View Full Version : ideas?

Sean Piett
Aug 17th, 2005, 02:27:29 PM
So, I've obviously been outta the loop for a little while. I've tried to catch up a bit on the current events, but I gotta say this reset is making things confusing as hell for an oldtimer like me. I was wondering if it'd be appropriate for us to keep our threads and goals summarized here in StratComm, so we can work together and facilitate that however possible.

Beyond that, I was wondering if there'd be any interest in a tupperware party thread. Something where we can show up and laud eachothers accomplishments in the face of collapse, get the whole crew personally introduced, stuff like that. Hell, maybe one of these already exists. Anyway I thought Anar would be a good candidate to host/throw something like this.

Just two considerations of mine.

Tiberius Anar
Aug 17th, 2005, 02:36:51 PM
Interesting ideas...

I think we have a current events thread around here somewhere, Visc set it up. Though it is not specific on goals etc.

As for getting the gang together. I don't know what everyone else feels, but I think we ought to keep people separate from one another. It's a big galaxy and a big empire, having all our characters know one another IC would be contrary to that. Some of us will meet IC, we have to- Anar is bound to meet Sevon and Viscera (which reminds me we really ought to do something about that. Post-frying the Mon Cals?) Piett and Desaria, or Piett and Shadow Squadron. But some people meeting would be just well weird. e.g. Anar and Shadow Squaron.

Having said that- if people think otherwise Anar can "host".

p.s. Got to love Piett's sig.

Aug 17th, 2005, 02:50:09 PM
Speaking of the mon cals are you guys ever gonna do that?

There's something close to it( A meeting thing) in the roleplaying forum if you wanna check it out. Aces High (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38786) Although, its pretty crowded and not strictly imperial so i dont know how well it would be for the Imperials to mingle.

I was wondering if it'd be appropriate for us to keep our threads and goals summarized here in StratComm, so we can work together and facilitate that however possible.

Yeah, I think Viscera did make another thread for that but I think the biggest problem with the idea is that the Empire doesnt have a single working goal. Everyone sort of has their own agenda. Makes things interesting but theres no team effort to speak of.

Sean Piett
Aug 17th, 2005, 09:40:41 PM
Right, right, seems logical on a dinner party. Wouldn't make sense to pull all the empire's best and brightest away from their posts at a time like now.

I'll check out the other thread. Just wasn't aware of it.

I don't really know anything about Mon Calamari. Last time I fought there it was about four years ago IRL and we chewed it up with World Devastators. I sort of have my own agenda at the mo and'll get involved when I have a chance.

Khendon Sevon
Aug 17th, 2005, 10:33:27 PM
:) I'll tell you about Mon Cal next time your online. It's a little plan Visc and I hatched (more Visc than I).

Darth Viscera
Aug 18th, 2005, 05:24:10 AM
Imperial Planning Thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39080)


Yes, our "interesting conversation" thingy is still scheduled for after the Raid on Mon Calamari. Khendon and I haven't forgotten you :)


We've had the first post of the Raid on Mon Calamari thread written up and ready to post since June 30th. Everyone I've shown it to (LD, Lion, Khendon, I think Jenny, I forget who else) has agreed that it's a great start to what should be a great thread, however before we start that thread we need to receive word from Shadow Squadron and Rogue Squadron's posters that they're ready, as they're tying up pre-mon cal threads right now. So that's where we are now.

Telan Desaria
Aug 21st, 2005, 09:12:04 PM
The Imperial Navy/Army have two goals - eliminating the rebellion and expanding the empire.

Telan Desaria
Aug 23rd, 2005, 02:20:52 PM
ANAR - clean out your mailbox

Tiberius Anar
Aug 24th, 2005, 01:13:51 PM
Just did. My apologies.