View Full Version : Application: Dakler Terrcin

Dakler Terrcin
Sep 26th, 2005, 11:13:26 PM
Character name: Dakler Terrcin

Character Profile: Dakler considers himself outside the normal bounds or right and wrong; he believes that the rules don't apply to him. He would support, for example, the idea that killing people is actually a good thing, because the people left over will the the strong ones. you know, the whole survival of the fittest thing. He dosen't want or have many friends, and he dosen't care much about public opinion. He wouldn't see galactic domination as an end in itself, but more as a means to an end. The extermination of undesirables, esp. the weak and the lawless.

Character History: Dakler Terrcin grew up outside the empire, far from any organized group of force users. From a young age Dakler was considered a child prodigy, and when his parents were killed in a freak speader accident which left Terrcin scarred when he was only 13, the state deemed that he was compitent to live on his own. As the years went by, Dakler became more and more obsessed with the fact that his parents, good people, had died, while criminals walked the streats unharmed. Dakler wants the world to be clean, orderly, regular. He graduated school at 15 and secluded himself to develop his powers, the source of which he didn't know.
After two years of solitary study, Dakler took to the streats by night, extracting vigalantee justice, ensuring that those who deserved early deaths recieved them. As rumors spread and the mutilated bodies of criminals began to pile up, Dakler finally revealed himself to the public. They reviled him, and Dakler fled the authorities, leaving his home planet to rot in the crime and corruption it embraced. Dakler set a course to a planet he'd herd of, full of an almost inexhaustable supply of those who deserved death, Teufel.

Character Motivations: Dakler dosen't know he wants to become sith, or even what the sith are. Once he discovers them however, he will realize that they share his goals: making the world a better place, a more orderly place (through ideas like "greed it good," not in some lame altruistic way), even if it involves "breaking a few eggs to make an omlet"

Character Skills: Dakler had developed some rudimentary use of his force powers, especially the ability to conceal himself from others and to amplify his strength/speed. He fights primary with a vibro blade in order to cause maximum pain to his victims. He is smart, but not a genious. Most people thought he was a child prodigy not because of his absolute intelligence, but instead of his ability to pluck the answer out of the mind of his teacher. He has almost no social skills, and prefers to spend his time with computers instead of women.

Why should we accept you: Dakler already has a philosophy similar to the Sith. He believes that he is above others, almost godlike. He is the best judge of what needs to be done with the world, and there are no costs that are not worth paying to remake the world as he sees fit..

Roleplaying example: Eternal: Kwa'ad Staal

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: yup

Have you read the rules: oh hell yes, you want me to mix you up something?

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 27th, 2005, 06:58:35 AM
I'll give it my stamp of approval. Don't bother waiting on four other votes, I'm the only elder present. Feel free to post on the boards.

Dakler Terrcin
Sep 27th, 2005, 11:40:54 AM
can you make me an acolyte or whatever?