View Full Version : Resurgeance of the Empire

Telan Desaria
Sep 12th, 2005, 11:01:22 AM
An idea was suggested to me by a friend that I have decided to go with.

The idea is simple and will be a massive thread. Grand Admiral Desaria, having become weary with growing unrest within the Empire and lack of centralized command has decided to make his bid for the throne as Regent until a suitable candidate for Emperor is found. His task will be to eradicate the Rebellion.

IC, Desaria has no intention of becoming Emperor, but he will take the title of Regent temporarily.

anar - Desaria will want to meet with you and establish your role - which will increase as aministrative head of the Interior while he concentrates on the outward Rebellion.

Tear - the INQ will retain its stature and will become his source of loyal henchmen.

Travis - I would like Travis to take command of an eilte Defender Wing - the only such large formation within the Empire. They will be based aboard his flagship which starting now will see round the clock combat.

Khendon - Will be given a specific task or hunting down the Rebels - same with Visc.

This will be an IC major event and one that is going to show the GA's more ruthless side.

Here's hoping you enjoy.

Enter a post here or pm me to participate. ALL are welcome.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 12th, 2005, 04:43:16 PM
Well, sounds like a good time to kill Desaria, go for it.

Telan Desaria
Sep 12th, 2005, 05:56:08 PM
Dont start - I dont see you trying to bolster activityt

Khendon Sevon
Sep 12th, 2005, 07:08:22 PM
Yeah, because you coming to "power" will really bolster activity. Give it a break.

Sean Piett
Sep 12th, 2005, 08:43:00 PM
i will send my doods 2 kill ur doods

Telan Desaria
Sep 12th, 2005, 10:12:31 PM

Unless you plan to start rping again, no not deride my attempt to revitalize things.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 12th, 2005, 10:53:01 PM
It won't rev any motors. All you're going to do is have one of your stereotypical boring RPs that I can't even read through and you and your cronies will be the only ones in it.

Then you'll declare yourself whatever and all of us people who know better will get angry, you'll get angry, and you'll back down.

Let's save the vicious cycle and just cut to the end. No is no is no is no. If you want to attempt it, expect to be court marshaled for treason.

Sep 12th, 2005, 11:19:55 PM
activities increased already.

Let civil war begin.:smokin

Telan Desaria
Sep 13th, 2005, 05:44:38 AM
Stereotypical boring rps?

Now th truth comes out.

I am done here. I have tried to aide, I have tried to make things interesting. My ideas are shot down - and rather than prosposing something worthwhile all you can do is mock mine. I am finished.

I will write up a brief rp -boring as it may be - and have Desaria killed.

I am sick of the continual derision and stagnation of this board. I will stay at TRF where I am welcome.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 13th, 2005, 06:35:47 AM
I always enjoyed your threads. Just because Khendon doesn't enjoy your style doesn't mean everyone hates it.

And this place isn't stagnating. Myself and Holly have been working very hard to help people out and provide ideas for Fans that are fun. The RP contest being just one example.

Telan Desaria
Sep 13th, 2005, 10:20:14 AM
So have I - I have tried. I have followed the suggestions given to me. But I cannot stand my abilities being trounced and my work insulted. It has been fun, but with the loss of the Sovereignty and the three years of work that went into it, I feel empty. I have tried to do things there post reset but there is no interest.

Khendon is right. My rps are boring.

I will type up an official resignation letter later.

Sep 13th, 2005, 12:46:31 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Then you'll declare yourself whatever and all of us people who know better will get angry, you'll get angry, and you'll back down.

Let's save the vicious cycle and just cut to the end. No is no is no is no. If you want to attempt it, expect to be court marshaled for treason.

Wow, thats exactly what just happened. Good job in letting yourself get pushed around Telan. Maybe try sticking up for yourself? Maybe try doing things even without the consent or admiration of some of those around you?

Everyone has their personal tastes, personally Khendons technology threads are disgustingly boring to the point I cant even get through the first paragraph. Usually goes for the rest of his writing as well.

Doesn't mean Khendon gonna cry and stop writing, does it? He probably dislikes my writing just as much. Its all in your tastes

Fighting for something you wish to do doesnt mean drop everything and run crying in the other direction at the first sign of opposition. Its almost cowardly.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 13th, 2005, 02:12:53 PM
Ok, now I have a little bit more sleep in me.

I'm tired of the crap people say about Matt. And to him, for that matter. Does he have opinions and the like that I disagree with? Sure he does, but you don't see me harping on him and being a general ogre to him. And this behavior isn't just from fellow members of the Empire - I've seen this from people on Fans proper. I'm sick of it. Grow the hell up and learn how to treat people without inserting any insults no matter how subtle. There's constructive criticism and then there's just plain criticism; the latter of which I've seen increasing. This really has to stop. I'm not saying people need to start being all buddy-buddy, but if all you have to offer is derision, then just keep your damn trap shut and don't post anything.

Right now, I'd actually rather like it if Telan was the IC leader of the Empire. I watched how he led the members of the Sov, and in contrast to this constant 'you can't do that' attitude right now, I have to say that he's a capable writer and dedicated.

Do you people not realize that it's the members who make up Fans and bring it to life? Posters who participate are the lifeblood of Fans, and Matt has always contributed; he's always been around and willing to help anyone who needs it. There are boring aspects to everything, but what one person finds boring is something that another person likes to do. You drive him away and you take away what I feel is a significant asset to Fans. Whether Matt realizes this or not, he's a facet of Fans. Yes people get annoyed with him about some of his real world views, but that's just that - they're HIS views. He has every right to voice them as anyone else. This isn't a 'yes man' yacht club, and if someone doesn't share your opinion that doesn't mean you can bite back with some barb that is completely unnecessary.

Matt has put forth ideas - alot of them are being scrapped when they need not be. They are good ideas, and frankly the Empire DOES need a head. It needs someone who is actually around and active. Matt has always been that. He showed that he was able to successfully lead a group when he formed the Sovereignty. I'd say he's proven himself well enough to carry significant weight here.

I know he overreacts, but frankly with the treatment he's been given lately I don't know who wouldn't.

Telan Desaria
Sep 13th, 2005, 02:26:28 PM
Kristin your words are touching and I appreciate it. I think I will give it a shot - taking control of the Empire. If any one wants to stop me then go ahead - do it IC. I will continue with my super-thread - Journey to the Throne. You are all welcome to join.

If I die, I die. If not, then we have a single leader.

At least it will be on ehell of a story.

And Tear - for a man that began a department of my own design and ows his elevation to my graces, you insult me a great deal. This is the last time I tolerate it.

Sep 13th, 2005, 03:33:18 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
And Tear - for a man that began a department of my own design and ows his elevation to my graces, you insult me a great deal. This is the last time I tolerate it.

Thats actually the exact thing I want to hear from you Telan. Keep it up.

Sean Piett
Sep 13th, 2005, 07:55:43 PM
Alright, first off I think I'm excused in my short leave of abscence due to my current living conditions.

Second off Khen, that was totally uncalled for. Totally.

Third off Tear, two wrongs != a right

Fourth off Telan, I just really really don't see why we need a leader. Let's put some Sate Pestage or some OOC drivel in charge if we have to. The only redeeming factor of this reset-in my opinion- is that we could closer align ourselves to the characters and technology of the OT, and we're already building better ships and totally ignoring the jillions of other imperials that are out there by default, in much better positions to take over than us. Why not carry out the plans you already had? I thought they kicked <smallfont color=#999999>-Censored-</smallfont>.

We don't need a leader, if anything we need a little more cohesion and planning. A leader is only going to prod people into action they probably don't want to do, but if you PM someone with a rad idea and they subscribe, cool, you've got an enthusiastic writer instead of a grudging, drudging one. And we've all got that power already. I mean, I've got a dinner meeting still planned with you, right man? And a thread with Tear sometime down the line, if things pan out. And I'm mos' def looking forward to both.

Case in point, I really don't see a need for a leader. I mean, lets just do our own thing and keep eachother up to date. But whatever, if you're passionate (or even vaguely interested) do your own thing. I don't have time or computerage to intercede now anyways, but I dunno what'd happen down the line. This isn't a threat, by the way, just the viewpoint of my character has to be considered, and its pretty hazy.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 13th, 2005, 08:32:16 PM
Sorry, Telan. It was low of me to attack you like that. I have no excuse.

Telan Desaria
Sep 14th, 2005, 12:23:39 PM
This is not an OOC leadership grab or even really IC - everyone here knows my character. Desaria does not want overall command of the Empire - it is political and he does not want that. What I had planned to do was simply install him as Regent and give the people a person to rally around.

If you want to put Sate Pestage on the throne then fine with me - as long as we have someone. There can be ruling councils and committees around him but an Empire needs a single leader - even if only IC. Men die for King and Country, not for the Congress and Cabble for which it stands.

Again - this was to be my massive thread before leaving, then you could NPOC Desaria all you want.

I am in no way trying to create super ships at all - I introduced a new Destroyer design as a prototype only. But think of it - with a thousand major shipbuilding firms in the galaxy every one of them would submit a design to the Empire but very very very few would ever be accepted. The Astrus was to be one of the small number of mission specific Destroyers created - after all, just one ship, no matter how powerful, is not suited for every engagement in an Empire that spans a million systems.

My idea was simply one to increase my own character's interest. I hoped - -vainly I guess - that making him a little more villainous might endear him to readers. At least my threads would get read more.

Khendon - yes it was rude, but it is true. Realistically speaking - my threads have fewer per-post reads than any one here. I average 8-10 per post and mostly that is because I keep going back and forth so it looks like im popular. Khendon youhave a reatio of almost 15-20 depending on how much work you put into it and Sil - your read ratioes exceed twenty.

My intention with proposing Desaria as leader was A - as a suggestion from Dae. I would not spur anyone into action here and woul;d never decry someone for not posting - we all have RL situations to attend to - I am unfortunate enough to have little to do at work. I would mostly be commanding npcs and doing what I used to in the SOV - not bothering anyone and conquering NPC worlds and dealing with NPC situations.

Also, with a single head of state, I hoped that the NR might become more active - give them a reason to fight even more, increase rebel activity, avenge atrocities X Y and Z.

I will yield to the common opinionb not because I am backing down or not sticking to my guns as some would accuse me but because I do not want to push you out of rping all together.

I will continue my thread, but will put an NPC on the throne - according to opinion here. If you do not want Desaria as commander in name onoy, then so be it.

As an NPC - make some suggestions then.

I rest my case. Continue with me, or an NPC its up to you all. But the thread continues - this WILL be my shining moment.

Sean Piett
Sep 14th, 2005, 04:47:14 PM
Whoa whoa, no way you're quitting anytime soon, dangit. I won't have it and this place would be dead as TIE if you left, IMO.

Here's my idea- lets make this thread a sort of political endeavor. A few different powers within the empire all debate and struggle to put their candidate in the bossman's chair. The Inquistoriate could promote theirs (some NPC that would be sympathetic to them), me supporting whoever I dig up, Telan; whoever you please (including nominating yourself, or having an NPC nominate you), Khendon could do his, and if I can get ahold of Walt or see Anar, well, them (for themselves I imagine). There'll be some introductory posts from everyone, them chosing a candidate, then a meeting.. etcetera.

I think a lot of people would be interested to partake, just because the 'winner', being the person themself or their candidate, would more or less run the show (IC at least, also factoring in their candidate was of a similar disposition as themselves).

Just an idea to A) get everyone involved B) solve the leader problem C) roleplay together D) have fun?

Build on this if you like it, or whatever.. I think I might dive into your thread with Piett though, if you don't mind.

Telan Desaria
Sep 14th, 2005, 04:58:12 PM
OF course I do not mind - but I had considered such an enterprise as being a little too jumbled - a half dozen suplots going on in one single thread with a halfdozen divergent paths.

I could see a few contenders however, like a battle between two or three people.

Sep 14th, 2005, 10:11:58 PM
They dont have to be on one thread do they? I mean we could make all the threads dealing with it have a similar title so anyone reading could relate and tell that its all part of one story.

Like say Telan you would have a thread with your own name and the tag at the end. The same with Piett, Khendon, and whoever else including the Inquisitoriate. Then have all the stories climax in one thread to determine a leader.

Telan Desaria
Sep 15th, 2005, 12:20:26 PM
That would work - we begin.

Tiberius Anar
Sep 16th, 2005, 01:13:06 PM
Right. I was very tired yesterday when I read this thread so I felt it best not to reply. I tend to be unforgivably irritable when sleep deprived.

I have one point that I would like people to address immediately. We agreed, after much painful wrangling, that Visc was going to become Diktat and rule the Empire IC because of the terms of the re-set regards rank. How can we honour this requirement whilst having Telan take over as Regent?

And for further thought- in IC time we are barely a month post-Endor. The Empire has yet to experience the real problems of a dead Emperor. The Moffs haven't begun fighting each other, Anar and Viscera haven't started scheming (they haven't even met!) How can we go from Emperor dead to ah- a Regent in less than two months IC time?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 16th, 2005, 01:17:50 PM
Walter is on break due to stress/anxiety issues. Unfortunately, he's been on this hiatus for so long that I'm not sure if he is coming back in an RPing sense.

Telan Desaria
Sep 16th, 2005, 02:31:39 PM
Hence my idea. If we had an active IC head, then we would have no need and none of us would need to do this.

Also - the move is forestall the serious problems, no react to them. Of course there are some - the riots being quashed - but this is outpace the serious ones.

Anar - your aide IC would be appreciated as Desaria would love to have you rule in his place while he crushes the rebellion. Same arrangement as before.

Sep 16th, 2005, 03:30:45 PM
Not to mention we would all benefit from a more active leader.

Telan Desaria
Sep 16th, 2005, 03:36:26 PM
So tear - you will aide me?

Tiberius Anar
Sep 17th, 2005, 03:20:47 PM
Very well. But could I ask that time be allowed to create a deterioration of the situation in a couple of rps before we proceed. Some Rebel victories caused by lack of firm leadership from the centre that persuade Desaria of the need for someone to take control? Also for me to elaborate the political situation to create the opening for Desaria to legally assume the position? (This would be an adaptaion of an already planned story of mine) These can be done easily enough and will lend, shall I say, weight to the story.

Telan Desaria
Sep 17th, 2005, 05:26:47 PM
Of course - I had planned to rp a few Rebel uprisings into the mix - I have secured the aide of a friend playing a Rebel to accomplish this. Actually, I had planned for a world to the Rebellion, the Empire to counter attack, a local Moff to withhold reinforcements, and the Empire forced to withdraw and have its men on the planet slaughtered.

Along with a few other things.

I welcome your aide, Chancellor.

Anyone else?