View Full Version : School time.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2005, 03:10:35 PM
It's my fourth and (hopefully) final year of undergraduate college. As such, internet time will be postponed. I've got 4 classes 2 days out of the week on top of work, etc. Nothing you haven't heard before, only this time it's different because my graduation is on the line more so than it has been. I hope you all have fun and enjoy yourselves in whatever you do.

Hopefully next time I post I'll be one semester closer to a bachelor's degree in Christianity.

*In case you wanted to know, here's my schedule.*

Drawing Fundamentals (for fun)
Intro to Theology
Intro to Ethics
Middle Ages (a history course)
Ancient Greek Philosophers
Junior Colloquim
Philosophy of Mind.

Wish me luck!

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 23rd, 2005, 01:22:33 AM
You're in your last year of a Christianity degree and you're only just now taking Intro to Theology??


Anyway, good luck with school. I miss it. I'm a sick sick woman.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 23rd, 2005, 01:43:53 PM
Anyway, good luck with school. I miss it. I'm a sick sick woman.


Not that I RPed this summer, but I'm back in the mix as of Thursday myself. Last year, here I come.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2005, 01:58:06 PM
Good luck with the schoolin. I bet you'll have fun with Ancient Greek Philosophers. Just remembering how to spell their names is hard enough.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 23rd, 2005, 02:20:15 PM
Spellink ist no so imporent, ja kno?

Into to philosopy ( l o l )
Physical Science
Multicultural Commerce& Relations
Math for Lib arts

So oy!

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2005, 02:31:58 PM
Fine fine I will play too.

First year for meee:
The literary canon and its contexts
Other canons
Skills in historical and critical studies
Culture and value
American genre writing

Pierce Tondry
Aug 24th, 2005, 11:24:03 AM
Like I'm going to let myself be outdone.

ARTH 103: Survey of Western Art History
ECON 305: Public Finance- State and Locality
FIRE 311: Financial Management
MGMT 302: Business Statistics II
MRBL 323: Legal Environment of Business

Hopefully, I will be able to add ECON 302: Macroeconomic Theory to the mix. Wish me luck on that.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 24th, 2005, 12:59:40 PM
I'll go to:

National Diploma Moving Image (Film School): Year 1

Understanding the Media
Understanding Video Technology
Video Editing

Audio Production Techniques
Factual Production
Interview and Presentation Techniques

Professional Brief
Corporate and Promotional Production
Writing for Television and Film