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Mitara Sinar
Sep 26th, 2005, 01:08:22 PM
wow... things sure have changed here... i only reconise a few names here now.

I don't know how many people remember me, but I RPed here for a short while, untill my husband, he played the character Garen Selore, was in a car accdent, and had to give up his computer stuff due to a brain injury that he got from the accdent.

Well I though I would stop in and say hi! I found the old board archive link on here and looks at some of the old threads. It's hard to beleave that I haven't been here since Jan 28 2004.

Our little girl turned one year old a few days ago, I should have told people here about her sooner, but i've been rather busy. Garen wishes he could be here, he still misses his friends he made here, in fact when we named our daughter, first ones that poped up from garen's mouth were from characters here, and we accualy went with Chelsea Rie for her first and middle name.

Garen Has found work at the daycare center we send our little girl to, and he get's payed very well for what he does. he finds that he likes working with little kids even more than he liked his work at the office.

I'm still doing my kickboxing, but no longer in a competivite way, I do it just to stay in shape. I also have been accepted into the Vancover Police Force, and I start my first day on the streets October 3rd. :D My sister always though I would be working the streets for a living... I don't thing she ment it this way though. :lol

I though people here would like an update on how we are doing, and I really have nothing else to say right now so, i hope the people than knew us are still here to see this.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 26th, 2005, 01:11:05 PM
I'm glad you guys are doing well. :) Good to see you again.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 26th, 2005, 02:02:52 PM
Good to hear from you :)

Sep 26th, 2005, 08:24:32 PM
It's good to hear from ya! Glad to hear things are going well.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 26th, 2005, 09:23:56 PM
squeeee! a bebe!

Chelsea Rie! Rie will be esctatic when she reads this. Garen was always her favorite padawan. :) (wasn't he Amazon Babe's padawan?) So good to hear that everything is going well, and congratulations on the little one! I trust Garen is still doing great...?


Taja Loraan
Sep 27th, 2005, 10:04:45 AM
Woo, great to know that you guys are doing alright ! Garen should drop by and say hey himself, sometime. =3

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 12:28:44 PM
It's nice to see that there are still some names I reconise here, and yes Garen was a padawan to AB.

Garen is enjoying his new job, but really misses his computer stuff. The fact that the doctor still says that Extended Viewing of a lighted screen (Eg. TV, Computer, bright LCD screens, movie screens) may still cause him to have another stroke, we are not taking many chances to see to what extent Extended Viewing really is. Though he is getting 10-20 min per day to check E-mail, and print off and mail that is for himself. He still has some minor nerve damage from the accdent, that causes him some small loss in his dextarity in his left arm, that will likely never go away, but other than that he has recovered fully.

I'm printing off the replys to this thread for garen to read, he comented that "I'm supprised that so many people even remember me, it's not like I was there for long. It's nice to see they care!"

So What's With the big change? where did the GJO go? I'm guessing we missed something big.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:07:59 PM
So What's With the big change? where did the GJO go? I'm guessing we missed something big.

You did indeed :) We have "reset" the board. It's now set in the immeadiate aftermath of 'Return of the Jedi'. Everyone was able to retain the ranks they'd gained, but most people have applied them to new characters. In keeping with the theme of the era, we've absolved the GJO and now most Jedi move in small groups, trying to evade capture from the Empire. There's no unified Order, though it's likely that one will form in the future.

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:13:55 PM
So if i wanted to get back in to RPing here as a jedi student, i'm guessing I would have to be found by an existing jedi? There is no recrutement center any more?

Anyways it sounds interisting.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:24:16 PM
There's no formal recruitment process, no, although existing Jedi are using the old GJO forums to co-ordinate themselves, so I'm sure someone could be found to accomodate most any situation. If not, you can always operate independently for the time being and meet up with others somewhere along the line :)

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:39:48 PM

and is there any was to get the M ands the S in my name capitalized, i forgot to do that when I made the name...

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:49:16 PM
Name change is done. :)

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 01:56:34 PM
Thanks! *Hugs LD*

Sanis Prent
Sep 27th, 2005, 02:59:32 PM
You named your kid after Rie? That's just silly. When will somebody get with the program and name their future kid Sanis? :mad

Mitara Sinar
Sep 27th, 2005, 03:02:38 PM
Named her after Rie Mystt and Chelsea La, both were characters here.

And well I don't think Sanis would work as a Girls name.. ;)

Sep 27th, 2005, 05:37:18 PM
Our little girl turned one year old a few days ago, I should have told people here about her sooner, but i've been rather busy. Garen wishes he could be here, he still misses his friends he made here, in fact when we named our daughter, first ones that poped up from garen's mouth were from characters here, and we accualy went with Chelsea Rie for her first and middle name.

^_^; Wow! I'm honored! I bet she's as cute as a button! In a small way, I almost feel like I know her. Funny how a name similarity can sometimes do that. :)

Chelsea Rie! Rie will be esctatic when she reads this. Garen was always her favorite padawan. :) (wasn't he AmazonBabe's padawan?)

Scarey how well you know me. :D

Yes, Garen was indeed AB's padawan, and one of the best she had. I do miss him, but I'm glad to hear he's doing well. :)

You named your kid after Rie? That's just silly. When will somebody get with the program and name their future kid Sanis? :mad

:lol Someone's jealous. :p

Named her after Rie Mystt and Chelsea La, both were characters here.

Rie is actually my nickname, taken from the last syllable of my first name: Anne Marie.

It was actually a name to my first Jedi character from the olden days of table-top RP. Once I started RP on boards, and I needed a name for my Jedi character besides AmazonBabe, I took the long time name from my table-top character.

I'm flattered it'll live on long after I've gone the way of the dodo. :)

Marga Alton
Sep 27th, 2005, 07:44:08 PM
*tackle huggle*

I'm really happy to see you again Mitara. Hi Garen. I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright.

Named her after Rie Mystt and Chelsea La, both were characters here.

I'm surprised actually that you would choose Chelsea La. If I remember correctly, I didn't do much with her though I am honored that you would name your daughter Chelsea.

I'm happy to hear that you and Garen are doing alright and that you have a little girl.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2005, 07:36:48 AM
Rie - I KNOW ALL I SEE ALL... *spooky music*


Leten Snat
Sep 28th, 2005, 10:22:04 AM
Great to see you again Mitara! I'm not RPing here anymore, but I still lurk and do a few ooc post now and then.

Congrats on the new jobs for the two of you, congrats on the baby girl, and I'm sure everybody here wishes the little minchkin a belated happy 1st birthday, or at least I know I do.

Mitara Sinar
Sep 28th, 2005, 12:34:07 PM
Rie is actually my nickname, taken from the last syllable of my first name: Anne Marie.

It was actually a name to my first Jedi character from the olden days of table-top RP. Once I started RP on boards, and I needed a name for my Jedi character besides AmazonBabe, I took the long time name from my table-top character.

I'm flattered it'll live on long after I've gone the way of the dodo.

Well nether Garen or myself knew that so she's named after the character :p. But I guess we named her after the characters of people that we really liked RPing with, so it's nice to know that she is named after a character that was named after you! :)

*tackle huggle*

I'm really happy to see you again Mitara. Hi Garen. I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright.

*Gets Huggled & huggles back :hug *

we are glad to see you too!

I'm surprised actually that you would choose Chelsea La. If I remember correctly, I didn't do much with her though I am honored that you would name your daughter Chelsea.

I'm happy to hear that you and Garen are doing alright and that you have a little girl.

well beleave me, the first name Garen spouted was Marga for her first name, I didn't think is sounded right with the last name so We tryed a few others, but it always came back to a character you played Marga. Chelsea sounded the best with the other names we wanted, so it got the job.

Congrats on the new jobs for the two of you, congrats on the baby girl, and I'm sure everybody here wishes the little minchkin a belated happy 1st birthday, or at least I know I do.

Thank you Leten! It's good to see you too! It's good to see so many people that we remember!

something I find funny is that Garen, through the whole pregnancy was saying he wanted a boy. but the first thing he said after he held her for the first time was, "This is why the Whole time I was saying I wanted a little girl." :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2005, 07:05:24 PM
Aw that is so sweet! :)

Mitara Sinar
Sep 30th, 2005, 12:36:11 PM
:) yes it is! I kinda guessed that no mater what the gender was, he would be happy.

after Chelsea was born, I asked him why he wanted a boy, he replyed "So I would have a kid to take to sports, rough house with, and stuff like that". I replyed... "You do remember who you are married to, Right?" he said.. "um, ya." I say.."so what's really the diffrence of you having a little boy or girl to do that stuff with?" He said "Well if a boy gets hurt, um, um, well *pauses looking me over* um, Nevermind. I'll shut-up now."