View Full Version : Flash of the Blade

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 29th, 2005, 04:07:37 PM
:: On board Sorsha's space cruiser, "The Xiombarg", a gathering assembled in the throne room to witness a duel.

Sorsha stood in the center of a dueling square, two sabres in hand. She tossed one to her opponent, who was assailed by a hail of boos as he allowed the steel to clatter at his feet instead. The man's name was Xavier, one of her lieutenants within Black Sun.

"Pick it up." said Sorsha, stalking in a circle around the man. Xavier glances around the throneroom, his forehead already beaded with sweat.

House Kasajian was reknowned, not only as members of the Assassin's Guild, but as a school of dueling and bladesmanship. They also crafted some of the finest blades in the galaxy, and were held in high regard by many Imperial Families. Sorsha was a champion fencer, dueling professionally with sword and dagger at age of sixteen.

This was not a contest as much as an execution. Sorsha's chosen way of punishing those who betrayed her. Xavier had stood in attendance of such executions many times. Now he was trapped in the dueling square himself. The faces that leered back at him offered no comfort, no forgivness, for betraying their Queen. All he could do was crouch and pick up the blade ::

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 30th, 2005, 04:05:14 PM
:: Sorsha gives a salute, then beckons Xavier to attack. He rises up, holding the rapier awkwardly like a stick as he imitated the salute. The man had never held a blade in his life.

Sorsha blew Xavier a kiss, then touched blades with him. Her strokes were playful as she danced around him, entertaining the court as Xavier defended himself as though he were swatting at bees.

The first cut came, across his right cheek, and the audience rained a hearty applause upon Sorsha with each sucessive wound she inflicted on her traitorous lieutentant. She paused to bow with a flourish eachtime, and once her eyes met Miranda's. A giggle welled up in her throat, echoed by laughter from her adoring crowd.

Xavier cursed, and surged forward at Sorsha, but was caught low with a thrust that pierced his knee. He shrieked like a child and staggered back, falling on his rear as a well placed nebari boot jutted out to trip him. Laughter filled the room again and Sorsha bowed with yet another flourish.

"Did you really think that I'd be so distracted by Sasseeri that I wouldn't notice what you were doing? You offend me, Xavier."

:: she slapped his blade with her own in a scalding gesture ::

"Get up."

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 30th, 2005, 04:24:49 PM
Miranda had been invited onto Sorsha's cruiser to witness some 'business' that needed to be done. Her lover had been very careful in avoiding an accidental telling of what was in store for the young Tarkin ... and it was impossible for her to predict this!

She clasped Tirsa's shoulder after the Nebari tripped Xavier onto the ground, both sharing laughter at his expense. Tirsa's mirth lasted much longer then Miranda's as she settled back to enjoy the rest of the show.

One would think Miranda brazen to be seen at such an event and wonder what gossip would be spread thoughout the Imperial Courts, but in reality, it was an old song and dance. Everyone, Black Sun and Imperial included, knew that Miranda and Sorsha were old childhood friends and it was an unspoken understanding that the Tarkins knew exactly what the Kasajians were up to. It just wasn't polite to bring it up publicly, however. The unspoken connection was just mere fact. Now, to prove that the two friends had a more intimate relationship with one another and that Miranda was helping to fund Sorsha in her endeavors, well... that was another story entirely.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 20th, 2005, 04:42:25 PM
:: Each wound was intended to cause as much pain, fear and humiliation as possible. His betrayal demanded it. Xavier lay gasping in a pool of his own blood as Sorsha stood over him, the tip of her Rapier pressed againt his throat. She locked eyes with him one last time, then raised her hand up for the final stroke. Stopping suddenly, she looked at her man Corvus, and flashed a wild grin ::

"Space him."

:: Xavier choked on blood and bile, and sobbed something incoherently as Corvus dragged him out of the throneroom. Sorsha raised her sword in a salute as the doors slid shut behind them, and her Musicians swiftly began playing a <a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtDyeKYmeqA>salterello</a> as the floor was cleaned and the dining table was set in place. The rest of the night would be feasting and singing and drinking and debauchery. For those who were loyal, Sorsha's affection had no limits ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 20th, 2005, 06:16:11 PM
Tirsa let out a victorious whoop and darted out of the chair quickly to help get the tables set. The Nebari was famished.

Miranda slowly slid out of her own seat and casually made her way over to Sorsha. The scabbard to her sword dangled from her fingertips as she admired her lover. Sorsha had barely broken a sweat and was hardly out of breath. The agility and skill displayed was admirable and Miranda felt a tinge of jealously with that fact.

"The look on his face was priceless when you announced his real punishment." She began, holding out the scabbard in front of Sorsha. Several months had past since they last saw each other on Coruscant. The distance between them was necessary as Sorsha needed to solidify things here, and Miranda's duties back home created little time off.

"I'm glad I was able to make the festivities this time." A small ounce of loneliness leaked through into her voice. "It's been dreadful back home with the bureaucratic nightmares I'm being forced to endure."

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 10:44:19 AM
:: Sorsha returns the rapier to it's scabbard and laughs ::

"I could let you borrow this ... to cut through some of that red tape at home."

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 25th, 2005, 03:22:17 PM
She laughed as well, "Yes well, if things were only that simple, darling."

It was simple amazing in the little time that it took for Miranda to walk up to Sorsha, the room was almost transformed in prepration for dinner. The servants here put the Imperial Palace's staff to shame.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 04:35:43 PM
:: Dinner was extravagant, all the food prepared by Sorsha's personal chef. The dishes ranged from mildly spicy and sweet to hot and spicy, and many were a fusion of exotic cuisines from around the galaxy ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 25th, 2005, 04:41:57 PM
Miranda's tastes were sensitive and unfortunately, she chose poorly when sampling a dish, something that one would think the young Tarkin wouldn't continue to do after knowing Sorsha for so long.

She did her best to hide how badly her tongue was on fire, but discretely chugging down some water.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 04:54:44 PM
:: Sorsha griined at her lover and offered something more delicate for her palate. A shrimp dish in sesame ginger sauce and rice noodles. Then she stood to make an announcement ::

"Now for a toast, to my newest lieutenant ... Corvus."

:: She raised her glass in the air as the court gave a cheer and then sipped ::

"Tomorrow, after we run the swoopies and the rest of the trash out of Mos Eisley, Corvus will handle operations there."

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 25th, 2005, 05:06:45 PM
Miranda remained silent but shared in the toast. She was an outsider when it came to these events, so it was best to observe and let Sorsha lead.

When she sat down, Miranda leaned over the side of her chair and asked curiously in a whisper, "Mos Eisley? You're taking me to a desolate desert?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 05:10:47 PM
:: she leaned over and whispered back ::

"Just a business rival that needs dealing with. Xavier decided to play both sides, and I intend to finish this little game."

:: She winked and stole a shrimp from Mira's plate ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 25th, 2005, 05:13:21 PM
Miranda leaned back in her chair, groaning in disappointment, "Perhaps I should head back to Coruscant. I'm not sure it would be ideal for me to be anywhere near this ... incident when it takes place."

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 05:17:46 PM
"Not to worry. After the Orgy tonight, I don't think anyone will remember you were ever here."

:: She glanced back and forth at Yurga the Hutt and Varla, who were flirting shamelessly with eachother ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 25th, 2005, 05:25:40 PM
Miranda laughed heartily, "Perhaps. That and everyone being hopelessly drunk should ensure that."

She speared a shrimp with her fork and tenatively nibbled on it before eating it fully, "I also have a feeling we'll be long gone before the festivities truly begin."

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 25th, 2005, 06:39:54 PM
:: She noticed Tirsa carousing with a group of Rodians. It seemed passions were growing hotter by the micron ::

"Don't be too sure. Eating and Sex often become intermingled on this ship."

:: Her eyes were sparkling with mischief as she ate another shrimp seductivley ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 03:26:57 PM
"Oh really now?" She hadn't caught a glimpse of Sorsha yet, but Miranda knew her well enough.

A wide grin beamed across her face as she turned towards her, "As if you need to seduce me."

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 04:08:21 PM
:: After the feast, the table was cleared and moved, and a play was performed. It was black of humor and quite perverse, containing a substantial bit of nudity and death, which pleased Yurga the Hutt greatly as his laughter boomed in the throneroom. The plot was about a cook, a thief, his wife, and her lover. Sorsha watched Mira intently, amused by the expressions on her face throughout the performance ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 04:19:15 PM
Miranda was thoroughly shocked by the play. She had never seen anything like it's kind and grew straight in her chair, somewhat uncomfortable. She tried to hide that fact but the widening of her eyes and slight blush to her cheeks rebelled against her wishes.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 04:42:44 PM
:: She carresses Mira's cheek as the play ends and the orgy begins. Several bodies, both human and alien, begin to mingle naked throughout the throneroom on piles of silk and fine pillows ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 04:50:08 PM
Miranda could no longer contain just how uncomfortable she was, nor stand to witness what was unveiling before her eyes.

Sorsha's hand was forgotten as she stood up sharply and walked towards the nearest exit. She had to maneuver around several bodies in various stages of pleasure, which only furthered reddened her cheeks, before being free of the throne room.

She leaned against the wall as the door slid shut with closed eyes, trying to even out her breathing. Miranda had to give Sorsha credit, not only was she correct that no one would care about her presence here, her lover did what few could ever do ...

Cause Miranda to loose her composure.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:02:59 PM
:: Sorsha was lost in sheer delight at the spectacle, grinning wickedly as Tirsa was stripped expertly by the rodians and glazed with orange marmalade. She decided it was time to slip away and catch up to Miranda, but paused outside the doorway at the sounds filling the room. Varla's keening squeals and Yurga's deep moans were the most prominent as the doors slid closed again ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:10:18 PM
Miranda was still staring down at the floor, visibly tense when the doors opened. She barely relaxed when they shut again.

"You could have warned me," she said quietly, but Sorsha could hear a touch of anger. Anger was an emotion Miranda could understand and control, not embarrassment. Slowly her composure was regained and her words strengthened with each clear breath inhaled, "But no, instead you keep this hidden from me and make me look like a fool!"

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:13:34 PM
"So, you can punish me for it ... "

:: She drew close enough to steal a kiss and gave a giggle as she brushed Mira's hair to one side. The next kiss was in her ear ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:19:10 PM
Under normal circumstances, this scene would play out accordingly. Unfortunately, Miranda was in no mood for her lover's games this night.

"Stop it," she said through clenched teeth and grabbed Sorsha by both arms to push her away. Without another word, she began to stalk down the hallway. No destination was really in mind, Miranda wanted just wanted some space.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:26:01 PM
:: She watched a moment, grinning, then raced forward and pounced on Miranda, rolling end over end across the floor. ::

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:31:52 PM
Miranda was more suprised by how hard she was tackled by Sorsha then the tackle itself. She managed to get caught on the bottom, a spot usually assigned to Sorsha.

She glowered up at her, "You never knew when to give up."

Arms tensed under Sorsha's weight, squirming to be free.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:36:48 PM
:: She let her hair brush Miranda's face, and gave a soft laugh of triumph ::

"The question is, am I toying with you, or are you toying with me?" :D

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 27th, 2005, 05:39:57 PM
Her arms were actually beginning to grow sore from how badly Miranda was straining them under Sorsha's weight. She sighed and went limp, turning her face away, "I think you know the answer to that."

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 28th, 2005, 03:10:50 PM
:: Sorsha clicked her tongue and gave a pout ::

"I'm sorry ... are you not having a good time?"

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 6th, 2005, 02:32:21 PM
"I was ..." Her frown deepened, ".. Until the after dinner entertainment began."

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 9th, 2005, 07:05:06 PM
"Forgive me, I did not expect it to shock you so."

:: Sorsha tried desperatley to hold a straight face, and kissed Miranda to keep from grinning again ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 10th, 2005, 04:41:41 PM
This was so like Sorsha. Always attempting to break Miranda out from her stuffy interior. It was just the different ways that they were brought up. Image was everything to the Tarkins, where the Kasajians had no shame.

She knew that Sorsha was lying and there was no point of arguing any longer. She would continue to act aloof and giddy until Miranda calmed down.

Her arm slid around Sorsha's waist and returned the kiss, silently admitting defeat.

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 10th, 2005, 04:44:49 PM
"Our bath should be ready now."

:: She rose up and held out a hand to Mira ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 10th, 2005, 04:53:56 PM
She took the offered hand and laced her arm around Sorsha's waist once more, leading them towards their quarters, "Sounds wonderful."

Miranda smiled, knowing what was on her lower's mind, "I obviously need to relax."

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 10th, 2005, 05:13:22 PM
:: The ship was an Ubrikkian Luxary Yacht, given to Sorsha as a gift by Jabba Desilijic Tiure on her 16th birthday. Sorsha's private quarters were even more opulent than the throne room. In the center of the room, the large pool was waiting for them, filled with a warm, honey-colored liquid. In the ceiling above them was a large dome where they could see the stars ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 17th, 2005, 06:13:55 PM
Her eyes widen slightly in approval, while a small thin smile began to cross her lips, "I like this surprise better."

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 21st, 2005, 07:55:26 PM
"I am sorry. Know that everything on this ship is for your pleasure as well as mine."

:: She undressed, and wandered into the golden pool up to her hips. The liquid was thicker than it first appeared and swirled in erratic patterns unlike ripples in water. In an odd way, it seemed to be alive ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 22nd, 2005, 04:41:54 PM
Miranda had a smirk across her face as she watched Sorsha entered the pool, "I don't require much."

Soon her clothes were scattered about her feet as she soon followed suit, tentatively placing a toe in the golden water. It was warm to the touch, surprisingly soothing and thick in substance. Not at all what Miranda was expecting, like most of the night.

She slowly made her way at the edge of the pool, leaning against it comfortably while admiring Sorsha, "Everything that I require is right here."

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 22nd, 2005, 05:28:47 PM
:: Sorsha dipped both hands into the liquid, her skin glistening as it flowed over her body. The surface of the pool undulated slighty, giving a trill as it sensed Miranda enter it. ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 22nd, 2005, 05:35:56 PM
Her body began to settle, growing more comfortable by the nanosecond ... until she heard a soft noise coming from nearby.

Miranda stiffened, hearing it again and realized that it was the liquid itself making the noise, apparent by her own hand movements over the surface of the pool. Now she was curious, "What exactly is this stuff? And am I going to be unhappy by the answer..."

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 22nd, 2005, 07:27:15 PM
"The symbiote is quite harmless. I believe it likes you."

:: She made a kissy face at Miranda and lay back, letting the goo flow up to her neck ::

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2005, 09:35:42 PM
She scowled down at the gelatinous goo, "No funny ideas."

Miranda tried to relax again. Sorsha would never do anything to harm her so the symbiote had to be harmless. It just wasn't sitting right with being in this pool having this ... thing cover her. Many of their points of contention dealt with how they were raised. Sorsha was quite the free spirited woman and it was hard to break the cold exterior that Miranda needed to succeed in an Empire run by men.

"When we land, how are you dealing with Xavier's betrayal?" One thing that the two of them always could agree upon was business. Sometimes it bored Sorsha but it helped to relax Miranda, something she really needed right now inside this foreign vessel.

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 28th, 2005, 04:04:38 PM
"We're going to 'clean' Mos Eisley. Anyone who isn't working for us needs to be taken out. Of course, after we make the initial hit, we'll give who's left the opportunity to think about their futures."

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 29th, 2005, 10:37:08 PM
"More specific love. You know I enjoy hearing the sordid details so I can determine how I can be of use in this 'cleansing'."

Sorsha Kasajian
Dec 8th, 2005, 10:37:34 AM
:: Sorsha rose up to sit by the side of the pool, her skin glistening ::

"How would you like to take part in the raid? I think it would be good for you."

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 8th, 2005, 08:52:31 PM
She chortled, "Depends on what exactly would be good for me. I cannot have my presence felt to harsh, but I want to make a stand with you."

Miranda blew out an exasperated sigh but quickly a calculating grin formed, "Perhaps we can get them on some sort of charges that violate Imperial law. I can call in reinforcements then."

Sorsha Kasajian
Dec 9th, 2005, 10:19:54 AM
:: Sorsha ran her fingers through her hair, slicking it back with warm slime. The pool was undulating and droning softly as she spoke ::

"Or we could just wipe them all out. No survivors, no witnesses, nothing. Besides, no one would recognize you with a mask and body armor."

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 15th, 2005, 05:47:23 PM
"You had me until I was wearing armor and acting all barbaric." She laughed, "Not quite sure how that would be good for me."

Sorsha Kasajian
Dec 17th, 2005, 12:53:22 PM
:: The pool began releasing pheromones into the air, the effects on Sorsha and Miranda similar to those of Falleen pheromones. The scent in the air was honey sweet, and Sorsha succumbed first as she slid back into the purring ooze ::

"We can talk it over in the morning ... whatever ... you want .."

:: She reached out to Miranda with a yearning look on her face ::

" ... make love to me."

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 17th, 2005, 03:28:42 PM
This was unexpected. Pleasant but unexpected, which caused Miranda pause. Unlike Sorsha, she was not under the influence of the pheromones. A fact that would have been normally curious to her lover, but there was only one thing on Sorsha's mind.

Miranda chuckled, out of amazement then anything else, "Now since when do you indulge in pleasure before finishing your plotting?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Dec 17th, 2005, 03:43:43 PM
:: Sorsha took a deep breath and let part of it out. The look in her eyes was wild, and she bucked involuntarily all of a sudden. Sticky tendrils rose up from the pool, and waved about like charmed snakes. Sorsha tilted back her head and gave a long groan, calling out her lover's name. The pool was churning softly all about them, and the sensations were sublime ::

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 17th, 2005, 03:53:06 PM
Miranda caught Sorsha in her arms at the call of her name. Whatever was happening, the pool finally created the reaction it wanted from her since the pheromones had no effect. It just needed to be more ... involved.

Soon she was overtaken by the sensations and any ignorance of Sorsha's needs disappeared quickly. All that Miranda wanted was to fulfill every plea and desire that her lover required.

Business could wait until the morning ...