View Full Version : Some Questions (Telan)

Khendon Sevon
Aug 7th, 2005, 01:47:48 PM
I really don’t want to be the “police” in this. Yet, I have to say it, there’s some interesting writing that has to be addressed.

Now, Telan, I know you haven’t RPed a space battle against anyone in a long time. That’s why I’m posting this here, so no one besides us few Imperials will see it. We can discuss what’s up and the why’s and how’s without having to get blasted in public.

Don’t take this the wrong way, I just want to make sure everything is copasetic in regards to fareness and such.

Quotes taken from this thread:

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
“ Bring Klaxon into the shield-perimeter and stage it just above the dorsal-starboard hull. The Captain has five minutes to either erect emergency force-fields or evacuate that deck.”
You realize the deflector grid in that area would have to be brought down while that maneuver was being performed?

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
“ Interesting.” Captain-Prince Uktohmski mentally saluted his new adversary in completing a text-book Phynn maneuver – a fact that showed the Imperials the being had some sort of formal military training and would not be a push over. The Captain, however, was just as well training. The reactor housing on a VSD II was heavily armored and heavily shielded but still vulnerable to concentrated and prolonged salvoes.

Oh, and what if they were going to attack via your fighter bay? Or maybe slip along the bottom and force you to counter-maneuver so that the craft could move closer to your bridge.

How does your man know exactly what they’re going to do? It just seems so certain. He makes a guess and the guess is acted upon. Why not prepare for multiple concerns?

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
“ Roll us to port, ninety-degrees. Make it fast so when he tries to rake the hull he is met by gun-decks. All batteries fire as she bears, concentrate on that Mon-Cal ship. All other gunships break into sections and engage the other ships. Aft detachment – eliminate those corvettes.”

I believe smaller, faster, more maneuverable craft would be able to easily match or surpass the maneuver. Moving a VSD is not like rolling a fighter. A VSD has a very, very slow speed and plenty of mass.

You’ve made this mistake before, Telan. Remember the thread between the Federacy Gunship and your VSD? Of course, I used that to my advantage to bring fresh arrays rapidly into play by counter rolling.

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Two gunships remained forward of the Truculent. Together they dove on the flanking Nebulon-B frigate, a flurry of six concussion missiles leading the charge. They accelerated to attack speed as the missiles exploded, releasing gigajules of energy onto the ship’s deflector shields. For a moment they were overloaded and in that brief span the Naares-class ships fired a quick volley with their dual turbolasers. Hull plating was torn apart and the tactical sensors of the Destroyer registered at least one explosion although minor before the shields cycled and return to strength.

Wow, they sound like they’re fighters or maybe very maneuverable freighters. Yet, they’re corvette sized.

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Moving through the field, the gunships moved at a speed some TIEs might have envied – Captain Uktohmski himself was envious for a second since he was on one of the two more stationary battle-engines on the field of battle.

A 190m craft’s speed is being envied by TIE fighters? I’m confused. Unless you’ve developed some sort of amazing engine technology that I haven’t seen yet, you should be between 19-80 MGLT (80 MGLT if it’s stripped down and has only a few batteries). That’s, at maximum, a TIE Bomber’s speed (80 MGLT).

Khendon Sevon
Aug 7th, 2005, 06:41:54 PM
Meh, whatever, it's not important. Go kill some Rebs, Telan.

Telan Desaria
Aug 7th, 2005, 11:31:24 PM
My God Khyendon - -I did not mean they were as fast as TIEs - -I meant that for a ship of its size it went fast but nearly as fast as a TIE - - do you think me stupid.

As fort your concerns, I will address them tomorrow.