View Full Version : New Beginnings (Dae'Oolana and Dimenus)

Oolana Taine
Aug 6th, 2005, 01:55:33 AM
Oolana's life had finally begun again. The first step to this was to reacquaint herself with the Sith Order, to be welcomed home. The second was to bring her past along for the ride.

She had just finished her first step, and was leaving the Outpost with the coordinates and codes to Korriban safely tucked away in her ships computer, but a pit stop had to be made. She had to return to the streets of Corellia to gather her...daughter, who was hopefully still safely tucked away in the lodgings she had placed her.

It was still odd for Oolana, she still barely understood the technology used to create the twilek halfling so like herself. She never expected to not know that she had a daughter, but exotic is what sells, and her clan had stopped at nothing to use that fact to their advantage.

Her ship docked in the small town where Dae'Oolana had been tucked away, and she finally started to feel at ease. Things were going smoothly so far and soon she would be able to bring her daughter to the Order.

Oolana finally reached the hostel she had left her daughter at, and after tossing the clerk at the desk some extra credits for his troubles, she proceeded on to her room.

Dae'Oolana Taine
Aug 6th, 2005, 02:18:38 AM
Sensing her mother was near Dae ran to the door. "Finally you're back! It seemed like you were gone so long, I...I almost went looking for you."

The 17 year old, half twilek, half human had had a very rough time recently. She had just been discovered by her mother, and rescued, all in the same week, from the slave owner her clan had sold her to. Not to mention, she just realized the powers developing within her were more then mere coincindence. She had inherited her mothers force sensitivity. Odd sensations, premonitions almost, had constantly been running throughout her mind and it scared her.

One thing she hesitated to mention upon Oolana's arrival was the weird sensation she had had ever since her mother had left a few standard days past, to return to the Sith Order. It seemed to come from nearby, somewhere in the town, and Dae knew something important would soon happen, had to happen.

Oolana Taine
Aug 6th, 2005, 02:24:07 AM
"Dae it's alright." Oolana could tell something was troubling the girl but she pushed it aside. "Why don't we head into town and grab a bite to eat."

The two women quickly found a local bar and settled in for a hopefully uneventful evening before the trip to Korriban the next day.