View Full Version : The "Anti-Star Wars Movement"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 7th, 2005, 10:06:37 AM
This was posted on a livejournal community that I'm a member of.

Hello, I'm Howard Tuttleman. I'm from Detroit and I'm looking for like-minded people to boycott the Star-Wars movies. If I've got you, go to my web-site for more info http://www.howardtuttleman.com/antiswmovement.htm

For the rest of you, please just read on. This will make sense in the end and I'm sure you will agree.
You are probably ready to jump down my throat, so just calm down. I am pretty mad right now too. You see, when I was younger I never happened to catch The Star Wars like so many of you did. Sure, I was aware of it quite a bit, and had heard OF it a lot. As a kid there were plenty of times when bullys would punish me whith wiffle-bats that they pretended were light-sabers, and I would always get drafted to play a Speeder-biker or an Ewok when everyone else got to be main-characters. Obviously these things left a bad taste in my mouth about the Star Wars. I started getting my parents to buy me the action-figures and vehicles, and that brought plenty of kids over to my house, and people THOUGHT I had seen it because I had quite a collection.

So when I finally saw some of the novels at the library, I gave-in and picked up the first in the series. It completely captivated me and made me realize exactly what was going on, and I didn't even HAVE to see the movie. I moved on to the next 2 books shortly after, and now reading them has become a yearly tradition for me. I was enthralled by the Socio-Political struggles and the in-depth character building so much in fact that I began to realize something. That something truly this special would be significantly weakened by condensing them into 3 ridiculously short Hollywood-style movies. The concept of these movies is just laughable to me that they would even TRY something like this. I therefore established "The Star Wars Movie Boycott Movement".

You see, when I read the novels I have very vivid pictures of what certain space-ships, monsters or planets look like, and the best part is that I can imagine whatever actors I want playing the main-characters. I obviously imagine myself as Luke because I feel that I really capture the character well (especially in the 3rd book). My best picks for the other characters is how I visualize Han-Solo as being Patrick Swayze. He has that dashing charisma that the character MUST have. I imagine Darth-Vader's voice as this guy Lance I know who is a real bully-type just like the character. Another one I have is harder to explain but I will try. I chose my dog Morris to be Chewbacca, but now he is 8 feet tall and can stand on 2 legs. If an element of the story is too hard to imagine, that is the ONLY time I will accept an out-side influence and refer to my action-figures.

Do you see what I'm doing here? I am able to personalize the story, whereas you can only imagine it how the movie tells you it is. I can now enjoy the story far more, and on so many more levels than you can. In conclusion, I know that quite a few of you have seen these movies, so I guess it's too late for you to imagine what is actually possible. The people I am trying to get through to are the innocents that whose minds are blank at the moment like mine is lucky to still be. The answer is NO. Buy the books instead, and save yourself a ton of money in the proccess, and imagine it how YOU want to. Not greedy Hollywood movie-makers.

Figrin D'an
Aug 7th, 2005, 11:33:43 AM
Gotta be a trolling joke. If not, just... wow.

Aug 7th, 2005, 11:46:21 AM
Um...yikes. >_<

Boba Fett
Aug 8th, 2005, 06:29:03 AM

Aug 8th, 2005, 07:15:05 AM
Come on guys, stop being so close-minded. The guy has a point. How can you relate to the characters in a movie if you aren't the character to begin with?

This guy has sold me. I'm never going to watch Star Wars again, and I'm going to throw out all of my toys and demand that I get an action figure made in my likeness. And instead of an X-Wing, I want a Jeep Cherokee with wings. That makes FAR more sense than any far fetched spaceship that could NEVER really exist.

I can't believe this guy has only surfaced now. Where was he 20 years ago? He could have saved me a lifetime of happiness and wonder and great experiences.

All hail Howard Tuttleman!


Darth McBain
Aug 8th, 2005, 09:34:27 AM
Oh no, I've been robbed of my ability to imagine these characters on my own!!! BOO HOO!!!

As usual, George Lucas is the convenient whipping boy for comments like this. Obviously Spielberg, Raimi, and any other director doesn't deserve such idiotic comments, but Lucas does?!?!?

I don't know - Spielberg ruined my interpretation of Tripods - think I'll boycott all of his movies...

Aug 8th, 2005, 09:49:07 AM
He also ruined my interpretation of E.T. The bastard.

And Peter Jackson ruined my interpretation of the Lord of the Rings movies. Burn him at the stake too.

What a loser.

Aug 8th, 2005, 09:59:31 AM
So I tried signing up to this guy's campaign. But I zinged him a little in my email so I don't know if he took me seriously or not. I hope to bastardize his little community. So far there's 2 members, himself and some guy from a yahoo forum. If he adds me to his list, then 2/3 consituents will have broken the one and only rule of his pathetic conquest. Hilarious.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 8th, 2005, 10:49:39 AM
LOL way to go JMK :) I think he is just a troll, if not he needs some serious help.

Darth McBain
Aug 8th, 2005, 12:03:50 PM
My best picks for the other characters is how I visualize Han-Solo as being Patrick Swayze.

Uhhhh, Swayze as Solo??? This guy seriously needs to work on his visualization skills... Nobody puts Leia in a corner

Aug 8th, 2005, 12:43:34 PM
He probably expected Kirk Cameron to play Luke and Dick Van Dyke to play Tarkin.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2005, 06:42:07 PM
Gimmick. He rapaciously collects the action figures but balks when the movie threatens to impose its images on the story?


Travis North
Aug 8th, 2005, 08:33:53 PM
I understand and agree with him on some parts, but boycott? For me it's the stuff in the novels that are then illustrated in the essential guides. I had pictured the Yuuzhan Vong and their ships more fearsom then illustrated. Doesn't mean I'm boycotting the guides, they're awsome.

If he think that people are gonna boycott the movies that started everything because the imagined stuff is better, he's a moron. The movies started it all. It's not the Harry Potter series.

Aug 8th, 2005, 11:36:01 PM
Oh please, if you think for a second that this is anything other than another troll then you're grieviously mistaken. The list of members on his website reads as follows:

1. Howard Tuttleman
2. Some guy on a Yahoo forum

That lack of seriousness in dealing with his Anti-Star Wars campaign is enough reason for anyone to not take him seriously.

Even if he did happen to be serious, who cares? That would mean he's retarded and further less worthy of our time.

Aug 13th, 2005, 09:54:36 PM
Wow, no wonder this kid got beaten with wiffle bats when he was a kid. Wait a minute, did he say he was from Jersey? Oh man, I remember when my friends and I use to beat the crap out of a kid named Howie after wiffle ball games. I never realized I was making lightsaber noises when I was hammering away at his skull. Obviously, I must have hit him a bit too hard.

Lady Vader
Aug 18th, 2005, 01:46:08 PM
:lol Eb!

Yeah, I'd say this guy's a phoney. :rolleyes

Telan Desaria
Aug 31st, 2005, 04:01:03 PM
Has thing idiot been hung yet?

Sep 1st, 2005, 07:20:27 AM
If he hasn't managed to hang himself yet, he soon will.

Sprocket Gearhead
Sep 6th, 2005, 03:51:32 AM
Hmmm, he does have a point. But George Lucas helped in picking the characters along with creating the story, if I'm not mistaken. So if these characters and the ships and such didn't fit to Lucas' vision, then would Georgie really allow the movies to be made? I really don't think so.....That aspect alone villifies anything that this guy was trying. And then, after collecting the action figures and reading the books he's a SW genius who boycotts one of the most influencial and innovative trilogies ever? Episode Four, not remastered, alone was way ahead of its time in special effects. Honestly, if it weren't for the SW: OT, we wouldn't have the great special effects that we have now.....sure, we do CG and the art of animatroics seems dead, but look at Underworld. Personally, I loved the effects. It made everything much more realistic, and made this movie double-edged: not only is it dark and stylish, it was also a little more concievable.

In short, while I do agree on the books of most movies being better (example: The Bourne Supremacy, which was skewered by the movies), movies are just as important, and are in essence what the writer would visualize it to be. Why would someone take a movie and spend the effort to boycot it, and then take it to such extremes? There is a necessary time and a object of importance to boycot, and nailing the SW flicks after RoTS was quite successful all over the globe simply isn't it. Such an extremist is branded as an idiot in my book. I mean, just say, I don't like the movies because the book was better and get the frell off of it.....

Sep 11th, 2005, 02:50:30 PM
Ironically my question is the same as Telan's

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Telan Desaria
Oct 1st, 2005, 03:14:33 PM
It's about damned time someone agreed with me.

*returns to secluded cave on Miser Hill*