View Full Version : Legion (Finished)
General Devious
Sep 24th, 2005, 11:13:15 PM
Dalamar's bone white armor glistened in the darkness. His black taloned gloves where laced in front of him. His eyes glowed in the dim light as his thoughts raced.
'Legion where was he why could Sting and the others not ferret him out?!!" Dalamar pounded the table. The fire in the hearth lit up and the candles in the room burst to life. Dalamar leaned back his rage subsiding. One of the servants ran to fill his wine glass Desang ignored them as he usually did. He went to the table where his papers where. He poured over them again there had to be some clue to where he was.
An killing of the last of the Shrine Guardians was in one of the reports. The return of Ambrose from where ever he had been in another. Echos of the past where coming back to haunt him and his Queen.
Villages killed, people poisoned. Assasinations, murders plots and plans some linked to Legion others he didn't know where they came from. He ran his dagger across the table in frustration. Cold black smoke ran in tendrils from the scarred wood. He would find Legion even if it cost him his life..
Sep 25th, 2005, 03:21:20 PM
Saveeradeevaravaravee walked toward the gates of Onderon City, toward the building that housed the war room. According to his informants on Onderon, a man named General Devious had just entered the building - and had looked quite frustrated as he did so. As he neared the entrance to the building, one of the guards held up a blaster to hault his approach.
"Hault! This building is off limits to civilians!"
Saveer grinned persuasively.
"I'm sorry, but I have information vital to General Devious's efforts."
Without hesititation, the guard tightened his grip on his blaster, a warning in case Saveer tried to do anything foolish.
"Once again, this building is only accessible to Onderon Military personell. Without the proper identification and security papers, I simply cannot let you in."
Saveer smiled broadly.
"I'm sorry! It must have slipped my mind."
With that, he reached into one of the pouches of his ammunition belt, producing a small stack of folded, heavily embroidered papers, hand-forged by the best professionals in the business to bear exact likeness to those handed out by the King of Onderon himself. Hastily, the guard snatched the papers from Saveer's grasp, frustratedly reading them over. After a few moments, he threw the papers back to Saveer, annoyed at having to admit such an obvious citizen.
"Very well."
He turned away, entering a series of digits into the security door, and then straightened himself, returning his blaster to guard position at his side as the door slid open.
"Permission granted to enter the building."
Making one last nod of approval - as much to his own handiwork as to the guard - he walked through the doors.
The halls inside were dimly lit, with most of the luminescense coming from candles. Following the instructions his military probes had given him, he made his way to a small room where a secretary set, organizing files on her datapad.
"I am Saveeradeevaravaravee. I have information that General Devious will find most..." he grinned, "intriguing."
With no second thoughts - after all, anyone who made it in here must have a liscense from the government! - she depressed a button on a small desktop comlink.
"General... there is someone to see you, sir. He claims to have some information for you."
General Devious
Sep 25th, 2005, 08:57:04 PM
"General... there is someone to see you, sir. He claims to have some information for you."
Dalamar still sat at his war room table when his com lit up... One of the Death Watch guards answered the com. With a nod from Devious he buzzed the visitor in...
Devious was mired in his thoughts as the guards approached the vistor. They where to do the mandatory body check that was required before speaking to the General. He sat down on his black obsidion high back marble chair. On the side was a panel with electronic lights and equipment. Devious hit the com button again. "Bring some wine for me and my guest."
Devious was already lost in his thoughts of Legion again....
Sep 25th, 2005, 09:29:21 PM
Saveer stood comfortably by and allowed himself to be checked for weaponry. Of course, he had left all of that back aboard his ship, the Maiden Voyager, so he had no worries. Though his ammunition belts were empty, he allowed them to be confiscated, just in case, and was escorted through the door to the General's office. Once inside, he bowed courtously to the man seated behind the large wooden desk.
"Good evening, General Devious. I am Saveeradeevaravaravee, but please, call me Saveer. I bring you some information that will be very difficult for you to ignore."
He rose again, staring Devious straight in the face, though he had to stand on tiptoes to see over the desk.
"Of course, information of this sort rarely comes cheap. It will cost you quite dearly to hear what I have to offer you; however, seeing your current circumstances, it could be fatal - for you and the Queen - for you to pass up this opportunity."
General Devious
Sep 25th, 2005, 10:32:26 PM
Good evening, General Devious. I am Saveeradeevaravaravee, but please, call me Saveer. I bring you some information that will be very difficult for you to ignore."
"Of course, information of this sort rarely comes cheap. It will cost you quite dearly to hear what I have to offer you; however, seeing your current circumstances, it could be fatal - for you and the Queen - for you to pass up this opportunity."
Devious did not speak but merely looked down on the being before him. His bone white armor hid all expression. His eyes glowed red out of the black hollows of his face plate. A Death Watch guard entered. Moving with purpose he came over to where Devious sat and spoke with there heads together.
Devious looked up and like the opening of a grave his gravely voice spoke. "You come to me with information? You gain entrance with the seal of the King of Onderon? I will hear your information and I will see your papers signed by the King. Then I will decide if you leave here alive. Does the Assyrian think me so foolish as to fall for these simple tricks?"
Sep 25th, 2005, 10:45:25 PM
"I'm afraid that I do not know this 'Assyrian' you speak of. Nevertheless, the information I have for you is vital to your efforts."
He handed the forged documents to the General - documents explaining the vitality of their meeting to both the Onderon Military Effort and the continued well-being of the Queen, not to mention putting a stop to much needless suffering throughout the Galaxy. Of course, there was no chance of the documents being seen for forged - the man who had forged the papers had duplicated a similar document, one that had been officially signed by the king for another patron and summarily removed from said patron's garbage soon after, to a molecular level, leaving no detail to suspicion.
"The information I have for you, General Devious, is no less than the precise location of the man known as Legion. It is my understanding that the Onderon Military is in dire need of such information."
He paused, allowing the magnitude of the offer to fully sink in.
"Shall we discuss a price, General?"
General Devious
Sep 26th, 2005, 10:47:57 PM
"The information I have for you, General Devious, is no less than the precise location of the man known as Legion. It is my understanding that the Onderon Military is in dire need of such information."
"Shall we discuss a price, General?"
Devious leapt to his feet. "You know where Legion Is!!!" The Death Watch guards stood back fearful of the wraith of the Dark Lord General. Dalamar sat back down losing his intensity. But his voice spoke in a gravely whisper of power and promise.
"Saver if what you say is true then I will forget about any forged documents that you have handed my guardmen. For how can a dead king and close friend of mine hand you any such papers. Your Intel into the state of affairs here on Onderon are lacking. I hope for your sake you are more up to date on the current location of Legion. If not? 'Your price' will be your death."
Devious sat back in his chair as the shadows covered his face his crimson stare glowed out of the white eye slits in the armor that he wore. He glanced at the guardsman. You could almost sense the smile behind the mask. "Very well Saver.... Missshca bring the items... and set them before this being. We will see if he truly has the heart of a Lion."
The guards hurried off but as soon as they left they where back again. In there hands the items that the Dark Lord General requested. A bag of gold from Onderon. A curved black sword with Sith Inscription on the hilt. A large red ruby the size of a goose egg. A vial filled with some fluid. On and on many old and rare piece's where brought out and laid before Saver.
"Barter your life with me Saver. Take anything you choose. But if Legion is not at the end of the trail that you set me to hunt..." Dalamar left the rest unsaid, Saver got the point. Resting his arm on the arm of his chair he spoke a word of command "Choose."
Sep 26th, 2005, 11:13:25 PM
Looking over the hundreds of items laid out before him, Saveer found it hard to hide his excitement. There was more wealty here than Saveer had ever seen in his entire life - surely he had never imagined so much to be in one location! The decision was indeed very difficult...
"It seems this information is quite as valuable to you as my informants have explained it to be. Unfortunately, it is that same informant who provided me with false information concerining the King of Onderon. Have no fear, though. This man will be... dealt with. As for the forged documents..." He chuckled. "You will excuse my underhandedness, but it was the only possibility of my getting to see you, you see. I'm sure that, once you find this "Legion," these actions of infiltration can be easily ignored. As for my price..."
He looked again at the rare artifacts laid before him. The gold was not likely to be tradable outside onderon, and there was no telling what was in the vial. The sword, however... As per good bartering proceedure, he began with a price significantly above that which he would accept.
"I've always been a stickler for rare artifacts... I must ask, though, the nature of the inscriptions on that sword. Assuming it is as valuable as it looks... I will sell you the information for the sword, as well as the large gem and a supplement of 500,000 credits."
He knew, of course, that the General would not likely accept such a high price, and was ready and willing to lower it. If the General accepted, however, the deal would only be made that much sweeter.
General Devious
Sep 27th, 2005, 11:46:30 PM
"I've always been a stickler for rare artifacts... I must ask, though, the nature of the inscriptions on that sword. Assuming it is as valuable as it looks... I will sell you the information for the sword, as well as the large gem and a supplement of 500,000 credits."
One of the Death watch guards mouth dropped open at the preposterous offer. Another started to pull his sword as he muttered. Yet another spoke. "You Dare... Barter with the Queen's life in the prescence of..." Dalamar raised a hand and the guard cut off what he was going to say.
The Dark Lord spoke like black thunder on a moonless night. "There will be no credits you may take the Gem and the Sword. They are meant to be together anyway." The Death Watch guards mouth moved dryly and there was open grumbling for Saver to hear. Such things as 'thieving mongrel' and 'worthless dog.'
Devious paid no mind to any of it. He still sat in in high back chair looking and waiting. His attention was on Saver and his answer his red eye's that could seeminly pierce your soul and body stared fiercly in the dim light of the War room.
Just then a beautiful female servant in a nearly translucent dress appeared it was collared at the neck and cuff. She brought the blood wine before the General. She then proffered an array of different concotions for Saver to choose from...
Sep 28th, 2005, 12:49:39 AM
"The sword and the gem... a very acceptable offer."
He paused, considering the various remarks made by the guards.
"I apologize for the 'bartering,' as your guards have so eloquently put it. You see, in my homeworld, it is considered dishonorable not to barter, regardless of the stakes. Had I made an initial offer I had intended to be final, it could have had ill effects on my relations with others of my race. I'm sure you understand."
A human female, extremely attractive by human standards, offered Saveer a selection of drinks, to which he casually held up a hand.
"I'm sorry, but I would prefer not to drink during business of this sort. Etiquette, you see."
He turned back to the General.
"As for my end of the bargain..." he pulled out a datacard, placing it on his side of the desk where the items could be simultaneously traded upon finalization of the bargain. "The man you seek has recently been seen on the planet Obroa-skai. He has taken residence in a secluded area of the main city, and has set up camp that looks to be semi-permanent - he means to be there for a few weeks, at least. Obroa-skai has one of the most information-rich economies in the galaxy - he may be there gathering information, though the exact details of his intentions there are unknown to me."
He nodded toward the datacard.
"The exact location of his hideout is on that datacard, as well as all other information regarding all of his recent doings on Obroa-skai. We have been following this man for some time, and it appears he has finally stopped long enough for you to reach him."
He made a wide, sweeping gesture toward the items on the desk before him.
"As soon as I recieve my payment, the transaction will be official, and I can leave you to the task at hand. However, before I complete said transaction, I would like to know the exact nature of these two items - particularly in regards to the inscriptions on the sword."
General Devious
Sep 30th, 2005, 12:29:35 AM
"As soon as I recieve my payment, the transaction will be official, and I can leave you to the task at hand. However, before I complete said transaction, I would like to know the exact nature of these two items - particularly in regards to the inscriptions on the sword."
Devious stepped down from his black obsidion throne. Using the force he called the sword to his open hand. Dalamar's voice was low and heavy in the war room. "The sword was taken from an enemy. The ruby removed from its hilt. The Inscription reads Aallon Pietro Bietras. "To Cleave the Dark" It is in the vampyre tongue. When the ruby is attached to the hilt it give's off a red glow like a mild light. But when engaged in combat it shines like the sun. An enemy assumed I would be repulsed by this false sunlight. He found to his horror that he was wrong.
His tongue was nailed to my wall and adorned it for years so that he could spread no further lies." Dalamar paused then turned to Saver. "One other thing. When the ruby is attached the blade is poison to the user and to who he touches. Do not touch the blade it is death. Leave the ruby detached at all times I will not be responsible is some accident befalls you." Saver looked as if he expected more. Devious tossed some papers at his feet as turned from him. "Our transaction is complete. If you have any more important information to impart bring these documents and you will be allowed to enter."
Sep 30th, 2005, 07:03:47 AM
Saveer accepted the papers, placing them in a belt pouch and withdrawing a datapad, onto which he began to record the details of the transaction. When the process was complete, he stood, removing the two objects from the table and bowing slightly to the General.
"Transaction complete. It was a pleasure doing business with you, General Devious. I trust we will meet again someday."
He straightened himself, and, without another word, made his way out of the room.
General Devious
Oct 3rd, 2005, 11:12:33 AM
The General Nodded as the man left. He turned to his guards. "Contact Sting we have work to do." The Death watch guards moved to action. He leaned into his black high back chair. His thought moved inward in thought. "Finnally I have you Legion and this time you will pay..." The War room was ominously silent as thoughts of Legions death filled the room.
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