View Full Version : Has anyone ever read some of the blogs at the OS?

Aug 25th, 2005, 01:56:16 PM
A lot of the blogs at the official site are very well thought out, but once readers start responding, my goodness, things like rationale, cohesion and grammar go right out the window.

A recent one was 'Why didn't Dooku rat out Palpatine before Anakin kills him?'.

Not a bad question - but if you watch the movies alone, never is it evident that Dooku knows about Palpatine's duality. Yet you get all kinds of crazies making up all kinds of possibilities:

He was just scared / shocked
Palpatine used a mind trick to keep his mouth shut
He just realized his life was over
Anakin would never believe him anyway

Some of them make some sense, but you've got to wonder where people's heads are at when they write responses. It's migraine inducing sometimes.

Aug 25th, 2005, 09:41:55 PM
Originally posted by JMK

A recent one was 'Why didn't Dooku rat out Palpatine before Anakin kills him?'.

Not a bad question - but if you watch the movies alone, never is it evident that Dooku knows about Palpatine's duality.

That is a good question, but I think from the look Dooku gives Palpatine in the movie, that he knows who he is.

But as to your comment about some people's responses, its true on the net as in rl...ppl sometimes dont really think before they respond.

I like the mind-trick comment :lol

Sep 1st, 2005, 09:00:06 AM
Here's a new one about the apparent crapness of the Ewoks. This guy swfan123456789 is a regular Shakespeare. You're only allowed to post 450 characters per post, hence why it shows 3 posts from him, but they're to be read as 1.




date Posted: Aug 31, 2005 1:19 PM
ewolks suck probly the gayest starwars species woulda been better if the rebels did it with out em totaly ruined rotj complete coolnes factor still ranks 4th/5th best with me cecause of the cool parts in it but the ewols indeed do suck i mean comon rocks o no rocks and wait sticks with rocks attached blasters and metal walkers r clearly no match.........gay


date Posted: Aug 31, 2005 1:25 PM
and wats all the talk about technology and not bein that good good enought they didnt need midgits in furry costumes woulda been cooler if the rebels jus did it by them selves insted of a tiny group and mostly ewolks which r lame and believe me i love starwars but did every1 love everything in epI like jarjar he was gay too and every1 hates on him so now we got little midgit bear things wow thats real cool theres things u like and things u wish u could do it differently


date Posted: Aug 31, 2005 1:35 PM
underestimating an enimy dosent change the laws of the universe such as a rock kills some1 with armor that is military grade and ment to withstand blasterbolts its retarded all i agree with is the log traps with the atst's besides that the ewolks shoulda backd off and let the rebels finish off the footsoldiers its like "hmmm thoses ewoks cant hurt us lets put a base here. o no because we surveyd them and thought rocks and sticks would be no harm it sudinly is what r we to do theyre sindlehandidly killing our best men dangit! "

This guy is amazing!


Sep 3rd, 2005, 04:59:26 PM
Thats a lot of badly spelled words to say the Ewok's idea was dumb, lol.