View Full Version : An Idea
Telan Desaria
Sep 9th, 2005, 01:21:29 PM
I want to start an Inquisitoriate character to counter the new group of young Jedi. He would be very lightly force sensitive himself but a fanatically loyal Imperial. He would join the ranks of the Imperial Army but be discovered by the INQ - given his fierce loyalty to the Empire, they give him a commission in the INQ infantry as a Lieutenant and offer him a platoon to hunt down the Jedi that are roughly his own age.
What do you think?
Sep 9th, 2005, 09:55:04 PM
If he was an Inquisitor he would have to BE an Inquisitor. Basically that means he would have no morals about doing something "evil". However the rest of his platoon wouldn't be young as well? would they?
Mandy with an I
Sep 10th, 2005, 01:16:51 PM
Yeah, because then the INQ would you know, actually have to RP. :rolleyes
Check my thread, Telan. The idea is a no-go due to apathy :| BTW, thanks Tear and Karl.
Before we start making up new characters to go hunt the Jedi, I think we should organise what we already have. The only INQ who posts with any regularity is Karl, and now he has school (or at least, soccer practice ;)) I can't say I've seen Tear doing anything lately, or Project Nightmare. I know it's school time, but things aren't happening, and stuff happening at a snails pace is better than nothing at all.
I'm not going to go out and "hunt" adepts by myself, (as Kyashi )
- frankly, I'd like to say frell your nanites and leave. Because it's seriously stunting my character if I can't do jack because I'm tied to the Empire. If I have to organise hunts or raids, I want a rank and I want people behind me. Ones who will actually rp and develop their characters - not just go after ranks or godmoding technology.
And if anyone here has an issue with this, my IM name is in my profile. :|
Telan Desaria
Sep 10th, 2005, 01:42:08 PM
I thought the INQs would be a rather elite group, 50 or so throughout the whole of thje Empire, with more minions below them such as guards and actual henchmen.
Mandy with an I
Sep 10th, 2005, 02:43:37 PM
There probably are a million little "puppet" characters in the INQ, but I want actual rpers in my rps. :|
edit: Okay, Telan, you suggested rping, so let's rp. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll try to catch you on IM.
I had some ideas while I was at work, too.
We need to have some training for the adepts who are part of the INQ. I don't count anything force-skills wise unless it's been rped out, and I don't really know what, if any, training any of the adepts here have. Kyashi is very good with Force sense, and decent with telekinesis, but I haven't gotten him trained in much else; therefore, I wouldn't have him be a saber expert or anything, since he hasn't learned it (as an example).
Yes, there are "self-taught" adepts, but they wouldn't be as strong as someone who has been properly trained, and if that self training isn't rped out, then I don't think it should count. That seems to be the general rule for the entire board, so I don't think the Empire should be any different. I've played a lot of adepts, so I could try to set this up, if people are interested. It would only be the basics, but it would be a start.
I'd also appreciate anyone who decides to rp with me as Kyashi (if anyone even would now that I've ranted on y'all) - please do not post that you have magically attacked me and hurt me beyond all repair or beyond your characters skill level. Because, honestly, that really makes me irritated. I'd prefer things to be kept "realistic" in spite of this being a SW board. If you post something like, say, you ripped out my throat with your teeth, totally tearing out my viens, I will reply that you did bit me, but your over-kill of damage didn't happen. Any god-moding in any of my future threads involving the Empire will be met with me ignoring your actions and continuing the thread.
I'd like to keep my two Imperial characters as Imperials, but if I end up as irked as I have been, I'll be leaving for good. :|
Telan Desaria
Sep 11th, 2005, 03:06:28 AM
ah - my INQ character would not be Force sensitive at all, simply a fanatical, determined, and somewhat bright young man/boy bent on eliminating force users.
I don't think I have god-moded. As far as the individual skill levels of Imperial adepts, I would recommend you pm them about it In fact
As of right now, Dae, I am going to put you in charge of OOC/IC training in the area of Force talents for the Empire. In whatever ways you can aide my men, IC or OOC, I welcome it. If it is creating a small time character for one or two threads to best or better one of the boys, then do so. You have a wealth of experience here and it would be foolish not to take advantage there of.
And I am Grand Admiral - hence, not so foolish.
Mandy with an I
Sep 11th, 2005, 09:09:04 AM
Okay, well, I'll try my best. :)
If TEAR reads this thread, please get a hold of me - since you're the head honcho of the INQ, I'd like if you could possibly help with training.
Telan Desaria
Sep 11th, 2005, 07:12:32 PM
I have asked him to PM you in regards to this matter. So - this evening whence I return from work, you should IM me so we can discuss the future of our rp together
Sep 11th, 2005, 10:27:51 PM
I tried.
Dae your too angry to even talk with so...*shrug*
good luck with your characters.
Sep 11th, 2005, 10:28:29 PM
Telan Desaria
Sep 11th, 2005, 10:29:54 PM
Tear, you need to log on messenger and kontakt me immediately - it is extreme importance
Sep 11th, 2005, 10:51:28 PM
i only have msn Telan
Mandy with an I
Sep 12th, 2005, 12:35:00 AM
To any INQ characters who care - I will no longer be rping Kyashi as a prisoner of your group, starting tomorrow (which is today). Thank you to everyone who was in my rps, and good luck with your own characters.
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