View Full Version : Application: Saveeradeevaravaravee

Aug 26th, 2005, 08:56:15 PM
Character name: Saveeradeevaravaravee (Saveer)

Character Profile: Saveer is, by his very nature, a very curious and underhanded type of person. He was raised in a culture where haggling - and even "ripping-off" others - is the key focus of society, and thus he has no moral restrictions on anything he might be asked to do. He is very well spoken, being trained to con people out of their money, and is an excellent actor.

Physically, he stands right at 3'2", much smaller than the average human. He is an accomplished trader and has a large network of information sources.

Character History: Saveeradeevaravaravee, or, as he prefers to be known, Saveer, was born, as most Squibs are, on the planet Skor II. Just as with all Squibs, Saveer was immediately placed into the employment of Squib Merchandising Consortium, where he served the Illustrious Chieftain of Junkyards for many years, mastering the skills of trading and haggling. As he grew older, however, he took leave of his employment, moving to a small world in the outer rim known as Sernpidel. There, he set up a base of operations, using Sernpidel's vast communications resources to obtain a continual feed of information from various sources planted throughout the galaxy. With this base as a central location for his business dealings, he began to market himself as a black market trader and information broker, often selling or trading for very steep prices.

Saveer, with his natural talent for haggling and trading, became very successful very quickly, often using very underhanded tactics to obtain the goods he desired, and selling these items at vastly overinflated prices, when he decided to sell. In these endeavors, however, Saveer occasionally obtained items he deemed worth keeping - including an MSD-32 Disruptor Pistol, a large case of thermal detonators, and a Chiss Charric, as well as numerous other illegal and highly dangerous weapons. He took great care to seek out the proper professionals, giving a large store of credits in exchange for instruction in the proper methods of use, though he is still quite far from mastery.

Weapons, however, were not his only acquisitions in the field. Throughout the years, he has also collected a sizeable collection of rare and ancient artifacts, most of which few have ever seen in their lives. His two most important acquisitions, however, are an intricately crafted Sith Sword and a more recently acquired Jedi Holocron, the workings of which he is yet to uncover. Since the addition of the former to his collection, Saveer has experienced a number of strange and unexplainable happenings - random levitation of an object he had hoped to grasp, unexplainable visions of the very near future, and customers suddenly agreeing to a suggestion even Saveer had not intended to push. Saveer has been unable to logically explain these events himself, but, according to his information sources, there are a few certain individuals who can...

Character Motivations: Saveer is obsessed with information, with learning about anything and everything he can. He has recently, due to his acquisition of the Sith Sword and the strange events that followed, learned of a mysterious power known as the Force, which can escalate one's skills far beyond any mortal level - particularly in the area of persuasion. He is also very greedy - not only with money, but with everything, including strength and power. He desires to learn the Dark Side so as to enhance his profitability and combat skill, as he has often been in fire fights with some rather shady characters.

Character Skills: Information gathering and brokering, con artistry, agility, stealth, haggling skills, minimal combat training (projectile weapons and vibroknives/knucklers).

Why should we accept you: Saveer, as aforementioned, has a large network of information sources he will gladly submit to the Order's intelligence. Due to his small stature, he is both incredibly agile and easily hidden, making him excellent for covert missions and smuggling/bounty hunting-related work (once he is properly trained). He is also a very adept trader and con artist, giving him skills in persuasion and diplomacy, such as the Sith Order may require. He has done minimal work in weapons training, mostly with projectile weapons (blasters, rail guns, etc...), but also has some knowledge of vibroknives and vibroknucklers. Finally, through his trading business, he has come into the possession of a large arsenal of weaponry, as well as several objects that may be of interest to the Sith Order... particularly, one Jedi Holocron.

Roleplaying example: (From www.starwarsrpg.net... hope that's acceptable. My character is Yenwik in the threads.)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Of course.

Have you read the rules: Definitely

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 26th, 2005, 11:52:04 PM
I appreiciate the time and thought you've put into your character, but before I cast my Yes or No vote I have a few questions.

1) Your character has a number of skills, especially in terms of people skills. This character has a number of physical advantages. And he has quite a few desirable items. What are his weaknesses?

2) Do you see any potential conflict, for story's sake, between your char and the main objectives of TSO. For example: Is Saveer likely to trade something of the Sith's for his own personal gain?

Just post the answers here please and I shall respond accordingly.

Aug 27th, 2005, 12:10:11 AM
In terms of weaknesses, he is somewhat lacking in the combat field, particularly with lightsabers and the like. He only has marginal skill with projectile weapons, and his small body size limits his strength. He also has very limited force ability as of now - without his Sith Sword boosting those powers, he is unable to tap into them at all just yet (though that will undoubtedly come through training.) His low weight also lowers his force of movement, making him very easy to stop if you can catch him. I'm sure there are also others.

As far as selling TSO artifacts, Saveer may be underhanded, but he is loyal to those he considers allies. He would never cross an ally or do anything to stand in the way of that ally's goals

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 28th, 2005, 09:32:30 AM
Well I like it so my vote is YES, which means you're only four yeses from being accepted. I look forward to rping with you sometime.

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 22nd, 2005, 04:06:35 PM
Due to the complete lack of TSO members qualified to vote, you're in with my vote and free to post on the boards.

Sep 22nd, 2005, 05:38:49 PM
Sweet! Thanks.

Don't worry, I won't fail you :D...

Sep 22nd, 2005, 09:26:22 PM
Hey, I noticed you said something in another thread about changing the CT's... can you by chance add to mine for me?

I'd like something like:

Trader, Haggler, Con Artisté, Informationist

and I don't think it would be official right now, but eventually I'd like to be involved in:

TSO Covert Ops

Or perhaps:

TSO Personal Bounty Hunter

Or something like that. That will probably need an official sanction fist though :D. Do what you can.

Sorry if this is a bother :lol

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 22nd, 2005, 10:13:39 PM
Not a bother, I'll change it to the first option.

Sep 22nd, 2005, 10:48:45 PM
Qouldn't it be Informant ? I think that's how you spell it.

Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:15:43 PM
Yes, if you want to be technical, then Informant is the correct word. However, Saveer prefers his own made-up term "Informationist" becuause it gives him something other information brokers don't have - a unique job description - and therefore brings him more business. I suppose I should have mentioned that earlier.

Does that make any sense at all?

Sep 22nd, 2005, 11:27:05 PM

:eek at my typo. XD

Ambrose Braeden
Sep 23rd, 2005, 10:23:10 AM
What about Vampy for my ct?