View Full Version : From Darkness to Darkness: Ambrose Journal

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:11:05 PM
Ambrose walked throughout the Library that resided within his new home. He was now a member of The Sith Order, and he thought that he should become accustomed to the place. He walked along the walls and glanced at all of the magnificent books that adorned the shelves. There were some books among the shelves that had cobwebs covering the spine and were almost unreadable. They looked as if you touched them to examine the books, they would fall apart in your hands. But then there were some books that looked as if they had just been made and wrote yesterday. The Sith admired at what a variety of books this place had amongst the shelves. He started to think of the many books that he had once possesed when he was a member of the Shrine of the Damned. Ambrose thought that if his books were not destroyed with the Shrine, they would make a very good addition here.

The Vampre saw a leather plush chair that was about three meters away from him. He walked over and sat down and thought about the Shrine. Ambrose thought of all the training that he had undertaked and all of the knowlege that he had aquired under his former master. Lord Soth was very knowlegable in the force, and had taught his apprentice many things that one would use within the Darkside of the force. Ambrose remembered his first training session with Lord Soth. He had found out that as a Vampire, he had a natural advantage over mortals. His ability to run faster than a mortal helped whith his force speed so if he retained a high enough connection with the force, Ambrose could move with a blink of an eye. And the Vampire's had an ability to heal themselves quickly, but only if they concentrate and let the Darkside flow thoughout his body. This trait that had aided him in more that one occasion was a very helpfull piece of information.

But there was another thing that a Vampire possesed that was not known to many people, but the race of Vampire felt very deeply and had emotions. There are some beings in the galaxy that think that the Sith's race are just mindless zombies, but that is not true. Vampire's have the ability to cry and worry and feel, almost like a mortal, but deeper. Ambrose had remembered his beloved Ailla. He had once loved her and had promised to her that he would always protect her, but he had broken that promise when she was killed. He did now know how or when it happened, but he had sought out his revenge and it was over. Now he would get on with his life and try to focus all of his concentration into his new training and becoming a very powerfull sith.

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:12:56 PM
Sitting down in the large plush leather chair, Ambrose continued to think about the long hours of training and meditating that he had undertaken to attain the power that he has within his grasp. Ambrose remembered the day that he had fought created his lightsaber. I only have one type of lightsaber in mind. It is a lightsaber of old. I am sure that you know what it is, but I will tell you any ways. His mind floated back through the years and came to rest at the Shrine of the Damned. Ambrose could see everything in the room as if it were yesterday, he was standing in front of a large oak table. The runes on the table told a story of witchcraft and wizardry, but only to thos who could read the ancient and archaic language. Before him lay componets to make a lightsaber, the crystals and shaft and electronics all organized. The young Vampire waited for his master to arrive so he could begin the long night that would complete his test.

As he explained his lightsaber type to his master. He could picture it in his mind. He had pictured the long shaft many times. Now, he would have what he had wanted for so many years.

It will have customezed controls allowing me to adjust each blade's length from half a meter to one and a half meters. It will have pannels that controll each blade's intesity from the highest intensity: the lowest meaning for training with sabers. The highest setting making the lightsaber like any other.

As he explained the construction of the elaborate artifact that would become a lightsaber, he was thinking of the power he would have when weilding the blade.

Ambrose came back to reality and looked down at the archaic saber at his side. He knew the power that had went into the making of the saber, and thought of how many times the ancient weapon had saved his life. The lightsaber is the weapon of a Force user. A being had to be very skilled in the arts of saber training to weild one of these ancient weapons. The vampire placed the hilt back into the clip upon his belt.

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:14:04 PM
As the Sith sat in the chair, he continued to think of the training that his master had bestowed unto him. But there was one particular session that stuck out in Ambrose's mind. This was many moons ago when Ambrose was still a young Vampire. Ambrose remembered how it felt to be a new imortal weeping at the night. There was a Vampire by the name of Miranda who had possesed great skills in fighting and was very strong within the force. The test that Lord Soth had set before him was a great challenge, but it was one that would prove to Miranda and his master that he was worthy.

His mind raced though time and space until it came to a hault, as if he had slammed into a brick wall. It was raining, Ambrose could feel the drops on his head, even though he knew that it wasnt real. A flicker of motion coming from the corner of his eye had caught his attention. Ambrose looked upwards to the roof and seen three figures. He did not have to guess, he already knew who it was. With a lout buzz, the young Vampire ignited his lightsaber and within moments himself and the Vampire Master Miranda Dunleavy were locked in combat. The Sith could see the style of fighting that the two possesed, and then realized how much more he knew now than he did then. Mirando spun on her heels and with a swift kick, Ambrose was flat on his back. The fighting continued and Ambrose was remembering how it felt to be in the heat of combat, adrenalin running through your veins like water. Ambrose could feel his muscles tighten and felt as if he were stronger in the force than any being in the universe.

Soon, Ambrose saw Miranda being thrown from the roof, and with a sickening thud, the spikes that adorned the fence that surrounded the Shrine of the Damned where piercing through the flesh of Miranda. He could see that she was beaten and that he had won. Suddenly the Vampire remembered how the night ended. The body of the Sith Master that was laying upon the sharp spikes of the fence slowly faded away. He could hear laughing coming from the roof, Ambrose quickly looked up and saw Miranda kneeling on the roof looking down at the young Vampire.

Ambrose retained conscienceness and his eyes flared red. The Vampire had once again felt the anger that he had deep within him for the Vampire Miranda. She had betrayed the Shrine in its moment of need, and without a second look she left her family and friends. The Sith's fists tightend and then loosened over and over for a few minutes. He realized that Miranda was nowhere to be found, so it would do no good to dwell on the past. Ambrose sat back in the chair, rubbed his eyes as if he had just awoken from a deep sleep and looked around the room. Oh how different his new home was...

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:15:41 PM
After a few minutes to let himself cool down, Ambrose closed his eyes took a deep breath and let it out. He opened his eyes once again to yet again have one last flash back to times long past. It seemed as if his mind went through hyperspace because in the next instant, the Vampire was standing in front of two ancient oaken doors. The writing and art that was carved into the humongous doors were very facinating. The Sith had easily pushed with one hand and the door swung on its hinges without making a sound. Inside of the room stood a woman that he has not laid his imortal eyes on in centuries. Her dark hair flowing down to stop at the small of her back, her pale skin gleaming in the moonlight. Ambrose walked into the large room, the sound of little taps were heard as he navigated towards a large chair that resided within the center of the room, a few meters from the woman. Ambrose stood next to the chair and placed his hands behind his back, interlacing his fingers. The Vampire spoke in even tones...

"Lordess, I am here at your request."

The Lordess Alana Stormcloud turned to face him, Ambrose had almost forgot how beautiful she was. Her pale marble skin shifting from side to side as she made her way over to him.

"I have heard of your battle my sweet Ambrose and we are all pleased with your immense talent, and your strength in the dark side. Soth himself has sent greetings to his apprentice in whom he is well pleased. I called you here today for yet another reason."

Ambrose's vissage changed into more of a confused look than anything. The Vampire knew that he was waiting for word from his master, Lord Soth said that it was urgent. Ambrose wanted to know what his master wanted. He stayed where he was and spoke to her, never wavering his voice.

"And what reason would that be Mi'lady..."

With a slight smile etched upon her face she spoke with glee. She knew that the words that would come forth from her mouth would please the Vampire Sith.

"I have been sent word from your Master. He feels, as does all of the Shrine, that you have more than proven your worth. You are to be made a Lord of the Shrine. Do not disappoint us."

Ambrose was in shock, but if you were to look at him, you would never had known it. Ambrose remained standing where he was and spoke once more, the moonlight showing the beauty of the woman before him helped him stay focused in the moment instead of letting go of his posture.

"Thank you Mi'lady...I am very greatful to have this honor bestowed onto me. I will serve the shrine well Lordess..."

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:16:52 PM



