View Full Version : My Idea

Jason Mcgraves
Aug 10th, 2005, 09:45:04 PM
Alright I will post here what I would like my character to do for intel and I would like silvo to post his idea for his character as well. Then I would like to see if tear or who ever is in charge of intel to tell us if what we post for are characters is acceptable. This will help me with Idea's for missions and such for me and silvo's to do and perhaps give him some Ideas as well.

It might also help determine a ranking system for those of us that are not Inquisitors.

This bio will sorta be in first person view through the character.

I never believed I could kill a man until I join the imperial intel. In fact before that point I never really wanted to kill anyone except maybe my father. He was always so arrogant puting me down for my belief that Empire would reign forever. My father was any Imperial supporter but he also believed that another empire after that would more then likely crush it. A my fool of a twin Brother Allex believed this empire that would crush the current one was the rebelion. Both where to stupid to see the truth and I made a well planned goal to prove it to them.

So I joined up and was one of the lucky few in the empire to get into intel. I was smart and I would let anything stand between me and the truth. The truth that empire had an Iron fist around the galaxies neck and iron fist that I wanted to be apart of. After I graduated the acadomy on Balmorra I went directly out to find this truth.

My job Information handling and assasination. What exactly does that mean, that means I research my victims before I kill them. I find all the dirt I can then I hunt them down like the rebel scum most of them are. I know how deep hole goes and I know how much the empire tries to cover it up. I am one of the privillaged few with in the empire that actually knows the truth. Some may call me a killer but I am a Patriot for the empire. I kill those that wish to ruin us, those that wish to fight against us, and those who tried to tell what they know.

I went as far as to even cover up who I am. I dealt out my own families deaths my two brothers and parents. I was the last face they saw on there death bed. There where rumors that my brothers had survived and if they did there deaths will come swift enough.

If anyone knew who i was besides the goverment I would probably be wanted on almost ever planet for at least one murder. Yet my empire keeps me safe and away from punishment for what I do in its name. I'm known as the smoking man an unknown killer on most planets leaving behind a single that I struck again. To the empire I am Jason Mcgraves for ever loyal to The Galactic Empire.

Aug 11th, 2005, 02:03:09 PM
Sounds good, I guess I should put Silvo's bio right here , I'll do it in the 1st person too, just to be the same as Jason to make things easier.


Whenever I am sent on an extermination mission, the same thing goes through my head before I pull the trigger; I wonder if something in the back of his mind knows that he's about to die. It may sound sadistic to you, but think about it; that man or woman, under any circumstances, went about his life expecting to live another day. They might have made plans to meet someone the next day, they might have just cut their hair, frell, they may have even been on a diet expecting to lose some weight!

Nevertheless, this thought always goes through my head after the target is doomed to end his life there; on the sidewalk, in a cafe, in a speeder, anywhere. That is what I do for the Empire; I am the finger that flicks the annoying insect from the arm of the Empire; I am the knife in the dark that silences talk of rebellion; but enough about metaphors, and more about what I do.

I am known as a member of the Imperial "Intelligence" division of the Empire, but thats just a nice way of saying I find and kill people who try to harm the Empire. Being a member of the Imperial Intelligence, I am kept safe from those wishing to exact revenge on me for the finding of a dead friend or loved one. Everything I ask for is given to me, thanks to the Empire again. The benifits are good too, what with the risk of life and all. I specialize in assasinations from a distance, but on occasion I am given missions along with other Intel Members, and we might do a bit of "spying" as a group. My name is Silvo Arkhan, and I'm with the Empire until someone gives me a better job.

Aug 11th, 2005, 02:49:11 PM
Good job guys.

I've been thinking of your rank lately. When i joined the Sov i was a Lieutenant Colonel. After two missions I was promoted with awards. So I think giving you both the rank of Lieutenant Colonel is fair.

Promotions and medal/awards will come with how well you perform( aka write and interact) in your roleplays. Also the more active you are in coming up with threads, ideas, and taking part in the Empire as a community will effect your rank as well.

The same goes for everyone else in the Inquisitoriate and Intelligence. Get story arcs going and go through with them. Remember this arc will only last a year so itll be a waste to start a character and not do anything with him.

Look toward Karl and Y'roth for examples. They're the stars of the empire at the moment :D

As for your missions...The Rebels have a huge "Intelligence":rolleyes group at the moment of around 5 or 6 roleplayers. Some active some not so much...never the less if you want Rebellion (and real opponents) post in the rebel forums for an opponent and discuss thread ideas.

If you want to start off something easier i have an idea for you.

Karl Valten
Aug 14th, 2005, 10:16:11 AM
Thanks Tear, that means a lot......oh yeah., I"M BACK, I just rolled into town this morning at 4:30 and it is now 11:15. (I'm running on about 10 hours of sleep in the last three days)

Redic Scott
Aug 15th, 2005, 09:19:12 AM
Hey there Imperial Scum lol, jk. I'd love to get an Rp going with some Imperials. I don't really have any idea, so if you do, let me know.

My Task force just took over a convoy of Imperial Supplies and captured a Carrack Class Cruiser, mayve even a Vet as well. The RP isn't over yet. Anyways, we are using a Destroyer we captured at Endor. If you guys want, you could have had an agent on one of those ships. Thier mission could be to get out and report back to the Imperials about the captured ISD or something anything really.

Let me know what you guys wanna do.

Alright, Silvo and I came up with this idea...

After the Convoy attack, Redic and the Taskforce heads directly to Mon Cal so that the ISD can start to undergo Repairs. AS this starts, Redic gets a new mission to resupply a rebellion on another planet. They get a freighter and escort it towards the system. The ship they have develops some hyperspace generator problem, or something else that needed to be fixed, so they come out a little early, at the edge of the system. While the problem is being taken care of, a nearby sensor station that was overlooked lets Imperial intel know about the mission.

Anyways, the Imperials know that the ISDs were captured and want to find out where they are. So as they find out about this resupply mission, agents could be put in place while the problem on my ship is being fixed. Station them as refugees or something. I'll pick them up and my ship will be damaged while trying to get away. Because of the damage I'll have to go Mon Cal where the agent/agents will see the ISD in a dry dock. They will try to send a message and escape the planet, or try to escape before sending a message, whichever they want to do.

If they choose to escape, I'll start to follow them to track them down and stop them. Maybe they could have comm system troubles so they have to get to an Imperial ship or base to report and I'll have time to go after them. SHould be fun. Tell me what you think or how we can make it better. I'm open to ideas.

Aug 22nd, 2005, 06:44:34 PM
I like...Jason, its up to you.

Telan Desaria
Aug 23rd, 2005, 01:54:28 PM
Weare NOT restrating in another year - we will however introduce some sort of new thread thingyes or whatever our beloved admins [/facetious] decide to do - but we will not(again) lose all of our hard work., So have at em, boys!

Francis Mere
Aug 23rd, 2005, 03:30:28 PM
Actually, as far as my knowledge goes, a new story arc is brought in yearly, whether you start a knew character to be implemented into the new arch is up to you, you can keep your current ones or start again, but it will indeed restart in another year.

Aug 23rd, 2005, 03:45:35 PM
Go with it Silvo for the moment run Solo.

McGraves you can catch up to Silvo if you want to participate but dont hold up the thread if you arent sure if you can post reliably.

Go to it boys.

Telan Desaria
Aug 24th, 2005, 01:08:33 PM
For the general consumption - I spoke to the mods/admins regarding the reset - it will only happen if things stall again. As of now, with the flurry of activity, we are safe for a few years. So let us return to what we do best - conquering the galaxy.

Karl Valten
Aug 24th, 2005, 02:00:51 PM
YES, I might actually get a thread finished.

Tear, let's set up an actual Inquisition and hunt down the lackeys who aren't posting. ;)

Aug 24th, 2005, 03:09:38 PM
Holy crap you get a promotion thats an awesome idea.

See guys thats why Karl's my right hand man. My idea man, the man with a plan, the dude!

o_O See this...this is for Y'roth whos vanished off the face of the galaxy.

Karl Valten
Aug 24th, 2005, 03:19:48 PM
Alrighty, Victor and Y'roth are buddies and Victor lives in the southern states. Find one and we'll find the other. I'm booking tickets to Talahasse and will figure the rest out from there.:D