey, like what her and Morgan were just starting, but also for self defence, and she knew how to use this 30cm(12 inch) long blade very well for that purpose. She had delt with farm raider, and bandits before.

Knowing that this woman was un-welcome on this part of the path. Mitara opens her jacket slightly, bringing her knife into view, with it hanging on the inside lining of her jacket, under the right arm hole. She rests her left hand on the handle of the blade, but does not draw it, giving the woman a chance to explane her trespassing.

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 2nd, 2006, 08:17:40 PM
She practically rolled her eyes at the girl reaching for the knife, knowing her blaster pistol was tucked neatly away in the waistband of her pants, hidden under the crew shirt she wore. She put her hands up in a mock display of surrender.

"Chill, girl. I'm just looking for that guy," she gestured to Morgan. " Someone said there was a crash, so I came to check it out. Make sure no-one died."

Morgan Evanar
Feb 3rd, 2006, 11:32:38 PM
The story smelled of dewback dren. Morgan narrowed his eyes.

"You could have gathered that by looking at the car. No blood, and I left my helmet."

Mitara Sinar
Feb 6th, 2006, 11:20:29 AM
Mitara didn't buy it ether. Things just didn't add up.

"If somebody died then there would have been a body in the area, or drag marks going away from the crash. Anyway, So what made you think that you could just walk on to private property even if you thought there was an injured person there? do you think you can help him better than my family or myself? Do you think that just because we live out in the countryside that we are unable to help an injured person? Just because out here there is not much money or technology that YOU have to trespass to just satisfy your curiosity? What makes YOU so special that the property laws do not apply to you?"

Mitara talks a few deep breaths to calm herself. As she was talking her anger was slowly starting to grow, but now, as she took those calming breaths, the forces flow in her became more steady, controllable, and calm. She didn't know it, but when her parents had taught her to do this when ever she found herself getting angry, they were just activating a dormant knowledge that she had from her time as a Jedi Youngling.

She was using the force to calm herself, and opening herself to the force, without even that she was doing it.

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 8th, 2006, 03:20:54 PM
"I think you'd better shut the frell up."

The muzzle of the blaster in Trilbys' hand aimed directly at Mitaras forehead.

"Now put your hands up, or your brains are going to paint your "private property."

Morgan Evanar
Feb 16th, 2006, 04:22:38 PM
Morgan froze, still on the horse. He lifted his hands slowly skyward.

"I think we'd all be best off if we relaxed and listened to the woman with the blaster."

Mitara Sinar
Feb 17th, 2006, 02:06:09 PM
Mitara backs off a few steps, her knife now in hand. She drew it from her sheath as the woman went for her blaster. After all it's not like it was a subtle movement with the lady's hands going from a mock surender, to grabbing a blaster at her belt. She was holding her knife in her left hand, in a defencive stance, with her right hand behind her back.

" If you think I haven't delt with people with blasters before, you are sadly mistaken. now explane yourself quickly before somebody has to get hurt."

With her right hand behind her back, she slips a little radio transponder out of her sleeve, and pushes the button on it. That sends a signal off to the farm house letting them know there is trouble, and in what direction it is in. Hopefully her Dad will be here with the rifle soon.

OOC: There is no way that you could have the mussle on Mitara's head. The fact that you had to call out to us to get us to stop, and in none of your posts have you mentioned that you approched the two of them, and since mitara is already warry of you, there is no way that she would let you get closer than 10 paces from her. so i'm going to take it that that is how far you are from her, with the blaster pointed at her forhead.

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 17th, 2006, 03:28:03 PM
She pulled the trigger, and the blast hit Mitara cleanly in the shoulder. Not enough to cause much damage, but maybe it would show this little bitch to back down if she knew what was good for her.

"I don't care if you've dealt with "people with blasters" - I doubt you've dealt with bounty-hunters before. Now, I can kill you both, or Mr Evanar can come with me and you can go back to milking your bantha or whatever it is you hicks do around here."

Her aim remained trained on Mitara, keeping an ear out for anyone who might be coming. Maybe it was from running after the Purge, but she always tried to watch her back in these situtations - you never knew what could happen while taking in a bounty.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 17th, 2006, 05:06:09 PM
The horse jumped when the blaster went off. Morgan was off balance enough for him to slip out of the saddle, but quick enough where he landed on his feet, crouched slightly, with his hands still away from his body. Not that he had any sort of weapon on him. There wasn't supposed to be anything aside from a driver, a co driver and protective gear in the speeders.

Morgan had also dealt with people who had blasters before. Normally he had one too, and the advantages of an urban environment. He was too close to run. She was about six meters away: the most effective range for a good blaster pistol. Judging from the shot placement, she knew how to use it, too.


Mitara Sinar
Feb 20th, 2006, 02:12:46 PM
Mitara tryed to move out of the way of the blaster shot, but couldn't make it in time. It wasn't a bad injury, but it still hurt alot. she put her knife on the ground, ad placed her hand over the blaster wound

"Ya know you could have saved us all alot of trouble if you had of just told me that you were a bounty hunter instead of telling some lame story on why you ar tresspassing...."

mitara looks ove at morgan then back at the lady.

"so what did he do? why does he have a bounty on his head."

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 22nd, 2006, 01:16:59 AM
"He pissed off the wrong people."

She gestured with the pistol for Morgan to come closer, before returning her aim to Mitara. If either of them tried anything, she'd end this here and now.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 22nd, 2006, 09:29:15 PM
He kept his hands up. Hopefully Mitara wouldn't do anything.

"You're a lot better than the last one."

Mitara Sinar
Feb 23rd, 2006, 12:42:17 PM
Mitara gets back to her feet completly, standing tall, and placing a hand on her injured shoulder.

"One thing I don't seem to understand is, if your after him, why are you pointing the gun at me? or why you couldn't have waited 2 more minutes, when we all would have been on a public path, and I wouldn't have even questioned you calling out to us from behind? You have to admit it was poor planning on your part."

Mitara smiles at that statment, and also at the fact she could now see her adopted dad comming into view on the path, and he had the hunting rifle with him too.

Her dad sees what is going on, and arms the rifle, and yells the 50 meters to the bounty hunter.

"if ya value your life, I would drop that blaster and turn around slowly! we don't like trespassers here! Expecaly the viloent kind!"

Morgan Evanar
Feb 23rd, 2006, 02:38:42 PM
With two steps, Morgan found himself used as a human shield. The bounty hunter was now shielded from fire by his larger frame, and the heavy blaster pistol's barrel rested firmly below his jaw.

"Mitara, go home. You don't want anything to do with this."

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 23rd, 2006, 02:58:46 PM
The pistol dug harder into his chin, a smirk gracing her features.

"I suggest you listen to him. Go home, little girl."

Mitara Sinar
Feb 24th, 2006, 03:21:41 PM
With Mitara on one side and her dad on the other side of the bounty hunter, she couldn't use Morgan as a sheild from both of them.

"Look, we don't want trouble." Mitara says "Is there any way we all can get what we want? how much is the bounty on him? Or is ther anything that would of more value that we may have that could be given in exchange for his freedom?"

Mitara's dad is slowly approching, gun still aimed at the bounty hunter.

"sweetheart, there is no point in trying to bargan with skum like this! they will just stab you in the back!" her dad calls to her "the only way this will end without blood shed, is if she drops the man and the blaster and leaves this property now!

Mitara calls back to her dad.

"Father! I have to try! I don't want to see anybody hurt! this is a nice man, and i promised to help him get back to his ship! I have to at least try and solve this peacefuly!"

Morgan Evanar
Feb 24th, 2006, 03:54:56 PM
Morgan slowly shook his head.

"Go Mitara, before she shoots you in the head."

Trilby Benedetta
Feb 24th, 2006, 05:03:08 PM
"Look, we don't want trouble." Mitara says "Is there any way we all can get what we want? how much is the bounty on him? Or is ther anything that would of more value that we may have that could be given in exchange for his freedom?"

Now it was the hunters turn to shake her head. Was this girl frelling retarded? Two farmers against a trained bounty hunter spelled disaster - not for her, either. She wouldn't hesistate to kill them all and frell the damn bounty, if this bounty wasn't for the Black Sun...

"Look, I could always shoot your father in the face, how about that? Then I can shoot you, since you have no weapon, and Mr Evanar and I can be on our merry-frelling way." The blaster stayed pressed under Morgans' chin. "Or, I could blow his brains out in front of you, would that be better?"

The bounty hunter glared at the girls' approaching father. "If you think you're coming any closer, you're wrong. I'll kill your little bitch daughter and Evanar if you two don't leave. Right now. Try to shoot me, and all of you will die. Understand?"

Mitara Sinar
Feb 27th, 2006, 01:00:46 PM
Mitara's father says, "I highly doubt you would kill your bounty, But he's not the one I'm worried about." He looks over at his daughter "Mitara grab the horses and get over here now or I will shoot your legs and drag you away."

Mitara was about to complain when her dad just aims the gun at her. So she gives in. She grabs the reins to the horses, picks up her knife and walks past the bounty hunter towards her dad.

her dad then speeks up again, back towards the bounty hunter.

"Now you get off my land, or I will kill both you and your bounty for tresspassing. We will not stop you as long as you are moving along this path to the public land beyond that gate" He says nodding towards the gate that Morgan and Mitara were headed to.

Trilby Benedetta
Mar 2nd, 2006, 12:34:04 AM
Her nails dug into Morgans' shoulder as she slowly started to back towards the gate, pulling him with her. They reached the gate and Trilby nearly shoved him onto the public land on the other side.

A few tense moments passed, and they were gone from sight.